35 research outputs found

    Phenotypic characterisation and QTL mapping of adult plant resistance to leaf rust and stem rust of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Breeding. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2016.Abstract available in PDF file

    Short-Term Load Demand Forecasting For Transnet Port Terminal (Tpt) In East London Using Artificial Neural Network

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    DissertationThe daily and weekly energy consumption patterns at the Transnet Port Terminal (TPT) in East London varies stochastically. This is as a result of the transient weather patterns that exist at the harbor. It has therefore become imperative to wisely manage this load in order to save electricity costs and for future infrastructure development. Hence the ongoing supply of electricity to port consumers requires an accurate and adequate short-term load forecast (STLF) for quality, quantity, and efficient management. Many researchers have recently proposed Artificial Neural Networks for short-term load prediction. However, most of the studies have not considered the quickly changing weather patterns that exist at the port. Therefore, the objective of this study is to establish a supervised short-term load prediction using ANN models, and to verify the effectiveness of such predictions by using the real load data from the TPT. The suggested system architecture uses open- loop training with real load and weather information, and then a closed-loop network is used to produce a prediction with the predicted load as its feedback data. Data collection points were set up in the ring network of the port by installing new power measuring meters, and weather data obtained from local meteorology offices in order to build a suitable alternative of localised data management (data base) for saving all data gathered. Hence, profiling of the load in the TPT was done and load forecasting was carried out, leading to improved load management strategies for the harbor terminal. ANN short-term load prediction (STLP) models were developed utilising its own performance to improve precision by essentially implementing a load feedback loop that is less reliant on external data. To ensure that the timeseries data recorded at the port were well modeled, the Nonlinear autoregressive exogenous model (NARX) for load prediction were developed using mean squared error (MSE) as a performance metric. Furthermore, to show the efficacy of the proposed model for STLP, the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) was used with the same data for short-term predictions. The minimum mean squared errors obtained for both NARX and ANFIS models were 0.0010939 and 0.0032 respectively, indicating that the NARX model is more accurate during the forecast of departmental loads. The results of the predictions using the hourly timeseries indicated a close match between the forecasted and actual load demand at the port terminal. The effects of the load forecast could be used as a guide for implementing management plans for internal load, such as the generation of urgent electricity and the programme of implementation for demand-side management policies

    Re-imagining community participation at the district level: Lessons from the DIALHS collaboration.

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    In South Africa, the value of community participation as one of the central components of a primary health care approach is highlighted in legislation, policy documents and strategic plans. There is widespread acceptance that community participation strengthens community empowerment, disease prevention and access to services. Since 2010, the District Innovation and Action Learning for Health System Development collaboration has co-produced knowledge about how to strengthen district health systems. Nested within this collaboration is a series of engagements seeking to understand and strengthen community participation including a multi-stakeholder health risks and assets mapping activity; ‘Local Action Group’ initiatives; reflective meetings with service colleagues about community participation experiences; and a capacity-development initiative (community participation-related short courses and mentoring). These engagements hold a number of lessons for those interested in enhancing the population orientation of primary health care and the district health system, the first of which is the clear benefit to those interested in community roles and engagement of convening spaces for dialogue. However, it is not easy to generate and sustain these spaces. Through the application of a framework of collective capacity, this chapter aims to shed light on why this is the case, and in so doing, to highlight a second lesson, which is the perhaps unrecognised capacities of certain cadres, particularly environmental health practitioners, in the implementation of community participation. Ultimately, the chapter seeks to stimulate thinking and engagement about the ways in which dialogue and participation can enrich the South African health system

    Integration of Next-generation Sequencing Technologies with Comparative Genomics in Cereals

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    Cereals are the major sources of calories worldwide. Their production should be high to achieve food security, despite the projected increase in global population. Genomics research may enhance cereal productivity. Genomics immensely benefits from robust next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques, which produce vast amounts of sequence data in a time and cost-efficient way. Research has demonstrated that gene sequences among closely related species that share common ancestry have remained well conserved over millions of years of evolution. Comparative genomics allows for comparison of genome sequences across different species, with the implication that genomes with large sizes can be investigated using closely related species with smaller genomes. This offers prospects of studying genes in a single species and, in turn, gaining information on their functions in other related species. Comparative genomics is expected to provide invaluable information on the control of gene function in complex cereal genomes, and also in designing molecular markers across related species. This chapter discusses advances in sequencing technologies, their application in cereal genomics and their potential contribution to the understanding of the relationships between the different cereal genomes and their phenotypes

    Adult plant resistance of selected Kenyan wheat cultivars to leaf rust and stem rust diseases

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    Phenotypic and genotypic evaluation of wheat genetic resources and development of segregating populations are pre-requisites for identifying rust resistance genes. The objectives of this study were to assess adult plant resistance (APR) of selected wheat genotypes to leaf rust and stem rust and to develop segregating populations for resistance breeding. Eight selected Kenyan cultivars with known resistance to stem rust, together with local checks were evaluated for leaf rust and stem rust resistance at seedling stage and also across several environments. Selected diagnostic markers were used to determine the presence of known genes. All eight cultivars were crossed with local checks using a bi-parental mating design. Seedling tests revealed that parents exhibited differential infection types against wheat rust races. Cultivars Paka and Popo consistently showed resistant infection types at seedling stage, while Gem, Romany, Pasa, Fahari, Kudu, Ngiri and Kariega varied for resistant and susceptible infection types depending on the pathogen race used. The control cultivars Morocco and McNair consistently showed susceptible infection types as expected. In the field, all cultivars except for Morocco showed moderate to high levels of resistance, indicating the presence of effective resistance genes. Using diagnostic markers, presence of Lr34 was confirmed in Gem, Fahari, Kudu, Ngiri and Kariega, while Sr2 was present in Gem, Romany, Paka and Kudu. Seedling resistance gene, Sr35, was only detected in cultivar Popo. Overall, the study developed 909 F6:8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) as part of the nested mating design and are useful genetic resources for further studies and for mapping wheat rust resistance genes

    Generation of clonal microplants and hairy root cultures of the aromatic medicinal plant Salvia runcinata L.f.

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    Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Bacterial and fungal pathogens have developed numerous defence mechanisms against antimicrobial chemical agents, and resistance to old and new produced drugs are on the rise. Discovery of natural products derived from plants with diverse chemical structures and novel mechanisms of action to treat these notorious pathogens is a priority. Biotechnology (discussed in Chapter 1) has much to offer as a pharmacological tool and in the general study of medicinal plants. The Genus Salvia (Lamiaceae) has gathered much interest as these plants manufacture a diverse range of secondary metabolites including flavonoids, tannins and terpenoids. Of particular interest are the terpenoids which are largely implicated in the efficacy of Salvia plants as traditional medicines contributing to their pharmacological actions (discussed in Chapter 2). Due to the importance of these plants as herbal remedies, in this study, biotechnological techniques such as tissue culture and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation were applied on Salvia runcinata L.f., a South African medicinal plant, in an attempt to enhance the metabolomic profile and its bioactivity. Like so many other sages, S. runcinata has been used in folk medicine to treat a variety of ailments. Application of biotechnology was viewed as an important value adding platform for this species, assisting with its commercialisation for the cosmeceutical and pharmaceutical industries. Therefore the study had three foci: (1) to determine the seed germination behaviour and optimal conditions for micropropagation; (2) to develop a protocol that would be efficient whilst being simple for genetic transformation; and lastly, (3) to conduct phytochemical studies on in vitro generated S. runcinata transgenic hairy root and in vitro organ cultures by comparing these to glasshouse plants as potential therapeutic sources of natural compounds used in the treatment of infections in plants and humans. Data generated is thus summarised in three research chapters and Chapter 3 describes the formulated procedures assisting with in vitro seed germination and micropropagation of S. runcinata. The efficacy of smoke and scarification treatments for germination improvement was initially tested coupled to the evaluation of different hormonal combinations and different explant types which would aid with inducing adventitious shoot formation in vitro. The most effective germination treatment proved to be a 3 min exposure of seeds to 25% (w/v) H2SO4 combined with a concentration of 10-5 M smoke solution, resulting to more than 80% germination. Shoot proliferation was significantly higher using nodal explants with the addition of 4.43 ÎŒM BA. The protocol established in this part of the study is viable for large scale commercial production of S. runcinata as it would yield 1296 to 46656 viable plants in 4 to 6 months from one nodal explant. Micropropagation was applied also as a pre-emptive measure to ease pressure on the wild plants as the demand for S. runcinata is anticipated to increase due to its growing economic value as it is one of two South African sages with epi-α-bisabolol that is sought after by the pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical industries. This makes the protocol developed in this part of the study suitable for ex situ conservation of S. runcinata plantlets. Evaluations on the transgene transfer capacities of two different agropine strains (A4T and LBA 9402) of Agrobacterium rhizogenes to induce hairy root cultures of S. runcinata explants on nodal and leaf explants were conducted (reported in Chapter 4). Hairy roots formed 3 to 4 weeks after inoculation of the explants and these agropine strains showed different abilities for genetic transformation with the LBA 9402 strain producing significantly more roots on each explant compared to the A4T strain (P=0.0075). However, none of the LBA 9402 derived clones and only 2 clones generated through A4T transformation survived subculturing. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) confirmed the presence and transcription (respectively) of rol A, rol B, rol C and ags genes which are mobilised from the transfer-DNA (T-DNA) fragment of the root-inducing (Ri) plasmid of A. rhizogenes to the plant genome during transformation. The two A4T clones, termed here A4T3 and A4T5, were stably transformed, Southern blot analysis using rol A as a probe further validated the integration of one copy of the rol A gene. Transformed hairy roots, untransformed roots from tissue cultured plants, tissue culture-derived plants and glasshouse-grown plants were profiled for secondary metabolites by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in Chapter 5. In this part of the study, it is clear that the use of tissue culture as a propagation system did not negatively affect the volatile compound profile of S. runcinata and plants had a similar essential oil content to that reported by Kamatou et al. (2008), leading to a conclusion that in vitro plants maintained their biochemical integrity even under an alternative micro-controlled environment. Similarly to others, Ri-transformation was explored as an avenue to alter secondary metabolism creating inter-clonal variation. Transformed clones were distinguishable, displaying more of some primary metabolites including sucrose, galactose, sorbose and fructose than the leaf extracts. With the current GC-MS methods used, this clear distinction was not obvious at the secondary metabolite level. In general, solvent extracts (acetone and methanol:dichloromethane (MetOH: DCM) (1:1 v/v) exhibited good to moderate antibacterial activity with the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values ranging from 0.39 to 0.78 mg ml-1. However, in vitro plant cultures were the most potent against two Gram-negative bacterial strains: Escherichia coli (ATCC 11775) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 13883), and two Gram-positive bacterial strains: Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6051) and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 12600). The hairy root extracts did not show any activity against fungi, Fusarium subglutinans (MRC 0115) and Fusarium proliferatum (MRC 6908). Micropropagation therefore proves to be an interesting avenue for commercial production of S. runcinata, supplying plants with an improved pharmacological activity. Hence the biotechnological approach applied here is a viable strategy for the production of medicinal bioactives from S. runcinata.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: BakterieĂ« en fungi patogene het baie verskeie meganismes ontwikkel teen antimikrobiese chemiese agente, en weerstand teen ou en nuwe chemise stowwe is besig om te vergroot. Daarom is dit belangrik om natuurlike plantaardige produkte met diverse chemiese strukture en unieke werkings meganismes te ontdek waarmee hierdie berugte patogene beveg kan word. Biotegnologie (wat in Hoofstuk 1 bespreek word) kan gebruik word as 'n farmakologiese hulpmiddel in die algemene studie van plante. Die Klas (Genus) Salvia (Lamiaceae) het al baie aandag getrek aangesien hierdie plante 'n wye reeks sekondĂȘre metaboliete vervaardig wat flavonoĂŻede, tanniene en terpenoĂŻede insluit. Veral van belang is die terpenoĂŻde wat betrokke is by die doeltreffendheid van die Salvia plante as tradisionele medisyne, aangesien dit bydra tot hulle farmalogiese aksie (wat in Hoofstuk 2 bespreek word). Aangesien hierdie plante sulke belangrike kruie is, word daar in hierdie studie, biotegnologiese tegnieke soos die kweek van weefsel en Agrobacterium-bemiddelde transformasie op Salvia runcinata L.f. toegepas om die metabologiese profiel en die bioaktiwiteit daarvan te verbeter. Soos baie van die salies is S. runcinata tradisioneel dikwels gebruik om allerhande siektetoestande te behandel. Die toepassing van biotegnologie word beskou as 'n belangrike manier om waarde by te voeg sodat hierdie plant kommersieei deur die kosmetiese en farmakeutiese bedrywe gebruik kan word. Daarom is daar op drie dinge gefokus: (1) die ontkiemings gedrag van saad en die optimale toestande vir mikrovoortplanting (2) die ontwikkeling van protokol wat eenvoudig maar doeltreffend is vir genetiese transformasie, en die (3) fito-chemise studies op in vitro genereerde S. runcinata transgeniese harige wortels en in vitro orgaan kwekings deur om hulle te vergelyk met kweekhuis plante as potentiĂ«le terapeutiese bronne van natuurlike samestellings vir die behandeling van infeksies in beide plante en mense. Die data wat gegenereer is, is opgesom in drie hoofstukke, en in Hoofstuk 3 word die prosedures wat gebruik word in die in vitro saad ontkieming en die mikro voortplanting van S. runcinata, bespreek. Die doeltreffendheid van rook en skarifikasie behandeling vir die verbetering van ontkieming is eers getoets en gekoppel aan die evaluering van verskillende hormoonkombinasies en verskillende eksplant tipes wat lei tot die formasie van uitloopsels in vitro. Daar is gevind dat die effektiefste behandeling vir ontkieming, 'n 3-minuut blootstelling van saad aan 25% (w/v) H2SO4 gekombineer met 'n konsentrasie 10-5 M rook oplossing is. Dit het gelei tot meer as 80% ontkieming. Daar was baie meer uitloopsels toe nodale eksplante gebruik is met die byvoeging van 4.43 ÎŒM BA. Die proktokol wat hier gevestig is, kan op groot skaal gebruik word vir die kommersiĂ«le produksie van S. runcinata, want 1296 tot 46656 lewensvatbare plante kan binne 4 ot 6 maande van een nodale eksplant gemaak word. Mikro voortplanting is toegepas as 'n voorkomende maatreel om die druk op die natuur te verminder omdat daar verwag word dat die vraag na S. runcinata sal toeneem na gelang die groeiende ekonomiese waarde daarvan toeneem. Dit is een van twee Suid-Afrikaanse salies met epi-α-bisabolol wat deur die farmakeutiese en die kosmetiese bedrywe gebruik word. Dit beteken dat die protokol wat hier ontwikkel is, geskik is vir die ex situ bewaring van S. runcinata plante. Die transgeen oordrag van twee verskillende agropien tipes (A4T and LBA 9402) van Agrobacterium rhizogenes is geevalueer (en in Hoofstuk 4 beskryf). Harige wortels het 3 tot 4 weke na die inenting van die eksplante gevorm en hierdie agropien tipes het verskillende vermoĂ«ns vir genetiese transformasie getoon, met die LBA 9402 tipe wat baie meer wortels op elke eksplant voorgebring het in vergelyking met die A4T tipe (P=0.03116). Geen van die LBA 9402-afgeleide klone en slegs 2 klone wat deur A4T transformasie genereer is, het oorleef. The polimerase ketting reaksie (PCR) en die teenoorgestelde trenskriptasie-polimerase (RT-PCR) ketting reaksie het die teenwoordigheid en transkipsie (onderskeidelik) van rol A, rol B en rol C en ags gene, wat oorgedra word deur die oordrag DNA (T-DNA) fragment van die wortel induserende (Ri) plasmied van A. rhizogenes na die plant genoom tydens transformasie, bevorder. A4T klone, hier A4T3 and A4T5 genoem, is stabiel transformeer. Southern blot ontleding het met die gebruik van rol A, die integrasie van een kopie van die rol A geen, bevestig. In Hoofstuk 5 is transformeerde harige wortels, ongetransformeerde wortels van weefsel gekweekte plante, weefsel gekweekte plante, en kweekhuis plante deur dun-laag chromatografie (TLC) en gas-chromatografie-massa spektrometrie (GC-MS) geprofiel vir sekondĂȘre metaboliete. In hierdie deel van die studie is dit duidelik dat die gebruik van weefsel kwekery as 'n voortplantsisteem nie 'n negatiewe effek gehad het op die vlugtige samestelling profiel van S. runcinata nie en dat plante 'n sootgelyke essentiĂ«le olie inhoud het as wat deur Kamatou et al. (2008) bevind is. Dit lei tot die gevolgtrekking dat in vitro plante hulle biochemiese integriteit behou selfs onder alternatiewe mikro-beheerde omgewings. Ri-transformasie is ondersoek as 'n manier om sekondĂȘre metabolisme te verander om interkloon variasie te skep. Getransformeerde klone kon uitgeken word, aangesien dit meer primĂȘre metaboliete soos sukrose, galaktose en fruktose insluit as die blaar ekstrakte. Hierdie verskil was nie met die huidige GC-MS metodes so duidelik sigbaar op die sekondĂȘre metabolitiese vlak nie. Oor die algemeen toon ekstraksie met asetoon en methanol dichlorometaan (MetOH: DCM) (1:1 v/v) goeie tot gemiddelde antibakteriese aktiwiteit met die minimum remmende konsentrasie (MIC) waardes van 0.39 tot 0.78 mg ml-1. Die in vitro plant kulture het egter sterker weerstand gebied teen twee Gram-negatiewe bakteriese tipes: Escherichia coli (ATCC 11775) en Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 13883), en teen twee Gram-positiewe bakteriese tipes: Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6051) en Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 12600). Die harige wortel ekstrakte het geen aktiwiteit teen die swamme, Fusarium subglutinans (MRC 0115) en Fusarium proliferatum (MRC 6908) getoon nie. Mikro-voortplanting is dus 'n interessante manier om S. runcinata kommersieel te produseer aangeien die plante verbeterde farmalogiese aktiwiteit toon. Die biotegnologiese benadering wat hier toegepas word, is 'n praktiese strategie vir die produksie van geneesmiddels van S. runcinata

    Breeding Tools for Assessing and Improving Resistance and Limiting Mycotoxin Production by Fusarium graminearum in Wheat

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    The recently adopted conservation and minimum tillage practices in wheat-production systems coupled with the concomitant warming of the Earth are believed to have caused the upsurges in Fusarium head blight (FHB) prevalence in major wheat-producing regions of the world. Measures to counter this effect include breeding for resistance to both initial infection of wheat and spread of the disease. Cases of mycotoxicosis caused by ingestion of wheat by-products contaminated with FHB mycotoxins have necessitated the need for resistant wheat cultivars that can limit mycotoxin production by the dominant causal pathogen, Fusarium graminearum. This manuscript reviews breeding tools for assessing and improving resistance as well as limiting mycotoxin contamination in wheat to reflect on the current state of affairs. Combining these aspects in wheat research and development promotes sustainable quality grain production and safeguards human and livestock health from mycotoxicosis

    Seed germination behaviour, micropropagation and <I>Agrobacterium</I>-mediated transformation of <I>Salvia runcinata </I>(L.f.): implications for conservation and cultivation

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    AgriwetenskappeInstituut vir PlantbiotegnologiePlease help us populate SUNScholar with the post print version of this article. It can be e-mailed to: [email protected]

    Scale Issue for Organic and Inorganic Carbon Exports to Oceans: Case Study in the Sub-Tropical Thukela River Basin, South Africa

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    Despite carbon (C) exports from continents being crucial in the connection between terrestrial, atmospheric, and oceanic C, there is still limited understanding of the dynamics of C within river basins. The objective of this work was to assess the changes in particulate (POC) and dissolved organic (DOC) and inorganic C (PIC: particulate inorganic carbon, DIC: dissolved inorganic carbon) content, quality, and fluxes within a river basin from its headwaters to its exit at the ocean. A survey was designed in the Thukela basin (from 2012 to 2013 and at six nested catchments ranging from ~10 to ~30,000 km2) in the east of South Africa to evaluate the content, fluxes, and quality (UV spectral slope, 13C, CO2 effluxes from runoff) of the transported C in conjunction with chemical elements (Si, Na) for discriminating between the water sources and estimating C dynamics during low flows. Total carbon exports decreased continuously from 9.75 km2 in the headwater (31.9 kg C km−2 y−1) to ocean (4.7 kg C km−2 y−1) with the highest decrease occurring between the catchment (7614 km2) and large catchment (14,478 km2). About 80% of C exports from the headwaters were POC, followed by DIC (10%) and DOC (10%), while at the ocean, the proportions were 31% (POC), 45% (DIC), 23% (DOC), and 0.7% (PIC). Moreover, there was a sharp decrease in the dissolved organic matter aromaticity from the headwater to ocean and for both DOC and POC that did not correspond to changes in water sources along the river (as indicated by a relatively constant Si/Na ratio). This pointed to the decomposition in the river of the dissolved organic matter originating from soils and to the within-stream organic production. Further in situ investigations need to be performed to quantify the within-stream inputs