360 research outputs found

    The Effect of a Myostatin Antagonist on the Healing of Burn Wounds in Skin.

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    The body's remarkable ability to repair itself from damage is both very useful and extremely complex. The wound healing system is characterised by four overlapping phases: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodelling. It is designed to heal rapidly and efficiently any breach in the protective barrier we call skin, in order to restore normal body function in the quickest possible time. However, pathological conditions such as keloids or hypertrophic scar may arise if events in the wound healing cascade are not coordinated properly, which can lead to loss of skin function and disfigurement. The purpose of this study was to determine whether myostatin plays a role in the healing of burn wounds in skin. Myostatin is best known for its powerful negative regulation of muscle development. Absence of myostatin results in a heavy muscling phenotype, whereas over-expression is associated with muscle wasting conditions. Recently, myostatin has been shown to be involved in muscle wound healing, where knockout of the myostatin gene resulted in improved healing, with decreased fibrotic scar tissue formation. It is noteworthy that the cell surface receptor to which myostatin binds is also present in skin. In consideration of this information the prospect of myostatin involvement in skin biology represents a gap in scientific knowledge. Therefore, the present investigation was designed to ascertain whether the effects of myostatin in muscle regeneration can also be seen in skin wound healing. To this end, a mouse burn wound model was designed to determine the efficacy of antagonising myostatin to bring about improved healing and decreased fibrosis of skin burns. Wounds of mice treated with the myostatin antagonist showed no significant difference compared to saline-treated controls in collagen content at any time point. Gene expression studies on TGF-β1, TGF-β3, decorin and fibromodulin revealed that differences between antagonist-treated and saline-treated groups were possibly masked by the effect of the burn injury but were present in uninjured skin. Similarly, uninjured skin of antagonist-treated animals exhibited a significantly higher fluid content than uninjured skin of saline-treated animals, whereas the effect was not significant in burned skin between treatments. Histological analysis revealed that antagonist-treated wounds showed evidence of decreased wound contraction which may indicate improved scar resolution and decreased risk of fibrosis. Interestingly, the gene expression results in many ways parallel those seen in foetal skin, which after injury, heals without scar. These results warrant further study into the subject area, especially to observe whether further improvements can be made by adjusting the treatment regimen


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    Головним механізмом забезпечення інноваційного розвитку економіки і сус пільства є збільшення взаємодії між освітою , наукою , бізнесом і владою на основі їх взаємної зацікавленості у співпраці . Зокрема , вища освіта повинна не тільки забез печувати відтворення висококваліфікованих професійних кадрів , а й відігравати значну роль у соціальної мобільності , нарощуванні інтелектуального потенціалу суспільства , розповсюдженні найбільш соціально значущих культурних норм і т. д. Ринок праці все більше поповнюють фахівці з вищою освітою , хоча попит на них не зажди адекватний . Подолання диспропорцій , виявлених на ринку праці , можливе наразі лише на інноваційних принципах . Інноваційна складова в трудовій поведінці працюючих передбачає необхідність поліпшення професійно -кваліфіка ційної структури персоналу , розширення номенклатури спеціальностей працюючих , зростання серед останніх фахівців з вищою освітою , а також з високим кваліфікаційним розрядом

    60 years of the Elysée Treaty: catalyst for Franco-German economic relations and strengthening competitiveness of European industry

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    14 p.En esta contribución el Profesor Fieten refleja de forma muy precisa uno de los acontecimientos clave del desarrollo de la Unión Europea: el Tratado del Eliseo junto con el Tratado de Aquisgrán y el de Berlín. Las dos grandes estadistas Europeos el Presidente Charles de Gaull y el Canciller alemán Konrad Adenauer dio un giro básico a las relaciones franco-alemanas. No fue un giro clave en las complejas relaciones históricas franco-alemanas, sino que han sido el motor básico del desarrollo de la Unión Europea. Y no solo como cuestión institucional, sino como la base de los múltiples acuerdos de todos los ámbitos que han hecho y hacen posible la nueva realidad Europea. Sobre estos Tratados y sus múltiples manifestaciones se plantea el futuro de Europa y la consistencia tanto de su configuración y desarrollo, como de su futuro. Y es precisamente esta transformación de Europa, en el contexto de la competitividad europea, la clave del momento actual. Sin esta base de cooperación, en todos los ámbitos franco-alemanes, no se pueden acometer los procesos de cambio que tiene que realizar Europa, lo que nos afecta a todos los Países de la Unión Europea de forma trascendental. Es por lo que el conocimiento de estos Tratados, sin lugar a dudas, son clave del desarrollo futuro de Europa generando la confianza necesaria para asumir los grandes procesos de cambio que se tienen que realizar en el proceso de la transformación económico-social y el posicionamiento de Europa en el contexto competitivo USA y China, en búsqueda de su propia posición mundial con sus competencias y capacidades. Una reflexión de esta naturaleza permite conocer, los grandes procesos de transformación que debe asumir Europa.In this contribution Professor Fieten reflects very precisely on one of the key events in the development of the European Union: the Elysée Treaty together with the Treaty of Aachen and the Treaty of Berlin. The two great European statesmen, President Charles de Gaull and German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, brought about a fundamental change in Franco-German relations. It was not a key turning point in the complex historical Franco-German relations, but they have been the basic driving force in the development of the European Union. And not only as an institutional matter, but as the basis for the multiple agreements in all areas that have made and continue to make the new European reality possible. The future of Europe and the consistency of its configuration and development, as well as its future, are based on these Treaties and their multiple manifestations. And it is precisely this transformation of Europe, in the context of European competitiveness, that is the key to the present moment. Without this basis of cooperation, in all Franco-German areas, the processes of change that Europe must undertake, which affects all the countries of the European Union in a transcendental way, cannot be undertaken. This is why knowledge of these treaties is undoubtedly the key to Europe's future development, generating the necessary confidence to take on the major processes of change that must be carried out in the process of economic and social transformation and the positioning of Europe in the competitive context of the USA and China, in search of its own global position with its competences and capacities. A reflection of this nature provides an insight into the major transformation processes that Europe must undertake

    La lucha contra la pandemia corona: incremento rápido de la producción de vacunas y distribución más efectiva

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    Albert Camus escribió la frase "en el mundo han existido tantas epidemias de peste como guerras y siempre encuentran la peste y la guerra, a los hombres desprevenidos". Esta cita caracteriza bien la situación actual en el segundo año de la pandemia Corona. La nueva peste es la epidemia Corona en la que todavía no se aprecia un final ya que se extiende de manera rasante con las variantes de mutación peligrosas. La batalla contra esta catástrofe natural es, en primer término, un enorme reto médico. En la primavera del año 2021 afortunadamente ya se han desarrollado diversas vacunas que se han autorizado en procedimientos de urgencia. Se discuten ahora cuestiones de estrategias de vacunación, por un lado, y de la rápida producción de las vacunas en grandes cantidades y de la distribución de vacunas aún escasas en los próximos meses, por el otro lado. Esta contribución solamente entra marginalmente a contestar al estado de las estrategias nacionales de vacunación; más bien, se pretende contestar si en la batalla contra la pandemia corona se puede producir en los próximos meses suficientes vacunas y se puedan asumir los retos de la distribución de las vacunas disponibles. Las investigaciones del autor1 se cierran en este documento el 11 de marzo del año 2021

    ETSI EN 319 522-4-1

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    Primera versión de estándar europeo (EN significa "European Norm" en terminología ETSI. Aprobado por todos los organismos nacionales de los estados miembros de la UE. Especificación del mapeo de formatos de mensajes gestionados por proveedores de servicios de entrega electrónica certificada de datos en el perfil AS4 del protocolo ebMS de OASIS y otros protocolos de mensajería. Depositado en web de ETSI públicamente accesible. Ver URL en este mismo formularioFirst version of the European standard (EN stands forFirst version of the European standard (EN stands for "European Norm" in ETSI terminology) Approved by all national bodies of EU member states. Specification of the mapping of message formats managed by certified electronic data delivery service providers in the AS4 profile of the OASIS ebMS protocol and other messaging protocols.Preprin

    The Effect of Early Mobilization on Functional Status of Stroke Patients: A Literature Review

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    Stroke impact to the altering functional status. Early mobilization is one of stroke care components that can minimize impact due to altering functional status such as weakness and paralysis in stroke patients. The review of early mobilization was proved increasing the functional status among critical illness patients. Limited review regarding the effect of early mobilization on changes in the level of functional status of stroke patients The aim the study was to determine the effect of early mobilization at the level of functional status of stroke patients. This research used the literature review with the MeSH search tool. The keywords and syntax included "stroke", "early mobilization", and "functional status". Articles found with keywords early mobilization; functional status; stroke retrieve 12,114 articles, namely 2069 articles from Proquest, 4774 articles from Pubmed, 35 articles from Scopus, and 5236 articles from ScienceDirect which were filtered based on the specified criteria and obtained 10 articles for review published in the period 2011-2021, with patient research samples strokes. The effect of early mobilization mostly showedan increasing degree of functional status level among stroke patients. It is recommended to provide early mobilization among stroke patient. Future research should conduct a meta-analysis in analysing effect of early mobilisation among stroke patients

    Nieuw beoordelingskader voor Ffw-ontheffingen: probleem opgelost?

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    Uit een tweetal uitspraken van de Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State blijkt dat het ontheffingensysteem van de Flora- en faunawet in strijd is met zowel de Vogel- als Habitatrichtlijn. Met name de constatering dat de toepassing van de ontheffingsgrond voor ruimtelijke ingrepen en inrichting niet toelaatbaar is, dreigt grote gevolgen voor de praktijk te hebben. Door de uitspraken moest het Ministerie van LNV haar beoordeling van ontheffingsaanvragen aanpassen. Inmiddels heeft het ministerie een nieuw beoordelingskader bekendgemaakt. De vraag is of dit nieuwe kader een geschikt instrument is om de gevolgen van de uitspraken te beperken.FdR – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide

    Puroindolines polymorphism and kernel texture in einkorn (Triticum monococcum)

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with severe asthma experience problems in different areas of their health status. Identification of these areas will provide insight in the patients needs and perhaps what determines the burden of disease. The Nijmegen Clinical Screening Instrument (NCSI) was recently developed for use in clinical practice in patients with COPD and provides a detailed picture of the patients' physiological functioning, symptoms, functional impairment, and Quality of Life. Main purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of the NCSI as compared to the Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) and Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ) in patients with severe asthma. METHODS: The NCSI, AQLQ, and ACQ were measured in 167 patients with severe asthma. Pearson correlations were calculated between NCSI sub-domains and the AQLQ domains and the ACQ. RESULTS: The NCSI measures more aspects of health status as compared to the ACQ and AQLQ in patients with severe asthma. Beside symptoms, subjective impairment, and emotions the NCSI also measures general Quality of Life, health related Quality of Life, satisfaction with relations, fatigue, and behavioural impairment. On all NCSI sub-domains proportions of patients with normal, mild, and severe problems were found. Heterogeneity was found on the number and on the combination of sub-domains on which patients reported severe problems. CONCLUSIONS: The NCSI provides a more detailed picture of the individual patient with severe asthma than the ACQ and AQLQ. The use of the NCSI might allow quick identification of the problem areas and possible factors that impair health status