14 research outputs found

    Aperçus du problème des générations : Mentré, Ortega et Mannheim

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    A. Belden Fields, The Problem of Generation» as Seen by Mentré, Ortega and Mannheim François Mentré was the first to write an intellectual history of the notion of generation. For him, a generation reveals a collective mentality, an unique way to feel and understand life. For Ortega y Gasset, generations are rather a reflection of a universal need for change. He isolated five stages in the life of human beings : childhood, youth, initiation to adulthood, dominance and old age. In contrast to Mentré, Ortega sees generations as transnational phenomena. Karl Mannheim is the most rigorous theorist of generation, as he employs the concept of situation in order to elucidate the complexity of its formation.Fields A. Belden, Weill Claudie. Aperçus du problème des générations : Mentré, Ortega et Mannheim. In: L'Homme et la société, N. 111-112, 1994. Générations et mémoires. pp. 7-22

    The Human Rights Effects of World Bank Structural Adjustment, 1981-2000

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