244 research outputs found

    Informationsstruktur : die sprachlichen Mittel der Gliederung von Äußerung, Satz und Text

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    Welchen Bedingungen unterliegt menschliche Kommunikation? Welche sprachlichen Mittel verwendet ein Sprecher um sicherzustellen, dass sein Zuhörer tatsächlich das versteht, was er kommunizieren möchte? Wie also »verpacken« wir wichtige und weniger wichtige Informationen im alltäglichen Diskurs? Diesen und anderen Fragen geht der SFB 632 »Informationsstruktur«, ein gemeinsames Forschungsunternehmen von Linguisten verschiedener Teildisziplinen der Universität Potsdam und der Humboldt-Universität, nach

    Psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavior therapy of chronic depression : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Despite limited effectiveness of short-term psychotherapy for chronic depression, there is a lack of trials of long-term psychotherapy. Our study is the first to determine the effectiveness of controlled long-term psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral (CBT) treatments and to assess the effects of preferential vs. randomized assessment. Methods/design: Patients are assigned to treatment according to their preference or randomized (if they have no clear preference). Up to 80 sessions of psychodynamic or psychoanalytically oriented treatments (PAT) or up to 60 sessions of CBT are offered during the first year in the study. After the first year, PAT can be continued according to the ‘naturalistic’ usual method of treating such patients within the system of German health care (normally from 240 up to 300 sessions over two to three years). CBT therapists may extend their treatment up to 80 sessions, but focus mainly maintenance and relapse prevention. We plan to recruit a total of 240 patients (60 per arm). A total of 11 assessments are conducted throughout treatment and up to three years after initiation of treatment. The primary outcome measures are the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms (QIDS, independent clinician rating) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) after the first year. Discussion: We combine a naturalistic approach with randomized controlled trials(RCTs)to investigate how effectively chronic depression can be treated on an outpatient basis by the two forms of treatment reimbursed in the German healthcare system and we will determine the effects of treatment preference vs. randomization

    Selbstbestimmtes, berufsbegleitendes Studieren im digitalen pandemiegeprägten Studium. Perspektiven für eine nachhaltige postpandemische Gestaltung von Lehre

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    Der Beitrag stellt dar, wie Selbstbestimmung im pandemiebedingten berufsbegleitenden Studium erlebt wurde. Basierend auf der Selbstbestimmungstheorie von Deci und Ryan (2000,1993) wurden die Kategorien Kompetenz, Autonomie und soziale Eingebundenheit fokussiert. Für eine nachhaltige, postpandemische Lehre mit individueller Selbstbestimmung wird als didaktischer Lösungsansatz die hybride, selbstbestimmte Lerngruppe mit Blick auf Interaktion und Kollaboration zwischen digital und präsent Teilnehmenden dargestellt. Aus der Befragung über zwei pandemiegeprägte digitale Semester wurden mit Blick auf die soziale Dimension von Nachhaltigkeit u.a. Vorteile der digitalen Lehre für die Vereinbarkeit von Studium, Beruf und Familie deutlich. (DIPF/Orig.

    Tracer gas technique, air velocity measurement and natural ventilation method for estimating ventilation rates through naturally ventilated barns

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    Naturally ventilated barns have the advantage of providing an energy-efficient and low-noise micro-environment for animals.  Such barns are very common, especially for cattle, which are a major source of ammonia and methane emissions as well as other airborne pollutants. Emission fluxes are calculated as the product of the ventilation rate (VR) and the gas concentration.  The VR of naturally ventilated barns are directly influenced by atmospheric conditions.  Therefore, the estimation of VR involves high uncertainties; furthermore, there is no reference method for VR estimation.  For these reasons, three different methods were investigated to estimate VR through naturally ventilated dairy barns: (1) the tracer gas technique, using radioactive isotope Krypton-85 (85Kr), (2) the measurement of the air velocity through the barn openings, and (3) the natural ventilation method.  The investigations were performed in two naturally ventilated dairy barns (each with a volume of 5,670 m3) during mild (T≥17℃) and cold weather (T<17℃) conditions.  The VR ranged between 48,000 and 475,000 m3/h.  There was a significant (p<0.01) correlation between all three methods for barn A (Pearson’s correlation coefficient 0.59-0.86).  For barn B only, the tracer gas and the natural ventilation method showed a significant (p=0.03) correlation (Pearson’s correlation coefficient 0.62).  The season (mild or cold) and the VR estimation method both had a significant (p<0.03) effect on the estimated VR for both barns.  The outside wind speed had a significant (p<0.005) effect on the estimated VR for barn A.  For barn B, this effect was not significant (p=0.052).  The tracer gas technique used has the advantage of measuring the tracer with high resolution in time (1 Hz) and space (18 or more measured points).Keywords: Natural ventilation, tracer gas technique, radioactive isotope 85Kr, air velocity, air exchange rate, dairy barn  &nbsp
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