93 research outputs found

    Método CSORA: la búsqueda de conocimiento

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    En este artículo se ofrece una visión rápida de las necesidades del uso de buscadores para la gestión del conocimiento y de las ideas básicas de su funcionamiento. A continuación se presenta el método CSORA (Classify, Search, Organize, Relate, Adapt), conjunto de procedimientos técnicos y metodológicos que mejoran la eficacia de los buscadores haciendo posible encontrar información relevante en entornos con mucha información o información especializada. Finalmente se muestra su integración en los motores de búsqueda y en las conclusiones se incluyen las ventajas de su uso, verificadas a través de experiencias realizadas y las líneas de investigación futuras. ABSTRACT: In this paper we offer a fast overview of the usage needs of search engines for knowledge management, as well as the basic ideas about how they work. We then present the CSORA method (Classify, Search, Organize, Relate and Adapt), a set of technical and methodological procedures that improve the efficacy of search engines, making it possible to find relevant information in environments with lots of information or specialized information. Last, we show the integration of the method into the search engines. The conclusions include a description of the advantages of using this method, verified by experiments carried out, and the lines of future work

    Aprendizaje, Innovacion y Competitividad. Presentacion

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    La estructura de este número extraordinario de Arbor incluye los siguientes contenidos: artículos de reflexión, investigación aplicada y buenas prácticas. El primer bloque lo constituyen los artículos de reflexión e investigación aplicada en el contexto universitario; el segundo bloque mantiene la misma tipología de artículos, pero orientados a la competitividad y el aprendizaje en diferentes contextos. El último bloque se corresponde con los mejores trabajos presentados en el congreso CINAIC 2011 (I Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje, Innovación y Conocimiento).Este número es especial, no por la temática ni por el contexto donde se han generado los distintos artículos sino por su protagonista principal: Alberto Sánchez Álvarez-Insúa. Alberto, director de la revista Arbor, miembro del comité organizador de CINAIC 2011 y principal motor de la presente publicación, falleció el pasado 1 de noviembre; suya iba a ser esta presentación y suya será. Por este motivo, tanto desde el comité organizador de CINAIC 2011, como desde el equipo de redacción de la revista Arbor nos parece que el homenaje más adecuado en esta publicación es reproducir el texto que Alberto preparó para su intervención en CINAIC 2011

    Methodological Approach and Technological Framework to Break the Current Limitations of MOOC Model

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    [EN]A methodological approach and technological framework are proposed to improve learning outcomes in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), taking into account the distinguishing features of this kind of massive courses over traditional online courses. The proposed methodology integrates the learning strategies of xMOOCs and cMOOCs with adaptivity and knowledge management capabilities. In order to test the learning results of the methodology and the need of supporting technological framework for it, a MOOC was made based on the methodological proposal and using a MOOC platform called MiríadaX. The quantitative results have improved considerably the MOOC completion rate (compared to the average of the rest of MOOC MiríadaX) and the qualitative results show a great satisfaction with the learning outcomes of the learners. However, the technological environment did not allow us develop all the methodological capabilities and it was one of the main concerns of the MOOC attendances. Therefore, from the analysis of collected data and considering the limitations of current MOOC technology platforms, a technological framework has been designed. It may incorporate the proposed methodology in an efficient and effective way. Based on this proposed technological framework, a MOOC platform has been developed and delivered, used by three Spanish Universities to offer MOOCs. This new platform and the supported technological framework have been tested with a first pilot with promising result

    Main Gaps in the Training and Assessment of Teamwork Competency in the University Context

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    Individual competencies associated with teamwork are highly demanded in all productive and scientific sectors. International accreditation agencies have defined a set of indicators to identify the individual competencies associated with teamwork competence. Practically all universities address the challenge for graduates to acquire teamwork skills in groups and individually. In this context, it is essential to knowwhether students have acquired teamwork skills before entering the university and what training method they have followed to acquire them. In this research work, a tool has been developed to determine if they have followed procedures that generate evidence of these individual competencies throughout the development of teamwork, as well as the evaluation method used by the teachers who have trained them in this competency. The study was carried out on 171 students from two different subjects, degrees, and universities. The results confirm the central hypothesis of the work that the training method used before entering the university is of the “black box” type, where the faculty does not follow the evidence continuously and evaluates only the final result of the work

    Cooperación Invisible. El proyecto MARIA (Métodos de Apoyo y Recursos Interactivos de Aprendizaje)

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    The social networks have turned into a major element of the net in the last years. Through them thousands of people share information with some common interest between them. The root cause of the problem is the difficulty of coordinating these presented resources, a labour that gets complicated when people try to recover all this submited information.From the “Laboratorio de Innovación en Tecnologías de la Información” a software has been developed, after 8 years of work, to classify, organize and put together the resources contributed by the members of a resource oriented network. Since development of this work there has born MARIA, a search engine of formative resources focused to children between 8 and 12 years, composed of the collaboration of adult persons that belong to this social network. Througout this article are detailed the characteristics and utilities of this new search engine, based on a social network where his members provide resources from a supportive and disinterested way, obtaining an easy and effective system to be used by all of them who need it.Las redes sociales se han convertido en el elemento estrella de la red en los últimos años. A través de ellas miles de personas comparten informaciones con otros con los que tienen algún interés común. El problema actual de algunas de ellas radica en la dificultad a la hora de coordinar esos recursos aportados, una labor que se complica a la hora de intentar recuperar todos esos datos vertidos. Desde el Laboratorio de Innovación en Tecnologías de la Información se ha desarrollado, tras ocho años de trabajo, un software para clasificar, organizar y poner en común los recursos aportados por los miembros de una red orientada al recurso. Como desarrollo de este trabajo ha nacido MARIA, un buscador de recursos formativos orientados a niños con edades comprendidas entre 8 y 12 años, nutrido de la colaboración de personas adultas que conforman esa red social. A lo largo de este artículo se detallan las características y utilidades de este nuevo buscador, basado en una red social en la que sus miembros aportan recursos de un modo solidario y desinteresado, consiguiendo un sistema fácil y eficaz para ser utilizado por todos aquellos que lo necesiten

    A methodology proposal for developing Adaptive cMOOC

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    [EN] Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs, both in their major approaches xMOOC and cMOOC, are attracting a very interesting debate about their influence in the higher education future. MOOC have both great defenders and detractors. As an emerging trend, MOOCs have a hype repercussion in technological and pedagogical areas, but they should demonstrate their real value in specific implementation and within institutional strategies. Independently, MOOCs have different issues such as high dropout rates and low number of cooperative activities among participants. This paper presents an adaptive proposal to be applied in MOOC definition and development, with a special attention to cMOOC, that may be useful to tackle the mentioned MOOC problems