28 research outputs found

    Redes Neuronais

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    Introdução às redes neuronais. Arquitetura e princípio de funcionamento. Treino da redes neuronais. Avaliação de desempenho

    Caracterização de consumos

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    Caracterização de consumos. Fatores caracterizadores de diagramas. Perfis de consumo. Contribuição dos perfis de consumo para aumento do desempenho da previsão de carga

    Séries temporais

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    Séries temporais. Identificação de modelos ARIMA. Método de Box-Jenkins

    Princípios básicos de regressão não-linear

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    Princípios básicos de regressão não-linear. Critério dos mínimos quadrados

    Previsão de carga

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    Previsão de carga com redes neuronais. Seleção de inputs. Tratamento de variáveis cíclicas. Tratamento de feriados

    Modelação de um Mercado da Pequena Geração Dispersa através de Agentes e Serviços Web

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    O objectivo deste trabalho é a criação de um modelo do mercado energético da pequena geração dispersa através de serviços Web, agentes m´oveis e leilões. Neste cenário, o mercado, supervisionado pelo leiloeiro, ´e constituído basicamente por dois tipos de actores: os vendedores – com uma determinada carteira de pequenos produtores de energia, equipados com diversos tipos de geradores, e os compradores – entidades que distribuem e comercializam energia, bem como grandes consumidores. Apresenta-se a arquitectura adoptada, composta por agentes estáticos e agentes m´oveis, assim como a metodologia de desenvolvimento integrado elegida. Esta metodologia especifica uma abordagem, suportada pela tecnologia XML, que permite, a partir da informação relativa aos intervenientes, criar uma ontologia comum de representação do conhecimento do domínio, gerar automaticamente os agentes que modelam os intervenientes e, por ultimo, ´ transformá-los em serviços Web. Os agentes compradores e vendedores participam no mercado através de agentes m´oveis, a quem delegam a sua representação durante o leilão. O trabalho, que está em curso, encontra-se na fase do desenvolvimento dos agentes/serviços Web

    A general approach for security monitoring and preventive control of networks with large wind power production

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    This paper provides a description of thedevelopment of software tools able to deal with system fastdynamic monitoring and determination of preventivecontrol procedures, for a given set of disturbances, innetworks with large integration of wind power production.Preventive control is performed through powerredispatches, involving also the on/off control of the windgenerators. The quality of the approach is illustrated herethrough its application to the system of the Madeira island

    Dynamic network tariffs: are they the most efficient way to match peak consumption and network incremental costs?

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the main results of the ongoing analysis of applying dynamic network access tariffs in Portugal. For the 2015-2017 regulatory period, the Portuguese National Regulatory Authority, ERSE, required the three main Portuguese DSOs to submit, until the end of June 2016, plans for the implementation of network dynamic tariff schemes targeting Medium, High and Extra High Voltage customers, as well as the respective cost-benefit analysis. EDP Distribuição, the main Portuguese DSO, is preparing a report regarding the implementation of pilot projects on a sample of these segments of customers, which are due to be on the field during 2017. These pilots should help electrical energy stakeholders understand how the Electric System can benefit from the use of dynamic tariffs focused on networks, allowing for the quantification of benefits in a more accurate way. The level of demand response that results from price signals is a key issue that both the regulator and EDP Distribuição will quantify. Other important issue to assess in this study is the efficiency of cost recovery under a dynamic tariff scheme. In conclusion, this paper will present some results obtained from the cost-benefit analysis regarding the implementation of a Critical Peak Pricing scheme, as well as the key learnings supporting the introduction of dynamic schemes in the future, not only for EHV, HV and MV customers but also eventually extending it to LV ones

    Forecast of the bidding curve of generation players in the Iberian electricity market

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    This paper reports the research that was developedto predict biding curves submitted by generation players to theMarket Operator of the Iberian Electricity Market. In thisscope, we used a data set based on publicly availableinformation from the website of the Market Operator to developa two-step ANN prediction model. The first step involves theprediction of the amount of energy bidden at zero price and thesecond ANN predicts the parameters of the equation of the linethat better approximates the remaining bid curve. The testswere done using information of a large generation player butthis approach can be replicated to other players so that theindividual predicted curves can be composed in order to obtainthe aggregated selling curve for each hour of the next day

    On-line dynamic security assessment of isolated networks integrating large wind power production

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    The paper describes the on-line dynamic security assessment functions developed within the European Union, DGXII programme, CARE. These functions are based exclusively on the application of machine learning techniques. A description of the problem and the data set generation procedure for the Crete island power system are included. Comparative results regarding performances of Decision Trees, Kernel Regression Trees and Neural Networks are presented and discussed.The paper describes the on-line dynamic security assessment functions developed within the European Union, DGXII programme, CARE. These functions are based exclusively on the application of machine learning techniques. A description of the problem and the data set generation procedure for the Crete island power system are included. Comparative results regarding performances of Decision Trees, Kernel Regression Trees and Neural Networks are presented and discussed