144 research outputs found

    Estimación de la captura de carbono en plantaciones de álamo clon 1-63/51 de la comuna de retiro, región del Maule

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    58 p.Actualmente en el mundo existe una gran preocupación por el calentamiento de la tierra debido al aumento de las concentraciones de gases de efecto invernadero. Uno de los principales responsables del efecto invernadero es el CO2 en la atmosfera, originado principalmente por las actividades antropicas. Los bosques y plantaciones son unos de los grandes sumideros del CO2, que contribuyen al secuestro de carbono atmosférico por medio de la fotosíntesis y la acumulación de biomasa. El objetivo del presente estudio fue cuantificar la fijación de carbono en una plantación de álamos del clon I-63/51 presente en la comuna de Retiro, región del Maule. Para la estimación del carbono fijado en las fuentes de la biomasa aérea, raíz, hojarasca y suelo, se utilizaron parcelas circulares de 500 m2. En cada parcela se midieron la altura total del árbol y su diámetro a la altura del pecho (1.3 m). Dentro de la parcela, se ubicaron subparcelas de 1 m2, donde se tomaron muestras de hojarasca y suelo (profundidad de 0 – 30 cm). Para la estimación de la biomasa aérea, se utilizaron ecuaciones generales. Para el caso de la hojarasca, se estimó la biomasa seca a través del peso húmedo y seco. La biomasa de las raíces, se estimo en base a un porcentaje (24%) con respecto a la biomasa aérea. Para el cálculo de carbono orgánico de la biomasa aérea, hojarasca y raíces, se utilizó un factor de 0.531. El carbono orgánico del suelo, se determinó en el laboratorio de suelo de la Universidad Austral de Chile. Entre los rodales estudiados, el rodal el Calabozo presentó la mayor cantidad de carbono fijado en sus diferentes fuentes (120.8 tC/ha), siguiéndole el rodal San Juan con 90.1 tC/ha y por último el rodal las Lenguas con 61.1 tC/ha. El componente fuste representó entre el 67.9 a 73.6 % de carbono almacenado en el sistema, siguiéndole la biomasa de la raíz de 16.4 al 17.6 %, el suelo de 6.6 a 11.6 % y por último la hojarasca de 2.1 a 4.1 %./SUMMARY: Currently in the world, there is a concern for the global warming of the earth, due to the increase in the concentrations of greenhouse gases. One of the main responsible for the greenhouse effect is the dioxide of carbon in the atmosphere, mainly due to human activities. Forests and plantations are one of the large sinks of carbon dioxide, which contributes to the abduction of atmospheric carbon in carrying out their photosynthesis and biomass accumulation. The objective of this study was to quantify the fixation of carbon in a poplar plantation of the clone I-63/51 present at the commune of Retiro, region Maule. For the estimation of the carbon fixed in the component of biomass aerial, root, leaf litter and soil, were used circular plots of 500 m2. In each plot, proceeded to inventory, were measured the total height of the tree and its diameter at breast height (1.3 m). Within the plot a subplot of 1 m2 was located, where samples were taken from leaf litter and soil (depth of 0 - 30 cm). For the estimation of the aerial biomass, were used general equations. In the case of the leaf litter, were estimate by the dry and humid samples. The biomass roots were estimate in base of the 24% of the biomass aerial. For the calculation of organic carbon from the biomass aerial, leaf litter and roots, were estimate by the factor defect of 0.531. Organic carbon in the soil, it was determined in the laboratory of soil of the Universidad Austral de Chile. Among the stands studied stand the Calabozo presented the greatest amount of carbon fixed in their different sources (120.8 tC/ha), followed by stand San Juan with 90.1 tC/ha and finally the stand the Lenguas with 61.1 tC/has. The component stem represent between 67.9 to 73.6 % of carbon stored in the system, followed by the biomass from the root of 16.4 to 17.6 %, the soil from 6.6 to 11.6 % and finally the leaf litter of 2.1 to 4.1 %

    Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Improves Reproductive Hormone Levels in Morbidly Obese Males -A Series of 28 Cases

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    Rezumat Gastrectomia longitudinalã laparoscopicã îmbunãtãåeaete nivelul hormonilor reproductivi la bãrbaåii cu obezitate morbidã -o serie de 28 cazuri Introducere: Bãrbaåii obezi prezintã frecvent reduceri ale hormonilor androgeni ce pot fi modificate dupã scãderea ponderalã obåinutã prin chirurgie bariatricã. Gastrectomia longitudinalã laparoscopicã (GLL) a fost folositã frecvent în ultimul deceniu pentru tratarea obezitãåii severe. Scopul studiului a fost evaluarea modificãrilor hormonilor reproductivi dupã GLL

    Early Improvement in Glycemic Metabolism after Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Obese Patients -A Prospective Study

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    Rezumat Ameliorarea rapidã a metabolismului glucidic dupã gastrectomia longitudinalã laparoscopicã la pacienåii cu obezitate -studiu prospectiv Introducere: Conform Organizaåiei Mondiale a Sãnãtãåii, existau în 2014 peste 600 de milioane de adulåi cu obezitate (mai mult decât dublu faåã de anul 1980) care prezintã un risc crescut de dezvoltare a sindromului metabolic, deci inclusiv pentru diabetul zaharat de tip 2. Datoritã controlului slab glicemic în urma tratamentului conservator al DZ tip 2, chirurgia metabolicã a fost capabilã sã câaetige un rol important în managementul pacientului cu DZ tip 2 aei obezitate, cu remisii sau îmbunãtãåiri semnificative raportate în literatura de specialitate. Obiectiv: studierea efectelor gastrectomiei longitudinale laparoscopice (LSG) asupra metabolismului glucidic la pacienåii cu obezitate, cu sau fãrã DZ tip 2. Metodã: 60 de pacienåi consecutivi, operaåi în spitalul Ponderas pentru obezitate prin gastrectomie longitudinalã laparoscopicã, au fost incluaei într-un studiu prospectiv, în perioada FebruarieMartie 2013. IMC-ul (indicele de masã corporalã), circumferinåã abdominalã aei parametrii glicemici au fost studiaåi pre-operator, la 10 zile aei 6 luni postoperator. Rezultate: controlul glicemic a fost semnificant îmbunãtãåit începând cu ziua 10 postoperatorie. Imbunãtãåiri semnificative statistic au fost notate la 6 luni postoperator în valorile IMCului (p<0.0001), circumferinåa abdominalã (p<0.0001), glicemie (p<0.0001), insulinemie (p<0.0001), peptid C (p<0.0001) aei HOMA. Concluzii: o îmbunãtãåire rapidã a metabolismului glucidic, atât la pacienåii cu obezitate aei DZ tip 2 cât aei la cei fãrã DZ tip 2, se regãseaete înaintea scãderii ponderale semnificative (10 zile postoperator). La 6 luni postoperator, când se asociazã aei o scãdere ponderalã semnificativã, atât pacienåii diabetici cât aei cei nediabetici prezintã o îmbunãtãåire suplimentarã a metabolismului glicemic, care poate susåine ideea ca gastrectomia longitudinalã laparoscopicã este o metodã eficientã pentru tratamentul pacienåilor cu obezitate aei sindrom metabolic. Aceste modificãri benefice pot explica atât remisia DZ tip 2 dar aei prevenåia acestuia la pacienåii cu obezitate supuaei tratamentului chirurgical metabolic. Cuvinte cheie: obezitate, metabolism glucidic, gastrectomie longitudinalã laparoscopicã, remisia aei prevenåia diabetului zaharat tip 2 Abstract Background: according to W.H.O. in 2014 more than 600 million adults were obese, (more than doubled since 1980), and face a major risk for the onset of metabolic syndrome, including T2DM. Due to the poor control of glycemic imbalance for the conservative treatment of T2DM, the metabolic surgery was able to gain an important role in modern management of T2DM, with significant reported improvements or remissions for these patients. Objective: to study the effects of laparoscopic sleeve gastrec- BMI, waist circumference and glycemic parameters were studied at the moment of entering the study, 10 days after surgery and at 6 months follow up. Results: the glycemic control was significantly improved starting with postoperative day 10. Statistically significant improvements were noticed after six months postoperatively in BMI values (p<0,0001), waist circumference (p<0,0001), glycemic levels (p<0,0001), insulin (p<0,0001), C-peptide (p<0,0001) and HOMA. Conclusions: a rapid induced improvement of glucose metabolism in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients occurs before a significant weight loss (POD 10). At 6 months, when associated with an important weight loss, both diabetic and non-diabetic patients present a furthermore improvement in glycemic metabolism, that enables us to consider that sleeve gastrectomy is an efficient method for a sustained improvement in the metabolic status of patients with obesity. These beneficial changes that can explain the remission of T2DM can also explain the prevention of T2DM after metabolic surgery

    Frontiers in Precision Medicine IV: Artificial Intelligence, Assembling Large Cohorts, and the Population Data Revolution

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    Large cohort studies and more recently electronic medical records (EMR) are being used to collect massive amounts of genetic information. Implementation of artificial intelligence has become increasingly necessary to interpret this data with the goal of augmenting patient care. While it is impossible to predict what the future holds, policy makers are challenged to create guiding principles and responsibly roll out these new technologies. On March 22, 2019, the University of Utah hosted its fourth annual Precision Medicine Symposium focusing on artificial intelligence, assembling large cohorts, and the population data revolution. The symposium brought together experts in medicine, science, law and ethics to discuss and debate these emerging issues

    Significant benefits of AIP testing and clinical screening in familial isolated and young-onset pituitary tumors

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    Context Germline mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP) gene are responsible for a subset of familial isolated pituitary adenoma (FIPA) cases and sporadic pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs). Objective To compare prospectively diagnosed AIP mutation-positive (AIPmut) PitNET patients with clinically presenting patients and to compare the clinical characteristics of AIPmut and AIPneg PitNET patients. Design 12-year prospective, observational study. Participants & Setting We studied probands and family members of FIPA kindreds and sporadic patients with disease onset ≤18 years or macroadenomas with onset ≤30 years (n = 1477). This was a collaborative study conducted at referral centers for pituitary diseases. Interventions & Outcome AIP testing and clinical screening for pituitary disease. Comparison of characteristics of prospectively diagnosed (n = 22) vs clinically presenting AIPmut PitNET patients (n = 145), and AIPmut (n = 167) vs AIPneg PitNET patients (n = 1310). Results Prospectively diagnosed AIPmut PitNET patients had smaller lesions with less suprasellar extension or cavernous sinus invasion and required fewer treatments with fewer operations and no radiotherapy compared with clinically presenting cases; there were fewer cases with active disease and hypopituitarism at last follow-up. When comparing AIPmut and AIPneg cases, AIPmut patients were more often males, younger, more often had GH excess, pituitary apoplexy, suprasellar extension, and more patients required multimodal therapy, including radiotherapy. AIPmut patients (n = 136) with GH excess were taller than AIPneg counterparts (n = 650). Conclusions Prospectively diagnosed AIPmut patients show better outcomes than clinically presenting cases, demonstrating the benefits of genetic and clinical screening. AIP-related pituitary disease has a wide spectrum ranging from aggressively growing lesions to stable or indolent disease course