288 research outputs found

    Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage : A study on the present state of protection of intangible cultural heritage through the work of UNESCO and WIPO

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    Master's thesis Music Management MU501 - University of Agder 2019This study seeks to discover the present state of protection given to intangible cultural heritageand traditional knowledge. By looking at the past and present work UNESCO and WIPO, and other related works, the research showcase the process of rising intangible cultural heritage up on the international legislative agenda alongside tangible aspects. Furthermore, the study takesa close look on international legal instruments concerned with both safeguarding and preservation, and with questions concerned with intellectual property. By comparing different legal texts, terminologiesand definitions the research uncoversboth differences and similarities between the works of UNESCO and WIPO. The study presents thesituation of protection ofintangible and traditionalheritage within the scope of the intellectual property systemand concludes that while some aspects and manifestations may be protected, the totality is lacking. However, in case of safeguarding the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritageprovides a basis that has had a broad appeal throughout the world

    Pengendalian Penyakit Tidak Menular Melalui Promosi dan Deteksi Dini

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    Management of NCDs is a challenge especially in low- and middle-income countries due to the double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases, shortage of human and material resources and other competing economic priorities in these countries. This need for promotion and early detection then becomes the background for the implementation of community service, especially for congregations in the JKI Royal Family regarding non-communicable diseases. Community service was carried out for 27 congregations in the JKI Royal Family. This service includes measuring blood pressure, checking blood sugar, uric acid and cholesterol at the same time as providing education which aims to provide an understanding of abnormal examination results along with things that must be avoided. Several findings were obtained, namely 1) the majority of blood pressure examination results blood above 120/80 mmHg, 2) the majority of cholesterol examination results were predominantly more than 200 mmHg, 3) the majority of instant blood sugar and uric acid examination results were normal although values were still found above the normal range. It can be concluded that the community service process went according to schedule and received a positive response from the participants as evidenced by the involvement of the participants from the beginning to the end of the community service process.ABSTRACT Management of NCDs is a challenge especially in low- and middle-income countries due to the double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases, shortage of human and material resources and other competing economic priorities in these countries. This need for promotion and early detection then becomes the background for the implementation of community service, especially for congregations in the JKI Royal Family regarding non-communicable diseases. Community service was carried out for 27 congregations in the JKI Royal Family. This service includes measuring blood pressure, checking blood sugar, uric acid and cholesterol at the same time as providing education which aims to provide an understanding of abnormal examination results along with things that must be avoided. Several findings were obtained, namely 1) the majority of blood pressure examination results blood above 120/80 mmHg, 2) the majority of cholesterol examination results were predominantly more than 200 mmHg, 3) the majority of instant blood sugar and uric acid examination results were normal although values were still found above the normal range. It can be concluded that the community service process went according to schedule and received a positive response from the participants as evidenced by the involvement of the participants from the beginning to the end of the community service process.   ABSTRAK   Manajemen PTM merupakan tantangan terutama di negara berpenghasilan rendah dan menengah karena beban ganda penyakit menular dan tidak menular, kekurangan sumber daya manusia dan material dan lainnya persaingan prioritas ekonomi di negara-negara tersebut. Kebutuhan akan promosi dan deteksi dini ini yang kemudian melatarbelakangi pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat di khususnya pada jemaat di JKI Keluarga Kerajaan terkait penyakit tidak menular. Pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan terhadap 27 jemaat di JKI Keluarga Kerajaan. Pengabdian ini meliputi pengukuran tekanan darah, pemeriksaan gula darah sewaktu, asam urat dan kolesterol dan juga bersamaan pemberian edukasi yang  bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman mengenai hasil pemeriksaan yang abnormal berikut dengan hal-hal yang harus dihindari, Diperoleh beberapa temuan yaitu 1) mayoritas hasil pemeriksaan tekanan darah  di atas 120/80 mmHg, 2) mayoritas hasil pemeriksaan kolesterol didominasi lebih dari 200 mmHg, 3) hasil pemeriksaan gula darah sesaat dan asam urat mayoritas normal meskipun masih didapati nilai di atas rentang normal. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses pengabdian masyarakat berjalan sesuai jadwal dan mendapatkan respon yang positif dari peserta yang dibuktikan dengan keterlibatan  peserta  dari awal sampai akhir proses pengabdian masyarakat berlangsung   &nbsp

    Kadar Karbon Monoksida pada Pedagang Makanan Bakar : Sebuah Tinjauan Naratif

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    Karbon monoksida merupakan produk pembakaran tidak sempurna dari bahan bakar yang mengandung zat arang atau bahan organik, dapat ditemukan dalam jumlah yang sangat kecil pada darah yaitu sekitar 3%, dan tidak menyebabkan masalah kesehatan. Tetapi jika kadar karbon monoksida melebihi toleransi normal, maka menjadi sangat beracun. Karakteristik biologi paling penting dari karbon monoksida yaitu sifatnya yang dapat berikatan dengan hemoglobin sehingga menghasilkan pembentukan karboksihaemoglobin (HbCO) yang 200 kali lebih stabil dibandingkan oksihemoglobin (HbO2). Penguraian HbCO yang relatif lambat akan menyebabkan terhambatnya kerja hemoglobin sebagai pembawa oksigen ke seluruh tubuh sehingga dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan. Jenis studi literatur ini adalah tinjauan naratif. Artikel yang dipilih merupakan artikel yang berasal dari dua database yaitu Pubmed & Google Scholar dari tahun 2019-2020 dan memenuhi kriteria PEO (P= Pedagang Makanan Bakar, E= Karbon Monoksida, O=Keracunan karbon monoksida yang menyebabkan keluhan pernapasan). Data dari artikel akan diekstraksi dan dimasukkan ke dalam tabel matriks sintesis. Artikel yang didapatkan yaitu sebanyak 5 artikel. Hasil dari studi literatur ini adalah terdapat 4 artikel yang membahas kadar karbon monoksida pada pedagang makanan bakar dan seluruh artikel tersebut menyimpulkan terdapat kadar karbon monoksida di atas toleransi normal pada pedagang makanan bakar. Selanjutnya, terdapat 3 artikel yang membahas keracunan karbon monoksida yang menyebabkan keluhan pernapasan dan gangguan fungsi paru

    Perbedaan Ciri - Ciri Mikroskopik Serta Kadar Dan Kualitas Minyak Atsiri Daun Lantana camara Linn Yang Berbunga Kuning Dan Berbunga Ungu

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    Lantana camara Linn termasuk suku Verbenaceae yang dimanfaatkan sebagai obat tradisional. Pengamatan yang telah dilakukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi ciri-ciri mikroskopik, penetapan kadar air, kadar minyak atsiri, pemerian, indeks bias dan analisa komponen minyak atsiri dengan metode KLT dan KG-SM dari daun Lantana camara Linn yang berbunga kuning dan berbunga ungu. Dari hasil pengamatan ciri-ciri mikroskopik, antara kedua dam tersebut tidak terdapat perbedaan. Persamaan ciri-ciri anatomi yang dapat dilihat adalah rambut penutup bersel satu sampai tiga berbentuk kerucut, berkas pengangkutan kolateral, stomata tipe anomositik dan sel-sel epidermis bergelombang. Dari hasil penetapan kadar, diperoleh kadar minyak atsiri daun Lantana camara Linn berbunga kuning lebih tinggi dari kadar minyak atsiri daun Lantana camara Linn berbunga ungu, Identifikasi komponen-komponen minyak atsiri berdasarkan spektrum massa, pada daun Lantana camara Linn berbunga kuning terdeteksi 7 komponen, yaitu : alloaromadendrene, β-selinene, α-gurjumene, α-cedrene, curcumene, β-bisabolene dan isoeugenol methyl ether, sedangkan pada daun Lantana camara Linn berbunga ungu terdeteksi 16 komponen yaitu : alloaromadendrene, elemol, α-caryophyllen, curcumene, elixene, ledol, isoeugenol methyl ether, davanone, aromadendrene, t-patchoulene, delta-cardinol, ledane, ledo1, aromadendrene, trans-phytol dan cyclohexane. Minyak atsiri dari kedua daun tersebut mengandung 3 komponen yang sama yaitu : alloaromadendrene, curcumene dan isoeugenol methyl ether

    Analisis Program Pengendalian Tuberkulosis dengan Strategi DOTS di Puskesmas Manutapen Kupang

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    Background: Tuberculosis (Tb) is a global challenge for public health problems, including Indonesia. Kupang is the city in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) that has the highest number of Tb cases with a Success Rate (SR) about 85% in 2017. However, in 2018 the SR rate decreased to about 81%. Adherence to taking medication can have an effect on increasing the SR rate. In NTT, had many cases of withdrawal problems caused by Tb patient not taking medication regularly. The Tb control Program in NTT is based on the Directly Observed Treatment Short Course (DOTS) Strategy that focuses on case finding and cure rates. The five components of DOTS are: 1) Political commitment 2) Case finding 3) Standard treatment 4) Drug management and availability systems 5) Monitoring, recording and reporting system. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of DOTS strategy in Manutapen Public Health Center (Puskesmas)Methods: This study was a descriptive qualitative method with used in-depth interviews. The main informants were three health officer participants from the Puskesmas. Triangulation informants were one participant of the Disease Control and Prevention Program of the Kupang Health Officer, one PMO participant, and one Tb patient participant.Result: Tb control with DOTS strategy encountered obstacles including a lack of political commitment related to funding new Tb cases, the high workload made the Tb officers unable to monitor the patients, and unreported cases.Conclusion: Tuberculosis control program with the DOTS strategy in Manutapen Public Health Center kupang was not optimalized.

    Filtering of LiDAR point cloud with respect to creating precise DEM : a performance analysis of two selected point cloud SW-packages

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    Reguleringsplanlegging av modellbaserte veiprosjekter krever digitale terrengmodeller med god høydenøyaktighet. Slike modeller opprettes fra bakkepunkter i punktskyer fra laserskanning, som beskriver både terrengoverflate og objekter i et aktuelt område. Det er derfor nødvendig med gode filtreringsalgoritmer for klassifisering av terrengoverflaten. Formålet til dette forsøket er å undersøke egnetheten punktskybehandlingssystemene ALDPAT og QTM har til filtrering av LiDAR-punktskyer. Denne filtreringen er gjort med hensyn til opprettelse av digitale terrengmodeller til reguleringsplanleggingsfasen for modellbaserte veiprosjekter etter håndbok V770 Modellgrunnlag fra Vegdirektoratet. Grenstøl i Tvedestrand kommune, innenfor avgrensningen til veiprosjektet E18 Tvedestrand – Arendal, som stod ferdig i 2019 er valgt som forsøksområde. Fem testområder som representerer terreng og vegetasjonsvariasjonene i det aktuelle området er valgt. Tre av dem er videre klassifisert som vegetasjon og to som harde flater. Datasettene som benyttes stammer fra laserskanning fra helikopter utført i forbindelse med oppstart for utbyggingen av prosjektet i 2016. Disse består av en punktsky per testområde, og en DTM for hele området, som er hentet fra forvaltningsløsningen høydedata.no. DTM er brukt som sammenligningsgrunnlag, mens punktskyene er filtrert med fire ulike filtreringsalgoritmer i ALDPAT, og med en filtreringsalgoritme i QTM. Videre er det foretatt geometrisk kontroll av høydeavvikene mellom DTM-er opprettet fra de filtrerte punktskyene og sammenligningsgrunnlaget. Resultatene fra den geometriske kontrollen viser god evne til filtrering for begge punktskybehandlingssystemene. For alle filtrene er det i enkelte testområder høy prosentandel grove feil. Ett av de to harde testområdene ble som følge av dette utelukket. For det gjenværende harde testområdet presterer QTM aller best. QTM virker også å prestere svært godt i de vegeterte områdene, men ulike filtreringsalgoritmer i ALDPAT viser antydninger til å egne seg bedre. Med bakgrunn i benyttede datasett, testområder og resultater fra geometrisk kontroll av høydeavvik er det indikasjoner til at QTM er det totalt sett best egnede punktskybehandlingssystemet til formålet.Zoning planning for model-based road projects are dependent on good digital elevation models with high absolute height accuracy. Digital elevation models are created from ground points in point clouds derived from laser scanning. These contain many points that describe both the terrain surface and objects. Good filtering algorithms for classification of the terrain surface in point clouds are therefore necessary. The target of this survey is to examine the filtering suitability for the point cloud software packages ALDPAT and QTM. The filtering is done with respect to creating digital elevation models used for zoning planning for model-based road projects according to handbook V770 Modellgrunnlag from The Norwegian Public Roads Administration.M-GEO


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    This study examines the internal control system of the quality of financial statements with human resource competence as a moderating variable. The study used a survey method using a sample of civil servants in local government organizational units. The sampling method inThis study examines the internal control system of the quality of financial statements with human resource competence as a moderating variable. The study used a survey method using a sample of civil servants in local government organizational units. The sampling method in this study was purposive sampling. The data obtained were analyzed using SPSS 23 and WarpPLS 5.0. The results showed that the internal control system on the elements of the control environment had no effect and had no significant impact on the quality of the financial statements. In contrast, the element of control activities had a positive and significant effect on the quality of the financial statements. However, human resource competencies can moderate the internal control environment on the quality of financial statements. The inverse results found that human resource competencies cannot moderate internal control activities on the quality of financial statements. this study was purposive sampling. The data obtained were analyzed using SPSS 23 and WarpPLS 5.0. The results showed that the internal control system on the elements of the control environment had no effect and had no significant

    HRO i Politiet : En kartlegging av pålitelighet, fokus, og evne til å håndtere uforutsette hendelser i Agder Politidistrikt.

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    Masteroppgave ledelse ORG917 - Universitetet i Agder 2017Masteroppgaven har utgangspunkt i at politiet er samfunnets maktorgan og skal løse alt fra mindre hendelser til større kriser blant befolkningen. Tillit blant befolkningen er viktig for at denne makten kan forvaltes på en god måte. Pålitelighet blant omgivelsene og internt er et nøkkelord. Målet med oppgaven var å kartlegge grad av HRO i Agder Politidistrikt. Problemstillingen i oppgaven er: ”Kan Agder Politidistrikt sies å være en High Reliability Organization (HRO)?” Jeg presenterer ulike teorier omkring kriser og katastrofer. Jeg har også plukket ut andre relevante teoretiske vinklinger, som det er naturlig å se i sammenheng med HRO-teorien. En av disse teoriene dreier seg om hvordan mennesker responderer. Mennesker kan handle enten intuitivt eller analytisk. Dette er av betydning for hvordan oppdrag blir løst. For å svare på problemstillingen har jeg gjennomført en spørreundersøkelse utviklet av Weick og Sutcliffe. (Weick og Sutcliffe, 2007). Undersøkelsen kartlegger blant annet grad av pålitelighet og evnen til å håndtere uforutsette hendelser. Summen av alle kategoriene er med på å avgjøre om Agder Politidistrikt kan sies å være en HRO. En lignende undersøkelse har ikke blitt gjennomført i politiet tidligere. I tillegg til å måle graden av HRO, er denne oppgaven en test på om HRO-teorien kan benyttes i politiet. Funn i spørreundersøkelsen viser at Agder Politidistrikt scorer høyt enkelte steder, men at det også er et stort utviklings-potensiale i organisasjonen. Jeg diskuterer årsakene til dette og tar for meg de punktene jeg mener er de viktigste. Avslutningsvis kommer jeg med noen anbefalinger for hva organisasjonen bør gjøre for å øke graden av HRO, og hvordan dette kan gjennomføres. Jeg kommer også med forslag til hvordan HRO-undersøkelsen kan utvikles videre

    Biofilm Chitosan as Modern Dressing for Ulcers

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    Modern dressing techniques as open wound dressings are still effective and suitable for use, especially for people with open wounds such as ulcers, but they still have disadvantages, such as the high prices and need for other antibiotics to prevent inflammation. Previous studies reported an increase in the number of antibiotic resistance, which sparked the idea of producing new dressing materials that have strong antimicrobial and biocompatible properties. The material suitable for the idea of a wound dressing is chitosan biofilm because it has strong antibacterial properties and has a similar structure to the skin tissue. This study aims to produce chitosan biofilm using the deacetylation method using a strong base. The physicochemical characterization results of biofilms showed a deacetylation degree of 87.13 with a voltage of 1.15 ± 0.00 and a polycationic group of biofilms that appeared at a wavenumber of 2.1714 ± 0.0000 nm. From the measurement of the antibacterial power of chitosan biofilm against skin surface bacteria, the inhibition zone diameter was 18.93 ± 0.12; 19.50 ± 0.17; 20.20 ± 0.23; 20.13 ± 0.03 and 22.53 ± 0.09 against S. aureus, S. epidermidis, P. aeruginosa, E. colli, Bacillus sp. Overall, it can be concluded that biofilm chitosan has the opportunity to be applied as a dressing in wound care