4 research outputs found

    Deciphering the Patterns of Genetic Admixture and Diversity in the Ecuadorian Creole Chicken

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    Latin American Creole chickens are generally not characterized; this is the case in Ecuador, where the lack of scientific information is contributing to their extinction. Here, we developed a characterization of the genetic resources of Ecuadorian chickens located in three continental agroecosystems (Pacific coastal, Andean, and Amazonian). Blood samples of 234 unrelated animals were collected in six provinces across Ecuador: Bolívar, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Guayas, Morona Santiago, and Tungurahua, in order to perform a genetic characterization and population structure assessment using the AVIANDIV project microsatellites panel (30 loci) and D-loop sequences of mitochondrial DNA and comparing with reference data from other breeds or genetic lines. The results indicate that Ecuadorian Creole chickens are the result of the admixture of different genetic groups that occurred during the last five centuries. While the influence of South Spanish breeds is demonstrated in the colonial age, genetic relationships with other breeds (Leghorn, Spanish fighter cock) cannot be discarded. The geographical configuration of the country and extreme climate variability have influenced the genetic isolation of groups constituting a homogeneous genetic status into the whole population. This is not only a source of genetic variation, but also a critical point because genetic drift produces a loss of genetic variants

    Restauración ecológica del suelo aplicando biochar (carbón vegetal), y su efecto en la producción de Medicago sativa

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    ln the province of Chimborazo, Riobamba canton, and San Pedro of Abras neighborhood (Ecuador) an ecological restoration on the soil was studied by applying different levels of charcoal (10, 20 and 30 tha") and its effect on the alfalfa Medicago sativa forage production was evaluated, under a block design completely randomized. The best results were obtained by applying 30 t.ha'“ charcoal, in this way: In the first cut was reached the lowest flowering time occurrence (40,50 days) the highest basal coverage (39,35%) and highest aerial coverage (86,0%) the best height (87,98 cm) and the highest numbers of leaves per stem (103,45) and above all the highest forage production, both in green material (15,80 t.FV"ha" cut) as in dried one (33,38 t.MS'“ha'l year). In the second cut was achieved the best basal cover (86,55%) and aerial (95,42%) as well the largest production in green forage (15,92 t.ha'lcut), and in dry matter (33,70t.MS'lha'l year). The economical analysis registered the highest profitability with the 30 t.ha'“ of charcoal cost-benefit of$ 1,63.lt’s recommended to apply in Medicago sativa 30 t.ha" of charcoal, because with it a larger amount of green forage by cut was obtained and improved the soil quality, which will guarantee to obtain economic returns that benefit the agricultural and livestock producers.En la provincia de Chimborazo (Ecuador), cantón Riobamba, barrio San Pedro de las Abras, se realizó el estudio de restauración ecológica del suelo mediante la aplicación de diferentes niveles de carbón vegetal (10, 20, y 30 t.ha-1) y se evaluó su efecto en la producción forrajera de alfalfa Medicago sativa, bajo un Diseño de Bloques Completamente al Azar. Los resultados superiores se obtuvieron al aplicar 30 t.ha-1 de carbón vegetal, así: en el primer corte se alcanzó el menor tiempo de ocurrencia a la floración (40,50 días), la mayor cobertura basal (39,35 %), la mayor cobertura aérea (86,0%), la mejor altura (87,98 cm), el mayor número de hojas por tallo (103,45) y, sobre todo, la mayor producción en forraje, tanto en materia verde (15,80 tFVha-1corte) como en seca(33,38 tMSha-1año), y en el segundo corte se alcanzó la mejor cobertura basal (86,55%)y aérea (95,42%), así como la mayor producción en forraje verde (15,92 t.ha-1corte) y en materia seca (33,70 t.ha-1 año). El análisis económico registró la mayor rentabilidad con30 t.ha-1 de carbón vegetal con un beneficio-costo de 1,63. Se recomienda aplicar en Medicago sativa, 30 t.ha-1 de carbón vegetal, por cuanto con esa cifra se obtuvo mayor cantidad de forraje verde por corte y se mejoró la calidad del suelo, lo que garantizará obtener rentabilidades económicas que beneficien a los productores y ganaderos, además de mejorar la calidad de los suelos

    Estudio De Caso: Turismo Comunitario. Nivel De Satisfacción del visitante Sumak Kawsay, Provincia de Chimborazo - Ecuador

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    Ecuador is the country with the most widely diversified land mass per square mile in the whole world. It has countless live ecosystems and cultures, and it contains 11% of the world’s biodiversity. These conditions have resulted to the development of the most interesting touristic activities. The province of Chimborazo is located at the very center of the Inter-Andean Highway and is known as the “Province of the Tall Peaks.” The tallest of which is the volcano Mt. Chimborazo with a height of 6,310 mts (20,700 ft.). It, however, gave its name to the province itself. The train that runs down through the center of Ecuador to the Devil’s Nose Mountain makes the province optimum for touristic activity. The small city of Calpi is one of the best known historic areas of Riobamba County. This is because in its interior, there are a lot of natural attractions for tourists. The community which is known as “The Royal Palace” tries to conserve its natural resources as well as to preserve its natural identity. During the past few years, this community has developed a lot of touristic activity since the Plan for Touristic Development is being organized for that zone. Tourism is being considered as an activity for the productive development that will augment and strengthen the local economy

    Rentabilidad Y Sostenibilidad Económica, Ambiental Y Social En Áreas Protegidas Aseguradas A Través Del Modelo De Gestión Estudio De Caso: Refugios Carrel YWhymper Reserva Chimborazo

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    This research is aimed to evaluate the management model for the operation of the shelters Carrel and Whymper within La Reserva de Produccion de Fauna Chimborazo (RPFCH – acronym in Spanish for this protected area) through the design and implementation of an evaluation matrix. This matrix tool is specifically designed to evaluate management models and operations of tourist services in protected areas. The model integrates three criteria that have to do with social, economic and environmental sustainability. The matrix has been designed based on four components: 1) The sustainability indicators created by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL – acronym in Spanish), 2) A corporate social responsibility approach, 3) The global criteria of sustainable tourism and 4) A guide to good practices of sustainable tourism. These matrix components were adapted to the conditions of the tourist services offered at the Carrel and Whymper shelters. The evaluation detected that the current management model meets only 40% of the evaluation indicators sustainability criteria, which demonstrates a poor sustainability model. Based on this review, a new management approach is suggested under the eco-efficient shelters model. This ensures that the investors not only reach economic profitability, but also they obtain longterm environmental and social sustainability. This model not only establishes parameters that allow for investors to make the appropriate economic and management decisions, but also establishes policies that ensure the conservation of protected area