1,857 research outputs found

    Positivity of Riesz Functionals and Solutions of Quadratic and Quartic Moment Problems

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    We employ positivity of Riesz functionals to establish representing measures (or approximate representing measures) for truncated multivariate moment sequences. For a truncated moment sequence yy, we show that yy lies in the closure of truncated moment sequences admitting representing measures supported in a prescribed closed set K \subseteq \re^n if and only if the associated Riesz functional LyL_y is KK-positive. For a determining set KK, we prove that if LyL_y is strictly KK-positive, then yy admits a representing measure supported in KK. As a consequence, we are able to solve the truncated KK-moment problem of degree kk in the cases: (i) (n,k)=(2,4)(n,k)=(2,4) and K=\re^2; (ii) n≥1n\geq 1, k=2k=2, and KK is defined by one quadratic equality or inequality. In particular, these results solve the truncated moment problem in the remaining open cases of Hilbert's theorem on sums of squares.Comment: 27 page

    Truncated K-moment problems in several variables

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    Let β≡β(2n)\beta\equiv\beta^{(2n)} be an N-dimensional real multi-sequence of degree 2n, with associated moment matrix M(n)≡M(n)(β)\mathcal{M}(n)\equiv \mathcal{M}(n)(\beta), and let r:=rankM(n)r:=rank \mathcal{M}(n). We prove that if M(n)\mathcal{M}(n) is positive semidefinite and admits a rank-preserving moment matrix extension M(n+1)\mathcal{M}(n+1), then M(n+1)\mathcal{M}(n+1) has a unique representing measure \mu, which is r-atomic, with supp \muequalto equal to \mathcal{V}(\mathcal{M}(n+1)),thealgebraicvarietyof, the algebraic variety of \mathcal{M}(n+1).Further,βhasanr−atomic(minimal)representingmeasuresupportedinasemi−algebraicset. Further, \beta has an r-atomic (minimal) representing measure supported in a semi-algebraic set K_{\mathcal{Q}}subordinatetoafamily subordinate to a family \mathcal{Q}% \equiv\{q_{i}\}_{i=1}^{m}\subseteq\mathbb{R}[t_{1},...,t_{N}]ifandonlyif if and only if \mathcal{M}(n)ispositivesemidefiniteandadmitsarank−preservingextension is positive semidefinite and admits a rank-preserving extension \mathcal{M}(n+1)forwhichtheassociatedlocalizingmatrices for which the associated localizing matrices \mathcal{M}_{q_{i}}(n+[\frac{1+\deg q_{i}}{2}])arepositivesemidefinite are positive semidefinite (1\leq i\leq m);inthiscase,μ(asabove)satisfiessuppμ⊆KQ; in this case, \mu (as above) satisfies supp \mu\subseteq K_{\mathcal{Q}}, and \mu has precisely rank \mathcal{M}(n)-rank \mathcal{M}_{q_{i}}(n+[\frac{1+\deg q_{i}}{2}])atomsin atoms in \mathcal{Z}(q_{i})\equiv {t\in\mathbb{R}^{N}:q_{i}(t)=0},, 1\leq i\leq m$.Comment: 33 pages; to appear in J. Operator Theor

    Positivity and representing measures in the truncated moment problem

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    Let KK denote a nonempty closed subset of Rn\mathbb{R}^{n} and let β≡β(m)={βi}i∈Z+n,∣i∣≤m\beta\equiv \beta^{(m)} = \{\beta_{i}\}_{i\in \mathbb{Z}_{+}^{n}, |i|\le m}, β03˘e0\beta_{0}\u3e0, denote a real nn-dimensional multisequence of finite degree mm. \textit{The Truncated KK-Moment Problem (TKMP)} concerns the existence of a positive Borel measure μ\mu, supported in KK, such that βi=∫Rnxidμ        (i∈Z+n,  ∣i∣≤m). \beta_{i} = \int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}} x^{i}d\mu ~~~~~~~~( i\in \mathbb{Z}_{+}^{n},~~|i|\le m). We describe a number of interrelated techniques for establishing the existence of such \textit{KK-representing measures}. We discuss KK-representing measures arising from \textit{KK-positivity} or \textit{strict K-positivity} of the Riesz functional LβL_{\beta} associated with β\beta; representing measures arising from extensions of moment matrices; Tchakaloff\u27s Theorem and its generalizations and applications to TKMP; representing measures arising from a nonempty \textit{core variety}

    The core variety of a multisequence in the truncated moment problem

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    Let KK denote a nonempty closed subset of Rn\mathbb{R}^{n}, let m=2dm=2d, and let β≡β(m)={βi}i∈Z+n,∣i∣≤m\beta\equiv \beta^{(m)} = \{\beta_{i}\}_{i\in \mathbb{Z}_{+}^{n}, |i|\le m}, β03˘e0\beta_{0}\u3e0, denote a real nn-dimensional multisequence of finite degree mm. %and let KK denote a closed subset of Rn\mathbb{R}^{n}. \textit{ The Truncated KK-Moment Problem} concerns the existence of a positive Borel measure μ\mu, supported in KK, such that βi=∫Rnxidμ        (i∈Z+n,  ∣i∣≤m). \beta_{i} = \int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}} x^{i}d\mu ~~~~~~~~( i\in \mathbb{Z}_{+}^{n},~~|i|\le m). The \textit{core variety} of β\beta, V≡V(β)\mathcal{V} \equiv \mathcal{V}(\beta), is an algebraic variety in Rn\mathbb{R}^{n} that contains the support of any such \textit{KK-representing measure}. In previous work we showed, conversely, that if V\mathcal{V} is a nonempty compact set, or V\mathcal{V} is nonempty and is a determining set for polynomials of degree at most mm (in particular, if V=Rn\mathcal{V}= \mathbb{R}^{n}), then β\beta admits a V\mathcal{V}-representing measure. We describe some additional cases where a nonempty core variety implies the existence of a representing measure

    A note on quasisimilarity of operators

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    Spectral properties of elementary operators

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    A note on non-quasitriangular operators

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