111 research outputs found

    Hypericin and pseudohypericin concentrations of a valuable medicinal plant Hypericum perforatum L. are enhanced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

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    Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John’s-wort, Hypericaceae) is a valuable medicinal plant species cultivated for pharmaceutical purposes. Although the chemical composition and pharmacological activities of H. perforatum have been well studied, no data are available concerning the influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on this important herb. A laboratory experiment was therefore conducted in order to test three AMF inocula on H. perforatum with a view to show whether AMF could influence plant vitality (biomass and photosynthetic activity) and the production of the most valuable secondary metabolites, namely anthraquinone derivatives (hypericin and pseudohypericin) as well as the prenylated phloroglucinol—hyperforin. The following treatments were prepared: (1) control—sterile soil without AMF inoculation, (2) Rhizophagus intraradices (syn. Glomus intraradices), (3) Funneliformis mosseae (syn. Glomus mosseae), and (4) an AMF Mix which contained: Funneliformis constrictum (syn. Glomus constrictum), Funneliformis geosporum (syn. Glomus geosporum), F. mosseae, and R. intraradices. The application of R. intraradices inoculum resulted in the highest mycorrhizal colonization, whereas the lowest values of mycorrhizal parameters were detected in the AMF Mix. There were no statistically significant differences in H. perforatum shoot mass in any of the treatments. However, we found AMF species specificity in the stimulation of H. perforatum photosynthetic activity and the production of secondary metabolites. Inoculation with the AMF Mix resulted in higher photosynthetic performance index (PItotal) values in comparison to all the other treatments. The plants inoculated with R. intraradices and the AMF Mix were characterized by a higher concentration of hypericin and pseudohypericin in the shoots. However, no differences in the content of these metabolites were detected after the application of F. mosseae. In the case of hyperforin, no significant differences were found between the control plants and those inoculated with any of the AMF applied. The enhanced content of anthraquinone derivatives and, at the same time, better plant vitality suggest that the improved production of these metabolites was a result of the positive effect of the applied AMF strains on H. perforatum. This could be due to improved mineral nutrition or to AMF-induced changes in the phytohormonal balance. Our results are promising from the biotechnological point of view, i.e. the future inoculation of H. perforatum with AMF in order to improve the quality of medicinal plant raw material obtained from cultivation

    Estrus cyclicity of spinogenesis: underlying mechanisms

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    Hippocampal spine density varies with the estrus cycle. The cyclic change in estradiol levels in serum was hypothesized to underlie this phenomenon, since treatment of ovariectomized animals with estradiol induced an increase in spine density in hippocampal dendrites of rats, as compared to ovariectomized controls. In contrast, application of estradiol to hippocampal slice cultures did not promote spinogenesis. In addressing this discrepancy, we found that hippocampal neurons themselves are capable of synthesizing estradiol de novo. Estradiol synthesis can be suppressed by aromatase inhibitors and by knock-down of Steroid Acute Regulatory Protein (StAR) and enhanced by substrates of steroidogenesis. Expression of estrogen receptors (ERs) and synaptic proteins, synaptogenesis, and long-term potentiation (LTP) correlated positively with aromatase activity in hippocampal cultures without any difference between genders. All effects due to inhibition of aromatase activity were rescued by application of estradiol to the cultures. Most importantly, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) increased estradiol synthesis dose-dependently via an aromatase-mediated mechanism and consistently increased spine synapse density and spinophilin expression. As a consequence, our data suggest that cyclic fluctuations in spine synapse density result from pulsative release of GnRH from the hypothalamus and its effect on hippocampal estradiol synthesis, rather than from varying levels of serum estradiol. This hypothesis is further supported by higher GnRH receptor (GnRH-R) density in the hippocampus than in the cortex and hypothalamus and the specificity of estrus cyclicity of spinogenesis in the hippocampus, as compared to the cortex

    Does mycorrhization influence herbivore-induced volatile emission in Medicago truncatula?

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    Symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi substantially impacts secondary metabolism and defensive traits of colonised plants. In the present study, we investigated the influence of mycorrhization (Glomus intraradices) on inducible indirect defences against herbivores using the model legume Medicago truncatula. Volatile emission by mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants was measured in reaction to damage inflicted by Spodoptera spp. and compared to the basal levels of volatile emission by plants of two different cultivars. Emitted volatiles were recorded using closed-loop stripping and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The documented volatile patterns were evaluated using multidimensional scaling to visualise patterns and stepwise linear discriminant analysis to distinguish volatile blends of plants with distinct physiological status and genetic background. Volatile blends emitted by different cultivars of M. truncatula prove to be clearly distinct, whereas mycorrhization only slightly influenced herbivore-induced volatile emissions. Still, the observed differences were sufficient to create classification rules to distinguish mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants by the volatiles emitted. Moreover, the effect of mycorrhization turned out to be opposed in the two cultivars examined. Root symbionts thus seem to alter indirect inducible defences of M. truncatula against insect herbivores. The impact of this effect strongly depends on the genetic background of the plant and, hence, in part explains the highly contradictory results on tripartite interactions gathered to date

    Redox activities and ROS, NO and phenylpropanoids production by axenically cultured intact olive seedling roots after interaction with a mycorrhizal or a pathogenic fungus

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    Las raíces de las plántulas de olivo, en cultivo axénico, fueron colocadas alternativamente en contacto con Rhizophagus irregulares (micorrícicos) o con hongos Verticillim dahliae (patógenos). También se incluyeron tratamientos MeJA. Las raíces intactas (generación de anión superóxido, superóxido dismutasa y actividades de peroxidasa) se midieron en las actividades in vivo del apoplasto. Todos nuestros resultados mostraron que las actividades redox apoplásticas de raíces de las plántulas intactas en contacto con el hongo micorriza compatible fueron claramente atenuados en comparación con el hongo patógeno o tratado con MeJA, incluso en las primeras etapas usadas en el tratamiento. Los fenoles totales, flavonoides y glucósidos fenilpropanoides, también fueron cuantificados. Las raíces en contacto con el hongo micorriza no mejoraron la biosíntesis de compuestos fenólicos con respecto a los controles, mientras que los de contacto con el patógeno mejoraron de forma significativa la biosíntesis de todas las fracciones fenólicas medidas. Las especies reactivas del oxígeno y la acumulación de óxido nítrico en las raíces fueron examinadas por microscopía de fluorescencia. Todos ellas presentaron una acumulación mucho mayor en las raíces en contacto con el patógeno que con el hongo micorriza. En total, estos resultados indican que las raíces de las plántulas intactas de olivo, claramente diferenciadas entre micorrizas y hongos patógenos, atenuan las reacciones de defensa contra la primera para facilitar su creación, mientras que induce una reacción de defensa fuerte y sostenida contra el segundo. Ambas especies reactivas de oxígeno y nitrógeno parecían estar involucrados en estas respuestas desde los primeros momentos de contacto. Sin embargo, se necesitan más investigaciones para aclarar la diafonía propuesta entre ellos y sus respectivas funciones en estas respuestas ya que las imágenes de fluorescencia de las raíces revelaron que las especies reactivas del oxígeno se acumulan principalmente en el apoplasto (congruente con las actividades redox medidas en este compartimento), mientras el óxido nítrico se almacena principalmente en el citosol.Roots of intact olive seedlings, axenically cultured, were alternatively placed in contact with Rhizophagus irregularis (mycorrhizal) or Verticillim dahliae (pathogenic) fungi. MeJA treatments were also included. In vivo redox activities in the apoplast of the intact roots (anion superoxide generation, superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities) were measured. All our results showed that apoplastic redox activities of intact seedling roots in contact with the compatible mycorrhizal fungus were clearly attenuated in comparison with the pathogenic fungus or treated with MeJA, even at the early stages of treatment used. Total phenolics, flavonoids and phenylpropanoid glycosides were also quantified. Roots in contact with the mycorrhizal fungus did not enhance the biosynthesis of phenolic compounds with respect to controls, while those in contact with the pathogenic one significantly enhanced the biosynthesis of all phenolic fractions measured. Reactive oxygen species and nitric oxid accumulation in roots were examined by fluorescence microscopy. All of them presented much higher accumulation in roots in contact with the pathogenic than with the mycorrhizal fungus. Altogether these results indicate that intact olive seedling roots clearly differentiated between mycorrhizal and pathogenic fungi, attenuating defense reactions against the first to facilitate its establishment, while inducing a strong and sustained defense reaction against the second. Both reactive oxygen and nitrogen species seemed to be involved in these responses from the first moments of contact. However, further investigations are required to clarify the proposed crosstalk between them and their respective roles in these responses since fluorescence images of roots revealed that reactive oxygen species were mainly accumulated in the apoplast (congruently with the measured redox activities in this compartment) while nitric oxid was mainly stored in the cytosol.-- Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyecto CGL2009-12406 -- Junta de Extremadura. Proyecto PRI09A023peerReviewe

    Crocins with high levels of sugar conjugation contribute to the yellow colours of early-spring flowering

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    Crocus sativus is the source of saffron spice, the processed stigma which accumulates glucosylated apocarotenoids known as crocins. Crocins are found in the stigmas of other Crocuses, determining the colourations observed from pale yellow to dark red. By contrast, tepals in Crocus species display a wider diversity of colours which range from purple, blue, yellow to white. In this study, we investigated whether the contribution of crocins to colour extends from stigmas to the tepals of yellow Crocus species. Tepals from seven species were analysed by UPLC-PDA and ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS revealing for the first time the presence of highly glucosylated crocins in this tissue. beta-carotene was found to be the precursor of these crocins and some of them were found to contain rhamnose, never before reported. When crocin profiles from tepals were compared with those from stigmas, clear differences were found, including the presence of new apocarotenoids in stigmas. Furthermore, each species showed a characteristic profile which was not correlated with the phylogenetic relationship among species. While gene expression analysis in tepals of genes involved in carotenoid metabolism showed that phytoene synthase was a key enzyme in apocarotenoid biosynthesis in tepals. Expression of a crocetin glucosyltransferase, previously identified in saffron, was detected in all the samples. The presence of crocins in tepals is compatible with the role of chromophores to attract pollinators. The identification of tepals as new sources of crocins is of special interest given their wide range of applications in medicine, cosmetics and colouring industries.The laboratory is supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (BIO2009-07803) and participates in the IBERCAROT network (112RT0445). Dr. Ahrazem was funded by FPCYTA through the INCRECYT Programme. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Rubio-Moraga, A.; Ahrazem, O.; Rambla Nebot, JL.; Granell Richart, A.; Gómez Gómez, L. (2013). Crocins with high levels of sugar conjugation contribute to the yellow colours of early-spring flowering. PLoS ONE. 8(9):71946-71946. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0071946S719467194689Auldridge, M. E., McCarty, D. R., & Klee, H. J. (2006). Plant carotenoid cleavage oxygenases and their apocarotenoid products. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 9(3), 315-321. doi:10.1016/j.pbi.2006.03.005AKIYAMA, K. (2007). Chemical Identification and Functional Analysis of Apocarotenoids Involved in the Development of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 71(6), 1405-1414. doi:10.1271/bbb.70023Lendzemo, V. W., Kuyper, T. W., Matusova, R., Bouwmeester, H. J., & Ast, A. V. (2007). 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