322 research outputs found

    A model of interacting Navier-Stokes singularities

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    We introduce a model of interacting singularities of Navier-Stokes, named pin\,cons. They follow a Hamiltonian dynamics, obtained by the condition that the velocity field around these singularities obeys locally Navier-Stokes equations. This model can be seen of a generalization of the vorton model of Novikov, that was derived for the Euler equations. When immersed in a regular field, the pin\,cons are further transported and sheared by the regular field, while applying a stress onto the regular field, that becomes dominant at a scale that is smaller than the Kolmogorov length. We apply this model to compute the motion of a dipole of pin\,cons. When the initial relative orientation of the dipole is inside the interval (0, pi/2), a dipole made of pin\,con of same intensity exhibits a transient collapse stage, following a scaling with dipole radius tending to 0 like (tc - t) power 0.63. For long time, the dynamics of the dipole is however repulsive, with both components running away from each other to infinity.Comment: 24 pages 13 figure


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    Salah satu pelayanan kesehatan yang bekerja sama dengan BPJS kesehatan adalah rumah sakit yang merupakan fasilitas kesehatan tingkat lanjut. Rumah sakit menjadi bagian dari pelaksana program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) yang harus dijamin oleh BPJS Kesehatan, tujuan utamanya menyediakan layanan kesehatan berkualitas. Sudah bukan rahasia umum lagi masalah yang sering dihadapi pasien adalah rumah sakit belum mampu memberikan pelayanan yang benar-benar diharapkan pasien. Padahal saat itu kondisi pasien sedang sakit dan membutuhkan pelayanan yang maksimal. Ada banyak faktor mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi salah satunya adalah pelayanan yang diberikan di rumah sakit masih kurang berkualitas, sehingga belum dapat mengahasilan pelayanan yang diharapkan oleh pasien. Beberapa pasien masih ada yang belum memahami sistim rujukan yang telah ditetapkan oleh BPJS Kesehatan. Begitu juga dengan pasien yang mengeluh biaya kesehatan yang dulu seluruhnya terinci saat masih berupa PT. Jamsostek, sekarang banyak yang tidak terinci saat sudah berubah menjadi BPJS Kesehatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik yang digunakan dalam pengambilan sampel adalah menggunakan teknik sampel accidental. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam dengan kajian secara deskriptif, untuk mengkaji kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan pasien rawat jalan peserta BPJS Kesehatan pada RSU FK-UKI Jakarta. Data yang diperoleh adalah data primer hasil wawancara dengan responden yang terdiri dari dokter, pasien rawat jalan peserta dan petugas BPJS Kesehatan. Hasil kajian penelitian menunjukan bahwa yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pasien pendaftaran lancar, waktu tunggu, pelayanan cepat, ramah, sopan, ketrampilan dan perawatan petugas medis bagus, profesional, ruangan bersih, fasilitas lengkap. Sebaliknya hal-hal yang mempengaruhi ketidak puasan pasien, antara lain antrian lama, belum ada pengeras suara, nada petugas medis agak tinggi dan kurang ramah,dokter tidak tepat waktu, waktu tunggu lama, ruangan kurang luas, tidak ada lift, jarak antar poli terlalu dekat, obat tidak lengkap di apotek. Kepuasan pasien sesuai dengan teori SERVQUAL (Parasuraman dan Zeithml, 1990). Hambatannya yaitu ruangan dan fasilitas, waktu tunggu lama, antrian pasien manual, dan tata cara sistem rujukan. Solusinya ruangan agar lebih luas, ruang tunggu lebih nyaman, adan pengeras suara, memperbarui antrian pasien dengan ITI. Tetap melakukan survey hal-hal yang membuat pasien puas dan yang kurang puas, melakukan perbaikan ruangan serta melengkapi fasilitas terutama diruang rawat inap kelas I, II, dan III agar pasien lebih nyaman ketika dalam perawata

    Southern Blight (Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.) of Cowpea: Genetic Characterization of Two Sources of Resistance

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    Field studies were conducted to characterize the genetic nature of resistance to southern blight (caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.) exhibited by the cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] cultivars Carolina Cream and Brown Crowder and to determine if a genetic relationship exists for this resistance between the two cultivars. Examination of the comparative frequency distributions of the parental and progeny populations of the "Carolina Cream" x "Magnolia Blackeye" and "Brown Crowder" x "Magnolia Blackeye" crosses and the corresponding segregation data indicates that the southern blight resistances exhibited by "Carolina Cream" and "Brown Crowder" are conditioned by single dominant genes. Examination of the segregation data from the parental and progeny populations of the "Carolina Cream" x "Brown Crowder" cross suggests that the two resistance genes are not allelic. The availability of each of the resistance genes in cultivar-type genetic backgrounds should allow for rapid incorporation of southern blight resistance genes into other cowpea cultivars by the application of conventional plant breeding methodologies

    Response of Superovulation by Using FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and Sex Determination of Embryos Using PCR in Pesisir Cows of West Sumatra

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    This study was conducted to determine the response of superovulation by giving 16 ml dosage of FSH hormone to female Pesisir cattle. The estrus schedule of 15 Pesisir cows was set by inserting CIDR (Controlled Internal Drug Release) into the vagina for 12 days. At day 10, all cattles were injected with FSH for three consequent days but with decreasing dosage. On the 3rd day, FSH injection was accompanied by PGF2α injection and CIDR was removed. The detection of estrus was performed at day 13. Natural mating was proceeded after the estrus signs visible. Collection of donor embryos was done on the 6th and 8th day after mating. The variables measured were the response of superovulation, total number of corpus luteum, number of embryos and sex ratio. The results obtained were all Pesisir cows responded to superovulation. The average number of of corpus luteum and embryoes per cow were 5.93±3.17 and -----, respectively, while the total of transferable embryoes were 90, with an average of 6.00 or 61.64%. The sexing of embryoes obtained in this study from 146 embryoes awere 76.03% males (111 embryoes) and 23.97% females (35 embryoes). Based on total of transferable embryoes, there were 51.37% male embryos and 11.28% of females embryos. The result of this study showed that the sex ratio of male embryos was higher than female embryos

    Direct Observation of Plasmon Band Formation and Delocalization in Quasi-Infinite Nanoparticle Chains

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    Chains of metallic nanoparticles sustain strongly confined surface plasmons with relatively low dielectric losses. To exploit these properties in applications,such as waveguides, the fabrication of long chains of low disorder and a thorough understanding of the plasmon-mode properties, such as dispersion relations, are indispensable. Here, we use a wrinkled template for directed self-assembly to assemble chains of gold nanoparticles. With this up-scalable method, chain lengths from two particles (140 nm) to 20 particles (1500 nm) and beyond can be fabricated. Electron energy-loss spectroscopy supported by boundary element simulations, finite-difference time-domain, and a simplified dipole coupling model reveal the evolution of a band of plasmonic waveguide modes from degenerated single-particle modes in detail. In striking difference from plasmonic rod-like structures, the plasmon band is confined in excitation energy, which allows light manipulations below the diffraction limit. The non-degenerated surface plasmon modes show suppressed radiative losses for efficient energy propagation over a distance of 1500 nm

    Anisotropic colloids through non-trivial buckling

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    We present a study on buckling of colloidal particles, including experimental, theoretical and numerical developments. Oil-filled thin shells prepared by emulsion templating show buckling in mixtures of water and ethanol, due to dissolution of the core in the external medium. This leads to conformations with a single depression, either axisymmetric or polygonal depending on the geometrical features of the shells. These conformations could be theoretically and/or numerically reproduced in a model of homogeneous spherical thin shells with bending and stretching elasticity, submitted to an isotropic external pressure.Comment: submitted to EPJ

    Shapes, contact angles, and line tensions of droplets on cylinders

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    Using an interface displacement model we calculate the shapes of nanometer-size liquid droplets on homogeneous cylindrical surfaces. We determine effective contact angles and line tensions, the latter defined as excess free energies per unit length associated with the two contact lines at the ends of the droplet. The dependences of these quantities on the cylinder radius and on the volume of the droplets are analyzed.Comment: 26 pages, RevTeX, 10 Figure