709 research outputs found

    Sum rules for asymptotic form factors in e+e>W+We^+ e^- -> W^+ W^- scattering

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    At very large energies and in SU(2)LU(1)YSU(2)_L\otimes U(1)_Y gauge theories, the trilinear gauge boson vertices relevant for e+eW+We^+e^- \to W^+W^- scattering are related in a simple way to the gauge boson self-energies. We derive these relations, both from the requirement of perturbative unitarity and from the Ward Identities of the theory. Our discussion shows that, in general, it is never possible to neglect vector boson self-energies when computing the form factors which parametrize the e+eW+We^+ e^- \to W^+ W^- helicity amplitudes. The exclusion of the self-energy contributions would lead to estimates of the effects wrong by orders of magnitudes. We propose a simple way of including the self-energy contributions in an appropriate definition of the form factors.Comment: 16 pages, latex file, 2 eps figures, need epsfig.st

    Two-loop electroweak top corrections: are they under control?

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    The assumption that two-loop top corrections are well approximated by the O(Gmu2mt4)O(G_mu^2 mt^4) contribution is investigated. It is shown that in the case of the ratio neutral-to-charged current amplitudes at zero momentum transfer the O(Gmu2mt2MZ2)O(G_mu^2 mt^2 M_Z^2) terms are numerically comparable to the mt4m_t^4 contribution for realistic values of the top mass. An estimate of the theoretical error due to unknown two-loop top effect is presented for a few observables of LEP interest.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX using equations, doublespace, cite macros. Hard copies of the paper including one figure are available from [email protected]

    Mapping metals at high redshift with far-infrared lines

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    Cosmic metal enrichment is one of the key physical processes regulating galaxy formation and the evolution of the intergalactic medium (IGM). However, determining the metal content of the most distant galaxies has proven so far almost impossible; also, absorption line experiments at z6z\sim6 become increasingly difficult because of instrumental limitations and the paucity of background quasars. With the advent of ALMA, far-infrared emission lines provide a novel tool to study early metal enrichment. Among these, the [CII] line at 157.74 μ\mum is the most luminous line emitted by the interstellar medium of galaxies. It can also resonant scatter CMB photons inducing characteristic intensity fluctuations (ΔI/ICMB\Delta I/I_{CMB}) near the peak of the CMB spectrum, thus allowing to probe the low-density IGM. We compute both [CII] galaxy emission and metal-induced CMB fluctuations at z6z\sim 6 by using Adaptive Mesh Refinement cosmological hydrodynamical simulations and produce mock observations to be directly compared with ALMA BAND6 data (νobs272\nu_{obs}\sim 272 GHz). The [CII] line flux is correlated with MUVM_{UV} as log(Fpeak/μJy)=27.2052.253MUV0.038MUV2\log(F_{peak}/\mu{\rm Jy})=-27.205-2.253\,M_{UV}-0.038\,M_{UV}^2. Such relation is in very good agreement with recent ALMA observations (e.g. Maiolino et al. 2015; Capak et al. 2015) of MUV<20M_{UV}<-20 galaxies. We predict that a MUV=19M_{UV}=-19 (MUV=18M_{UV}=-18) galaxy can be detected at 4σ4\sigma in 40\simeq40 (2000) hours, respectively. CMB resonant scattering can produce ±0.1μ\simeq\pm 0.1\,\muJy/beam emission/absorptions features that are very challenging to be detected with current facilities. The best strategy to detect these signals consists in the stacking of deep ALMA observations pointing fields with known MUV19M_{UV}\simeq-19 galaxies. This would allow to simultaneously detect both [CII] emission from galactic reionization sources and CMB fluctuations produced by z6z\sim6 metals.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Fermion Virtual Effects in e+e>W+We^+ e^- -> W^+ W^- Cross Section

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    We analyse the contribution of new heavy virtual fermions to the e+eW+We^+e^- \rightarrow W^+W^- cross section. We find that there exists a relevant interplay between trilinear and bilinear oblique corrections. The result strongly depends on the chiral or vector--like nature of the new fermions. As for the chiral case we consider sequential fermions: one obtains substantial deviation from the Standard model prediction, making the effect possibly detectable at s=500\sqrt{s}=500 or 10001000 GeV linear colliders. As an example for the vector--like case we take a SUSY extension with heavy charginos and neutralinos: due to cancellation, the final effect turns out to be negligible.Comment: uuencoded, gz-compressed, tar-ed file. 8 pages, 4 EPS figures, uses EPSFIG.ST

    Predictive Factors of Anxiety, Depression, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Community-Dwelling and Institutionalized Elderly during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 health emergency and restrictive measures have increased psychological problems, particularly anxiety and depression, in the general population. However, little is known about mental health conditions and the possible risk and protective factors of specific population groups, such as institutionalized vs. community-dwelling elderly. We investigated the abovementioned aspects in a sample of 65–89-year-old people during the third wave of COVID-19 in Italy. We employed a sociodemographic survey and four questionnaires on health-related quality of life (SF-36), loneliness (UCLA), spirituality (FACIT-Sp), and anxiety/depression (HADS). Our findings suggest that the physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being of the elderly had not been seriously impaired by the events related to the pandemic, although most of the participants reported a worsening of their social life and a moderate/high fear of COVID-19. In regression analyses, these two latter aspects turned out to be predictors of higher anxiety, while spiritual well-being and the possibility to get out of the house/institution emerged as protective factors against anxiety and for preserving quality of life, respectively. Our findings help refine the picture of the condition of the elderly in the aftermath of the pandemic, giving some hints about how to continue supporting their well-being and quality of life

    The multi-phase winds of Markarian 231: from the hot, nuclear, ultra-fast wind to the galaxy-scale, molecular outflow

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    We present the best sensitivity and angular resolution maps of the molecular disk and outflow of Mrk 231, as traced by CO observations obtained with IRAM/PdBI, and we analyze archival Chandra and NuSTAR observations. We constrain the physical properties of both the molecular disk and outflow, the presence of a highly-ionized ultra-fast nuclear wind, and their connection. The molecular outflow has a size of ~1 kpc, and extends in all directions around the nucleus, being more prominent along the south-west to north-east direction, suggesting a wide-angle biconical geometry. The maximum projected velocity of the outflow is nearly constant out to ~1 kpc, thus implying that the density of the outflowing material decreases from the nucleus outwards as r2r^{-2}. This suggests that either a large part of the gas leaves the flow during its expansion or that the bulk of the outflow has not yet reached out to ~1 kpc, thus implying a limit on its age of ~1 Myr. We find M˙OF=[5001000] M yr1\dot M_{OF}=[ 500-1000]~ M_{\odot}~yr^{-1} and E˙kin,OF=[710]×1043\dot E_{kin,OF}=[7-10]\times 10^{43} erg s1^{-1}. Remarkably, our analysis of the X-ray data reveals a nuclear ultra-fast outflow (UFO) with velocity -20000 km s1^{-1}, M˙UFO=[0.32.1] Myr1\dot M_{UFO}=[0.3- 2.1] ~M_\odot yr^{-1}, and momentum load P˙UFO/P˙rad=[0.21.6]\dot P_{UFO}/\dot P_{rad}=[0.2-1.6].We find E˙kin,UFOE˙kin,OF\dot E_{kin,UFO}\sim \dot E_{kin,OF} as predicted for outflows undergoing an energy conserving expansion. This suggests that most of the UFO kinetic energy is transferred to mechanical energy of the kpc-scale outflow, strongly supporting that the energy released during accretion of matter onto super-massive black holes is the ultimate driver of giant massive outflows. We estimate a momentum boost P˙OF/P˙UFO[3060]\dot P_{OF}/\dot P_{UFO}\approx [30-60]. The ratios E˙kin,UFO/Lbol,AGN=[15]%\dot E_{kin, UFO}/L_{bol,AGN} =[ 1-5]\% and E˙kin,OF/Lbol,AGN=[13]%\dot E_{kin,OF}/L_{bol,AGN} = [1-3]\% agree with the requirements of the most popular models of AGN feedback.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Discrete Flavor Symmetries and Models of Neutrino Mixing

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    We review the application of non abelian discrete groups to the theory of neutrino masses and mixing, which is strongly suggested by the agreement of the Tri-Bimaximal mixing pattern with experiment. After summarizing the motivation and the formalism, we discuss specific models, based on A4, S4 and other finite groups, and their phenomenological implications, including lepton flavor violating processes, leptogenesis and the extension to quarks. In alternative to Tri-Bimaximal mixing the application of discrete flavor symmetries to quark-lepton complementarity and Bimaximal Mixing is also considered.Comment: 54 pages, 3 figures, minor changes in the text and references adde

    Very extended cold gas, star formation and outflows in the halo of a bright QSO at z>6

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    Past observations of QSO host galaxies at z >6 have found cold gas and star formation on compact scales of a few kiloparsecs. We present new high sensitivity IRAM PdBI follow-up observations of the [CII] 158micron emission line and FIR continuum in the host galaxy of SDSS J1148+5152, a luminous QSO at redshift 6.4189. We find that a large fraction of the gas traced by [CII] is at high velocities, up to ~1400 km/s relative to the systemic velocity, confirming the presence of a major quasar-driven outflow indicated by previous observations. The outflow has a complex morphology and reaches a maximum projected radius of ~30 kpc. The extreme spatial extent of the outflow allows us, for the first time in an external galaxy, to estimate mass-loss rate, kinetic power and momentum rate of the outflow as a function of the projected distance from the nucleus and the dynamical time-scale. These trends reveal multiple outflow events during the past 100 Myr, although the bulk of the mass, energy and momentum appear to have been released more recently, within the past ~20 Myr. Surprisingly, we discover that also the quiescent gas at systemic velocity is extremely extended. More specifically, we find that, while 30% of the [CII] within v\in(-200, 200) km/s traces a compact component that is not resolved by our observations, 70% of the [CII] emission in this velocity range is extended, with a projected FWHM size of 17.4+-1.4 kpc. We detect FIR continuum emission associated with both the compact and the extended [CII] components, although the extended FIR emission has a FWHM of 11+-3 kpc, thus smaller than the extended [CII] source. Overall, our results indicate that the cold gas traced by [CII] is distributed up to r~30 kpc. A large fraction of extended [CII] is likely associated with star formation on large scales, but the [CII] source extends well beyond the FIR continuum.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 21 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables (v2: accepted version, discussion expanded in Sect. 3, 4 and in the Appendices, minor changes elsewhere

    LFV and Dipole Moments in Models with A4 Flavour Symmetry

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    It is presented an analysis on lepton flavour violating transitions, leptonic magnetic dipole moments and electric dipole moments in a class of models characterized by the flavour symmetry A4 x Z3 x U(1)_FN, whose choice is motivated by the approximate Tri-Bimaximal mixing observed in neutrino oscillations. A low-energy effective Lagrangian is constructed, where these effects are dominated by dimension six operators, suppressed by the scale M of new physics. All the flavour breaking effects are universally described by the vacuum expectation values of a set of spurions. Two separate cases, a supersymmetric and a general one, are described. An upper limit on the reactor angle of a few percent is concluded.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. Adapted from a talk given at "DISCRETE'08: Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries", December 11-16 2008, Valencia, Spai