513 research outputs found

    Re-designing knowledge production in the Post-Covid-19 era. A task-based approach

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    This paper seeks to single out what micro-level working activities may be more conducive of faster Covid-19 transmission. We do so from an innovation perspective, knowing that knowledge production has an important component rooted in tacit knowledge, whose sharing is heavily based on physical interaction. Specifically, we hypothesize that communication-intense working activities (including those needed to transfer tacit knowledge) may accelerate Covid-19 contagion, and must be re-designed with more urgency and attention than other working activities that apparently may look as dangerous, such as selling or training. We test this empirically employing data from 9 different sources relative to US Metropolitan Statistical Areas, and confirm our hypothesis, eventually elaborating policy and managerial implications for dealing with innovation (and beyond) during the pandemi

    Effect of post-exercise increase in creatine-kinase activity on performance parameters in Standardbred racehorses.

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    In equine sports medicine, the most considered performance parameter is the Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation (OBLA), fixed at 4 mmol/L (Courocè-Malblanc et Hodgson, 2014). Nevertheless, in human medicine several methods to define individual Lactate Threshold (LT) were developed (Faude et al., 2009). Horses with poor performance were reported to have post-exercise creatine-kinase (CK) activity higher than good performer (Fraipont et al., 2011). Aim of the study is to evaluate LTs calculated by different methods in horses with increased post-exercise CK activity.Data from a cohort of Standardbred racehorses that underwent poor performance evaluation, including incremental treadmill test with plasma lactate analysis at different speed steps, were retrospectively collected. A blood sample was collected 6hrs post-exercise and CK activity was evaluated with spectrophotometric method. A case group of 10 horses (3.1±1.0 y.o.) that did not present any other alteration potentially influencing performance than post-exercise CK activity greater than reference value (>735 U/L) was selected (Valli, 2017). An age-matched and sex-matched control group of 10 horses with no alteration potentially influencing performance and normal post-exercise CK activity was selected. Lactate concentrations obtained during treadmill test were analysed with a dedicated sotware (Newell et al., 2009) and LT was determined by the following methods: a)Inflection Point, i.e. the point of intersection between two linear splines, b)Lactate Threshold by logaritmic transformation, c)OBLA and d)Initial Rise of 1 mmol/L post baseline. Values of different LTs from the two groups were compared by means of unpaired t-test.Statistical analysis showed that OBLA was significantly lower (p=0.009) in case group when compared to controls. No differences between the two groups were observed for other LTs values.Results suggest that elevated post-exercise CK activity, consistent with muscular damage, has a negative impact on performance. Moreover, OBLA seems to be an appropriate parameter for performance profiling in racehorses

    Introducing new technology into italian certified electronic mail: a proposal

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    Over the last decade, an increasing number of Certified E-Mail systems (CEM) have been implemented in Europe and worldwide, but their diffusion and validity are mainly restricted in a national arena. Despite the effort of European Union (EU) that recently defined a specification for guaranteeing interoperability of CEM systems between Member States, its adoption has not be not yet fuelled, mainly since any CEM system receives a legal value by its State legislation. It is difficult to extend the legal value of CEM security mechanisms, e.g. receipts with timestamps which are considered evidences and legal proofs in disputes that may arise from different Parties inside a State, unless a common political and legal agreement will be created. At this aim, recently EU introduce the new Regulation on Electronic Identification and Trust Services (eIDAS), to address this issue. We believe that the first step for encouraging a more large adoption between communities is to implement CEMs using standard worldwide recognized solutions.In this paper we propose a technical evolution of the Italian CEM, called Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC) moving from a close mechanisms to the adoption of a more standardized, distributed solution, based on DNS Security Extensions (DNSSec). This proposal would have a minimal impact on the legislation, restricted to the annex that defines PEC technical rules.

    Assessment of pulmonary vascular smooth muscle remodeling in severe equine asthma

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    Severe equine asthma (SEA) is characterized by reversible airway obstruction and hypoxemia. Pulmonary hypoxic vasoconstriction occurs during SEA exacerbation, inducing pulmonary hypertension (PH). However, PH is only partially reversed by oxygen administration, and other etiological factors are uninvestigated (Dixon 1978). In rodent asthma models, airway inflammation is associated with pulmonary artery (PA) remodeling (Rydell-Tormanen, Uller et al. 2009), that could contribute to PH, as known in human chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Barbera, Peinado et al. 2003). We investigated the presence of PA remodeling in SEA, the involvement of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) alterations and their reversibility following long-term antigen avoidance or inhaled corticosteroids. Using histomorphometry, the PA wall was measured on sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin saffron, collected post-mortem from different lung regions of 12 asthmatic horses and 6 controls. Pulmonary vascular smooth muscle (VSM) mass was measured on sections stained for α-smooth muscle actin collected with in vivo thoracoscopy or post-mortem peripheral lung biopsy from 5 controls, 6 asthmatic horses in remission, and 11 asthmatic horses while exacerbation and after 1 year of antigen avoidance alone (5 horses) or treatment with fluticasone (6 horses). Data were compared using unpaired t test with Welch correction or paired t test (p<0.05). PA wall surface percentage was increased in apical (p=0.003) and caudo-dorsal (p=0.03) lung regions (respectively 50,66±13,16% and 50,56±15,02) of asthmatic horses, when compared to controls (respectively 35,38±7,06% and 38,13±10,18). Similarly, VSM mass percentage was increased (p=0.03) in asthmatic horses (47,77±3,17%), compared to controls (41,07±6,22%). A tendency for normalization of the VSM mass was observed after treatment with antigen avoidance (p=0.05; 39,64±4,02%), but not with fluticasone (p=0.27; 45,35±14,98%). Remodeling of the PA occurs in SEA and the increase in VSM could lead to lumen narrowing and enhance hypoxic vasoconstriction, contributing to PH during exacerbation. VSM mass normalization is more effectively obtained by antigen avoidance than by corticosteroids

    Connecting the dots in the zona incerta: A study of neural assemblies and motifs of inter-area coordination in mice

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    The zona incerta (ZI), a subthalamic area connected to numerous brain regions, has raised clinical interest because its stimulation alleviates the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. To explore its coordinative nature, we studied the assembly formation in a dataset of neural recordings in mice and quantified the degree of functional coordination of ZI with other 24 brain areas. We found that the ZI is a highly integrative area. The analysis in terms of “loop-like” motifs, directional assemblies composed of three neurons spanning two areas, has revealed reciprocal functional interactions with reentrant signals that, in most cases, start and end with the activation of ZI units. In support of its proposed integrative role, we found that almost one-third of the ZI’s neurons formed assemblies with more than half of the other recorded areas and that loop-like assemblies may stand out as hyper-integrative motifs compared to other types of activation patterns

    Use of Thermography Techniques in Equines: Principles and Applications

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    none7noThis review of the use of thermographic technique in equines introduces the principles upon which infrared radiation and thermoregulatory physiology are based and describes the instrumentation used and its practical use. The advantage of this imaging technique is that it is a noninvasive thermographic examination, both from an operational (the animal and the operator) and health (no penetrating radiation is used) standpoint. Advantages and disadvantages of this technique, equine applications, and physiological assessments are discussed.openVeronica, Redaelli; Domenico, Bergero; Enrica, Zucca; Francesco, Ferrucci; Leonardo Nanni Costa, ; Lorenzo, Crosta; Fabio, LuziVeronica, Redaelli; Domenico, Bergero; Enrica, Zucca; Francesco, Ferrucci; Leonardo Nanni Costa, ; Lorenzo, Crosta; Fabio, Luz

    The Neuroanatomy of the Reticular Nucleus Locus Coeruleus in Alzheimer's Disease.

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    Alzheimer's Disease (AD) features the accumulation of β-amyloid and Tau aggregates, which deposit as extracellular plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), respectively. Neuronal Tau aggregates may appear early in life, in the absence of clinical symptoms. This occurs in the brainstem reticular formation and mostly within Locus Coeruleus (LC), which is consistently affected during AD. LC is the main source of forebrain norepinephrine (NE) and it modulates a variety of functions including sleep-waking cycle, alertness, synaptic plasticity, and memory. The iso-dendritic nature of LC neurons allows their axons to spread NE throughout the whole forebrain. Likewise, a prion-like hypothesis suggests that Tau aggregates may travel along LC axons to reach out cortical neurons. Despite this timing is compatible with cross-sectional studies, there is no actual evidence for a causal relationship between these events. In the present mini-review, we dedicate special emphasis to those various mechanisms that may link degeneration of LC neurons to the onset of AD pathology. This includes the hypothesis that a damage to LC neurons contributes to the onset of dementia due to a loss of neuroprotective effects or, even the chance that, LC degenerates independently from cortical pathology. At the same time, since LC neurons are lost in a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders we considered which molecular mechanism may render these brainstem neurons so vulnerable

    Plastic changes in the spinal cord in motor neuron disease.

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    In the present paper, we analyze the cell number within lamina X at the end stage of disease in a G93A mouse model of ALS; the effects induced by lithium; the stem-cell like phenotype of lamina X cells during ALS; the differentiation of these cells towards either a glial or neuronal phenotype. In summary we found that G93A mouse model of ALS produces an increase in lamina X cells which is further augmented by lithium administration. In the absence of lithium these nestin positive stem-like cells preferentially differentiate into glia (GFAP positive), while in the presence of lithium these cells differentiate towards a neuronlike phenotype (III-tubulin, NeuN, and calbindin-D28K positive). These effects of lithium are observed concomitantly with attenuation in disease progression and are reminiscent of neurogenetic effects induced by lithiumin the subependymal ventricular zone of the hippocampus

    Self-administration of omalizumab: why not? A literature review and expert opinion

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    Introduction: Omalizumab is used to treat severe uncontrolled allergic asthma and chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU), and is approved for self-administration in prefilled syringes. It is thus important to understand the advantages, critical issues, and indications for home administration.Areas covered: The present review summarizes the available evidence on home administration of omalizumab in asthma and CSU to illustrate the advantages derived from self-administration of patients in this setting.Expert opinion: The available data suggest that patients can safely administer biologics at home with suitable training, and that home administration is time saving and cost-effective. The majority of patients with severe asthma or CSU treated with omalizumab are likely to be suitable candidates for self-administration, which can be proposed to anyone that the clinician deems suitable. In addition to clinicians, pharmacists can also play a key role in managing patients who are prescribed home administration. A practical flow chart is proposed on selection of patients and their management during home administration. Self-administration of biologics can be considered as a valid alternative to traditional injections in a clinical setting, and the evidence has shown that no major issues need to be overcome in terms of safety or efficacy
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