220 research outputs found

    Transport of positrons in the interstellar medium

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    This work investigates some aspects of the transport of low-energy positrons in the interstellar medium (ISM). We consider resonance interactions with magnetohydrodynamic waves above the resonance threshold. Below the threshold, collisions take over and deflect positrons in their motion parallel to magnetic-field lines. Using Monte-Carlo simulations, we model the propagation and energy losses of positrons in the different phases of the ISM until they annihilate. We suggest that positrons produced in the disk by an old population of stars, with initial kinetic energies below 1 MeV, and propagating in the spiral magnetic field of the disk, can probably not penetrate the Galactic bulge.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the proceeding of the 6th INTEGRAL worksho

    Magnetic Flux Expulsion in the Powerful Superbubble Explosions and the Alpha-Omega Dynamo

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    The possibility of the magnetic flux expulsion from the Galaxy in the superbubble (SB) explosions, important for the Alpha-Omega dynamo, is considered. Special emphasis is put on the investigation of the downsliding of the matter from the top of the shell formed by the SB explosion which is able to influence the kinematics of the shell. It is shown that either Galactic gravity or the development of the Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities in the shell limit the SB expansion, thus, making impossible magnetic flux expulsion. The effect of the cosmic rays in the shell on the sliding is considered and it is shown that it is negligible compared to Galactic gravity. Thus, the question of possible mechanism of flux expulsion in the Alpha-Omega dynamo remains open.Comment: MNRAS, in press, 11 pages, 9 figure

    Biermann Mechanism in Primordial Supernova Remnant and Seed Magnetic Fields

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    We study generation of magnetic fields by the Biermann mechanism in the pair-instability supernovae explosions of first stars. The Biermann mechanism produces magnetic fields in the shocked region between the bubble and interstellar medium (ISM), even if magnetic fields are absent initially. We perform a series of two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations with the Biermann term and estimate the amplitude and total energy of the produced magnetic fields. We find that magnetic fields with amplitude 10−14−10−1710^{-14}-10^{-17} G are generated inside the bubble, though the amount of magnetic fields generated depend on specific values of initial conditions. This corresponds to magnetic fields of 1028−103110^{28}-10^{31} erg per each supernova remnant, which is strong enough to be the seed magnetic field for galactic and/or interstellar dynamo.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    The 511 keV emission from positron annihilation in the Galaxy

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    The first gamma-ray line originating from outside the solar system that was ever detected is the 511 keV emission from positron annihilation in the Galaxy. Despite 30 years of intense theoretical and observational investigation, the main sources of positrons have not been identified up to now. Observations in the 1990's with OSSE/CGRO showed that the emission is strongly concentrated towards the Galactic bulge. In the 2000's, the SPI instrument aboard ESA's INTEGRAL gamma-ray observatory allowed scientists to measure that emission across the entire Galaxy, revealing that the bulge/disk luminosity ratio is larger than observed in any other wavelength. This mapping prompted a number of novel explanations, including rather "exotic ones (e.g. dark matter annihilation). However, conventional astrophysical sources, like type Ia supernovae, microquasars or X-ray binaries, are still plausible candidates for a large fraction of the observed total 511 keV emission of the bulge. A closer study of the subject reveals new layers of complexity, since positrons may propagate far away from their production sites, making it difficult to infer the underlying source distribution from the observed map of 511 keV emission. However, contrary to the rather well understood propagation of high energy (>GeV) particles of Galactic cosmic rays, understanding the propagation of low energy (~MeV) positrons in the turbulent, magnetized interstellar medium, still remains a formidable challenge. We review the spectral and imaging properties of the observed 511 keV emission and we critically discuss candidate positron sources and models of positron propagation in the Galaxy.Comment: 62 pages, 35 figures. Review paper to appear in Reviews of Modern Physic

    The spatial energy spectrum of magnetic fields in our Galaxy

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    Interstellar magnetic fields exist over a broad range of spatial scales, extending from the large Galactic scales (∌10\sim 10 kpc) down to the very small dissipative scales (â‰Ș1\ll 1 pc). In this paper, we use a set of 490 pulsars distributed over roughly one third of the Galactic disk out to a radius R≃10R \simeq 10 kpc (assuming R⊙=8.5R_\odot = 8.5 kpc) and combine their observed rotation and dispersion measures with their estimated distances to derive the spatial energy spectrum of the Galactic interstellar magnetic field over the scale range 0.5−150.5 - 15 kpc. We obtain a nearly flat spectrum, with a 1D power-law index α=−0.37±0.10\alpha=-0.37\pm0.10 for EB(k)=CkαE_{\rm B}(k)=C k^{\alpha} and an rms field strength of approximately 6ÎŒ6 \muG over the relevant scales. Our study complements the derivation of the magnetic energy spectrum over the scale range 0.03−1000.03 - 100 pc by \citet{ms96b}, showing that the magnetic spectrum becomes flatter at larger scales. This observational result is discussed in the framework of current theoretical and numerical models.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, ApJ accepte

    The Evolution of Adiabatic Supernova Remnants in a Turbulent, Magnetized Medium

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    (Abridged) We present the results of three dimensional calculations for the MHD evolution of an adiabatic supernova remnant in both a uniform and turbulent interstellar medium using the RIEMANN framework of Balsara. In the uniform case, which contains an initially uniform magnetic field, the density structure of the shell remains largely spherical, while the magnetic pressure and synchrotron emissivity are enhanced along the plane perpendicular to the field direction. This produces a bilateral or barrel-type morphology in synchrotron emission for certain viewing angles. We then consider a case with a turbulent external medium as in Balsara & Pouquet, characterized by vA(rms)/cs=2v_{A}(rms)/c_{s}=2. Several important changes are found. First, despite the presence of a uniform field, the overall synchrotron emissivity becomes approximately spherically symmetric, on the whole, but is extremely patchy and time-variable, with flickering on the order of a few computational time steps. We suggest that the time and spatial variability of emission in early phase SNR evolution provides information on the turbulent medium surrounding the remnant. The shock-turbulence interaction is also shown to be a strong source of helicity-generation and, therefore, has important consequences for magnetic field generation. We compare our calculations to the Sedov-phase evolution, and discuss how the emission characteristics of SNR may provide a diagnostic on the nature of turbulence in the pre-supernova environment.Comment: ApJ, in press, 5 color figure

    In Situ Origin of Large Scale Galactic Magnetic Fields Without Kinetic Helicity?

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    The origin and sustenance of large scale galactic magnetic fields has been a long standing and controversial astrophysical problem. Here an alternative to the ``standard'' \a-\Omega mean field dynamo and primordial theories is pursued. The steady supply of supernovae induced turbulence exponentiates the total field energy, providing a significant seed mean field that can be linearly stretched by shear. The observed micro-Gauss fields would be produced primarily within one vertical diffusion time since it is only during this time that linear stretching can compete with diffusion. This approach does not invoke exponential mean field dynamo growth from the helicity \a-effect but does employ turbulent diffusion, which limits the number of large scale reversals. The approach could be of interest if the helicity effect is suppressed independently of the turbulent diffusion. This is an important but presently unresolved issue.Comment: 15 pages TeX, accepted, ApJ

    Spectral analysis of the Galactic e+e- annihilation emission

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    We present a spectral analysis of the e+e- annihilation emission from the Galactic Centre region based on the first year of measurements made with the spectrometer SPI of the INTEGRAL mission. We have found that the annihilation spectrum can be modelled by the sum of a narrow and a broad 511 keV line plus an ortho-Ps continuum. The broad line is detected with a flux of (0.35+/-0.11)e-3 s-1 cm-2. The measured width of 5.4+/-1.2 keV FWHM is in agreement with the expected broadening of 511 keV photons emitted in the annihilation of Ps that are formed by the charge exchange process of slowing down positrons with H atoms. The flux of the narrow line is (0.72+/-0.12)e-3 s-1 cm-2 and its width is 1.3+/-0.4 keV FWHM. The measured ortho-Ps continuum flux yields a fraction of Ps of (96.7+/-2.2)%. To derive in what phase of the interstellar medium positrons annihilate, we have fitted annihilation models calculated for each phase to the data. We have found that 49(+2,-23)% of the annihilation emission comes from the warm neutral phase and 51(+3,-2)% from the warm ionized phase. While we may not exclude that less than 23% of the emission might come from cold gas, we have constrained the fraction of annihilation emission from molecular clouds and hot gas to be less than 8% and 0.5%, respectively. We have compared our knowledge of the interstellar medium in the bulge and the propagation of positrons with our results and found that they are in good agreement if the sources are diffusively distributed and if the initial kinetic energy of positrons is lower than a few MeV. Despite its large filling factor, the lack of annihilation emission from the hot gas is due to its low density, which allows positrons to escape this phase.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted in A&

    Magnetic field structure due to the global velocity field in spiral galaxies

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    We present a set of global, self-consistent N-body/SPH simulations of the dynamic evolution of galactic discs with gas and including magnetic fields. We have implemented a description to follow the evolution of magnetic fields with the ideal induction equation in the SPH part of the Vine code. Results from a direct implementation of the field equations are compared to a representation by Euler potentials, which pose a div(B)-free description, an constraint not fulfilled for the direct implementation. All simulations are compared to an implementation of magnetic fields in the Gadget code which includes also cleaning methods for div(B). Starting with a homogeneous seed field we find that by differential rotation and spiral structure formation of the disc the field is amplified by one order of magnitude within five rotation periods of the disc. The amplification is stronger for higher numerical resolution. Moreover, we find a tight connection of the magnetic field structure to the density pattern of the galaxy in our simulations, with the magnetic field lines being aligned with the developing spiral pattern of the gas. Our simulations clearly show the importance of non-axisymmetry for the evolution of the magnetic field.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figure
