320 research outputs found

    Preferential oxidation of CO on a La-Co-Ru perovskite-type oxide catalyst

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    A Ru-containing perovskite-type oxide La(Co,Ru)O3 of nominal composition LaCo0.8Ru0.2O3 was prepared by ultrasonic spray combustion and tested for the preferential oxidation of CO (PROX). EXAFS indicated that Ru adopted the coordination environment of Co in LaCoO3 while Co was present as LaCoO3 and Co3O4. PROX activity was replaced by CO hydrogenation activity above 250 °C. Short oxidation at 500 °C between temperature programmed reaction ramps did not restore the initial La(Co,Ru)O3 structure but generated a catalyst with improved PROX activity compared to the initial La(Co,Ru)O3. Under reductive PROX conditions the material experienced structural changes that improved its overall catalytic activity only if the catalyst was oxidized after each temperature programmed ramp.Spanish Ministry of Research (Project CTQ2014-60524-R)University of Seville for a scholarship for R.P. and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)(Project nr. 200021_159568

    Inclusión del alumnado con Síndrome de Down en el área de Educación Física a través del trabajo de la coordinación y equilibrio

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    En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se ha elaborado una investigación teórica sobre el Síndrome de Down, el área de Educación Física, la coordinación y el equilibrio, en el cual se realiza un enfoque conceptual para ver la evolución de las terminologías y los tipos de discapacidades que hay. También, se detallan los antecedentes históricos donde se explica el surgimiento de este síndrome hasta el día de hoy, y se explican los diferentes tipos de alteraciones cromosómicas que se puede exhibir. Además, se definen algunas características más significativas del desarrollo evolutivo que exteriorizan los sujetos con este síndrome dentro de los cuatro ámbitos del desarrollo. Por otro lado, se detalla la importancia de la inclusión en el área de Educación Física, y se mencionan unos beneficios que tiene la actividad física para las personas con esta anomalía. Además, se desarrolla una intervención educativa en la cual se establecen unas pautas para trabajar con estos alumnos. Asimismo, se especifican las capacidades perceptivo-motrices y posteriormente se hace más hincapié en los aspectos relacionados con la coordinación y con el equilibrio puntualizando con los diferentes tipos que presentan. Finalmente, se ha realizado una propuesta de intervención compuesta por cinco sesiones con el fin de llegar a incluir en el área de Educación Física al alumnado con Síndrome de Down para poder realizar unas actividades dinámicas con sus compañeros de la clase. A través de estas actividades se especificará más en los aspectos relacionados con la coordinación y con el equilibrioEn aquest Treball Fi de Grau s’ha elaborat una investigació teòrica sobre el Síndrome de Down, l’àrea d’Educació Física, la coordinació i l’equilibri, en el qual es realitza un enfocament conceptual per poder veure l’evolució de les terminologies i els tipus de discapacitats que hi ha. També, es detallen els antecedents històrics on s’explica el sorgiment d’aquest síndrome fins a dia d’avui, i s’expliquen els diferents tipus d’alteracions cromosòmiques que poden exhibir. A més, es defineixen algunes característiques més significatives del creixement evolutiu que exterioritzen aquestes persones que presenten aquest síndrome dins dels quatre àmbits del desenvolupament. D’altra banda, es detalla la importància de la inclusió en l’àrea d’Educació Física, i s’esmenten uns beneficis que té l’activitat física per a les persones amb aquesta anomalia. A més, es desenvolupa una intervenció educativa en la qual s’estableixen unes pautes per a treballar amb aquests alumnes. Així mateix, s’especifiquen les capacitats perceptiu-motrius i posteriorment es fa més èmfasi en els aspectes relacionats amb la coordinació i amb l’equilibri puntualitzant en els diferents tipus que presenten. Finalment, s’ha realitzat una proposta d’intervenció composta per cinc sessions per tal d’arribar a incloure en l’àrea d’Educació Física a l’alumnat amb Síndrome de Down per poder realitzar unes activitats dinàmiques amb els seus companys de la classe. A través, d’aquestes activitats s’especificarà més en els aspectes relacionats amb la coordinació i amb el equilibri.In this End of Grade Work, a theoretical investigation has been developed on Down Syndrome, particularly the area of Physical Education, coordination and balance, in which a conceptual approach is carried out to look at the evolution of terminologies and types of disabilities. It also shows the historical antecedents by detailing the emergence of this syndrome to the present day and the different types of chromosomal alterations which can be exhibited. In addition, some more significant characteristics of the evolutionary development which are presented by the person with this syndrome within the four areas of development are clearly defined. On the other hand, the importance of inclusion in the area of Physical Education is detailed, and some benefits that physical activity has for people with this anomaly are mentioned. In addition, an educational intervention is developed in which guidelines are established to work with these students. Likewise, the perceptual-motor capacities are specified and later more emphasis will be placed on aspects related to coordination and balance, specifying the different types they present. Finally, an intervention proposal consisting of six sessions has been made in order to include students with Down Syndrome in the area of Physical Education in order to carry out dynamic activities with their classmates. Through these activities more will be specified in the aspects related to coordination and balance.Educació

    La inclusión del alumnado con Síndrome de Down dentro de la psicomotricidad gruesa en Educación Infantil

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    En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se ha realizado un estudio teórico sobre el Síndrome de Down y la motricidad gruesa, en el cual se presenta una aproximación conceptual que da lugar al paso de las terminologías y a los cuatro tipos de discapacidades, también se muestran los antecedentes históricos donde se explica el surgimiento de este síndrome hasta la actualidad, viendo los diferentes tipos de alteraciones cromosómicas que se puede exteriorizar. Además, se detallan algunas características del desarrollo evolutivo que presentan los sujetos con este síndrome dentro de los cuatro ámbitos del desarrollo. Por otro lado, se presentan algunas teorías generales sobre la conducta motriz y el desarrollo humano, se explica el crecimiento y el desarrollo infantil desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años y se profundiza en el concepto de las habilidades motrices. Asimismo, se presentan aspectos importantes acerca del juego, de la actividad física relacionada con el Síndrome de Down y algunas pautas significativas para poder plantear las actividades adecuadamente. Finalmente, se ha realizado una propuesta de intervención con el fin de llegar a incluir dentro del aula de psicomotricidad al alumnado con Síndrome de Down ya que trabajaban de manera aislada con respecto a los alumnos que trabajan en el aula ordinaria. Por lo tanto, se vio la necesidad de crear una propuesta de intervención para poder ayudar a esas niñas para que pudiesen desarrollar las habilidades motrices básicas mediante unas actividades más dinámicas que se realizarían conjuntamente con todos sus compañeros del aula.Es aquest Treball Fi de Grau s’ha realitzat un estudi teòric sobre el Síndrome de Down i la motricitat gruixuda, en el qual es presenta una aproximació conceptual que dona lloc al pas de les terminologies i als quatre tipus de discapacitats, també es mostren els antecedents històrics on s’explica el sorgiment d’aquest síndrome fins a l’actualitat, veient els diferents tipus d’alteracions cromosòmiques que es pot exterioritzar. A més, es detallen algunes característiques del desenvolupament evolutiu que presenten els subjectes amb aquest síndrome dins dels quatre àmbits del desenvolupament. D’altra banda, es presenten algunes teories generals sobre la conducta motriu i el desenvolupaments humà, s’explica el creixement i el desenvolupament infantil des del naixement fins als 6 anys i s’aprofundeix en el concepte de les habilitats motrius. Així mateix, es presenten aspectes importants sobre el joc, de l’activitat física relacionada amb el Síndrome de Down i algunes pautes significatives per a poder plantejar les activitats adequadament. Finalment, s’ha realitzat una proposta d’intervenció amb la finalitat d’arribar a incloure dins de l’aula de psicomotricitat al alumnat amb Síndrome de Down ja que treballaven de manera aïllada respecte als alumnes que treballaven a l’aula ordinària. Per tant, es va veure la necessitat de crear una proposta d’intervenció per a poder ajudar a aquelles xiquetes perquè pogueren desenvolupar les habilitats motrius bàsiques mitjançant unes activitats més dinàmiques que es realitzarien conjuntament amb tots els seus companys de l’aula.In this End of Grade Work a theoretical study has been conducted on Down syndrome and gross motor skills, presenting a conceptual approach that leads to the passage of terminologies and the four types of disabilities. It also shows the historical antecedents by explaining the emergence of this syndrome to the present day, seeing the different types of chromosomal alterations which can be externalized. In addition, some characteristics of the evolutionary development which are presented by the person with this syndrome within the four areas of development are detailed. On the other hand, there are some general theories about motor behavior and human development, it explains the growth and development of children from birth to age 6 and deepens the concept of motor skills. There are also important aspects about the game, about the physical activity related to Down syndrome and some significant guidelines for being able to raise activities appropriately. Finally, a proposal for intervention has been made in order to include in the psychomotricity classroom students with Down syndrome since they have been working in isolation with respect to students who work in the ordinary classroom. Therefore, there was a need to create an intervention proposal in order to help these girls so that they could develop basic motor skills through more dynamic activities that would be carried out together with all his classmates.Educació

    Economic and Humanistic Burden of Moderate and Severe Hemophilia A and B in Spain: Real-World Evidence Insights from the CHESS II Study

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    Background: Hemophilia is a congenital disorder characterized by deficiency or absence of clotting factor VIII in hemophilia A (HA) or clotting factor IX in hemophilia B (HB), resulting in frequent, repeated, and prolonged spontaneous or traumatic bleeding into joints or soft tissue. Severity is classified by the patient’s baseline level of clotting factor activity as mild (>5%-40%), moderate (1%-5%), or severe (<1%). In Spain, there is limited information on the societal economic burden of disease. Objective: To estimate the economic and humanistic burden of disease in adult patients with non-inhibitor moderate and severe HA and HB in Spain. Methods: Spanish data from the CHESS II study (2018-2020) on patients’ clinical characteristics, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and hemophilia-related healthcare resource utilization were analyzed. Economic burden was determined by estimating condition-related annual per-patient direct (medical and nonmedical) and indirect costs, stratified according to hemophilia type and severity and presented as 2022 Euros. HRQoL was assessed via the EQ-5D-5L. Results: Of 341 patients in the Spanish CHESS II cohort, 288 patients met the inclusion criteria: 181 had HA (37% [n = 66] moderate and 63% [n=115] severe) and 107 had HB (26% [n = 28] moderate and 74% [n = 79] severe). Mean annual direct cost was higher in HB than in HA, and higher in severe than in moderate patients, resulting in an annual cost/patient of €17 251 (moderate HA), €17 796 (moderate HB), €116 767 (severe HA) and €206 996 (severe HB). The main direct cost component in all groups except moderate HA was factor replacement therapy. Mean per-patient indirect cost was €4089 (moderate HA), €797 (moderate HB), €8633 (severe HA) and €8049 (severe HB). Finally, the mean total cost (direct and indirect) for moderate and severe patients were €91 017 (HA) and €163 924 (HB). EQ-5D-5L [SD] scores were lower in patients with severe HA (0.77 [0.18]) and severe HB (0.70 [0.22]) compared with patients with moderate HA (0.81 [0.15]) and moderate HB (0.86 [0.17]). Conclusions: Independently of the type of hemophilia, greater condition severity was associated with increased costs and a decrease in HRQoL

    Superiority of the new sex-adjusted models to remove the female disadvantage restoring equity in liver transplant allocation

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    Background and Aims: Model for End-stage Liver Disease (MELD) and MELDNa are used worldwide to guide graft allocation in liver transplantation (LT). Evidence exists that females are penalized in the present allocation systems. Recently, new sex-adjusted scores have been proposed with improved performance respect to MELD and MELDNa. GEMA-Na, MELD 3.0, and sex-adjusted MELDNa were developed to improve the 90-day dropout prediction from the list. The present study aimed at evaluating the accuracy and calibration of these scores in an Italian setting. Methods: The primary outcome of the present study was the dropout from the list up to 90 days because of death or clinical deterioration. We retrospectively analysed data from 855 adults enlisted for liver transplantation in the Lazio region (Italy) (2012–2018). Ninety-day prediction of GEMA-Na, MELD 3.0 and sex-adjusted MELDNa with respect to MELD and MELDNa was analysed. Brier score and Brier Skill score were used for accuracy, and the Greenwood-Nam- D'Agostino test was used to evaluate the calibration of the models. Results: GEMA-Na (concordance = .82, 95% CI = .75–. 89), MELD 3.0 (concordance = .81, 95% CI = .74–. 87) and sex-adjusted MELDNa (concordance = .81, 95% CI = .74–.88) showed the best 90-day dropout prediction. GEMA-Na showed a higher increase in accuracy with respect to MELD (p = .03). No superiority was shown with respect to MELDNa. All the tested scores showed a good calibration of the models. Using GEMA-Na instead of MELD would potentially save one in nine dropouts and could save one dropout per 285 patients listed

    Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay of 130^{130}Te with CUORE-0

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    We report the results of a search for neutrinoless double-beta decay in a 9.8~kg\cdotyr exposure of 130^{130}Te using a bolometric detector array, CUORE-0. The characteristic detector energy resolution and background level in the region of interest are 5.1±0.3 keV5.1\pm 0.3{\rm~keV} FWHM and 0.058±0.004(stat.)±0.002(syst.)0.058 \pm 0.004\,(\mathrm{stat.})\pm 0.002\,(\mathrm{syst.})~counts/(keV\cdotkg\cdotyr), respectively. The median 90%~C.L. lower-limit sensitivity of the experiment is 2.9×1024 yr2.9\times 10^{24}~{\rm yr} and surpasses the sensitivity of previous searches. We find no evidence for neutrinoless double-beta decay of 130^{130}Te and place a Bayesian lower bound on the decay half-life, T1/20ν>T^{0\nu}_{1/2}>~2.7×1024 yr 2.7\times 10^{24}~{\rm yr} at 90%~C.L. Combining CUORE-0 data with the 19.75~kg\cdotyr exposure of 130^{130}Te from the Cuoricino experiment we obtain T1/20ν>4.0×1024 yrT^{0\nu}_{1/2} > 4.0\times 10^{24}~\mathrm{yr} at 90%~C.L.~(Bayesian), the most stringent limit to date on this half-life. Using a range of nuclear matrix element estimates we interpret this as a limit on the effective Majorana neutrino mass, mββ<270m_{\beta\beta}< 270 -- 760 meV760~\mathrm{meV}.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, updated version as published in PR

    Analysis Techniques for the Evaluation of the Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Lifetime in 130^{130}Te with CUORE-0

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    We describe in detail the methods used to obtain the lower bound on the lifetime of neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta) decay in 130^{130}Te and the associated limit on the effective Majorana mass of the neutrino using the CUORE-0 detector. CUORE-0 is a bolometric detector array located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso that was designed to validate the background reduction techniques developed for CUORE, a next-generation experiment scheduled to come online in 2016. CUORE-0 is also a competitive 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay search in its own right and functions as a platform to further develop the analysis tools and procedures to be used in CUORE. These include data collection, event selection and processing, as well as an evaluation of signal efficiency. In particular, we describe the amplitude evaluation, thermal gain stabilization, energy calibration methods, and the analysis event selection used to create our final 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay search spectrum. We define our high level analysis procedures, with emphasis on the new insights gained and challenges encountered. We outline in detail our fitting methods near the hypothesized 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay peak and catalog the main sources of systematic uncertainty. Finally, we derive the 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay half-life limits previously reported for CUORE-0, T1/20ν>2.7×1024T^{0\nu}_{1/2}>2.7\times10^{24} yr, and in combination with the Cuoricino limit, T1/20ν>4.0×1024T^{0\nu}_{1/2}>4.0\times10^{24} yr.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures. (Version 3 reflects only minor changes to the text. Few additional details, no major content changes.

    Measurement of the Two-Neutrino Double Beta Decay Half-life of 130^{130}Te with the CUORE-0 Experiment

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    We report on the measurement of the two-neutrino double beta decay half-life of 130^{130}Te with the CUORE-0 detector. From an exposure of 33.4 kg\cdoty of TeO2_2, the half-life is determined to be T1/22νT_{1/2}^{2\nu} = [8.2 ±\pm 0.2 (stat.) ±\pm 0.6 (syst.)] ×\times 1020^{20}y. This result is obtained after a detailed reconstruction of the sources responsible for the CUORE-0 counting rate, with a specific study of those contributing to the 130^{130}Te neutrinoless double beta decay region of interest.Comment: Corrected typo in section 9: 3.43E5 Bq/kg should have read 3.43E-5 Bq/k