203 research outputs found

    The granites of Galicia used as industrial rock

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    [Resumen] Se han estudiado todos los tipos de rocas graníticas de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia para su utilización como roca industrial: áridos y piedra natural. El mercado de los áridos y la industria de la Piedra Natural son dos subsectores mineros de primer orden, tanto en Galicia como en el resto de España, con producciones globales en granitoides de 10 Mt (millones de toneladas) y un valor anual cercano a los 31.000 Mpts (millones de pesetas) para Galicia. Los tipos litológicos beneficiados son: granitoides inhomogéneos, granitos de dos micas, granitos biot1ticos y ortogneises, cuyas diferencias petrológicas, texturales y mineralógicas van a condicionar su nivel de calidad en uno y otro mercado.[Abstract] We have studied aH the types of granitic rocks of the region of Galicia, for their use as an industrial rock in aggregates and natural stone. The aggregate market and the natural stone industry are very important mining subsection, as much in Galicia as in the rest of Spain, with general granite productions of 10 Mt (millions of tonnes) and 31.000 Mpts (miHions of pesetas) as the annual value in Galicia. The types of mining rocks are: inhomogeneous granite, two mica granite, biotite granite and granite gneiss, whose petrological, textural and mineralogical differences determine their quality level in both uses

    Free-standing hybrid films based on graphene and porous carbon particles for flexible supercapacitors

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    Free-standing flexible solid-state supercapacitors are attracting attention as a power supply for electronic equipment. Here we report a novel strategy to fabricate free-standing flexible hybrid papers made up of porous carbon particles combined with graphene sheets. The synergetic effect between the carbon particles and the graphene sheets entails two important advantages: (a) binder-free electrodes formed by carbon particles can be built with the assistance of the graphene sheets and (b) the restacking of the graphene sheets is avoided to a great extent due to the fact that the carbon particles act as spacers. These hybrid papers combine important properties for their use in solid-state supercapacitors: (a) large specific surface area, (b) good electrical conductivity, (c) high packing density and (d) excellent flexibility. They exhibit a volumetric electrochemical performance which is clearly superior to electrodes fabricated with carbon particles agglomerated with a binder. In addition, they achieve an excellent areal capacitance (103 mF cm−2) at current densities as high as 1400 mA cm−2 and are able to deliver a large amount of energy (∼12 μW h cm−2) at high power densities (316 mW cm−2). In this work, a robust, flexible and high-performance solid-state supercapacitor has been assembled using such hybrid papers.This research work was supported by the FICYT Regional Project (GRUPIN14- 102), and the Spanish MINECO-FEDER (CTQ2015-63552-R).Peer reviewe

    Expectativas de vida de los usuarios del Centro de Inserción Social (CIS) Rafael Salillas de Huesca en base a la experiencia vivida en su proceso.

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado intenta acercarse a lo que puede aportar el trabajo social en relación a las expectativas de futuro de los usuarios del Centro de Inserción Social Rafael Salillas de Huesca, con el propósito y objetivo de conocer sobre aquellos aspectos sociales, familiares y personales, entre otros, que resultan más representativos y que afectan, en mayor medida, en la toma de decisiones de los usuarios. Para ello, se hará uso de diferentes métodos de investigación como encuestas y entrevistas, tanto a profesionales como a usuarios del propio centro, con la intención de recabar la información más específica posible en relación al objeto de estudio propuesto inicialmente, sirviéndonos de teoría y legislación relacionada con el ámbito de actuación.<br /

    Observational Constraints on the HD 5980 Wind-Wind Collision

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    Se presentan observaciones recientes del sistema m´ultiple HD 5980 ubicado en la Nube Menor de Magallanes que se complementan con los resultados de observaciones efectuadas desde los a˜nos 1950s. Encontramos que la componente Star A, que actualmente posee el espectro dominante tipo Wolf-Rayet, siempre ha sido la estrella con el viento m´as intenso. Las variaciones en los perfiles de l´ıneas en emisi´on se explican con una combinaci´on de los siguientes procesos: eclipses atmosf´ericos, emisi´on y absorci´on proveniente de la zona de interacci´on de los vientos, y ocultamiento de regiones de esta misma zona. Las observaciones de 2017-2020 indican un incremento en el nivel de actividad comparado con los a˜nos 2010-2015.Analysis of spectral line profile variations observed over 6 decades in the WolfRayet system HD 5980 lead to the conclusion that Star A, the variable member of the system, has always dominated the wind collision zone (WCZ), contrary to suggestions that before 1994 the stronger wind belonged to its close companion, Star B. The observed variations are caused by a combination of physical occultations, wind eclipses and emission and absorption originating in the WCZ. The effects caused by the leading WCZ branch, which folds around Star B, are clearly seen as it crosses our line of sight to Star A during the secondary eclipse. These effects can inform on the WCZ velocity and density structures. We speculate that differences in line profiles at the same orbital phase but at different epochs may be linked to changes in the WCZ radiative properties. The 2017-2020 spectra indicate that HD 5980 was in a higher activity state than during 2010-2015.Fil: Koenigsberger, G.. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Instituto de Astronomia; MéxicoFil: Morrell, Nidia. Observatorio Las Campanas, Carnegie Institution; ChileFil: John Hillier, D.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Schmutz, Werner. No especifíca;Fil: Gamen, Roberto Claudio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Arias, Julia Inés. Universidad de La Serena; ChileFil: Barbá, Rodolfo. Universidad de La Serena; ChileFil: Ferrero, Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; Argentin

    Access to wine experts' long-term memory to decipher an ill-defined sensory concept: The case of green red wine

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    The present study aims to understand an ill-defined sensory concept by a long-term memory-based strategy with Spanish winemakers from four wine regions using "green wine" as a case study. A total of 77 Spanish winemakers from four Spanish wine regions carried out a non-tasting free description task. The description task yielded terms belonging to two main categories including origin-related terms as well as sensory terms. Sensory terms belonged to aroma, taste, trigeminal, colour, multimodal and hedonic subcategories, which elucidates the multidimensionality of the studied concept. The most cited specific terms were "vegetal aroma", "bitter"and "unpleasant". Despite these commonalities, a certain idiosyncrasy linked to taste ("excessive sourness") and trigeminal ("astringency") subcategories as well as to wine components ("tannins") was evidenced as they were cited distinctly by experts belonging to separate wine regions. The capacity of approaches based on long-term memory to decipher multidimensional and ill-defined concepts is highlighted. The regional effect is also explained in terms of cognitive processes (i.e., knowledge and experience), which is linked to the use of sensory concepts by wine experts

    Fall risk detection mechanism in the elderly, based on electromyographic signals, through the use of artificial intelligence

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    Introduction: The tests used to classify older adults at risk of falls are questioned in literature. Tools from the field of artificial intelligence are an alternative to classify older adults more precisely. Objective: To identify the risk of falls in the elderly through electromyographic signals of the lower limb, using tools from the field of artificial intelligence. Methods: A descriptive study design was used. The unit of analysis was made up of 32 older adults (16 with and 16 without risk of falls). The electrical activity of the lower limb muscles was recorded during the functional walking gesture. The cycles obtained were divided into training and validation sets, and then from the amplitude variable, select attributes using the Weka software. Finally, the Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier was implemented. Results: A classifier of two classes (elderly adults with and without risk of falls) based on SVM was built, whose performance was: Kappa index 0.97 (almost perfect agreement strength), sensitivity 97%, specificity 100%. Conclusions: The SVM artificial intelligence technique applied to the analysis of lower limb electromyographic signals during walking can be considered a precision tool of diagnostic, monitoring and follow-up for older adults with and without risk of falls