3 research outputs found
Anà lisi de l’HMG-CoA reductasa d’Arabidopsis thaliana: implicació en la morfogènesi del reticle endoplasmà tic
[cat] L’enzim 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutaril CoA reductasa o HMGR catalitza la reacció irreversible de reducció del HMG-CoA a mevalonat. Aquesta molècula, el mevalonat, es el primer intermediari especÃfic de la ruta del mevalonat, una de les dues rutes biosintètiques de la sÃntesi de compostos isoprenoides en plantes.
Els isoprenoides, també anomenats terpenoides, son un grup de molècules molt diversificat, no nomes pel que respecta a la seva funció, sinó també en estructura. A les plantes, s’han descrit mes de 29000 isoprenoides, amb funcions que van des de la formació i manteniment dels teixits fins a l’adaptació al medi.
L’HMGR has estat objecte d’una gran quantitat d’estudis a llevats I animals, I s’ha descrit com el pas limitant pel que fa a la ruta de sÃntesi de colesterol. En aquests dos tipus d’organisme, el control sobre l’activitat de l’HMGR es molt complex, incloent diversos mecanismes de regulació com ara fosforilació, proteòlisi regulada o control transcripcional. En plantes, es conegut que l’HMGR es l’enzim que catalitza el pas limitant en la biosÃntesi d’isoprenoides de la ruta del MVA.
Al genoma d’Arabidopsis thaliana, trobem dos gens que codifiquen per tres isoformes diferents de l’HMGR. Les dues isoformes codificades al gen HMG1, difereixen entre elles únicament en una regió extra de 50 aminoà cids a la zona N-terminal de la proteïna, i degut a aquesta diferencia, han estat nominades d’acord amb això. D’aquesta manera trobem HMGR1S o isoforma curta de la proteïna, i HMGR1L o isoforma llarga. Ambdues isoformes es troben localitzades a la membrana del reticle endoplasmà tic (RE) però, mentre HMGR1L es troba present en una distribució uniforme dins la xarxa de túbuls i cisternes d’aquest orgà nul, HMGR1S s’acumula especÃficament en unes vesÃcules associades amb aquesta xarxa. Aquest punt va esser demostrat gracies a la utilització d’un marcador de RE.
Plantes transgèniques transformades amb una construcció quimèrica on el domini catalÃtic de l’HMGR1S ha estat substituït per la proteïna verda fluorescent (GFP) han mostrat que aquestes vesÃcules son especifiques dels cotiledons, i que tenen una morfologia fusiforme. Estructures similars van ser trobades en plantes transgèniques que expressen la proteïna quimèrica GFP-HDEL, un altre marcador de la xarxa de RE. Aquestes vesÃcules van ser nomenades ER-bodies, i se sap que estan implicades en defensa i adaptació al medi ambient. Experiments de colocalització in planta han permès establir que la HMGR es troba present en aqeusts ER-bodies, i per tant aquest enzim podria estar implicat en la morfogènesi del RE o en la sÃntesi d’isoprenoides especÃfics per a defensa.
Anà lisis bioquÃmics d’activitat enzimà tica especifica HMGR en cèl•lules d’Arabidopsis van mostrar que l’activitat es troba disminuïda en situacions d’estres, sigui aquest biòtic o abiòtic, suggerint un reclutament de molecules d’HMGR cap als ER-bodies.
Els nostres resultats suggereixen que, l’HMGR, una proteïna molt estudiada a nivell enzimà tic, presenta una funció paral•lela important per a l’estructuració del RE, que alhora es important enfront la resposta de la planta a estres, sense descartar, però, que al mateix temps l’HMGR podria estar implicada en la creació d’un entorn subcel•lular especÃfic on la captació d’altres proteïnes amb activitat enzimà tica podria portar a la sÃntesi de compostos isoprenoides especÃfics.[eng] "Analysis of HMG-CoA Reductase of Arabidopsis thaliana: implication in the morphogenesis of the endoplasmic reticulum"
The enzyme 3-hydroxi-3-methylglutharyl CoA Reductase or HMGR catalyzes the irreversible reaction of reduction of HMG-CoA to mevalonate, the first specific intermediate product of the mevalonate pathway, one of the two biosynthetic pathways of isoprenoid compounds in plants. Isoprenoid compoundsare a group of molecules with an extreme diversification. In plants, more than 29000 different isoprenoid have been identified, with completely different functions that range from formation and maintenance of tissues to adaptation to the environment.
The HMGR has been extensively studies in yeast and mammals, as it is the limiting step of the synthesis of cholesterol. In plants, it is known that HMGR is also the limiting step in the biosynthesis of isoprenoides of the MVA pathway.
In the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana, there are two genes that encode three different isoforms of HMGR. The two isoforms encoded in HMG1 gene differ only in an N-terminal extra region of 50 amino acids, and they were named according to that: HMGR1S or short, and HMGR1L or long isoform. HMGR1S is accumulated specifically in vesicles associated with it along its network. These vesicles are specific of the cotyledons and have an spin-shaped morphology. Similar structures called ER-bodies, involved in defense and adaptation to the environment have been described. Colocalization experiments in planta have shown that ER-bodies contain HMGR.
Our results suggest that a very well-known metabolic protein, has a parallel function in the structure of the ER, important for the response to stress, without discarding that at the same time HMGR can produce an specific environment by recruiting other metabolic enzymes that lead to specific types of isoprenoid compounds
Multilevel control of arabidopsis 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase by protein phosphatase 2A
Plants synthesize a myriad of isoprenoid products that are required both for essential constitutive processes and for adaptive responses to the environment. The enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR) catalyzes a key regulatory step of the mevalonate pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis and is modulated by many endogenous and external stimuli. In spite of that, no protein factor interacting with and regulating plant HMGR in vivo has been described so far. Here, we report the identification of two B99 regulatory subunits of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), designated B99a and B99b, that interact with HMGR1S and HMGR1L, the major isoforms of Arabidopsis thaliana HMGR. B99a and B99b are Ca2+ binding proteins of the EF-hand type. We show that HMGR transcript, protein, and activity levels are modulated by PP2A in Arabidopsis. When seedlings are transferred to salt-containing medium, B99a and PP2A mediate the decrease and subsequent increase of HMGR activity, which results from a steady rise of HMGR1-encoding transcript levels and an initial sharper reduction of HMGR protein level. In unchallenged plants, PP2A is a posttranslational negative regulator of HMGR activity with the participation of B99b. Our data indicate that PP2A exerts multilevel control on HMGR through the fivemember B99 protein family during normal development and in response to a variety of stress conditions
Multilevel control of arabidopsis 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase by protein phosphatase 2A
Plants synthesize a myriad of isoprenoid products that are required both for essential constitutive processes and for adaptive responses to the environment. The enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR) catalyzes a key regulatory step of the mevalonate pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis and is modulated by many endogenous and external stimuli. In spite of that, no protein factor interacting with and regulating plant HMGR in vivo has been described so far. Here, we report the identification of two B99 regulatory subunits of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), designated B99a and B99b, that interact with HMGR1S and HMGR1L, the major isoforms of Arabidopsis thaliana HMGR. B99a and B99b are Ca2+ binding proteins of the EF-hand type. We show that HMGR transcript, protein, and activity levels are modulated by PP2A in Arabidopsis. When seedlings are transferred to salt-containing medium, B99a and PP2A mediate the decrease and subsequent increase of HMGR activity, which results from a steady rise of HMGR1-encoding transcript levels and an initial sharper reduction of HMGR protein level. In unchallenged plants, PP2A is a posttranslational negative regulator of HMGR activity with the participation of B99b. Our data indicate that PP2A exerts multilevel control on HMGR through the fivemember B99 protein family during normal development and in response to a variety of stress conditions