82 research outputs found

    Universidades y comunicación. Papel de Twitter durante el inicio de la crisis sanitaria de la Covid-19

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    La crisis derivada de la pandemia de la Covid-19 ha afectado, entre otros colectivos, a las universidades ya que han visto modificadas sus actividades habituales. Al mismo tiempo las redes sociales y en particular Twitter, han experimentado un aumento de su uso. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación consiste en analizar el comportamiento de las universidades españolas en Twitter entre el 1 de enero y 30 de abril de 2020. Se han monitorizado las cuentas corporativas de todas las universidades españolas, se han analizado los key performance indicators (KPIs) más relevantes (compromiso, seguidores, tweets, favoritos y retweets), y se ha analizado el sentimiento de los tweets con mayor impacto. Se propone el modelo “educativos, cooperativos, corporativos y divulgativos” (ECCD) capaz de categorizar el tipo de información emitido por las universidades en situaciones de crisis. Se constata la relevancia de Twitter como canal comunicativo en situaciones críticas, así como el aumento del compromiso de la comunidad digital con las cuentas universitarias. Se ha demostrado cómo la polaridad positiva de los mensajes emitidos por universidades de titularidad privada aumenta en situaciones de crisis. Por último, se han observado diferentes patrones comportamentales en la etapa anterior al Covid-19 y en la etapa de pandemia

    Adrenoleucodistrofia ligada al X: presentación de tres casos. Importancia del diagnóstico precoz

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    X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy is the most common peroxisomal disorder. This disease is caused by a defect in the ABCD1 gen. Saturated very long chain fatty acids are accumulated in serum, adrenal cortex and central nervous system white matter. The clinical spectrum is characterized by progressive neurological dysfunction and adrenal insufficiency with a devastating prognosis. We report a first case of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy with fatal evolution which identified two asymptomatic family members and established a preventive treatment. Although there is no definitive cure, we stress the importance of family study and evaluation of the individual in situation of risk to establish an early preventive treatment and to give in each particular situation suitable professional advice

    Increased Presentation of Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Changes in Age and Month of Type 1 Diabetes at Onset during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain

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    COVID-19; Aparició de la diabetis; Diabetis tipus 1COVID-19; Aparición de diabetes; Diabetes tipo 1COVID-19; Diabetes onset; Type 1diabetesObjective: To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown measures on the presenting characteristics (age at diagnosis, severity, monthly distribution) of newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes in Spanish children. Research Design and Methods: An ambispective observational multicenter study was conducted in nine Spanish tertiary-level hospitals between January 2015 and March 2021. Inclusion criteria: new cases of type 1 diabetes in children (0–14 years) recording age, sex, date of diagnosis, presence of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) at onset, and severity of DKA. Data were compared before and during the pandemic. Results: We registered 1444 new cases of type 1 diabetes in children: 1085 in the pre-pandemic period (2015–2019) and 359 during the pandemic (2020–March 2021). There was a significant increase in the group aged ≤4 years in the pandemic period (chi-squared = 10.986, df 2, p = 0.0041). In 2020–2021, cases of DKA increased significantly by 12% (95% CI: 7.2–20.4%), with a higher percentage of moderate and severe DKA, although this increase was not significant. In 2020, there was a sharp decrease in the number of cases in March, with a progressive increase from May through November, higher than in the same months of the period 2015–2019, highlighting the increase in the number of cases in June, September, and November. The first three months of 2021 showed a different trend to that observed both in the years 2015–2019 and in 2020, with a marked increase in the number of cases. Conclusions: A change in monthly distribution was described, with an increase in DKA at onset of type 1 diabetes. No differences were found in severity, although there were differences in the age distribution, with an increase in the number of cases in children under 4 years of age

    Decreased myocardial Titin expression in chronic alcoholic cardiomyopathy

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    Aims: Cardiomyopathy (CMP) with a reduced ejection fraction develops in a dose-28 dependent manner in one- third of subjects with a long-term history of heavy daily alcohol consumption. Ethanol alters heart transduction signals including excitation- contraction sarcomeric coupling, causing diastolic and systolic left-ventricular (LV) dysfunction. Titin is a giant structural sarcomeric filament macro protein involved in contractile heart function and contributes to cardiac myocyte elastic recoil, a key factor for diastolic LV filling. We evaluated whether titin expression is affected by chronic high-dose ethanol 35 consumption in alcoholic CMP. Methods and Results: We analyzed a total of 30 heart samples from human organ 37 donors: 20 from high alcohol consumers (10 without CMP and 10 with CMP) and 10 healthy controls. Patient evaluation comprised daily and lifetime ethanol consumption, chest X ray, 2-D echocardiography and LV histology. CMP was assessed by functional 40 and histological criteria. Titin activity was evaluated by specific immunohistochemical 41 (IHC) and transcript expression (rtPCR) assays. Titin IHC expression was clearly present in sarcomere areas of myocytes. Compared to healthy donors (82.58±3.36), alcohol consumers showed a significantly lower cardiac titin expression (71.29±3.16; 13.67±3.83% decrease; p=0.04), being significantly lower in alcohol consumers with CMP (62.31±4.18; 24.54±5.06% decrease, p<0.0009), compared to both their counter-parts without CMP (80.27±2.62; 2.80±3.17% decrease 47 vs. controls; p<0.0030 vs. alcoholic CMP). Titin transcript levels confirmed similar patterns of expression

    Premature ventricular contractions in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator cardiac resynchronization therapy device: Results from the UMBRELLA registry

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    BACKGROUND: Premature ventricular contractions (PVC) are known to reduce the percentage of biventricular (BiV) pacing in patients with cardiac resynchronization (CRT), decreasing the clinical response. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of a high PVC burden, as well as therapeutic action (pharmacotherapy, catheter ablation or device programming), in a large CRT implantable-defibrillator (CRT-D) population. METHODS: Patients with a CRT-D device from the UMBRELLA multicenter prospective remote monitoring registry were included. The PVC count was collected from each remote monitoring transmission. Patients were divided into two high (>/=1 transmission >/=200/>/=400 PVC/h, respectively) and one low (all transmissions /=200/>/=400 PVC/h, respectively). The majority of patients in the high PVC groups were not treated (61 [79%] and 32 [74%], respectively. Considering the untreated patients in the high PVC groups, median PVC/h was 199 (interquartile range [IQR]: 196) and 271 (IQR: 330), respectively. The PVC burden (proportion of time with PVC/h >/= 200/>/=400) was 40% (IQR 70) and 29% (IQR 59), respectively. CONCLUSION: A significant proportion of CRT-D patients presented a high PVC count, however, few received treatment. In the untreated patients with a high PVC count, the PVC burden during follow-up varied substantially. Several consecutive recordings of a high PVC count should be warranted before considering therapeutic action such as catheter ablation

    El complejo respiratorio ovino

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    Esta enfermedad es un proceso grave que afecta a corderos e individuos adultos, cuyo origen está en el aparato respiratorio y se caracteriza por ser multifactorial y de etiología plural. Su control es muy complejo y repercute de forma importante en la viabilidad de las explotaciones

    Left atrial geometry and outcome of atrial fibrillation ablation: results from the multicentre LAGO-AF study

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    Aims: Left atrial (LA) remodelling is a key determinant of atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation outcome. Optimal methods to assess this process are scarce. LA sphericity is a shape-based parameter shown to be independently associated to procedural success. In a multicentre study, we aimed to test the feasibility of assessing LA sphericity and evaluate its capability to predict procedural outcomes. Methods and results: This study included consecutive patients undergoing first AF ablation during 2013. A 3D model of the LA chamber, excluding pulmonary veins and LA appendage, was used to quantify LA volume (LAV) and LA sphericity (≥82.1% was considered spherical LA). In total, 243 patients were included across 9 centres (71% men, aged 56 ± 10 years, 44% with hypertension and 76% CHA2DS2-VASc ≤ 1). Most patients had paroxysmal AF (66%) and underwent radiofrequency ablation (60%). Mean LA diameter (LAD), LAV, and LA sphericity were 42 ± 6 mm, 100 ± 33 mL, and 82.6 ± 3.5%, respectively. Adjusted Cox models identified paroxysmal AF [hazard ratio (HR 0.54, P = 0.032)] and LA sphericity (HR 1.87, P = 0.035) as independent predictors for AF recurrence. A combined clinical-imaging score [Left Atrial Geometry and Outcome (LAGO)] including five items (AF phenotype, structural heart disease, CHA2DS2-VASc ≤ 1, LAD, and LA sphericity) classified patients at low (≤2 points) and high risk (≥3 points) of procedural failure (35% vs. 82% recurrence at 3-year follow-up, respectively; HR 3.10, P < 0.001). Conclusion: In this multicentre, real-life cohort, LA sphericity and AF phenotype were the strongest predictors of AF ablation outcome after adjustment for covariates. The LAGO score was easy to implement, identified high risk of procedural failure, and could help select optimal candidates. Clinical Trial Registration Information: NCT02373982 (http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02373982)

    Isolo : a new concept of privacy

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    Isolo es un conjunto de cuatro productos interactivos, diseñados por los estudiantes del Grado de Diseño de EINA, que exploran y aplican el concepto “privacidad”. Los proyectos ofrecen diferentes formas de aislamiento respetando los hábitos de los usuarios y recreando atmósferas de intimidad, desde el individuo hasta el colectivo. Los proyectos presentados son: Köllen Eget es un espacio de trabajo adaptado a los nuevos hábitos de trabajo y al uso de las de las nuevas tecnologías. La interactividad del producto permite reorganizar el espacio y generar un ambiente personalizado, adaptándose a cada usuario gracias a la iluminación, la acústica y la presencia de diferentes elementos móviles. Còdol es un separador de espacios que contempla el contraste entre el vacío y la plenitud. Consigue crear un ambiente privado dentro de un entorno interior y concurrido gracias a su estructura envolvente de paneles móviles con propiedades acústicas y tonalidades suaves. Petal es una silla versátil y adaptable al usuario, inspirada en las formas orgánicas de las flores. En cada lateral hay un panel flexible que permite ser regulado en diferentes posiciones y de esta manera convertirlo en un espacio del almacenamiento personalizado acorde con las necesidades del usuario. Kodama es un panel decorativo, que se presenta como una arboleda de influencia oriental coronada por los elementos más distintivos de todo el conjunto: los asientos, que están colocados aleatoriamente por toda la estructura a disposición del usuario.Isolo és un conjunt de quatre productes interactius, dissenyats pels estudiants del Grau de Disseny d’EINA, que exploren i apliquen el concepte “privacitat”. Els projectes ofereixen diferents formes d’aïllament respectant els hàbits dels usuaris i recreant atmosferes d’intimitat, des de l’individu fins al col·lectiu. Els projectes presentats són: Köllen Eget és un espai de treball adaptat als nous hàbits de treball i a l’ús de les noves tecnologies. La interactivitat del producte permet reorganitzar l’espai i generar un ambient personalitzat, adaptant-se a cada usuari a través de la il·luminació, l’acústica i la presència de diferents elements mòbils. Còdol és un separador d’espais que contempla el contrast entre el buit i el ple. Aconsegueix crear un ambient privat dins d’un entorn interior i concorregut gràcies a la seva estructura envoltant de panells mòbils amb propietats acústiques i tonalitats suaus. Petal és una cadira versàtil i adaptable a l’usuari, inspirada en les formes orgàniques de les flors. A cada lateral hi ha un panell flexible que permet ser regulat en diferents posicions i d’aquesta manera convertir-lo en un espai d’emmagatzematge personalitzat d’acord amb les necessitats de l’usuari. Kodama és un panell decoratiu, que es presenta com una arbreda d’influència oriental, coronada pels elements més distintius de tot el conjunt: els seients, que estan disposats aleatòriament per tota l’estructura a disposició de l’usuari.Isolo is a set of four interactive products, designed by students on the EINA Bachelor’s Degree in Design, that explore and apply the concept of “privacy”. The projects offer different forms of isolation, respecting users’ habits and recreating atmospheres of intimacy, from the individual to the group. The projects presented are: Köllen Eget is a workspace adapted to new working habits and the use of new technologies. The interactivity of the product allows users to reorganise their space and create a personalised ambience, adapting to each user through light, sound and the presence of different mobile elements. Còdol is a space divider that considers the contrast between empty and full. It manages to create a private ambience in an interior and busy environment thanks to its structure, surrounded by moveable panels with sound properties and soft tones. Petal is a versatile chair that is adaptable to the user, inspired by the organic shapes of flowers. On each side is a flexible panel that can be regulated in different positions, so turning it into a personalised storage space in line with your needs. Kodama is a decorative panel displayed as an Oriental-influenced woodland crowned by the most distinctive elements of the entire piece: the seats, which are placed at random throughout the whole structure for use by the user