193 research outputs found

    Dones pioneres en l’àmbit laboral a les Illes Balears

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    Imatges i situacions que avui són quotidianes pel que fa a la incorporació de la dona al món laboral, varen constituir autèntiques fites en un passat no gaire llunyà. En qualsevol societat, i en la nostra també, «trencar motlles, normes o estereotips» és tot un repte i un acte de valentia. Els estereotips tenen una funció vital en la socialització de la persona. Convé recordar que aquests són rígids i presenten una gran resistència al canvi. Trencarlos sempre ha comportat renúncies personals i, fins i tot, de vegades, pagar un cost massa elevat. Per això les dones pioneres són «petites grans heroïnes de la vida quotidiana», però també de l’esdevenir de la història. En aquest succint treball, presentam algunes de les moltes dones que varen ser pioneres a la nostra terra, entorn de la dècada dels vuitanta o els noranta del segle passat, o ja entrat el segle XXI.Imágenes y situaciones que hoy son cotidianas en lo que a la incorporación de la mujer se refiere, constituyeron auténticos hitos en un pasado no muy lejano. En cualquier sociedad, y en la nuestra también, «romper moldes, normas o estereotipos» es todo un reto y un acto de valentía. Los estereotipos tienen una función vital en la socialización de la persona. Conviene recordar que éstos son rígidos y presentan una gran resistencia al cambio. Romperlos siempre ha conllevado renuncias personales e, incluso, a veces, pagar un coste demasiado elevado. Por eso las mujeres pioneras son «pequeñas grandes heroínas de la vida cotidiana», pero también del devenir de la Historia. En este sucinto trabajo, presentamos algunas de las muchas mujeres que fueron pioneras en nuestra tierra, en torno a la década de los ochenta o los noventa del siglo pasado o ya entrado el siglo XXI

    Espais de trobada: emocions, records, història i somnis

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    [cat] Evocar el passat, reviure la història amb set dones extraordinàries és l’essència primordial d’aquest capítol. Uns records que es remunten als últims anys del franquisme, quan ja agonitzava, passen per la transició i arriben a la política i societat actuals. Set dones coherents i compromeses. No podem negar que la realitat és múltiple i diversa i que, sens dubte, cada persona mira l’univers des del seu propi punt de vista. Res és estàtic, sinó un flux, un corrent dinàmic que va teixint l’esdevenir històric.[spa] Evocar el pasado, revivir la historia con siete extraordinarias mujeres es la esencia primordial de este capítulo. Unos recuerdos que se inician en los últimos años del franquismo, cuando éste ya agonizaba, pasando por la transición hasta llegar a la política y sociedad actual. Siete mujeres coherentes y comprometidas. No se puede negar que la realidad es múltiple y diversa y que, sin duda, cada persona mira el universo desde su propio punto de vista. Nada es estático, sino un flujo, una corriente dinámica que va tejiendo el devenir histórico

    Factors influencing the presence of sand flies in Majorca (Balearic Islands, Spain) with special reference to Phlebotomus pernicious, vector of Leishmania infantum

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    Background: Although the Mediterranean island of Majorca is an endemic area of leishmaniosis, there is a lack of up-to-date data on its sand fly fauna, the last report dating from 1989. The aim of the present study was to provide information on the current sand fly distribution, the potential environmental factors favoring the presence of Phlebotomus perniciosus and which areas are at risk of leishmaniosis. Methods: In July 2008 sand fly captures were carried out in Majorca with sticky castor oil interception traps. The capture stations were distributed in 77 grids (5x5 km2) covering the entire island. A total of 1,882 sticky traps were set among 111 stations. The characteristics of the stations were recorded and maps were designed using ArcGIS 9.2 software. The statistical analysis was carried out using a bivariate and multivariate logistic regression model. Results: The sand fly fauna of Majorca is composed of 4 species: Phlebotomus perniciosus, P sergenti, P. papatasi and Sergentomyia minuta. P. perniciosus, responsible for Leishmania infantum transmission, was captured throughout the island (frequency 69.4 %), from 6 to 772 m above sea level. Through logistic regression we estimated the probability of P. perniciosus presence at each sampling site as a function of environmental and meteorological factors. Although in the initial univariate analyses the probability of P. perniciosus presence appeared to be associated with a wide variety of factors, in the multivariate logistic regression model only altitude, settlement, aspect, drainage hole construction, adjacent flora and the proximity of a sheep farm were retained as positive predictors of the distribution of this species. Conclusions: P. perniciosus was present throughout the island, and thereby the risk of leishmaniosis transmission. The probability of finding P. perniciosus was higher at altitudes ranging from 51 to 150 m.a.s.l., with adjacent garrigue shrub vegetation, at the edge of or between settlements, and in proximity to a sheep farm

    Importance of individual analysis of environmental and climatic factors affecting the density of Leishmania vectors living in the same geographical area: the example of Phlebotomus ariasi and P. perniciosus in northeast Spain.

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the role of specific environmental and climatic factors affecting the distribution and density of Phlebotomus ariasi and P. perniciosus, the proven vectors for Leishmania infantum in Spain. An entomological study was carried out in July 2006 in the province of Lleida with sticky traps set in their diurnal resting places at altitudes ranging from 86 to 1,755 m above the mean sea level (339 sites were sampled). Bivariate analysis revealed that factors such as altitude, bioclimatic zone, temperature, precipitation, sampling site (site relative to settlement, site situation, site category), wall vegetation, particular environment (in this case a natural park), general environment, adjacent natural vegetation and land cover were significantly associated with sand fly densities. The multivariate model for P. perniciosus revealed that its density was affected by site and land cover. Specifically, paved driveways correlated negatively with vector density (Incidence Risk Ratio (IRR): 0.41) and arable land cover correlated positively (IRR: 4.59). In the case of P. ariasi, a significant correlation was observed with the altitude and bioclimatic zone, with density increasing at >800 m above the mean sea level (IRR: 3.40) and decreasing in the meso-Mediterranean bioclimatic zone (IRR: 0.08). Both species were mostly found in agricultural and forest areas far from domestic environments. However, the two species correlated differently with altitude, bio-climate, vegetation, temperature and precipitation, which emphasises the importance of their individual analysis in studies regarding risk of leishmaniasis transmission

    Cádmio presente no sangue e a sua relação com o consumo de tabaco numa população de trabalhadores de um hospital

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    Exposure to cadmium is a public health problem due to the broad exposure to this toxic substance among the general population. The main sources of exposure are both tobacco consumption and tobacco smoke.The aim of this study was to determine the blood cadmium concentration in an employee population drawn from our hospital and its association with tobacco consumption.The exposure questionnaire PESA® was administered to 395 employees. Blood cadmium was measured by electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectrometry.The median blood cadmium concentration was 0.29 μg/L. The median cadmium of current smokers (0.83 μg/L) was the highest, while that for ex-smokers (0.31 μg/L) was also higher than that for those who had never smoked. Among the smokers, an association was observed between the concentration of blood cadmium and the number of cigarettes inhaled.The group of ex-smokers showed an association with the number of cigarettes they had consumed and a negative correlation between the elapsed time between quitting smoking and the concentration of blood cadmium.In never smokers, there was a difference between the concentration of cadmium in those who were passive smokers (0.24 μg/L) and those who were not (0.20 μg/L).The concentration of cadmium in blood is related to the tobacco consumption. Further studies are needed to confirm the finding of higher concentrations of cadmium in passive smokers.La exposición de la población general al cadmio es un problema de salud pública, siendo las principales fuentes tanto el consumo de tabaco como la exposición al humo del mismo.El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la concentración de cadmio en sangre en una población laboral hospitalaria y su asociación con el consumo de tabaco.Se administró el cuestionario PESA® a 395 sujetos. El cadmio en sangre se midió por espectrometría de absorción atómica con atomización electrotérmica.La mediana de cadmio en sangre fue 0,29 μg/L. La mediana de cadmio de los fumadores (0,83 μg/L) fue la más elevada y la de los exfumadores (0,31 μg/L) fue a su vez más elevada que la de aquellos que nunca habían fumado (0,21 μg/L). Dentro del grupo de fumadores, se observó una asociación entre la concentración de cadmio y el número de cigarrillos inhalados.En el grupo de exfumadores se observó una asociación con el número de cigarrillos que habían consumido y una correlación negativa entre el tiempo transcurrido desde el abandono del hábito tabáquico y la concentración de cadmio en sangre.Dentro del grupo de los que nunca habían fumado, se observó una diferencia entre la concentración de cadmio de los fumadores pasivos (0,24 μg/L) y los que no lo eran (0,20 μg/L).La concentración de cadmio en sangre se relacionó con el consumo de tabaco. Son necesarios más estudios para confirmar el hallazgo de concentraciones de cadmio más elevadas en los fumadores pasivos.A exposição da população em geral ao cádmio é um problema de saúde pública, sendo as principais fontes o consumo de tabaco e a exposição ambiental ao fumo do mesmo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a concentração de cádmio no sangue numa população de trabalhadores de um hospital e a sua associação com o consumo de tabaco. Aplicou-se um questionário PESA® a 395 indivíduos. O cádmio no sangue mediu-se por espectrometria de absorção atómica com atomização eletrotérmica. A mediana de cádmio no sangue foi 0,29 μg/L. A mediana de cádmio nos fumadores (0,83 μg/L) foi a mais elevada e a dos ex-fumadores (0,31 μg/L) foi superior à dos indivíduos que nunca tinham fumado (0,21 μg/L). Dentro do grupo de fumadores, observou-se uma associação entre a concentração de cádmio e o número de cigarros fumados. No grupo de ex-fumadores observou-se uma associação com o número de cigarros que tinham consumido e uma correlação negativa entre o tempo decorrido desde o abandono do hábito tabágico e a concentração de cádmio no sangue. Dentro do grupo de pessoas que nunca tinham fumado, observou-se uma diferença entre a concentração de cádmio nos fumadores passivos (0,24 μg/L) em relação àqueles que não o eram (0,20 μg/L). A concentração de cádmio no sangue está relacionada com o consumo de tabaco. São necessários mais estudos para confirmar a existência de concentrações mais altas de cádmio no sangue de fumadores passivos

    The daring Bridge Pavillion (Pabellón Puente) over the river Ebro (Expo 2008): affect on river erosion and protection and auscultation requirements

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    El artículo trata del riesgo de erosión fluvial en una pila compleja de gran anchura, construida en el cauce del río Ebro en Zaragoza. Se describe el problema de erosión local en la pila, las características del modelo físico ensayado y los mantos de escollera que consiguen detener la erosión, así como la ejecución y auscultación de esta protección.The paper deals with the risk of scouring at a very wide complex pier built within the channel of Ebro river at Zaragoza (Spain). The main points described in the paper are: the local scour problem, the characteristics of the physical model used and the riprap apron able to stop scouring, as well as the execution and monitoring of this protection.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Identification of blood meals in field captured sand flies by a PCR-RFLP approach based on cytochrome b gene

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    Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease transmitted byphlebotominesand flies. Information about blood meal preferences in sand flies is essential to understand the epidemiology of the diseaseto adopt control measures.In previous studies, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of 359 bp fragment of the conserved gene cytochrome b (cyt b) and further sequencing were applied in the study of blood meal sources in sand flies collected in the area of a leishmaniasis outbreak insouthwest Madrid, Spain, providing significant information about blood meal preferences in the focus. In this work, aPCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism(RFLP)targeting afragment of 359 bpof vertebrate cytbgene was developed. Restriction endonucleasesHaeIII and HinfI generated specific patterns consistent with the blood meal sources found in sandflies. The protocol has been validatedwithtwenty sixengorged females collected in the field with CDC traps.Blood meals from nine vertebrateswere identified based on PCR-cytb and sequencing -human, dog, cat, horse, hare, rabbit, sheep, goat and chicken - and mixed blood meals (sheep/human;sheep/goat) and successfully distinguished byPCR-RFLP. Therefore, thisapproachis anefficient and reliable alternative method to be applied in entomological surveys

    MoS2 photoelectrodes for hydrogen production: Tuning the S-vacancy content in highly homogeneous ultrathin nanocrystals

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    Tuning the electrocatalytic properties of MoS2 layers can be achieved through different paths, such as reducing their thickness, creating edges in the MoS2 flakes, and introducing S-vacancies. We combine these three approaches by growing MoS2 electrodes by using a special salt-assisted chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. This procedure allows the growth of ultrathin MoS2 nanocrystals (1-3 layers thick and a few nanometers wide), as evidenced by atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy. This morphology of the MoS2 layers at the nanoscale induces some specific features in the Raman and photoluminescence spectra compared to exfoliated or microcrystalline MoS2 layers. Moreover, the S-vacancy content in the layers can be tuned during CVD growth by using Ar/H2 mixtures as a carrier gas. Detailed optical microtransmittance and microreflectance spectroscopies, micro-Raman, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements with sub-millimeter spatial resolution show that the obtained samples present an excellent homogeneity over areas in the cm2 range. The electrochemical and photoelectrochemical properties of these MoS2 layers were investigated using electrodes with relatively large areas (0.8 cm2). The prepared MoS2 cathodes show outstanding Faradaic efficiencies as well as long-term stability in acidic solutions. In addition, we demonstrate that there is an optimal number of S-vacancies to improve the electrochemical and photoelectrochemical performances of MoS2PID2021-126098OB-I00, PID2020-116619GA-C22, TED2021-131788A-I00, SI3/PJI/2021-0050

    Chemical vapor deposition growth of boron-carbon-nitrogen layers from methylamine borane thermolysis products

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    This is the Accepted Manuscript version of an article accepted for publication in Nanotechnology. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/aa9c07This work investigates the growth of B-C-N layers by chemical vapor deposition using methylamine borane (MeAB) as the single-source precursor. MeAB has been synthesized and characterized, paying particular attention to the analysis of its thermolysis products, which are the gaseous precursors for B-C-N growth. Samples have been grown on Cu foils and transferred onto different substrates for their morphological, structural, chemical, electronic and optical characterizations. The results of these characterizations indicate a segregation of h-BN and graphene-like (Gr) domains. However, there is an important presence of B and N interactions with C at the Gr borders, and of C interacting at the h-BN-edges, respectively, in the obtained nano-layers. In particular, there is a significant presence of C-N bonds, at Gr/h-BN borders and in the form of N doping of Gr domains. The overall B:C:N contents in the layers is close to 1:3:1.5. A careful analysis of the optical bandgap determination of the obtained B-C-N layers is presented, discussed and compared with previous seminal works with samples of similar compositio

    Different niches for stem cells carrying the same oncogenic driver affect pathogenesis and therapy response in myeloproliferative neoplasms

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    Aging facilitates the expansion of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) carrying clonal hematopoiesis-related somatic mutations and the development of myeloid malignancies, such as myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs). While cooperating mutations can cause transformation, it is unclear whether distinct bone marrow (BM) HSC-niches can influence the growth and therapy response of HSCs carrying the same oncogenic driver. Here we found different BM niches for HSCs in MPN subtypes. JAK-STAT signaling differentially regulates CDC42-dependent HSC polarity, niche interaction and mutant cell expansion. Asymmetric HSC distribution causes differential BM niche remodeling: sinusoidal dilation in polycythemia vera and endosteal niche expansion in essential thrombocythemia. MPN development accelerates in a prematurely aged BM microenvironment, suggesting that the specialized niche can modulate mutant cell expansion. Finally, dissimilar HSC-niche interactions underpin variable clinical response to JAK inhibitor. Therefore, HSC-niche interactions influence the expansion rate and therapy response of cells carrying the same clonal hematopoiesis oncogenic driver
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