376 research outputs found

    Ranking and Extraction of Relevant Single Words in Text

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    Using Covariance as a Similarity Measure for Document Language Identification in Hard Contexts

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: C2P99.Existing Language Identification (LID) approaches achieve 100% precision in most common situations, dealing with sufficiently large documents, written in just one language. However, there are many situations where text language is hard to identify and where current LID approaches do not provide a reliable solution. One such situation occurs when it is necessary to discriminate the correct variant of the language used in a text. In this paper, we present a fully statistics-based LID approach which is shown to be correct for common texts and maintains its robustness when classifying hard LID documents. For that, character sequences were used as base features. The Discriminant Ability of each sequence, in each training situation, is measured and used to filter out less important character sequences. Document similarity measure, based on the covariance concept, was defined. In the training phase, document clusters are built in a reduced k uncorrelated dimensions space. In the classification phase the Quadratic Discriminant Score decides which cluster (language) must be assigned to the documents one needs to classify

    Automatização de sistema de medição múltiplo de ensaio de manómetros analógicos

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    A dissertação em apreço resultou da necessidade em otimizar os recursos técnicos, mas sobretudo humanos, afetos às verificações de instrumentos de medição, no âmbito do Controlo Metrológico Legal. Estas verificações, realizadas nos termos do cumprimento das competências outrora atribuídas à Direção de Serviços da Qualidade da então Direção Regional da Economia do Norte, eram operacionalizadas pela Divisão da Qualidade e Licenciamento, na altura dirigida pelo subscritor da presente tese, nomeadamente no que respeita aos ensaios efetuados, em laboratório, a manómetros analógicos. O objetivo principal do trabalho foi alcançado mediante o desenvolvimento de um automatismo, materializado pela construção de um protótipo, cuja aplicação ao comparador de pressão múltiplo, dantes em utilização, permitiria realizar a leitura da indicação de cada manómetro analógico através de técnicas de processamento de imagem, função esta tradicionalmente efetuada manualmente por um operador especializado. As metodologias de comando, controlo e medição desse automatismo foram realizadas através de um algoritmo implementado no software LabVIEW® da National Intruments, particularmente no que respeita ao referido processamento das imagens adquiridas por uma câmara de vídeo USB. A interface com o hardware foi concretizada recorrendo a um módulo de Aquisição de Dados Multifuncional (DAQ) USB-6212, do mesmo fabricante. Para o posicionamento horizontal e vertical da câmara de vídeo USB, recorreu-se a guias lineares acionadas por motores de passo, sendo que estes dispositivos foram igualmente empregues no acionamento do comparador de pressão. Por último, procedeu-se à aquisição digital da leitura do padrão, recorrendo à respetiva virtualização, bem como a uma aplicação desenvolvida neste projeto, designada appMAN, destinada à gestão global do referido automatismo, nomeadamente no que se refere ao cálculo do resultado da medição, erro e incerteza associada, e emissão dos respetivos documentos comprovativos.This dissertation resulted from the need to optimize the technical and human resources assigned to the measuring instruments verifications who are under the Legal Metrological Control. These verifications, previously under the responsibility of the Direção de Serviços da Qualidade of the Direção Regional da Economia do Norte, were conducted by the Divisão da Qualidade e Licenciamento, at the time directed by the subscriber of this thesis, particularly the tests carried out in the laboratory to analog gauges. The main objective of the work was achieved by the development of an instrumentation system, materialized by a prototype, that allows, through image processing techniques, to automatically read the indication of several analog gauges, inserted in a multiple pressure system. This function is traditionally manually performed by a skilled operator. The implemented methodologies, such as automatic control and measurement, were performed using an algorithm implemented in the National Instruments LabVIEW® software, particularly the processing of the images acquired by an USB video camera. The interface with the hardware was implemented using a multifunction data acquisition module (DAQ) USB-6212, from the same manufacturer. The developed automated xy positioning system for the video camera, uses mechanical guides driven by step motors. Similar mechanisms were employed to actuate the pressure comparator. The required value of the measurement standard was also acquired to the system, using a DAQ module, as well as an application, developed in this project, designated appMAN. This application allows for the management of all process, namely the calculation of the measurement result, error and associated uncertainty, and printing the relevant supporting documents

    Segurança contra incêndio : plano de segurança de um edifício administrativo de muito grande altura

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Civil (Especialização em Construções). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Dois casos de Ankilostomiase

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    Internationalization under strains : The case Portugal Telecom in Brazil from the perspective of its investments, financial performance and returns

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the investments made by Portugal Telecom (PT) in the Brazilian telecommunications sector as well as their financial results. There are a lot of complex and multifaceted questions underlying such an issue, mainly related to the size and characteristics of this particular foreign direct investment operation of a Portuguese company. In light of this, we will try to answer to the following points: which are the financial results achieved by PT in Brazil through its investments? Which is their contribution to the financial health of PT from 1998 to 2009? In our research we take into account the perspective of international business theories, particularly at the early stages of the internationalization process, and that of theoretical institutionalism that gives emphasis to the technical environment, analyzing organizations as efficient if they produce goods or services accepted by the market and, consequently, reach their goals. From a company's financial results it can be deduced whether or not the strategy and objectives defined are consistent with the prospect of success and recognition, in line with the arguments developed by Scott (1991, 1992 and 2008). The main part of the paper is thus concentrated in the analysis of the financial results of PT through several indicators regarding investments, revenues, returns and other related aspects. The study allows the conclusion that despite the hard and complex life of PT in Brazil from 1998 to 2009, positive financial results were obtained and the strategy and objectives defined in the beginning of the process had favorable conditions to be successful

    Technology and special educational needs: let's play “Doing Good Deeds!”

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    “Doing Good Deeds!” is a game directed to children with special needs, in pre and elementary school age that aims to promote the development of social skills in diferente contexts. Structurally, this game has available a set of Avatars that players can choose to represent them. To adapt the game to each child, an administration module was developed, corresponding to the back office of the game, which allows the educator to create or change contexts, difficulty levels and sequences. This module includes also the visualization of the user performance, in particular the duration of each game, the number of attempts with and without success, allowing the educator to analyze the progress of each player.The authors would like to express their acknowledgments to COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013 for the support. The authors are also grateful to the Portuguese Foundation for the Science and Technology (FCT) through the financial support, Pest-OE/CED/UI1661/2014 projects, FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Program – COMPETE.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Visando uma gestão integrada dos resíduos sólidos elaborou-se a PNRS. Entretanto, devido aos poucos avanços desta é necessário utilizar instrumentos tributários para estimular atividades econômicas relacionadas à gestão e ao gerenciamento dos resíduos. Assim, visualiza-se na extrafiscalidade do tributo uma ferramenta de indução para a efetivação da PNRS. O método de pesquisa escolhido foi a Racionalidade Ambiental de Enrique Leff, a técnica de pesquisa empregada foi a documentação por meio indireto. Também se fez uso da pesquisa bibliográfica