90 research outputs found

    Análisis de Habilidades Sociales y Características Funcionales de Adolescentes con Parálisis Cerebral

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever o repertório de adolescentes com paralisia cerebral em relação às habilidades sociais e caracterizar seus níveis de função motora grossa, comunicação e atividades funcionais. Sendo um estudo analítico observacional, participaram 15 adolescentes com paralisia cerebral, cinco com e dez sem fala articulada. Utilizou-se: Formulário de Identificação; Inventário de Habilidades Sociais para Alunos Sem Fala Articulada; Inventário de Habilidades Sociais para Adolescentes; Sistema de Classificação da Função Motora Grossa Ampliado e Revisto; Sistema de Classificação da Função de Comunicação; Inventário de Avaliação Pediátrica de Incapacidade Testagem Computadorizada Adaptativa Versão Brasileira Adaptada. Com análise descritiva quanti/qualitativa, os resultados não indicaram diferença significativa no escore total entre os grupos, porém os participantes apresentam déficits no desenvolvimento. Os adolescentes sem fala articulada são motora e comunicativamente mais comprometidos. Estudos como este podem contribuir para a produção de conhecimentos nas áreas da psicologia, educação especial e Habilidades Sociais.Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir el repertorio de adolescentes con parálisis cerebral en cuanto a las habilidades sociales y caracterizar sus niveles de función motora gruesa, comunicación y actividades funcionales. Este es un estudio observacional analítico, en el cual participaron 15 adolescentes con parálisis cerebral, cinco con lenguaje articulado y diez sin lenguaje articulado. Se utilizaron el formulario de identificación; el Inventario de Habilidades Sociales para Estudiantes sin Lenguaje Articulado; el Inventario de Habilidades Sociales para Adolescentes; el Sistema de Clasificación de la Función Motora Gruesa Ampliado y Revisado; el Sistema de Clasificación de Funciones de Comunicación; el Inventario de Evaluación Pediátrica de Discapacidad Pruebas Adaptativas Computarizadas Versión Brasileña Adaptada. Con base en el análisis descriptivo cuantitativo y cualitativo, los resultados no indicaron una diferencia significativa en el puntaje total entre los grupos, pero los participantes mostraron déficits de desarrollo. Los adolescentes sin lenguaje articulado son los más motores y más comprometidos comunicativamente. Estudios como este pueden contribuir a la producción de conocimiento en las áreas de psicología, educación especial y habilidades sociales.This study aims to describe the repertoire of adolescents with cerebral palsy in relation to social skills and to characterize their levels of gross motor function, communication, and functional activities. As an analytical observational study, 15 adolescents with cerebral palsy participated: five with articulated speech and ten without articulated speech. The instruments used were Identification Form; Social Skills Inventory for Students Without Articulated Speech; Social Skills Inventory for Adolescents; Expanded and Revised Gross Motor Function Classification System; Communication Function Classification System; and Pediatric Evaluation Disability Inventory Computer Adaptive Test – Adapted Brazilian Version. With quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis, the results did not indicate a significant difference in the total score between groups, but the participants showed developmental deficits. Adolescents without articulated speech are more motor and communicatively compromised. Studies like this can contribute to the production of knowledge in the fields of Psychology, Special Education, and Social Skills

    Deficiência, adolescência e habilidades sociais: uma revisão sistemática

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    The present study aims to investigate the production of studies on social skills in adolescents with disabilities. This is a systematic review of the literature. The descriptors used were: disability, social skills and their correspondents in the English language, published between 2015 and 2019. After the selection, 32 articles remained as a sample. A greater number of researches were identified focusing on the theme of Intellectual Disability and Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and positive results in relation to the acquisition, maintenance and generalization of social skills by the researched population.El presente estudio tiene como objetivo investigar la producción de estudios sobre habilidades sociales en adolescentes con discapacidad. Ésta es una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Los descriptores utilizados fueron: discapacidad, habilidades sociales y sus correspondientes en idioma inglés, publicados entre 2015 y 2019. Tras la selección, quedaron como muestra 32 artículos. Se identificaron un mayor número de investigaciones centradas en el tema de Discapacidad Intelectual y Trastorno del Espectro Autista, y resultados positivos en relación a la adquisición, mantenimiento y generalización de habilidades sociales por parte de la población investigadaO presente estudo possui como objetivo investigar a produção de estudos sobre as habilidades sociais em adolescentes com deficiência. Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Os descritores utilizados foram: deficiência, habilidades sociais e seus correspondentes no idioma inglês, publicados entre 2015 e 2019. Após a seleção restaram 32 artigos como amostra. Identificou-se um maior número de pesquisas centradas na temática da Deficiência Intelectual e do Transtorno do Espectro Autista, e resultados positivos em relação a aquisição, manutenção e generalização de habilidades sociais por parte da população pesquisada

    Organic cultivation of yellow passion fruit using tall seedlings with long root systems

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    Studies related to adaptation to the environment and different conditions of water availability contribute to decision-making regarding the management of any crop to be implanted. Accordingly, this work aimed to evaluate the yield and quality of organic yellow passion fruit cultivated in a long root system in dryland conditions. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with five treatments and four replications with four plants each. The treatments consisted of the alteration of the length of the root system, namely: T1 = 25 cm; T2 = 50 cm; T3 = 75 cm; T4 = 100 cm; and T5 = 125 cm. At 120 days after emergence (DAE), the seedlings were transplanted to the field and the following variables were evaluated: plant height (cm) and base diameter (mm) at 120 DAE; total titratable acidity (TTA), total soluble solids (TSS), Ratio (TSS/TTA); and fruit yield. The cultivation of tall seedlings with a long root system provides the maintenance of production during the dry season. The TTA, TSS, and the ratio do not change when modifying the length of the root system, although they do change with the harvest season. The cultivation of passion fruit in an organic system using plants with a long root system with an estimated length of 114 cm provides a higher fruit yield (7,472 kg ha-1) in 22 months of cultivation.Studies related to adaptation to the environment and different conditions of water availability contribute to decision-making regarding the management of any crop to be implanted. Accordingly, this work aimed to evaluate the yield and quality of organic yellow passion fruit cultivated in a long root system in dryland conditions. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with five treatments and four replications with four plants each. The treatments consisted of the alteration of the length of the root system, namely: T1 = 25 cm; T2 = 50 cm; T3 = 75 cm; T4 = 100 cm; and T5 = 125 cm. At 120 days after emergence (DAE), the seedlings were transplanted to the field and the following variables were evaluated: plant height (cm) and base diameter (mm) at 120 DAE; total titratable acidity (TTA), total soluble solids (TSS), Ratio (TSS/TTA); and fruit yield. The cultivation of tall seedlings with a long root system provides the maintenance of production during the dry season. The TTA, TSS, and the ratio do not change when modifying the length of the root system, although they do change with the harvest season. The cultivation of passion fruit in an organic system using plants with a long root system with an estimated length of 114 cm provides a higher fruit yield (7,472 kg ha-1) in 22 months of cultivation

    Potencial de geração de energia elétrica a partir do aproveitamento de resíduos sólidos orgânicos no Brasil / Potential of electricity generation from the use of organic solid waste in Brazil

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    Mais de 50 % do volume de resíduo sólido urbano coletado no Brasil é composto por matéria orgânica, sendo grande parte deste resíduo remetido inadequadamente para aterros e lixões, onde misturados com outros resíduos sólidos promove a emissão do biogás. Esse gás é composto principalmente por metano, um dos gases causadores do efeito estufa, entretanto se coletado, deixa de gerar um impacto ao meio ambiente e pode ser aproveitado para a produção de energia elétrica. Com base nisto, objetivou-se neste trabalho apresentar a ampla capacidade brasileira de gerar energia elétrica de maneira integralmente sustentável através da biodigestão de resíduos sólidos orgânicos alimentares. Para elaboração deste trabalho foi realizada uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura (RSL). A base de dados utilizada foi artigos científicos de periódicos e congressos, internacionais e nacionais; livros; dissertações e fontes relevantes e confiáveis da Internet o mais atual possível. Estudos de vários autores mostraram ser possível o uso de gás hidrogênio produzido do metano gerado em degradação de resíduos orgânicos, como os encontrados em aterros sanitários, para a produção de energia elétrica. Outros autores realizaram estudos em 2011 com a digestão anaeróbia de resíduos sólidos orgânicos em países em desenvolvimento e mostraram que esses resíduos podem gerar biogás para produção de energia. A produção de energias renováveis é uma das formas de aproveitamento de resíduos orgânicos no Brasil, contribuindo ao mesmo tempo para o aumento da matriz energética mundial, redução de lançamentos inadequados no meio ambiente, geração de oportunidades de negócios, renda e trazendo maior desenvolvimento sustentável


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    As habilidades que se relacionam com a inteligência emocional são fundamentais durante o estágio, pois é uma etapa de bastante relevância, uma vez que permite a associação assimilação da teoria à prática. Nesse contexto, a capacidade de lidar com as próprias emoções pode alavancar a experiência estudantil e desenvolver carreiras profissionais de sucesso. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho consiste em analisar os principais domínios da inteligência emocional utilizados pelos estagiários de Secretariado Executivo da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). O estudo foi feito a partir de uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa e de caráter descritivo. A coleta de dados se deu através de um questionário estruturado em quatro etapas. Com intuito de alcançar o objetivo proposto foram abordados graduandos do curso de Secretariado Executivo da UFC atuantes em estágio supervisionado ou não supervisionado no semestre 2016.2. A análise dos dados revelou que os domínios da inteligência emocional possibilitam os estudantes, como futuros secretários executivos, reconhecerem e lidarem com seus próprios sentimentos, gerenciar as emoções, compreender as emoções dos outros e construir uma rede de relacionamentos

    Diferenças no consumo alimentar da população brasileira por raça/cor da pele em 2017–2018

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    OBJECTIVE: Evaluate food consumption in Brazil by race/skin color of the population. METHODS: Food consumption data from the Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF – Household Budget Survey) 2017–2018 were analyzed. Food and culinary preparations were grouped into 31 items, composing three main groups, defined by industrial processing characteristics: 1 – in natura/minimally processed, 2 – processed, and 3 – ultra-processed. The percentage of calories from each group was estimated by categories of race/skin color – White, Black, Mixed-race, Indigenous, and Yellow– using crude and adjusted linear regression for gender, age, schooling, income, macro-region, and area. RESULTS: In the crude analyses, the consumption of in natura/minimally processed foods was lower for Yellow [66.0% (95% Confidence Interval 62.4–69.6)] and White [66.6% (95%CI 66.1–67.1)] groups than for Blacks [69.8% (95%CI 68.9–70.8)] and Mixed-race people [70.2% (95%CI 69.7–70.7)]. Yellow individuals consumed fewer processed foods, with 9.2% of energy (95%CI 7.2–11.1) whereas the other groups consumed approximately 13%. Ultra-processed foods were less consumed by Blacks [16.6% (95%CI 15.6–17.6)] and Mixed-race [16.6% (95%CI 16.2–17.1)], with the highest consumption among White [20.1% (95%CI 19.6–20.6)] and Yellow [24.5% (95%CI 20.0–29.1)] groups. The adjustment of the models reduced the magnitude of the differences between the categories of race/skin color. The difference between Black and Mixed-race individuals from the White ones decreased from 3 percentage points (pp) to 1.2 pp in the consumption of in natura/minimally processed foods and the largest differences remained in the consumption of rice and beans, with a higher percentage in the diet of Black and Mixed-race people. The contribution of processed foods remained approximately 4 pp lower for Yellow individuals. The consumption of ultra-processed products decreased by approximately 2 pp for White and Yellow groups; on the other hand, it increased by 1 pp in the consumption of Black, Mixed-race, and Indigenous peoples. CONCLUSION: Differences in food consumption according to race/skin color were found and are influenced by socioeconomic and demographic conditions.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o consumo alimentar no Brasil por raça/cor da pele da população. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados de consumo alimentar da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares 2017–2018. Alimentos e preparações culinárias foram agrupados em 31 itens, compondo três grupos principais, definidos por características do processamento industrial: 1 – in natura/minimamente processados, 2 – processados e 3 – ultraprocessados. O percentual de calorias de cada grupo foi estimado por categorias de raça/cor da pele – branca, preta, parda, indígena e amarela –, utilizando-se regressão linear bruta e ajustada para sexo, idade, escolaridade, renda, macrorregião e área. RESULTADOS: Nas análises brutas, o consumo de alimentos in natura/minimamente processados foi menor para amarelos [66,0% (Intervalo de Confiança 95% 62,4–69,6)] e brancos [66,6% (IC95% 66,1–67,1)] que para pretos [69,8% (IC95% 68,9–70,8)] e pardos [70,2% (IC95% 69,7–70,7)]. Amarelos consumiram menos alimentos processados, com 9,2% das calorias (IC95% 7,2–11,1) enquanto os demais consumiram aproximadamente 13%. Ultraprocessados foram menos consumidos por pretos [16,6% (IC95% 15,6–17,6)] e pardos [16,6% (IC95% 16,2–17,1)], e o maior consumo ocorreu entre brancos [20,1% (IC95% 19,6–20,6)] e amarelos [24,5% (IC95% 20,0–29,1)]. O ajuste dos modelos reduziu a magnitude das diferenças entre as categorias de raça/cor da pele. A diferença entre pretos e pardos em relação aos brancos diminuiu, de três pontos percentuais (pp), para 1,2 pp no consumo de alimentos in natura/minimamente processados e as maiores diferenças remanescentes foram no consumo de arroz e feijão, com maior percentual na alimentação de pretos e pardos. A participação de alimentos processados permaneceu aproximadamente 4 pp menor para amarelos. O consumo de ultraprocessados diminuiu aproximadamente 2 pp para brancos e amarelos; por outro lado, aumentou 1 pp no consumo de pretos, pardos e indígenas. CONCLUSÃO: Diferenças no consumo alimentar segundo raça/cor da pele foram encontradas e são influenciadas por condições socioeconômicas e demográficas

    Quality of yellow passion fruit as a function of irrigation, artificial pollination, and protected cultivation

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    Passion fruit stands out among the fruit crops of economic expression in Brazil due to the medicinal, cosmetic, and organoleptic properties of its fruits, having great acceptance by consumers. In this scenario, this study aimed to evaluate the physical and chemical quality of organic yellow passion fruit as a function of pollination combined with irrigation and protected cultivation. The experimental design was in randomized blocks arranged in split plots (2 x 2 x 2), with eight treatments and four replications containing four plants per experimental unit. The protected environment was set up on the upper part of each espalier, consisting of a 100μ transparent plastic film used as cover. Irrigation was performed using a micro-sprinkler system, and pollination was either manual or natural (entomophilic). The following parameters were evaluated: soluble solids content; total titratable acidity; ratio of soluble solids to titratable acidity; gross pulp yield; and juice yield. Fruits were also classified according to their physical appearance by counting the number of fruits with slight, severe, or no damage, in addition to the equatorial fruit diameter. These assessments were carried out in two periods: crop season 1 (January to August 2019) and crop season 2 (September 2019 to August 2020). The results revelated that the cultivation system combining rainfed conditions, plastic protection of plants, and artificial pollination produced fruits with larger diameters and more class 5 fruits. Moreover, the cropping systems did not influence the gross pulp yield, juice yield, titratable acidity, soluble solids, and the ratio of soluble solids to titratable acidity.Among the fruit crops of economic expression in Brazil, the passion fruit stands out for the medicinal, cosmetic and organoleptic properties of its fruits, having great acceptance by consumers. Because of this, the objective was to evaluate the physical and chemical quality of yellow passion fruit fruits under organic system as a function of pollination combined with irrigated and protected cultivation. The experimental design was in randomized blocks in divided plots (2 x 2 x 2) with eight treatments and four replications containing four plants per experimental unit. The protected environment was installed on the upper part of each espalier, consisting of a 100  m   transparent additive plastic film as material for the covering. Irrigation was of the micro sprinkler type and manual or natural (entomophilic) pollination. The following were evaluated: soluble solids content; total titratable acidity; ratio; raw pulp yield; juice yield; In the classification of the fruits - the physical appearance was analyzed, counting the amount of fruits that presented light, serious or without damages and the equatorial diameter of the fruits. These assessments were carried out in two periods: crop 1 (January to August 2019) and crop 2 (September 2019 to August 2020). It is concluded that: the cultivation system combining rainfed, plastic protection of plants and artificial pollination produces fruits with larger diameter and larger percentage of fruits in gauge 5; the raw pulp and juice yield, titratable acidity, soluble solids and ratio are not influenced by the cultivation systems

    Organic compost as a conditioner of soils cultivated with yellow passion fruit

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    This research aimed to evaluate the effect of doses of organic compost on the yield and economic profitability of organic yellow passion fruit grown in sandy-loam and clay-loam soils. Two experiments were installed in the field, in different soil types and municipalities in the state of Acre. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with five treatments, four replications, and four plants per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of adding the compost as a replacement for 1/3 of the volume of cylindrical planting holes with 40 cm, 80 cm, 120 cm, 160 cm, and 200 cm, corresponding to the addition of 6.3; 25.1; 56.5; 100.4, and 156.9 liters per planting hole, respectively. The mean fruit mass and the yield of the yellow passion fruit were higher in sandy-loam soil. The total revenue was R4,311.6ha1intheclayeysoilandR 4,311.6 ha-1 in the clayey soil and R 5,841.9 ha-1 in the sandy soil. The total cost was higher in the clayey soil than in sandy soil. Both soils responded in quadratic function with an increase in the cost as the volume of organic compost was increased, ranging from R12,736.00ha1with6.3litersofcompostperholeuptoR 12,736.00 ha-1 with 6.3 liters of compost per hole up to R 26,249.63 ha-1 with 156.9 liters of compost per hole. Net income was negative for all compost volumes in both types of soil, responding linearly, with a reduction in revenue of R80.82ha1withtheadditionofeachliterofcompostinthepitduetothelowyieldcausedbyperiodlongdrought.Thisresearchaimedtoevaluatetheeffectofdosesoforganiccompostontheyieldandeconomicprofitabilityoforganicyellowpassionfruitgrowninsandyloamandclayloamsoils.Twoexperimentswereinstalledinthefield,indifferentsoiltypesandmunicipalitiesinthestateofAcre.Theexperimentaldesignwasinrandomizedblockswithfivetreatments,fourreplications,andfourplantsperexperimentalunit.Thetreatmentsconsistedofaddingthecompostasareplacementfor1/3ofthevolumeofcylindricalplantingholeswith40cm,80cm,120cm,160cm,and200cm,correspondingtotheadditionof6.3;25.1;56.5;100.4,and156.9litersperplantinghole,respectively.Themeanfruitmassandtheyieldoftheyellowpassionfruitwerehigherinsandyloamsoil.ThetotalrevenuewasR 80.82 ha-1 with the addition of each liter of compost in the pit due to the low yield caused by period long drought.This research aimed to evaluate the effect of doses of organic compost on the yield and economic profitability of organic yellow passion fruit grown in sandy-loam and clay-loam soils. Two experiments were installed in the field, in different soil types and municipalities in the state of Acre. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with five treatments, four replications, and four plants per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of adding the compost as a replacement for 1/3 of the volume of cylindrical planting holes with 40 cm, 80 cm, 120 cm, 160 cm, and 200 cm, corresponding to the addition of 6.3; 25.1; 56.5; 100.4, and 156.9 liters per planting hole, respectively. The mean fruit mass and the yield of the yellow passion fruit were higher in sandy-loam soil. The total revenue was R 4,311.6 ha-1 in the clayey soil and R5,841.9ha1inthesandysoil.Thetotalcostwashigherintheclayeysoilthaninsandysoil.Bothsoilsrespondedinquadraticfunctionwithanincreaseinthecostasthevolumeoforganiccompostwasincreased,rangingfromR 5,841.9 ha-1 in the sandy soil. The total cost was higher in the clayey soil than in sandy soil. Both soils responded in quadratic function with an increase in the cost as the volume of organic compost was increased, ranging from R 12,736.00 ha-1 with 6.3 liters of compost per hole up to R26,249.63ha1with156.9litersofcompostperhole.Netincomewasnegativeforallcompostvolumesinbothtypesofsoil,respondinglinearly,withareductioninrevenueofR 26,249.63 ha-1 with 156.9 liters of compost per hole. Net income was negative for all compost volumes in both types of soil, responding linearly, with a reduction in revenue of R 80.82 ha-1 with the addition of each liter of compost in the pit due to the low yield caused by period long drought

    Chemical soil and leaf properties in yellow passion fruit cultivation with organic fertilization

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    The yellow passion fruit presents a high nutritional demand, and successive cultivations in the same area lead the soil to nutritional exhaustion, creating the need for restitution through fertilizers. In the context of organic managements, alternatives must be sought, which, besides improving soil fertility, can increase the contents of soil organic matter. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the effect of organic basal fertilization in passion fruit cultivation on the chemical properties of the soil and nutrient contents of the plant. Two experiments were performed in two rural properties, with soils presenting sandy-loam and clay-loam texture. The experimental design was in randomized blocks (RBD), with 5 treatments and 4 blocks. The treatments consisted of the application of organic compost in different planting hole diameters: 0.4 m; 0.8 m; 1.2 m; 1.6 m, and 2.0 m, and their respective volumes of organic compost: 0.0007 m³; 0.03 m³; 0.06 m³, 0.10 m³; 0.16 m³. The chemical characteristics of the soil and the foliar content of nutrients were evaluated. Soil texture interferes with the effects of organic fertilization. Regardless of the texture, fertilization increases the contents of organic matter and P in the soil. The successive organic cultivation in a sandy-loam soil increases the content of P and provides higher foliar contents of N, P, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Zn, and Na.The yellow passion fruit presents a high nutritional demand, and successive cultivations in the same area lead the soil to nutritional exhaustion, creating the need for restitution through fertilizers. In the context of organic managements, alternatives must be sought, which, besides improving soil fertility, can increase the contents of soil organic matter. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the effect of organic basal fertilization in passion fruit cultivation on the chemical properties of the soil and nutrient contents of the plant. Two experiments were performed in two rural properties, with soils presenting sandy-loam and clay-loam texture. The experimental design was in randomized blocks (RBD), with 5 treatments and 4 blocks. The treatments consisted of the application of organic compost in different planting hole diameters: 0.4 m; 0.8 m; 1.2 m; 1.6 m, and 2.0 m, and their respective volumes of organic compost: 0.0007 m³; 0.03 m³; 0.06 m³, 0.10 m³; 0.16 m³. The chemical characteristics of the soil and the foliar content of nutrients were evaluated. Soil texture interferes with the effects of organic fertilization. Regardless of the texture, fertilization increases the contents of organic matter and P in the soil. The successive organic cultivation in a sandy-loam soil increases the content of P and provides higher foliar contents of N, P, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Zn, and Na


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    Objetivou-se identificar e avaliar os malefícios ambientais causados pelas atividades de extração mineral da Pedra Cariri no município de Nova Olinda, Ceará, e propor propostas de medidas mitigadoras aos impactos da atividade. Este artigo classifica-se como uma pesquisa de campo de caráter exploratório e abordagem qualitativa. O estudo foi realizado na zona rural do município de Nova Olinda, nos sítios Massapê e Pedra Branca na região do Cariri. A avaliação dos impactos ambientais foi baseada no caráter do dano. Com as ferramentas utilizadas foi possível verificar os danos ecológicos causados desde a abertura das frentes de lavra à comercialização do produto final. Os maiores impactos encontrados foram: a poluição ambiental, o uso incorreto dos recursos naturais e destruição de fósseis. Para que haja uma minimização dos impactos ambientais, é preciso realizar treinamentos em gestão ambiental para que todos os envolvidos se conscientizem da importância do descarte adequado e legal de todos os materiais danosos ao ecossistema