245 research outputs found

    ObrigaçÔes de meios e obrigaçÔes de resultado na responsabilidade mĂ©dica: estudo de caso e atualização de jurisprudĂȘncia portuguesa

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    This paper analyzes the doctrinal and jurisprudential discussion about the nature or the medical, i.e. obligation of means or obligation to produce a result for the purpose to establish medical liability, examining Portuguese jurisprudence in these ar

    Movement patterns during the process of standing up in children with spastic diplegia

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    A anĂĄlise dos padrĂ”es de movimento de crianças com diplegia espĂĄstica (DE) durante o movimento de levantar pode contribuir para uma melhor compreensĂŁo do controle postural. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever os padrĂ”es de movimento durante esta tarefa em crianças com DE e com desenvolvimento tĂ­pico e analisar as diferenças de acordo com a idade. Participaram 40 crianças (38-154 meses), 20 crianças com DE e 20 crianças com desenvolvimento tĂ­pico. Os participantes foram instruĂ­dos para se deitarem em posição de decĂșbito dorsal e levantarem-se rapidamente (10 tentativas). As sessĂ”es foram gravadas e analisadas posteriormente. As crianças com DE apresentaram padrĂ”es de movimentos mais assimĂ©tricos e menos eficientes nos Membros Superiores (MS), RegiĂŁo Axial (RA) e Membros Inferiores (MI). As crianças mais velhas com DE nĂŁo apresentaram padrĂ”es de movimento mais maduros e eficientes, e as mais velhas com desenvolvimento tĂ­pico apresentaram padrĂ”es movimentos mais eficientes e maduros nos MS e RA

    Benefits of pulse consumption on metabolism and health: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials

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    Pulses are nutrient-dense foods that have for a long time been empirically known to have beneficial effects in human health. In the last decade, several studies have gathered evidence of the metabolic benefits of pulse intake. However, it remains unclear at what amounts these effects may be attained. This study aimed to systematically review the scientific outputs of the last two decades regarding health benefits of pulse consumption and the amounts necessary for positive outcomes to be achieved. A PubMed search including keywords [(“dietary pulses”, “pulses”, “legumes”, “grain legumes”, “bean”, “chickpea”, “pea”, “lentil”, “cowpea”, “faba bean”, “lupin”) and (“inflammation”, “inflammatory markers”, “C-reactive protein”, “blood lipids”, “cholesterol”, “cardiometabolic health”, “cardiovascular disease”, “diabetes”, “glycaemia”, “insulin”, “HOMA-IR”, “body weight”, “body fat”, “obesity”, “overweight”, “metabolome”, “metabolic profile”, “metabolomics”, “biomarkers”, “microbiome”, “microbiota”, “gut”)] was performed. Only English written papers referring to human dietary interventions, longer than one day, focusing on whole pulses intake, were included. Most of the twenty eligible publications reported improvements in blood lipid profile, blood pressure, inflammation biomarkers, as well as, in body composition, resulting from pulse daily amounts of 150 g (minimum-maximum: 54-360 g/day; cooked). Concerns regarding methodological approaches are evident and the biochemical mechanisms underlying such effects require further investigation.N/

    A insolvĂȘncia no contexto dos grupos de sociedades

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Direito dos Contratos e da EmpresaPela sua importĂąncia social e jurĂ­dica, o objetivo primordial desta dissertação consiste em expor e clarificar os aspetos controvertidos inerentes Ă  insolvĂȘncia do grupo de sociedades no ordenamento jurĂ­dico nacional. Na abordagem deste tema terĂĄ sempre que ser tomada em consideração a construção doutrinal e jurisprudencial, a qual se farĂĄ acompanhar da nossa anĂĄlise crĂ­tica acerca das temĂĄticas sub judice. Começaremos por fazer um enquadramento jurĂ­dico e uma caraterização dos grupos de sociedades, reservando de seguida um espaço para tratar das suas particularidades mais flagrantes. Posteriormente, e a tĂ­tulo de introito no Ăąmbito da insolvĂȘncia dos grupos societĂĄrios, versaremos sobre a questĂŁo da insolvĂȘncia das sociedades Ă  luz do CIRE visando-se, numa primeira abordagem, delinear uma perspetiva do atual contexto econĂłmico-social de crise financeira, a qual nos fornecerĂĄ a pedra de toque para, de seguida, traçarmos uma resenha acerca das especificidades que o CIRE consagrou para o grupo de sociedades. Por fim abordaremos a temĂĄtica inerente ao artigo 501.o do CSC estabelecendo a ligação entre a responsabilidade aĂ­ consagrada e a proteção suplementar que o legislador logrou fornecer aos credores com aquela responsabilidade. Ademais, indagaremos, em caso de insolvĂȘncia de vĂĄrias sociedades integrantes do grupo, acerca da possibilidade de consolidação processual dos processos das sociedades insolventes do grupo e, consequentemente, descortinaremos se essa unificação processual se deve traduzir numa liquidação conjunta das sociedades traduzida na unificação dos bens e das responsabilidades das diversas sociedades agrupadas.For its social and legal importance, the main purpose of this master's degree dissertation is to present and to clarify the controversial aspects regarding the group of companies’ insolvency in the Portuguese legal system. In the approach of this matter, it will be taken into consideration the doctrine and the jurisprudential construction, which will be followed by our humble critical analysis concerning the theme discussed. We will start with the legal frame and with the characterization of the corporate groups, and then we will discuss theirs most flagrant particularities. Subsequently, as an introduction of the corporate groups insolvency, we will analyze the insolvency question in the light of the CIRE with the aim of defining the atual perspective of the financial crises’ social and economic context. Finally, and as the real the core of the question, we will discuss the theme regarding the 501.o article from the CSC, linking the responsibility contained therein with the additional protection created by the legislator to protect the creditors. Furthermore, we shall question about the possibility of the processes be joined, and consequently we will try to uncover if unification procedural might mean the unifications of assets and responsibilities of all grouped companies, generating one only insolvency mass designated to the satisfaction of all the group’s creditors in an egalitarian way

    Pensar e Agir sobre o PatrimĂŽnio Moderno

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    Professional training and capacity for thinking and acting on/preserving the modern cultural heritage is a relatively new activity compared to that associated with the so-called traditional preservationist practice. In the Brazilian context, the first insertions of heritage content in architecture and urbanism courses take place in the seventies of the twentieth century. In the national capital, the University of Brasilia - UnB, offered in the second half of 2002, as a compulsory subject of the Course of Architecture and Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Retrospective Techniques - PROAU8 aimed at designing in the built environment. The arrival of the theme of preservation, in general and particularly of the modern, in the Graduate Program of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Brasilia, is recent: 2017. Special Studies in Theory, History and Criticism - Thinking and Acting on Modern Heritage is one of two disciplines that have since been offered in the Cultural Heritage Line. And this is what the article is about. It is about sharing and opening to the forum the debate about the experience of heritage formation carried out by the discipline. Therefore, the work is structured in two main moments. The first presents the discipline in general. The second, brings up themes approached by the students, revealing as a result the trends of the perspectives of thinking the preservation of the modernA formação e capacitação profissional para pensar e agir sobre/na preservação do patrimĂŽnio cultural moderno constitui uma atividade relativamente nova, se comparada àquela associada à prĂĄtica preservacionista dita tradicional. No contexto brasileiro, as primeiras inserçÔes do conteĂșdo patrimonial nos cursos de arquitetura e urbanismo se dĂŁo nos anos setenta do sĂ©culo XX. Na capital nacional, a Universidade de BrasĂ­lia ”“ UnB, passa a oferecer no segundo semestre de 2002, como disciplina obrigatĂłria do Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, TĂ©cnicas Retrospectivas ”“ PROAU8 voltada para o projetar no construĂ­do. A chegada do tema da preservação, de uma maneira geral e, particularmente, do moderno, no Programa de PĂłs-Graduação da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de BrasĂ­lia, Ă© recente: 2017. Estudos Especiais em Teoria, HistĂłrica e CrĂ­tica ”“ Pensar e Agir sobre o PatrimĂŽnio Moderno constitui uma das duas disciplinas que, desde entĂŁo, vĂȘm sendo ofertadas na Linha de PatrimĂŽnio Cultural. E Ă© sobre ela que versa o artigo. Trata-se de partilhar e abrir ao debate a experiĂȘncia da formação para o patrimĂŽnio levada a cabo pela disciplina. Para tanto, o trabalho se estrutura em dois momentos principais. O primeiro apresenta a disciplina de maneira geral. O segundo, traz à tona temas abordados pelos alunos, revelando como resultado as tendĂȘncias das perspectivas de se pensar a preservação do modern

    Addressing the patient experience in myocardial perfusion scintigraphy

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    Background: Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy is a medical exam whose purpose is to evaluate myocardial perfusion. This examination due to their procedures can generate some anxiety in patients that can disturb the good performance of the exam. The main objective of this study is to perform an analysis of patient's undergoing myocardial perfusion scintigraphy experience, assess patient`s anxiety and check Nuclear Medicine Department communication and information effectiveness. Material and methods: For this study, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and two Scan Experience Questionnaires were used. Sixty patients answered the questionnaires before and after myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. Results: Patients reported medium levels of scan-related anxiety and trait anxiety before the myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. After the scan, there is a slight decrease in patients' anxiety. Results of the scan, radiation used, duration of the scan and the injection of the radiopharmaceutical are the most relevant patients' concerns before the scan. 15% of the sample did not receive the necessary information or the most effective way. Conclusions: The results suggest that there are several factors that tend to trigger the patient's experience and anxiety. Strategies to improve patient myocardial perfusion scintigraphy experience at Nuclear Medicine Department are presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
