924 research outputs found

    Fatores estratégicos preditivos no desempenho das exportações na industria automóvel: o efeito mediador da inovação

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    Inclui correções e/ou alterações sugeridas pelo Júri.O objetivo fundamental deste estudo é analisar o impacto que os fatores estratégicos preditivos (recursos intangíveis e capacidades absortivas) têm no desempenho das exportações das empresas da indústria automóvel, considerando o efeito mediador da inovação nessa relação. Para esse efeito, adotamos uma abordagem metodológica quantitativa e realizámos um estudo empírico descritivo, exploratório e transversal, tendo sido aplicado um questionário a uma amostra de empresas portuguesas exportadoras do setor autómovel. Destaca-se a aplicação do modelo de equações estruturais, com recurso ao Partial Least Squares. Os resultados permitem-nos concluir da existência de um impacto positivo dos recursos intangíveis nas capacidades absortivas e no desempenho das exportações e no efeito mediador das capacidades absortivas e da inovação na relação entre recursos intangíveis nas capacidades absortivas e no desempenho das exportações.El objetivo fundamental de este estudio es analizar el impacto de los factores estratégicos predictivos (recursos intangibles y capacidades absortivas) en el desempeño de las exportaciones de empresas en la industria automovilística, teniendo en cuenta el efecto mediador de la innovación en esta relación. Con este fin, adoptamos un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo y realizamos un estudio empírico descriptivo, exploratorio y transversal, y hemos aplicado un cuestionario a una muestra de empresas exportadoras portuguesas del sector del automovel. La aplicación del modelo de ecuación estructural se resalta, utilizando mínimos cuadrados parciales. Los resultados nos permiten concluir de la existencia de un impacto positivo de los recursos intangibles sobre las capacidades absortivas y el desempeño de las exportaciones y el efecto mediador de las capacidades absorbables y de la innovación en la relación entre los recursos intangibles y el desempeño de las exportaciones

    A imigração de venezuelanos para o Brasil e o Princípio do Non Refoulement

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    This paper aims to reflect on the current reasons for the Venezuelan migration, within the legal norms and with a reflection on the resources of Venezuelan migration, its nuances and consequences, in addition to informing the historical issues underlying the current economy and politics of Venezuela. From the analysis of the migrant wave of Venezuelans, with the perspective of being legally considered as refugees or as economic migrants, the paper prepare a limited approach to the possible rules that can be applied in Brazil in the context of the Inter-American Human Rights System, as well as the international consequences applied to the country as a result of the Treaties and Conventions to which they are subject. As a result of this analysis of international tests and treatments, the conclusion is that Brazil can be held responsible for the closure of borders with Venezuela due to injury and the principle of non-evolution in the International Court of Human Rights, since the principle of nonrefoulment is a norm de jus cogens.O presente trabalho busca refletir acerca das razões da imigração atual venezuelana, enquadrando dentro da normativa jurídica, com a reflexão sobre as características da imigração venezuelana, suas nuances e consequências, além de informar as questões históricas subjacentes à atual condição política e econômica da Venezuela. A partir da análise da vaga migratória dos venezuelanos, com a perspectiva de serem estes enquadrados legalmente como refugiados ou migrantes ditos econômicos, faz-se uma abordagem limitada às possíveis normas que podem ser aplicadas ao Brasil no contexto do Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos, bem como as consequências internacionais aplicadas ao país em decorrência dos Tratados e Convenções ao qual se submeteu. Em decorrência desta análise de migração e Tratados Internacionais, concluise que o Brasil pode vir a ser responsabilizado pelo fechamento das fronteiras com a Venezuela em razão da lesão ao princípio da não devolução na Corte Internacional de Direitos Humanos, uma vez que o princípio do non refoulment é uma norma de jus cogens

    Slavery in color : approach, recognition and acceptance of black people?s humanity in a project by Marina Amaral.

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    Este artigo toma para an?lise o trabalho In Color: Slavery in Brazil, 1869, da colorista Marina Amaral para observar de que maneira o gesto de apropria??o da artista ressignifica os arquivos da escravid?o brasileira, mais precisamente os tipos fotogr?ficos feitos por Alberto Henschel. Parte-se do entendimento de que as imagens de Henschel (e de outros fot?grafos da ?poca que apontavam suas c?meras para mulheres e homens negros) s?o assinaladas por uma l?gica tipificadora que perpassa n?o apenas sua produ??o, mas seu consumo, no passado e no presente. Nessa acep??o, os novos sentidos que s?o alcan?ados com o projeto da artista s? podem emergir da ruptura com esse estatuto. Para isso, Amaral recorre ? coloriza??o e ? montagem das fotografias de maneira que convida o espectador a enxerg?-las de outro modo, distanciado daquele que ? o cerne da representa??o das pessoas negras escravizadas: a ideia de Outro, peculiar, diferente e estranho. O que a colorista prop?e, em dire??o contr?ria, ? faz?-las aparecer nas fotos a partir de sua natureza humana. Trata-se, defende-se aqui, de uma a??o de car?ter est?tico amplo, de teor pol?tico ? essencialmente antirracista.This article examines In Color: Slavery in Brazil, 1869, a project made by the colorist Marina Amaral, in order to observe how her gesture of appropriation brings new meanings to Brazilian slavery?s archives, especially to photographic types produced by Alberto Henschel. In the first part, the paper explains that Henschel?s images (as well as images from others who photographed black people in that period) were produced and consumed according to a typifying logic, that still marks their comprehension today. In this regard, the new meanings forged by the artist's project can only emerge from the subversion of that logic. As the artist recuperates these photos, renders them in color and presents them in a new montage, she invites spectators to look at them in a singular way, beyond the perception of enslaved individuals as Other, peculiar, different and strange. Thus, she proposes that the audience recognizes the humanity of those who appear in these images. At stake in Amaral's project is a practice both broadly aesthetic in character and of essentially anti-racist political value

    Multimodalidade no Twitter: uma análise dos recursos (tecno)linguageiros na construção de tuítes

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    Technological tools are increasingly present in our communicative practices and they enable various texts to be produced daily in the digital environment, from the many (techno)language resources available on the web. In face of that, this work aims to investigate the multimodality manifested on Twitter, analysing the construction of meaning of the text. Thus, in the methodology proposed, we perform a qualitative analysis of seven tweets, considering the (techno)language resources and how they contribute to the construction of meaning of the text. This article is based on assumptions of Textual linguistics of sociocognitive-discursive basis, recognizing the constitutively multimodal character of the texts (CAVALCANTE et al., 2019). In addition, we dialogue with Paveau (2021), understanding the tweet as a digital native text, which is born and developed on the internet. Thus, we observed that traces of the offline textuality are preserved in the digital native text, even with the use of different (techno)language resources, such as emojis, emoticons, hashtags and hyperlinks. We also noticed that users remain as strategic subjects, who operate choices in the relationship between man and machine. Finally, we conclude that multimodality in tweets manifests itself in a diversified way, through the various (techno)language resources that collaborate in different ways in the construction of meaning.As ferramentas tecnológicas cada vez se fazem mais presentes em nossas práticas comunicativas e possibilitam que diariamente diversos textos sejam produzidos no ambiente digital, a partir dos muitos recursos (tecno)linguageiros disponibilizados na web. Diante disso, este trabalho objetiva investigar a multimodalidade manifestada no Twitter, com vistas à construção de sentidos do texto. Assim, na metodologia proposta, realizamos uma análise qualitativa de sete tuítes, considerando os recursos (tecno)linguageiros e o modo como estes contribuem para a construção de sentidos do texto. Este trabalho fundamenta-se em pressupostos da Linguística textual de base sociocognitivo-discursiva, reconhecendo o caráter constitutivamente multimodal dos textos (CAVALCANTE et al., 2019). Além disso, dialogamos com Paveau (2021), para quem o tuíte é um texto nativo digital, que emerge e se desenvolve na internet. Assim, observamos que, mesmo com a utilização de diferentes recursos (tecno)linguageiros, tais como emojis, emoticons, hashtags e hiperlinks, traços da textualidade off-line se conservam no texto nativo digital, e que, na relação entre homem e máquina, os usuários permanecem como sujeitos estrategistas, que operam escolhas. Por fim, concluímos que a multimodalidade em tuítes se manifesta de maneira diversificada, através dos diversos recursos (tecno)linguageiros que colaboram de diferentes formas na construção de sentidos

    Análise de assunto de acórdãos jurisprudenciais

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    The present study reviews the subject analysis process in the context of court decisions, considering the importance of this type of legal documents as precedent to guide and support future rulings and legal arguments. It conceptualizes case law information presenting its characteristics, purpose, and structure. The essential requirements of the sentences are also provided, according to the New Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure, 2015. Theoretical studies on indexing, especially those concerning the subject analysis stage, are explored focusing on the use of the conceptual analysis of court decisions, as proposed by Guimarães (1994), adapted to the context of the courts of accounts.Esta pesquisa contextualiza o processo da análise de assunto no âmbito dos acórdãos jurisprudenciais, tendo em vista a relevância desse tipo documental no contexto jurídico como mecanismo de defesa de direitos e de teses jurídicas. Conceitua-se a fonte de informação jurisprudencial, apresentando suas características, funções e estrutura. São também apresentados os requisitos essenciais das sentenças, de acordo com o Novo Código de Processo Civil, de 2015. Os referenciais teóricos da indexação, em especial, da etapa da análise de assunto, são explorados com foco na aplicação da metodologia da análise conceitual de acórdãos proposta por Guimarães (1994), adaptada ao contexto dos tribunais de contas

    Brain Injury and Neuroinflammation of the Gut-Brain Axis in Subjects with Cerebral Palsy

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    Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a limiting deficiency, characterized by a permanent neuromotor disorder which affects movements, resulting in non-progressive lesions of the immature brain during the neuro psychomotor stages. Epidemiological studies of premature births correlated with the presence of high levels of inflammation in the umbilical cord, amniotic fluid, and fetal blood, being that one of the most relevant underlying physiopathological mechanisms includes inflammation and intra-amniotic infection, with inflammatory response and damage to the developing brain. Recently attributed to the excessive production of cytokines, CP inflammation is mostly modulated through diet restriction, intestinal dysfunction, and drug intake. The high prevalence of convulsive crises in individuals with CP (77%) on its own does not bring about post inflammatory and post convulsive cytokine synthesis, treated with antiepileptic medication. In these individuals, there is high incidence of intestinal constipation (47%), besides oral dysbiosis, gingival bleeding and even greater increase in chronic inflammation. The dysbiosis causes an increase in mucous permeability (leaky-gut) of the gut-brain axis, and increase in seric endotoxin, demonstrating a persistent inflammatory state, and supporting the emergence of new side effects, which can become the object of future research

    Influence of the TAS2R38 gene single nucleotide polymorphisms in metabolism and anthropometry in thyroid dysfunction

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    © 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).The gene TAS2R38 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs-P49A, A262V and V296I) can condition bitter tasting by PAV (proline–alanine–valine) and non-bitter-tasting by AVI (alanine–valine–isoleucine) homozygosity. We evaluated this polymorphisms association with thyroid function, metabolism and anthropometry parameters determined by: Endpoint analysis (SNPs); DXA (fat mass-%, total fat mass—kg, lean mass—kg); Standard methods (lipid metabolism parameters, HbA1c-%, glycemia—mg/dL, insulinemia—µIU/mL, HOMA-IR, uricemia—mg/dL, calcemia—mg/dL and BMI—kg/m2); ELISA (leptinemia—ng/mL); Spectrophotometry (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme activity—UI/L). Statistics: SPSS program; OR [IC95%]; p < 0.05. Sample: 114 hypothyroid, 49 hyperthyroid, and 179 controls. An association between A262V-valine–valine and hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism was verified (OR = 2.841; IC95% [1.726–4.676]), p < 0.001/OR = 8.915; IC95% [4.286–18.543]), p < 0.001). Protector effect from thyroid dysfunction: A262V-alanine–valine (OR = 0.467; IC95% [0.289–0.757], p = 0.002/OR = 0.132; IC95% [0.056–0.309], p < 0.001) and PAV (OR = 0.456; IC95% [0.282–0.737], p = 0.001/OR = 0.101; IC95% [0.041–0.250], p < 0.001). Higher parameter values associated with genotypes were: fat-mass-% (V296I-valine–isoleucine), lean-mass (P49A-proline–proline; PVI), leptin (AVI), HbA1c (A262V-alanine–valine) and lower values in lean-Mass (AVI; PVV), leptin (A262V-alanine–alanine), HbA1c (PVV), uricemia (V296I-valine–isoleucine), glycemia (A262V-alanine–alanine; AAV) and plasma triglycerides (PVV). In conclusion, TAS2R38 influences thyroid function, body composition and metabolism. Bitter taste perception (PAV) and the genotype A262V-alanine–valine can protect from thyroid dysfunction. AVV, PVV and genotype A262V-valine–valine may confer higher predisposition for thyroid dysfunction, particularly PVV for hyperthyroidism.The writing of the manuscript was also supported by funds from the Foundation for Science and Technology to ISAMB (ref. UIDB/04295/2020 and UIDP/04295/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Periodontal ligament and gingival fibroblasts participate in the production of TGF-β, interleukin (IL)-8 and IL-10

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    The aim of this study was to quantify and compare the production of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), interleukin (IL)-8 and IL-10 by human cultured periodontal ligament and gingival fibroblasts both obtained from the same donors challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Porphyromonas gingivalis. Fibroblasts were exposed to 0.1-10 µg/mL of LPS from P. gingivalis and after 24 h the supernatants were collected and analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). TGF-β protein production was upregulated in a concentration-dependent manner, mainly in gingival fibroblasts, which was statistically significant when challenged by 10 µg/mL LPS. Additionally, at this concentration, gingival fibroblasts had almost a two-fold increase in the amount of TGF-β when compared to periodontal ligament fibroblasts. Both periodontal ligament and gingival fibroblasts showed an increase in IL-8 production when challenged with 1 µg/mL and 10 µg/mL LPS. IL-10 production remained unaffected when challenged by any of the LPS concentrations tested in either periodontal ligament or gingival fibroblasts. Our results demonstrate that periodontal ligament and gingival fibroblasts when challenged by LPS from P. gingivalis with 24 h may play a critical role in producing TGF-β and IL-8 but not IL-10
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