74 research outputs found

    Diferenciação pedagógica na escrita |e pontuação: um caso no 1º CEB

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    Mestrado em Ensino do 1º e 2º Ciclo do Ensino BásicoO presente relatório é parte integrante da unidade curricular Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada B2, pertencente ao 2.º ano do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico, ministrado na Universidade de Aveiro. Por se preconizar uma organização escolar que vá além da uniformidade, isto é, que compreenda que diferentes alunos possuem diferentes necessidades e ritmos de aprendizagem, sendo crucial o papel da Diferenciação Pedagógica nesse âmbito (Tomlinson, 2008) e tendo em conta que a escrita baseada na abordagem da pontuação é assumida como fundamental e, ao mesmo tempo, como o aspeto que mais questões e resistências desperta no texto (Cassany,1993), o presente estudo, realizado numa turma do 2.º ano de escolaridade, do Agrupamento de Escolas da Gafanha da Nazaré, incidiu sobre a Diferenciação Pedagógica na escrita, concretamente na pontuação. Posto isto, importa destacar que as principais finalidades de intervenção foram consciencializar os alunos para a relevância da pontuação na escrita e desenvolver competências dos discentes no que respeita à pontuação. O principal objetivo investigativo foi o de compreender o contributo da Diferenciação Pedagógica na aquisição de competências de escrita dos discentes, especificamente, ao nível da pontuação. É de notar que se tratou um trabalho assente numa metodologia de cariz qualitativo, do tipo investigação-ação e que a recolha de dados se fez através de fichas de trabalho, inquéritos por questionário, fotografias e notas de campo. Da análise aos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que, a partir de práticas voltadas para a DP, houve uma ligeira evolução no que diz respeito ao uso da pontuação e que os estudantes se consciencializaram em relação à sua importância. Dito por outras palavras, constatou-se uma melhoria, por parte dos discentes, na utilização do parágrafo, dos dois pontos, do travessão, do ponto final, do ponto de exclamação, das reticências e do ponto e vírgula, sendo que relativamente à relevância da pontuação, se verificou que os alunos a consideram crucial na leitura e compreensão do texto.This report is part of the curricular unit “Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada B2”, which belongs to the 2nd year of the master degree in “Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico”, from the University of Aveiro. It is advocated a school organization that goes beyond the uniformity, this is, a school that understands that different students have different needs and learning rhythms, being crucial the role of Pedagogical Differentation in that context. Moreover, writing activities based on the punctuation approach are assumed as fundamental and, at the same time, as a matter that causes more questions and resistances. So, the study, undertaken with a 2nd grade class of students, focused on Pedagogical Differentiation within writing, concretely on punctuation. Therefore, the main intervention objectives of this study were to explain to the students the importance of punctuation on writing and to develop competences as far as punctuation is concerned. The research aims are: to understand the contribution of Pedagogical Differentiation in the aquisition of writing competences of the students, specifically, at the level of punctuation. It's noted that this is a study based on a qualitative methodology that of action-research and that the data were collected through the worksheets, questionnaire surveys, photographs and field notes. From the analysis to the results, we can conclude that, from practices for the Pedagogical Differentiation, there was evolution in the use of punctuation and that the students learned their importance. In other words, there was an improvement on students’ use of the paragraph, of the colon, of the bar, of the final dot, of the exclamation point, of reticence and of the semicolon. Students also improved their awareness of the relevance that poncutation assumes in reading and understanding the text

    Análise preditiva na empresa : OLI – Sistemas Sanitários, S.A.

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    A previsão constitui um importante ativo para as empresas, uma vez que ajuda no seu processo operacional e estratégico. A previsão do futuro através de metodologias quantitativas caracteriza-se por ser bastante útil para a antecipação de tomadas de decisão, o que poderá levar a vantagem competitiva e sucesso no universo empresarial. O desenvolvimento das áreas de business intelligence e business analytics têm um forte impacto na implementação destes métodos, uma vez que apresentam importantes ferramentas que se mostram eficientes para a análise e previsão. Este trabalho centra-se em duas análises preditivas, uma referente às vendas totais da empresa “OLI – Sistemas Sanitários, S.A”, e a segunda referente à produção de energia do painel solar da “OLI Moldes, Lda”. No sentido de averiguar métodos preditivos mais eficazes e eficientes para os dois casos de estudo implementados, empregou-se alguns métodos quantitativos de previsão existentes. No primeiro caso, pode-se destacar a implementação do Método de Holt Winters Aditivo, o Método Holt Winters Multiplicativo e o Método ARIMA. No segundo caso foram utilizados métodos causais, como o Modelo de Modelo de Regressão Múltipla, o Modelo de Regressão de Ridge, o Modelo de Regressão de Lasso, o Modelo de Regressão de Elastic Net e o Modelo de Floresta Aleatória. Deste modo, este trabalho conduz a uma elucidação dos conceitos de business analytics e business intelligence, que fortalecem a compreensão dos métodos quantitativos de previsão aplicados.Forecasting is an important asset for companies, as it helps in their operational and strategic process. Predicting the future through quantitative methodologies is characterized by being very useful for anticipating the decision making, which can lead to competitive advantage and success in the business universe. The development of the business analytics and business intelligence areas has a strong impact on the implementation of these methods, since they present important tools that prove to be efficient for analysis and forecasting. This work focuses on two predictive analyses, one referring to the total sales of the company "OLI - Sistemas Sanitários, S.A", and the second one referring to the energy production of the solar panel of "OLI Moldes, Lda". To ascertain more effective and efficient predictive methods for the two case studies implemented, some existing quantitative forecasting methods were used. In the first case, we can highlight the implementation of the Additive Holt Winters Method, the Multiplicative Holt Winters Method and the ARIMA Method. In the second case, causal methods were used, such as the Multiple Regression Model, the Ridge Regression Model, the Lasso Regression Model, and the Random Forest Model. In this way, this work leads to an elucidation of the concepts of business analytics and business intelligence, which strengthen the understanding of the quantitative forecasting methods applied

    Conservation of contemporary medals: packaging solutions

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    O presente artigo tem dois objetivos: o primeiro é dar a conhecer o acervo de medalhas da extinta Secção de Investigação e de Estudos Volte Face – Medalha Contemporânea, da Unidade de Investigação da Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, o CIEBA, constituído por medalhas de diversos tamanhos, formatos e materiais (orgânicos, inorgânicos e sintéticos), cujas características influenciam o modo como se degradam e como se acondicionam; o segundo objetivo é apresentar as propostas de embalagem para o acondicionamento das medalhas, para as quais se recorreu à modelação 3D, desenho vetorial e impressão 3D. No primeiro caso apresenta-se a inventariação dos objetos, a sua documentação, a identificação dos materiais constituintes e dos fatores de degradação. Para o segundo caso definiram-se critérios para a seleção do formato das embalagens, e para a escolha dos materiais de construção. Selecionou-se o polipropileno alveolar para a caixa e o polietileno de baixa densidade para o material de enchimento.The present article has two objectives: the first one is to present the collection of medals of the extinct Research and Studies Section Volte Face – Medalha Contemporânea, of the Research Unit of the Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, CIEBA, constituted by medals of various sizes, formats and materials (organic, inorganic and synthetic), whose characteristics influence the way they degrade and how they are conditioned; the second objective is to present the packaging proposals for the packing of the medals, for which we used 3D modelling, vector drawing and 3D printing. In the first case, we present the inventory of objects, their documentation, identification of constituent materials and degradation factors. For the second case, criteria were defined for the selection of the packaging format and for the choice of construction materials. The alveolar polypropylene for the box and the low-density polyethylene were selected for the filler material.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Foldable and Recyclable Iontronic Cellulose Nanopaper for Low-Power Paper Electronics

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    Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication – i3N, project CHIHC, reference PTDC/NAN‐MAT/32558/2017, project CELLECTIVE, reference PTDC/CTM‐CTM/4653/2021, The authors would also like to thank their colleagues Daniela Gomes, Ana Pimentel, Sónia Pereira and Tomás Calmeiro from CENIMAT/i3N for the SEM, DSC‐TGA, XRD and AFM measurements, respectively.An increase in the demand for the next generation of “Internet-of-Things” (IoT) has motivated efforts to develop flexible and affordable smart electronic systems, in line with sustainable development and carbon neutrality. Cellulose holds the potential to fulfil such demands as a low-cost green material due to its abundant and renewable nature and tunable properties. Here, a cellulose-based ionic conductive substrate compatible with printing techniques that combines the mechanical robustness, thermal resistance and surface smoothness of cellulose nanofibrils nanopaper with the high capacitance of a regenerated cellulose hydrogel electrolyte, is reported. Fully screen-printed electrolyte-gated transistors and universal logic gates are demonstrated using the engineered ionic conductive nanopaper and zinc oxide nanoplates as the semiconductor layer. The devices exhibit low-voltage operation (<3 V), and remarkable mechanical endurance under outward folding due to the combination of the robustness of the nanopaper and the compliance of the semiconductor layer provided by the ZnO nanoplates. The printed devices and the ion-conductive nanopaper can be efficiently recycled to fabricate new devices, which is compatible with the circular economy concept.publishersversionpublishe

    O relato de discurso como estratégia de desenvolvimento da competência oral no ensino-aprendizagem de Português Língua Estrangeira

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    Este artigo centra-se na abordagem do relato de discurso enquanto estratégia de desenvolvimento da competência oral de aprendentes de Português Língua Estrangeira (PLE), tendo por base o trabalho desenvolvido no estágio pedagógico numa turma de nível de avançado, no âmbito do Mestrado em Português Língua Segunda/Língua Estrangeira da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. O ensino-aprendizagem do relato de discurso oral espontâneo, proveniente, maioritariamente, das interações quotidianas, prevê uma análise que vai para além do plano linguístico e discursivo, o que torna essencial descodificar aspetos para-linguísticos e extralinguísticos que envolvem igualmente competências sociolinguísticas e pragmáticas. Partindo da descrição deste fenómeno linguístico-discursivo, apresentamos o projeto desenvolvido, pormenorizando algumas propostas de operacionalização didática do relato de discurso a partir de documentos autênticos, com base numa abordagem metodológica comunicativa. Os resultados da implementação do plano de intervenção pedagógico-didática realizado mostram que este tipo de abordagem é eficaz no desenvolvimento da competência oral dos aprendentes.This paper focuses on the usefulness of reported speech as a strategy to develop the oral competence of learners of Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PLE). It describes an action research work done with a C level class of PLE into the Master of Portuguese as Second Language/Foreigner Language of the Faculty of Arts - University of Porto. The teaching and learning process of spontaneous oral speech report mostly collected from daily interactions revealed that it is essential to decode paralinguistic and extralinguistic aspects that go far beyond the linguistic-discursive level. Apart from the study of the language, the study showed that is essential to know and understand the cultural aspects involving the speech production as a whole. We start by describing that linguistic-discursive phenomenon and by presenting the action research project, detailing some reported speech didactic proposals based on authentic documents, designed using a methodological communicative approach. The results show that the implementation of this type of approach is effective in developing learners' oral competence

    Contribution of plant-derived phenolic compounds to combat Candida species biofilms

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    Opportunistic fungal infections, namely involving Candida species, constitute a hot topic for scientific researchers. The present work aims to access antifungal potential of plant-derived phenolic extracts against planktonic cells and biofilms of Candida species. Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (blue gum), Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (licorice), Juglans regia L. (walnut) and Salvia officinalis L. (sage) evidenced to be the most effective Candida growth inhibitors, using disc diffusion assay. Minimal inhibitory (MIC) and minimal fungicidal (MFC) concentrations, and chemical composition of extracts by using HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS were also determined. Blue gum and walnut mainly exerted fungistatic potential, while sage exerted an interesting anti-Candida potential. However, the most prominent candidacidal potential was observed to licorice extract, being achieved the lowest MIC and MFC values. The candidacidal potential of these phenolic extracts was mainly attributed to their high abundance in flavonoids, mainly flavones: luteolin (sage) and apigenin derivatives (licorice), and flavanones: liquiritin derivatives (licorice). In order to deepen the knowledge on the most effective extract, its ability to inhibit biofilm formation was evaluated. Overall, a double concentration of MFC value was necessary to achieve similar results in biofilms. Flow cytometry assays were also carried out, and the obtained results revealed that primary lesion of cellular membrane appear to be most relevant mode of action. Thus, plant derived phenolic compounds evidence a promising potential to combat Candida species biofilms, both individually or combined with conventional therapy

    Uv-responsive screen-printed porous zno nanostructures on office paper for sustainable and foldable electronics

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    Funding Information: This work is funded by National Funds through FCT?Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, reference UIDB/50025/2020-2023 and FCT/MCTES. This work also received funding from the European Community?s H2020 program under grant agreement No. 787410 (ERC-2018-AdG DIGISMART), No. 640598 (ERC-StG-2014, NEWFUN), and No. 952169 (SYNERGY, H2020-WIDESPREAD-2020-5, CSA). S.H.F. acknowledges the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology for the AdvaMTech PhD program scholarship PD/BD/114086/2015 and IDS-FunMat-INNO project FPA2016/EIT/EIT RawMaterials Grant Agreement 17184. I.C. acknowledges the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology for the PhD scholarship SFRH/BD/126409/2016. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The fabrication of low-cost, flexible, and recyclable electronic devices has been the focus of many research groups, particularly for integration in wearable technology and the Internet of Things (IoT). In this work, porous zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures are incorporated as a UV sensing material into the composition of a sustainable water-based screen-printable ink composed of car-boxymethyl cellulose (CMC). The formulated ink is used to fabricate flexible and foldable UV sensors on ubiquitous office paper. The screen-printed CMC/ZnO UV sensors operate under low voltage (≤2 V) and reveal a stable response over several on/off cycles of UV light exposure. The devices reach a response current of 1.34 ± 0.15 mA and a rise and fall time of 8.2 ± 1.0 and 22.0 ± 2.3 s, respectively. The responsivity of the sensor is 432 ± 48 mA W−1, which is the highest value reported in the literature for ZnO-based UV sensors on paper substrates. The UV-responsive devices display impressive mechanical endurance under folding, showing a decrease in responsivity of only 21% after being folded 1000 times. Their low-voltage operation and extreme folding stability indicate a bright future for low-cost and sustainable flexible electronics, showing potential for low-power wearable applications and smart packaging.publishersversionpublishe

    Candida tropicalis biofilm is highly influenced by the environmental human pH

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    In the last decades, the increase of candidiasis has been accompanied by an intensification of infections caused by Candida tropicalis.Indeed, C. tropicalis has been described as able to colonize and infect several anatomically distinct sites, including the skin, gastrointestinal, genitourinary and respiratory tracts. Adaptation to diverse pH that exists in each human niche has been shown to be critical for virulence in many commensal pathogens, but there are no reports concerning C. tropicalis. Biofilm formation ability is one of the most important virulence factors that have important clinical repercussions due to its increased resistance to antifungal therapy. Thus, the aim of the current study was to characterize the influence of pH on C. tropicalis biofilm formation, structure and composition. The effect of pH (3, 4, 7 and 8) on C. tropicalis biofilms was evaluated by enumeration of culturable cells, total biomass quantification and matrix composition. Biofilm structure and the morphology of its cells were analysed through scanning electron microscopic and confocal laser microscopy. The resultsrevealed an intensification of C. tropicalis capacity to form biofilm at neutral and alkaline conditions, with an increased on number of culturable cells and total biomass and in its structural complexity, comparatively to acid conditions. For the first time, we have demonstrated that C. tropicalis biofilm formation is highly influenced by the environmental human pH, which has an important clinical impact, which may partly explain the increase incidence of candidiasis

    High UV and sunlight photocatalytic performance of porous ZnO nanostructures synthesized by a facile and fast microwave hydrothermal method

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    Funding Information: Funding: This work is funded by National Funds through FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, reference UIDB/50025/2020-2023 and FCT/MCTES. This work also received funding from the European Community’s H2020 program under grant agreement No. 787410 (ERC-2018-AdG DIGISMART), No. 716510 (ERC-2016-StG TREND) and No. 952169 (SYNERGY, H2020-WIDESPREAD-2020-5, CSA). S. H. F. acknowledges FCT for the AdvaMTech PhD program scholarship PD/BD/114086/2015 and IDS-FunMat-INNO-2 project FPA2016/EIT/EIT RawMaterials Grant Agreement 17184. M.J.O. acknowledges FCT for the scholarship SFRH/BD/132057/2017 and MIT Portugal PhD Program.The degradation of organic pollutants in wastewaters assisted by oxide semiconductor nanostructures has been the focus of many research groups over the last decades, along with the synthesis of these nanomaterials by simple, eco-friendly, fast, and cost-effective processes. In this work, porous zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructures were successfully synthesized via a microwave hydrothermal process. A layered zinc hydroxide carbonate (LZHC) precursor was obtained after 15 min of synthesis and submitted to different calcination temperatures to convert it into porous ZnO nanostructures. The influence of the calcination temperature (300, 500, and 700 °C) on the morphological, structural, and optical properties of the ZnO nanostructureswas investigated. All ZnO samples were tested as photocatalysts in the degradation of rhodamine B (RhB) under UV irradiation and natural sunlight. All samples showed enhanced photocatalytic activity under both light sources, with RhB being practically degraded within 60 min in both situations. The porous ZnO obtained at 700 °C showed the greatest photocatalytic activity due to its high crystallinity, with a degradation rate of 0.091 and 0.084 min-1 for UV light and sunlight, respectively. These results are a very important step towards the use of oxide semiconductors in the degradation of water pollutants mediated by natural sunlight.publishersversionpublishe

    Porous ZnO Nanostructures Synthesized by Microwave Hydrothermal Method for Energy Harvesting Applications

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    The ever-growing global market for smart wearable technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) has increased the demand for sustainable and multifunctional nanomaterials synthesized by low-cost and energy-efficient processing technologies. Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a key material for this purpose due to the variety of facile methods that exist to produced ZnO nanostructures with tailored sizes, morphologies, and optical and electrical properties. In particular, ZnO nanostructures with a porous structure are advantageous over other morphologies for many applications because of their high specific surface area. In this chapter, a literature review on the latest progress regarding the synthesis and applications of ZnO with a porous morphology will be provided, with special focus on the synthesis by microwave hydrothermal method of these nanomaterials and their potential for application in energy harvesting devices. Nanogenerators of a composite made by polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and porous ZnO nanostructures were explored and optimized, with an output voltage of (4.5 ± 0.3) V being achieved for the best conditions. The daily life applicability of these devices was demonstrated by lighting up a commercial LED, by manually stimulating the nanogenerator directly connected to the LED