219 research outputs found

    Associação da prevalência de suínos portadores de Salmonella sp. ao abate e a contaminação de embutidos tipo frescal

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    Quatro estudos foram conduzidos com o objetivo de 1) avaliar a associação entre o isolamento de Salmonella do trato intestinal de suínos ao abate e a sua presença em “pools” de tonsilas/linfonodos submandibulares (LT), 2) verificar a associação da prevalência de suínos portadores de Salmonella em LT ao abate e a contaminação da massa utilizada na fabricação de embutidos tipo frescal, produzida com matéria-prima proveniente desses animais, 3) verificar e comparar o perfil de resistência a antimicrobianos em linhagens de Salmonella isoladas de suínos ao abate e da massa para embutidos tipo frescal, 4) comparar o isolamento de Salmonella com a sua detecção pela Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR). Foram realizadas 19 visitas a um frigorífico, sob Inspeção Federal, localizado no Rio Grande do Sul. De acordo com a etapa do estudo foram coletados linfonodos mesentéricos, linfonodos submandibulares, tonsilas, fragmento intestinal e porções de massa para embutimento. As amostras coletadas foram submetidas a protocolo de isolamento, identificação e amplificação do gene inv A por PCR. As linhagens de Salmonella sp. isoladas foram testadas frente a 14 antimicrobianos pela técnica de difusão em ágar. Amostras de LT positivas estiveram associadas com o isolamento de Salmonella sp. a partir do trato intestinal (P= 0,001), com odds ratio LT positivo 5,6. Encontrou-se associação (

    Projeto educativo de escola : análise reflexiva sobre o projeto educativo como promotor de eficácia da escola

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    No contexto atual a escola enquanto organização, suscita novas interpelações na tentativa de adequar a educação às exigências das transformações sociais e económicas. Por forma a dar uma resposta eficaz à sua missão, surge o Projeto Educativo como o documento que consagra a orientação educativa do agrupamento de escolas ou de escolas não agrupadas, desenhado para um horizonte de três anos e elaborado de forma participada, dentro dos princípios de responsabilização de toda a comunidade educativa. Equacionar a dicotomia existente entre os pressupostos teóricos que fundamentam a razão da existência de um Projeto Educativo como documento que consagra a orientação educativa do agrupamento de escolas ou de escolas não agrupadas e a realidade, em contexto, onde por vezes, é percetível a comunidade não conhecer, identificar e se rever no Projeto Educativo, perdendo toda a sua função de documento de identidade participativa e operativa, remete para a necessidade de analisar e compreender a dinâmica do Projeto Educativo, importando perspetivar qual a eficácia do Projeto Educativo na dinâmica da qualidade do ensino aprendizagem e na identidade da escola. A eficácia de um Projeto Educativo verificase quando a própria escola e a sua comunidade, se questionam sobre a sua realidade e definem de forma participada, partilhada e responsável, como prioritário uma estratégia resultante da necessidade concreta, consubstanciando o projeto num instrumento de gestão estratégica de qualidade no ensino aprendizagem. A operacionalização do Projeto Educativo resultante e transmissor da identidade da escola tornará este projeto num promotor da sua eficácia ao ter em conta a criação de mecanismos de difusão e de apropriação da sua cultura, bem como de reflexão e consolidação de uma cultura de autoavaliação. Neste sentido, o envolvimento dos professores no seu processo de elaboração torna-se determinante, dado que a colaboração interpares na tomada de decisões, como forma de participação convergente com os objetivos da organização, tem sido apontada como a solução organizacional para os problemas do ensino e das escolas contemporâneas. Esta reflexão emerge da necessidade de analisar e compreender o papel do Projeto Educativo da Escola na dinamização da vida da escola, abordando a eficácia do seu processo de conceção, implementação e avaliação.In the actual context the school, as an organization, raises new interpellations in the attempt to fit education to the demands of social and economic change. In order to respond effectively to its mission, the Educational Project came up as the document establishing the educational guidelines for school cluster or ungrouped schools, designed for a 3-year period and drawn up in a participatory way within the principles of responsibility of the entire educational community. Equating the dichotomy between the theoretical assumptions that underlie the reason for the existence of an Educational Project as a document that establishes the educational guidance of the grouped schools or non-grouped schools and its reality, in context, where sometimes, it is understandable that the community doesn’t know, identify and review the Educational Project, losing all its function of a participatory identity and operative document, which leads to the need to analyze and understand the dynamics of the Educational Project, it is important to understand what is the effectiveness of the Educational Project on the dynamics of the quality of teaching and learning in school grouped identity. The effectiveness of an Educational Project occurs when the school itself and its community, wonder about their reality and define in a participated, shared and responsible way, as priority, a strategy which is a result from the concrete need, consolidating the project in a strategic management tool for quality in teaching and learning. The operating of an Educational Project which is a result and transmitter of the school identity will make this project a promoter of its effectiveness by taking into account the mechanisms of diffusion and appropriation of their culture, as well as reflection and consolidation of a culture of self – assessment. Nevertheless the involvement of teachers in its making process becomes decisive, given that peer collaboration in decision-making as a way of convergent participation in the organization goals has been pointed out as the organizational solution for teaching problems and for contemporary school issues. This study emerges from the need to analyze and understand the role of the School Educational Project in fostering the life of the school, addressing the efficiency of the process of design, implementation and evaluation

    Critical control points for pig-carcass contamination in two Greek slaughterhouses

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    The objective of this study was to assess the association between Salmonella carriage in mesenteric lymph nodes and/or intestinal contents of pigs at slaughter and the contamination of tonsils and head lymph nodes of the same animal. Samples were taken from 90 pigs in an abattoir with high prevalence of Salmonella positive pigs at slaughter. From each animal mesenteric lymph nodes (ML), intestinal contents (!C), tonsil and mandibular lymph node pools (HP) were taken. In 71 (79%) slaughtered pigs Salmonella was isolated in at least one of these samples. There was no significant relationship between Salmonella detection in ML or IC and positive HP, but animals positive in HP had likewise positive LM and/or IC. The three materials collected were altogether positive for Salmonella in 22 animals (31 %), pointing to the possibility that these animals carried the pathogen already at the finishing farm

    Clinical Indicators of Child Development in the Capitals of Nine Brazilian States: The Influence of Regional Cultural Factors

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    OBJECTIVE: Evaluating the interaction between mother or caregiver and infant through the Clinical Indicators of Risks in Infant Development and investigating whether local and cultural influences during infant development affect these clinical indicators. INTRODUCTION: The Clinical Indicators of Risks in Infant Development was created in order to fully assess infants' development and the subjective relationship between the babies and their caregivers. The absence of two or more Clinical Indicators of Risks in Infant Developments suggests a possibly inadequate mental development. Given the continental size of Brazil and its accentuated cultural differences, one might question how trustworthy these indicators can be when applied to each of the geographical regions of the country. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study with 737 infants from the capitals of 9 Brazilian states. The size of the initial sample population was based on a pilot study carried out in the cities of São Paulo and Brasília. The ages of children were grouped: 0-3 months, 4-7 months, 8-11 months and 12-18 months. The chi-square test was used together with analyses by the statistical software SPSS 13.0. RESULTS: Statistical analysis of results from the different municipalities against the total sample did not reveal any statistically significant differences. Municipalities represented were Belém (p=0.486), Brasília (p=0.371), Porto Alegre (p=0.987), Fortaleza (p=0.259), Recife (p=0.630), Salvador (0.370), São Paulo (p=0.238), Curitiba (p=0.870), and Rio de Janeiro (p= 0.06). DISCUSSION: Care for mental development should be considered a public health issue. Its evaluation and follow-up should be part of the already available mother-child assistance programs, which would then be considered to provide "full" care to children. CONCLUSIONS: Local habits and culture did not affect the results of the Clinical Indicators of Risks in Infant Development indicators. Clinical Indicators of Risks in Infant Development proved to be robust despite the specificities of each region

    Clinical Experiences in Pertussis in a Population with High Vaccination Rate

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    Infection caused by Bordetella pertussis in young infants can lead to severe illness and death. Several countries with good pertussis vaccine coverage, above 90%, had outbreaks of this disease from 2010, including Brazil. One of the strategies to reduce the transmission of pertussis to young infants, especially below 6 months of age, is the introduction of Tdap vaccination in pregnant women between 27 and 36 weeks of gestation. Vaccination of pregnant women with Tdap is an emergency measure to reduce hospitalizations and deaths from pertussis in young infants, especially those younger than 3 months of age, which is the population group where the most frequent serious illness occurs. Passive immunity to pertussis in these newborns is temporary, lasting less than 6 months, and there is discussion in the literature of its interference with maternal immunity and immunity of young infants to other vaccines. The acquired immunity to pertussis, both by natural disease and by vaccines, is temporary, and it is known that the immune response to the acellular vaccine is smaller and less durable than the whole-cell vaccine. New strategies for pertussis control should be developed to better cope with this disease overall

    A Teoria do Self Dialógico em Perspectiva

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    The Dialogical Self Theory, since its publication in the early 1990s, has presented alternatives to the study ofpersonsundergoing psychological changes by offering theoretical, conceptual and methodological resources that emphasize self’s relational and plural aspects. This paper aims at presenting and analyzing the theoretical and methodological foundations, applications and possibilities of the theory in order to enrich the discussion about the self towardsa perspective that integrates both, dialogical and developmental dimensions involved in psychological changes. The critique underlines the need for emphasizing semiotic-affective and developmental processes, and offering resources that go beyond narrative analyses thatenable the study of human development within diverse settings like family and school.A Teoria do Self Dialógico vem apresentando alternativas ao estudo da pessoa em processos de mudança por meio de recursos teóricos, conceituais e metodológicos que enfatizam o aspecto relacional e plural do self.No presente artigo, objetiva-seapresentar e analisar os fundamentos, aplicações e desdobramentos da teoria no intuito de ampliar a discussão teórica acerca do self em uma perspectiva dialógica e desenvolvimental. Analisam-see discutem-se os desafios conceituais e metodológicos enfrentados atualmente pela expansão da abordagem dialógica de self. Destaca-se a necessidade de conceder mais ênfase aos processos semiótico-afetivos e à perspectiva desenvolvimental, bem comode ampliar os contextos de aplicação com alternativas teórico-metodológicas para além da narrativa, considerando situações de intensa socialização, como família e escola

    Exclusive breastfeeding in infants attending public health care units in the municipality of Joinville, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    OBJECTIVES: to identify the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding in children attending the public health system and its association with variables relating to the mother and the child. METHODS: cross-sectional study conducted in the course of the 2005 National Immunization Campaign, in the city o Joinville, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Carers for 889 children answered a questionnaire including questions about the mother and the child at the vaccination sites. Descriptive statistics and chi-square test were used to analyze data, with a level of significance of 5%. RESULTS: the observed prevalence for breastfeeding was 90.7%, 84.2% and 73.5%, in children under four, six and twelve months of age, respectively. Exclusive breastfeeding rates were 53.9% among children under four and 43.6% among those under six months. Use of pacifiers was significantly associated with the absence of exclusive breastfeeding both in children under four and in those under six months of age (p<0.001). Mother work outside home was associated with the absence of exclusive breastfeeding in children aged under six months (p=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: exclusive breastfeeding rates among infants under 12 months of age attending public health system were lower than those recommended by the World Health Organization. The use of pacifiers and the mother work may negatively influence exclusive breastfeeding.OBJETIVOS: identificar a prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo entre lactentes atendidos na rede pública municipal e sua associação com variáveis maternas e do lactente. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal realizado durante a Campanha Nacional de Vacinação em 2005, em Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Foi aplicado um questionário aos acompanhantes de 889 lactentes menores de um ano de idade nos postos de vacinação incluindo aspectos maternos e do lactente. Para a análise, utilizou-se estatística descritiva e o teste do qui-quadrado, com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS as prevalências de amamentação foram 90,7%, 84,2% e 73,5%, nos lactentes com idade inferior a quatro, seis e doze meses, respectivamente. O índice de aleitamento materno exclusivo foi de 53,9% em menores de quatro e de 43,6% em menores de seis meses. O uso de chupeta esteve significativamente associado à amamentação não-exclusiva nas crianças com menos de quatro ou seis meses de idade (p<0,001) e o trabalho materno, entre aquelas com até seis meses (p=0,001). CONCLUSÕES: as taxas de amamentação exclusiva entre menores de um ano de idade atendidos na rede pública estão aquém do preconizado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. O uso de chupeta e o trabalho materno podem interferir negativamente com o aleitamento materno exclusivo