1,315 research outputs found

    A paradoxical relationship

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020The objective of this paper is to discuss and contribute to the understanding of the relationship between tourism and cultural interaction, as well as the relationship between people of different cultural backgrounds in tourist context. The interaction between cultures framed by an ideal intercultural communication is frequently the center of a tourism discourse, promoting a possible heavenly world brought by tourism. This paper argues that its relationship is, by definition, problematic because of the complexities of the tourism and the cultural phenomena, clearly shown on the contemporary social and scientific debate about monoculturalism, multiculturalism and interculturalism, and the problems and paradoxes it entails. The discourses of international organizations on the specific subjects of cultural issues and relationships, having in mind their institutional roles, also reflect, in their choices and silences, the complexity of the subject. The main conclusion of this piece of research is that such a relationship is inescapably complex, and sometimes paradoxical and contradictory or irreducible due to the complex natures of tourism and intercultural communication themselves.publishersversionpublishe

    A Complex Relationship

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020The objective of this article is to contribute to the understanding and discussion of the relationship between human rights and tourism. This topic has emerged, above all, in the wake of the discussion on ethics and social responsibility, frequently in a very polarized way in some public debate, and in very generic and non-discussed terms in declarations of intergovernmental organizations. It takes more than that. Thus, our purpose is to analyze, systematize and discuss the main dimensions of the relationship between tourism and human rights. We offer two interrelated approaches: a more theoretical and philosophical reflection on cultural interaction, dignity and human rights; and another approach more related to observation and operationalization of the problem in the social practices, how intergovernmental organizations present and formalize those issues and what are the actors and the logics at play in tourism. Our main conclusion is that such a relationship is inescapably complex because of the nature of tourism and its intrinsic interactions, and because human rights are related to an unfinished debate of plural perspectives, principles and operationalizations.publishersversionpublishe

    A Produção, Difusão e Recepção de Conteúdos Telejornalísticos na Era da Convergência Digital

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    Neste artigo, tendo por base uma revisão bibliográfica, são expostas algumas apreciações acerca da produção, difusão e recepção de conteúdos informativos televisivos na era da convergência digital, procurando assinalar e analisar as principais transformações nestes campos. Na era da convergência digital, os processos de conceção, distribuição e consumo de conteúdos jornalísticos transmitidos através da televisão estão a ser redefinidos.UD

    A Customer complaint from a telecommunication company: a Bayesian data analysis

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    This study considers a customer complaint dataset due to the technical services provided by a telecommunications company collected for 134 consecutive weeks from the first week of January 2018 up to the year 2019. The total count of weekly complaints is the sum of different causes, which characterizes compositional data. The data was analyzed assuming a Poisson regression model for the weekly total complaint count data in presence of a random factor and compositional models both under a Bayesian approach using existing MCMC (Monte Carlo Markov Chain) to get the posterior summaries of interest. The obtained results are of great importance to improve the service quality of the company

    The collective challenges of epidemics

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020Currently, COVID-19 is perceived as an epidemic, a new «plague», referring to the matrix metaphor of the pestis expressed in the series contagion – death – fear – isolation. This article aims to understand the multiple collective challenges posed by plague epidemics. The analysis of these challenges may contribute to the reflection on several dimensions that shape the COVID-19 pandemic threat. Individuals interpret the different pasts aiming to solve the problems they face in the present. The collective challenges that the political and medical «management» of the plague place are shaped by circumstantial coalitions of diverse interests, enabling the recognition, demarcation, and legitimisation of actions regarding its public management and control, materialised in concrete health policies, such as the development of several specific devices (isolation, health cordons, lazarettos, quarantine), thus intervening in the configuration of «collective management» of epidemics.publishersversionpublishe

    The Children’s Bathing Colony O Século

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020This article aims to understand the process of institutionalisation of the social configuration of a bathing colony aimed at lower-class children, promoted by the leaders of the newspaper O Século in the early twentieth century. A perspective that conceptually relates to the social space of health and tourism was favoured. Health is a cultural construction – as a notion – and a political construction – as a space – that can be apprehended relationally, as a product of the social world. In the conceptualisation of tourism, mobility and leisure are central (although not exclusive) axes, understood as dynamic phenomena and concepts, taking on various forms and multiple meanings according to sociohistorical contexts. The paper seeks to demonstrate that the institution of the bathing colony was socially defined, with specific individuals and groups being decisive in this process.publishersversionpublishe

    Os fatores que contribuem para que os jornalistas da redação central da SIC editem em vídeo conteúdos informativos

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    No âmbito do programa doutoral em Informação e Comunicação em Plataformas Digitais das Universidades de Aveiro e Porto, foi desenvolvida uma tese de doutoramento com o título «O Binómio Jornalistas-Editor de Imagem na Produção Noticiosa Televisiva: causas e consequências». Neste artigo apresentam-se e discutem-se os fatores que contribuem para que os jornalistas da redação central da SIC editem em vídeo conteúdos informativos

    Nanopartículas de hidroxiapatita: preparación, caracterización y aproximación celular – Revisión

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    Nanostructure syntheses have been applied to derive hydroxyapatite in nanometric scale for orthopaedic and dental implant applications due to its biocompatibility and similarity to natural apatite characteristics, becoming to a preferred material compared to hydroxyapatite in micro scale. This overview presents some of the most studied processes of obtaining nanophased hydroxyapatite, enriched with results from our group and additional and interesting information about cell-nanohydroxyapatite performance in vitro experiments.Las síntesis de nanoestructuras se han aplicado para obtener hidroxiapatita a escala nanométrica para aplicaciones de implantes ortopédicos y dentales debido a su biocompatibilidad y a la similitud de las características con apatitas naturales, convirtiéndose en un material preferido para la comparación con hidroxiapatita a microescala. Este resumen presenta algunos de los procesos más estudiados para obtener hidroxiapatita en nanofase, enriquecido con los resultados de nuestro grupo y la información adicional e interesante sobre el rendimiento celular de nanohidroxiapatita in vitro

    Audio Description in Interactive Television (iTV): Proposal of a Collaborative and Voluntary Approach

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    AbstractAudio description (AD) is a media feature especially designed for visually impaired people to enable the access, via audio, to the description of visual content, such as television programs or movies, in which a narrator orally describes the visual scenes that are not perceptible by these users. Without this feature, unfortunately not available on a large scale, visually impaired users (VIU) have major difficulties in taking the best benefit of television contents.Currently, the production of AD is a costly and complex process, achieving only the minimum requirements mandated by what TV law obliges. However, the current technological convergence paradigm provides great opportunities to enhance this process, leveraging the number of AD and bringing relevant socio-economic impacts.In this context, this paper aims to describe some key steps to support the participatory development of a cross-platform prototype, which enable collaborative and voluntary creation of AD in an inclusive approach. A special focus is given to a preliminary test aiming to understand how the target audience responds to the designed collaborative strategy. Based on a qualitative evaluation, we found that volunteers were satisfied with the procedure used to create AD and visually impaired users felt that this AD assisted them

    Diretor de turma : o elo multitasking na comunidade educativa

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    Na escola atual, o diretor de turma assume, cada vez mais, um múltiplo papel de ligação entre os vários atores educativos. Se a gestão do currículo é da responsabilidade do professor, a gestão das aprendizagens dos alunos é, quase exclusivamente, competência do diretor de turma, ao ponto de lhe ser assacada responsabilidade maior pelo insucesso escolar dos seus discentes. Apesar de muitas vezes o trabalho técnico e burocrático ser o mais óbvio e aquele que, aos olhos dos pares, mais evidencia a impreparação para o exercício do cargo, é expectável que o professor diretor de turma assuma um papel determinante na mediação de conflitos dentro da comunidade educativa (professor aluno aluno escola família), coordene as atividades dos professores do conselho de turma, coordenando a interdisciplinaridade horizontal (cargo de gestão intermédia) e seja, ainda, o promotor da política educativa do agrupamento. O perfil do professor, que exerce o cargo de diretor de turma, condiciona o seu desempenho, sendo recorrentemente apresentado como um argumento para a sua atribuição, mas é, mais das vezes, visto como um acréscimo de trabalho e responsabilidades que muitos dispensariam. A escolha dos docentes nem sempre está subjacente aos princípios de meritocracia, pois a gestão dos recursos humanos das escolas obedece a múltiplos fatores a ter em conta. O presente relatório reflexivo considera a minha experiência profissional como diretor de turma e tem, ainda, por base, a de coordenador dos diretores de turma, com assento no conselho pedagógico, que me confere uma visão próxima de outros atores no desempenho desse papel. Numa primeira parte, teoricamente fundamentada, será revisto o papel e perfil do diretor de turma, numa perspetiva diacrónica e o seu atual enquadramento institucional. Numa segunda parte, será apresentada a experiência adquirida nos últimos quatro anos, no exercício do cargo, com ênfase nos procedimentos que se refletem positivamente no ensino e na aprendizagem.In today’s school, the form teacher assumes, more and more, a multiple role of connection between the various educational players. If the curriculum management is the responsibility of the teacher, the student learning management is almost exclusively the responsibility of the form teacher, to the point where he is responsible for the failure of his students. Although the technical and bureaucratic work is often the most obvious and the one that, in the eyes of schoolmate, is more evident the lack of preparation for the position, it is expected that the form teacher will assume a deciding role in the conflict mediation within the Educational community (teacher student student school family), coordinate the activities of class council teachers, coordinating horizontal interdisciplinarity (intermediate management position) and be also the promoter of Educational policy of the grouping. The teacher profile, who holds the position of form teacher, conditions his performance, being repeatedly presented as an argument for his assignment, but is more often than not seen as an increase in work and responsibilities that many would dispense. The choice of teachers does not always underlie the basics of meritocracy, since the management of the human resources of schools obeys the multiple factors to be taken into account. This reflective report considers my professional experience as a form teacher and also has as a base, the coordination of the form teachers, with a seat in the pedagogical council, which gives me a close view of other actors in performing this role. In a first part, theoretically grounded, will be reviewed the role and profile of the form teacher, in a diachronic perspective and its current institutional framework. In the second part, the experience acquired during the last four years of the position will be presented, with emphasis on procedures that are positively reflected in teaching and learning