1,742 research outputs found

    The Most Magnetic Stars

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    Observations of magnetic A, B and O stars show that the poloidal magnetic flux per unit mass has an upper bound of 10^-6.5 G cm^2/g. A similar upper bound is found for magnetic white dwarfs even though the highest magnetic field strengths at their surfaces are much larger. For magnetic A and B stars there also appears to be a well defined lower bound below which the incidence of magnetism declines rapidly. According to recent hypotheses, both groups of stars may result from merging stars and owe their strong magnetism to fields generated by a dynamo mechanism as they merge. We postulate a simple dynamo that generates magnetic field from differential rotation. The growth of magnetic fields is limited by the requirement that the poloidal field stabilizes the toroidal and vice versa. While magnetic torques dissipate the differential rotation, toroidal field is generated from poloidal by an Omega dynamo. We further suppose that mechanisms that lead to the decay of toroidal field lead to the generation of poloidal. Both poloidal and toroidal fields reach a stable configuration which is independent of the size of small initial seed fields but proportional to the initial differential rotation. We pose the hypothesis that strongly magnetic stars form from the merging of two stellar objects. The highest fields are generated when the merge introduces differential rotation that amounts to critical break up velocity within the condensed object. Calibration of a simplistic dynamo model with the observed maximum flux per unit mass for main-sequence stars and white dwarfs indicates that about 1.5x10^-4 of the decaying toroidal flux must appear as poloidal. The highest fields in single white dwarfs are generated when two degenerate cores merge inside a common envelope or when two white dwarfs merge by gravitational-radiation angular momentum loss.Comment: accepted by MNRAS 8 pages, 3 figure

    Galactic Escape Speeds in Mirror and Cold Dark Matter Models

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    The mirror dark matter (MDM) model of Berezhiani et al. has been shown to reproduce observed galactic rotational curves for a variety of spiral galaxies, and has been presented as an alternative to cold dark matter (CDM) models. We investigate possible additional tests involving the properties of stellar orbits, which may be used to discriminate between the two models. We demonstrate that in MDM and CDM models fitted equally well to a galactic rotational curve, one generally expects predictable differences in escape speeds from the disc. The recent radial velocity (RAVE) survey of the Milky Way has pinned down the escape speed from the solar neighbourhood to vesc=544−46+64v_{esc}=544^{+64}_{-46} km s−1^{-1}, placing an additional constraint on dark matter models. We have constructed an MDM model for the Milky Way based on its rotational curve, and find an escape speed that is just consistent with the observed value given the current errors, which lends credence to the viability of the MDM model. The Gaia-ESO spectroscopic survey is expected to lead to an even more precise estimate of the escape speed that will further constrain dark matter models. However, the largest differences in stellar escape speeds between both models are predicted for dark matter dominated dwarf galaxies such as DDO 154, and kinematical studies of such galaxies could prove key in establishing, or abolishing, the validity of the MDM model.Comment: Accepted for publication in the European Physical Journal

    WD1953-011 - a magnetic white dwarf with peculiar field structure

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    We present H-alpha spectra of the magnetic white dwarf star WD1953-011 which confirm the presence of the broad Zeeman components corresponding to a field strength of about 500kG found by Maxted & Marsh (1999). We also find that the line profile is variable over a timescale of a day or less. The core of the H-alpha line also shows a narrow Zeeman triplet corresponding to a field strength of of about 100kG which appears to be almost constant in shape. These observations suggest that the magnetic field on WD1953-011 has a complex structure and that the star has a rotational period of hours or days which causes the observed variability of the spectra. We argue that neither an offset dipole model nor a double-dipole model are sufficient to explain our observations. Instead, we propose a two component model consisting of a high field region of magnetic field strength of about 500kG covering about 10% of the surface area of the star superimposed on an underlying dipolar field of mean field strength of about 70kG. Radial velocity measurements of the narrow Zeeman triplet show that the radial velocity is constant to within a few km/s so this star is unlikely to be a close binary.Comment: Accpeted for publication in MNRAS. 4 pages, 2 figure

    The effects of tidally induced disc structure on white dwarf accretion in intermediate polars

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    We investigate the effects of tidally induced asymmetric disc structure on accretion onto the white dwarf in intermediate polars. Using numerical simulation, we show that it is possible for tidally induced spiral waves to propagate sufficiently far into the disc of an intermediate polar that accretion onto the central white dwarf could be modulated as a result. We suggest that accretion from the resulting asymmetric inner disc may contribute to the observed X-ray and optical periodicities in the light curves of these systems. In contrast to the stream-fed accretion model for these periodicities, the tidal picture predicts that modulation can exist even for systems with weaker magnetic fields where the magnetospheric radius is smaller than the radius of periastron of the mass transfer stream. We also predict that additional periodic components should exist in the emission from low mass ratio intermediate polars displaying superhumps.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Massive color-octet bosons and the charge asymmetries of top quarks at hadron colliders

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    Several models predict the existence of heavy colored resonances decaying to top quarks in the TeV energy range that might be discovered at the LHC. In some of those models, moreover, a sizable charge asymmetry of top versus antitop quarks might be generated. The detection of these exotic resonances, however, requires selecting data samples where the top and the antitop quarks are highly boosted, which is experimentally very challenging. We asses that the measurement of the top quark charge asymmetry at the LHC is very sensitive to the existence of excited states of the gluon with axial-vector couplings to quarks. We use a toy model with general flavour independent couplings, and show that a signal can be detected with relatively not too energetic top and antitop quarks. We also compare the results with the asymmetry predicted by QCD, and show that its highest statistical significance is achieved with data samples of top-antitop quark pairs of low invariant masses.Comment: 20 page

    V405 Aurigae: A High Magnetic Field Intermediate Polar

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    Our simultaneous multicolor (UBVRI) circular polarimetry has revealed nearly sinusoidal variation over the WD spin cycle, and almost symmetric positive and negative polarization excursions. Maximum amplitudes are observed in the B and V bands (+-3 %). This is the first time that polarization peaking in the blue has been discovered in an IP, and suggests that V405 Aur is the highest magnetic field IP found so far. The polarized flux spectrum is similar to those found in polars with magnetic fields in the range B ~ 25-50 MG. Our low resolution circular spectropolarimetry has given evidence of transient features which can be fitted by cyclotron harmonics n = 6, 7, and 8, at a field of B = 31.5 +- 0.8 MG, consistent with the broad-band polarized flux spectrum. Timings of the circular polarization zero crossovers put strict upper limits on WD spin period changes and indicate that the WD in V405 Aur is currently accreting closely at the spin equilibrium rate, with very long synchronization timescales, T_s > 10^9 yr. For the observed spin to orbital period ratio, P_{spin}/P_{orb} = 0.0365, and P_{orb} ~ 4.15 hr, existing numerical accretion models predict spin equilibrium condition with B ~ 30 MG if the mass ratio of the binary components is q_1 ~ 0.4. The high magnetic field makes V405 Aur a likely candidate as a progenitor of a polar.Comment: To appear in The Astrophysical Journal, September 1 Issue (2008), 9 pages, 10 figure

    Today is already Yesterday:\ua0The\ua0Glossa XX1 architectural project for the Italian Memorial in Block 21 at Auschwitz

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    The architect of the proposed Glossa XX Architectural Project for the Italian Memorial in Block " at Auschwitz, presents and elucidates the restorations it involves and its response to criticisms made by the Direction of the Auschwitz Museum

    Control strategies for integration of electric motor assist and functional electrical stimulation in paraplegic cycling: Utility for exercise testing and mobile cycling

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    AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate feedback control strategies for integration of electric motor assist and functional electrical stimulation (FES) for paraplegic cycling, with particular focus on development of a testbed for exercise testing in FES cycling, in which both cycling cadence and workrate are simultaneously well controlled and contemporary physiological measures of exercise performance derived. A second aim was to investigate the possible benefits of the approach for mobile, recreational cycling. METHODS: A recumbent tricycle with an auxiliary electric motor is used, which is adapted for paraplegic users, and instrumented for stimulation control. We propose a novel integrated control strategy which simultaneously provides feedback control of leg power output (via automatic adjustment of stimulation intensity) and cycling cadence (via electric motor control). Both loops are designed using system identification and analytical (model-based) feedback design methods. Ventilatory and pulmonary gas exchange response profiles are derived using a portable system for real-time breath-by-breath acquisition. RESULTS:We provide indicative results from one paraplegic subject in which a series of feedback-control tests illustrate accurate control of cycling cadence, leg power control, and external disturbance rejection. We also provide physiological response profiles from a submaximal exercise step test and a maximal incremental exercise test, as facilitated by the control strategy. CONCLUSION: The integrated control strategy is effective in facilitating exercise testing under conditions of well-controlled cadence and power output. Our control approach significantly extends the achievable workrate range and enhances exercise-test sensitivity for FES cycling, thus allowing a more stringent characterization of physiological response profiles and estimation of key parameters of aerobic function.We further conclude that the control approach can significantly improve the overall performance of mobile recreational cycling

    Charge asymmetries of top quarks at hadron colliders revisited

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    A sizeable difference in the differential production cross section of top- compared to antitop-quark production, denoted charge asymmetry, has been observed at the Tevatron. The experimental results seem to exceed the theory predictions based on the Standard Model by a significant amount and have triggered a large number of suggestions for "new physics". In the present paper the Standard Model predictions for Tevatron and LHC experiments are revisited. This includes a reanalysis of electromagnetic as well as weak corrections, leading to a shift of the asymmetry by roughly a factor 1.1 when compared to the results of the first papers on this subject. The impact of cuts on the transverse momentum of the top-antitop system is studied. Restricting the ttbar system to a transverse momentum less than 20 GeV leads to an enhancement of the asymmetries by factors between 1.3 and 1.5, indicating the importance of an improved understanding of the ttˉt\bar t-momentum distribution. Predictions for similar measurements at the LHC are presented, demonstrating the sensitivity of the large rapidity region both to the Standard Model contribution and effects from "new physics".Comment: 23 pages. Final version to appear in JHE
