186 research outputs found
Toward negotiated mitigation of landslide risks in informal settlements:Reflections from a pilot experience in MedellÃn, Colombia
Urbanization continues to drive informal settlement growth on land exposed to hazards such as landslides, increasing risk among low-income populations. Though technical and social ways of managing landslide risk are known, in developing countries these measures are often difficult to implement because of complex social, economic, political, and institutional reasons. We present the findings from a pilot research project in MedellÃn, Colombia, which aimed to explore the scope for, and acceptability of, landslide risk-reducing strategies for informal settlements from the community and state perspectives; understand the barriers to landslide risk-reducing strategies; and identify politically and practically viable approaches to such strategies within a wider and more complex context of social and physical risk in the area. Focusing on the latter objective, we compare two forms of community-local government spaces for negotiation that were used during the project (a Cabildo Abierto and a joint local government-community Working Group), applying Fung's "democratic cube" to their analysis. This helps understand their different nature, but also raises questions about the ability of Fung's model to address governance arrangements related to so-called informal settlements in the Global South, and the need to revisit this model drawing on context-sensitive approaches and insights on informal governance arrangements from the growing literature on service coproduction. The key conclusions highlight the importance of overcoming the state-community stand-off over land occupation rights in MedellÃn, which is also found in self-built neighborhoods worldwide, by reorienting the problem away from conventional long-term land use planning issues toward issues of safety in the short and medium term, together with an incremental approach, in opening up opportunities to develop wider negotiated mitigation of landslide risk at a more strategic level involving both community and local government
Actualización: Tumores primitivos del espacio retroperitoneal
Los tumores retroperitoneale s primarios son aquellos originados en estructuras no parenquimatosas del área o espacio retroperitoneal. El primer caso descripto, atribuido a Morgani, data de 1671 siendo considerado ampliamente por primera vez recién en 1919 durante el XXVIII Congreso Francés de CirugÃa por L’Ecene y Thevenot. En Argentina el tema fue adecuadamente abordado por, Michans en 1959 y Apestegui(9) en 1999 en el marco del Congreso Argentino de CirugÃa como relatos oficiales. En el presente trabajo abordamos el tema aportando nuestra experiencia en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los mismos.Facultad de Ciencias Médica
Mutation in a D-alanine-D-alanine ligase of Azospirillum brasilense Cd results in an overproduction of exopolysaccharides and a decreased tolerance to saline stress
Bacteria of the genus Azospirillum are free-living nitrogen-fixing, rhizobacteria that are found in close association with plant roots, where they exert beneficial effects on plant growth and yield in many crops of agronomic importance. Unlike other bacteria, little is known about the genetics and biochemistry of exopolysaccharides in Azospirillum brasilense. In an attempt to characterize genes associated with exopolysaccharides production, we generated an A. brasilense Cd Tn5 mutant that showed exopolysaccharides overproduction, decreased tolerance to saline conditions, altered cell morphology, and increased sensitivity to detergents. Genetic characterization showed that the Tn5 was inserted within a ddlB gene encoding for a d-alanine-d-alanine ligase, and located upstream of the ftsQAZ gene cluster responsible for cell division in different bacteria. Heterologous complementation of the ddlB Tn5 mutant restored the exopolysaccharides production to wild-type levels and the ability to grow in the presence of detergents, but not the morphology and growth characteristics of the wild-type bacteria, suggesting a polar effect of Tn5 on the fts genes. This result and the construction of a nonpolar ddlB mutant provide solid evidence of the presence of transcriptional coupling between a gene associated with peptidoglycan biosynthesis and the fts genes required to control cell division.Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plat
Actualización: Tumores primitivos del espacio retroperitoneal
Los tumores retroperitoneale s primarios son aquellos originados en estructuras no parenquimatosas del área o espacio retroperitoneal. El primer caso descripto, atribuido a Morgani, data de 1671 siendo considerado ampliamente por primera vez recién en 1919 durante el XXVIII Congreso Francés de CirugÃa por L’Ecene y Thevenot. En Argentina el tema fue adecuadamente abordado por, Michans en 1959 y Apestegui(9) en 1999 en el marco del Congreso Argentino de CirugÃa como relatos oficiales. En el presente trabajo abordamos el tema aportando nuestra experiencia en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los mismos.Facultad de Ciencias Médica
Mutation in a D-alanine-D-alanine ligase of Azospirillum brasilense Cd results in an overproduction of exopolysaccharides and a decreased tolerance to saline stress
Bacteria of the genus Azospirillum are free-living nitrogen-fixing, rhizobacteria that are found in close association with plant roots, where they exert beneficial effects on plant growth and yield in many crops of agronomic importance. Unlike other bacteria, little is known about the genetics and biochemistry of exopolysaccharides in Azospirillum brasilense. In an attempt to characterize genes associated with exopolysaccharides production, we generated an A. brasilense Cd Tn5 mutant that showed exopolysaccharides overproduction, decreased tolerance to saline conditions, altered cell morphology, and increased sensitivity to detergents. Genetic characterization showed that the Tn5 was inserted within a ddlB gene encoding for a d-alanine-d-alanine ligase, and located upstream of the ftsQAZ gene cluster responsible for cell division in different bacteria. Heterologous complementation of the ddlB Tn5 mutant restored the exopolysaccharides production to wild-type levels and the ability to grow in the presence of detergents, but not the morphology and growth characteristics of the wild-type bacteria, suggesting a polar effect of Tn5 on the fts genes. This result and the construction of a nonpolar ddlB mutant provide solid evidence of the presence of transcriptional coupling between a gene associated with peptidoglycan biosynthesis and the fts genes required to control cell division.Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plat
Experiência homossexual no contexto escolar
Neste artigo, partimos da utilização da carta de uma estudante adolescente à sua professora de Ciências, atribuindo a essa relação e à Escola sentidos atravessados por saber/poder. Uma carta que nos convida a olhar como vamos nos constituindo como sujeitos de desejo e como vamos acionando saberes para sermos capazes de produzir saberes sobre nós mesmos, tomando-nos como objeto de investigação. Dessa maneira, a questão que se coloca como foco deste artigo é, então, o que faz dos sujeitos, sujeitos de uma sexualidade especÃfica, o que faz dos sujeitos, homossexuais. Trata-se de uma questão atual, que parte da atualidade para questionar a ideia de experiência homossexual como o encontro tenso entre os jogos de verdade, poder e subjetividades. Eis a tensão que nos faz reconhecer-nos como sujeitos sexuais
Mutation in a D-alanine-D-alanine ligase of Azospirillum brasilense Cd results in an overproduction of exopolysaccharides and a decreased tolerance to saline stress
Bacteria of the genus Azospirillum are free-living nitrogen-fixing, rhizobacteria that are found in close association with plant roots, where they exert beneficial effects on plant growth and yield in many crops of agronomic importance. Unlike other bacteria, little is known about the genetics and biochemistry of exopolysaccharides in Azospirillum brasilense. In an attempt to characterize genes associated with exopolysaccharides production, we generated an A. brasilense Cd Tn5 mutant that showed exopolysaccharides overproduction, decreased tolerance to saline conditions, altered cell morphology, and increased sensitivity to detergents. Genetic characterization showed that the Tn5 was inserted within a ddlB gene encoding for a d-alanine-d-alanine ligase, and located upstream of the ftsQAZ gene cluster responsible for cell division in different bacteria. Heterologous complementation of the ddlB Tn5 mutant restored the exopolysaccharides production to wild-type levels and the ability to grow in the presence of detergents, but not the morphology and growth characteristics of the wild-type bacteria, suggesting a polar effect of Tn5 on the fts genes. This result and the construction of a nonpolar ddlB mutant provide solid evidence of the presence of transcriptional coupling between a gene associated with peptidoglycan biosynthesis and the fts genes required to control cell division.Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plat
ATENOS: un programa para mejorar la seguridad en WSDL
Con el crecimiento de internet y las distintas dinámicas de la sociedad actual, ha cambiado en gran medida la forma de interactuar e intercambiar información entre las personas y las empresas. Este intercambio se vuelve blanco de ataques por parte de
todos aquellos actores que quieren obtener información útil y valiosa a sus propios intereses o de terceros. Ante este panorama se vuelve imperioso implementar todo
tipo de medidas y acciones tendientes a evitar estos ataques, por tal motivo nace lo que se denomina Seguridad Informática. Toda acción, herramienta o metodologÃa enfocada a evitar, contrarrestar o retrasar ataques contra activos sensibles juega un rol sumamente importante para los diversos actores.
Por lo antes explicado, se describe en este artÃculo una herramienta cuyo principal objetivo es desarrollar e incrementar el nivel de seguridad de Servicios Web.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Métodos, técnicas y estrategias para mejorar la seguridad de los sistemas de software
Con el crecimiento de internet y las distintas dinámicas de la sociedad actual; ha cambiado en gran medida la forma de interactuar e intercambiar información entre las personas y las empresas. Este intercambio se vuelve blanco de ataques por parte de todos aquellos actores que quieren obtener información útil y valiosa a sus propios intereses o de terceros. Ante este panorama se vuelve imperioso implementar todo tipo de medidas y acciones tendientes a evitar estos ataques, por tal motivo nace lo que se denomina Seguridad Informática. Toda acción, herramienta o metodologÃa enfocada a evitar, contrarrestar o retrasar ataques contra activos sensibles juega un rol sumamente importante para los diversos actores.
Por lo antes descrito, en este artÃculo se presenta una lÃnea de investigación que aborda el diseño y construcción de una herramienta cuyo principal objetivo es desarrollar e incrementar el nivel de seguridad de Servicios Web.Eje: Seguridad Informática.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic
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