12,145 research outputs found

    String Quantum Symmetries From Picard-Fuchs Equations And Their Monodromy

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    Local and global properties of the moduli space of Calabi--Yau type compactifications determine the low energy parameters of the string effective action. We show that the moduli space geometry is entirely encoded in the Picard--Fuchs equations for the periods of the Calabi--Yau H(3)H^{(3)}--cohomology.Comment: 33 pages, plain TeX, CERN-TH.6777/93,POLFIS-TH.24/9

    Dyonic Masses from Conformal Field Strengths in D even Dimensions

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    We show that D/2--form gauge fields in D even dimensions can get a mass with both electric and magnetic contributions when coupled to conformal field--strengths whose gauge potentials is are \frac {D-2}{2}- forms. Denoting by e^I_\L and m^{I\L} the electric and magnetic couplings, gauge invariance requires: e^I_\L m^{J\L}\mp e^J_\L m^{I\L}=0, where I,\L= 1... m denote the species of gauge potentials of degree D/2 and gauge fields of degree D/2-1, respectively. The minus and plus signs refer to the two different cases D=4n and D=4n+2 respectively and the given constraints are respectively {\rm {Sp}}(2m) and {\rm {O}}(m,m) invariant. For the simplest examples, (I,\L=1 for D=4n and I,\L=1,2 for D=4n+2) both the e,m quantum numbers contribute to the mass \m=\sqrt {e^2 +m^2} . This phenomenon generalizes to DD even dimensions the coupling of massive antisymmetric tensors which appear in D=4 supergravity Lagrangians which derive from flux compactifications in higher dimensions. For D=4 we give the supersymmetric generalization of such couplings using N=1 superspace.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX source, typos corrected. Version to appear on Phys.Lett.

    On Fermion Masses, Gradient Flows and Potential in Supersymmetric Theories

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    In any low energy effective supergravity theory general formulae exist which allow one to discuss fermion masses, the scalar potential and breaking of symmetries in a model independent set up. A particular role in this discussion is played by Killing vectors and Killing prepotentials. We outline these relations in general and specify then in the context of N=1 and N=2 supergravities in four dimensions. Useful relations of gauged quaternionic geometry underlying hypermultiplets dynamics are discussed.Comment: Further typos corrected and in particular the missing gravitino mass term in the N=2 Lagrangian has been adde

    Dualities Compositeness and Spacetime Structure of 4d Extreme Stringy Black Holes

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    We study the BPS black hole solutions of the (truncated) action for heterotic string theory compactified on a six-torus. The O(3,Z) duality symmetry of the theory, together with the bound state interpretation of extreme black holes, is used to generate the whole spectrum of the solutions. The corresponding spacetime structures, written in terms of the string metric, are analyzed in detail. In particular, we show that only the elementary solutions present naked singularities. The bound states have either null singularities (electric solutions) or are regular (magnetic or dyonic solutions) with near-horizon geometries given by the product of two 2d spaces of constant curvature. The behavior of some of these solutions as supersymmetric attractors is discussed. We also show that our approach is very useful to understand some of the puzzling features of charged black hole solutions in string theory.Comment: 17 pages, LaTex, no figure

    Orbits of Exceptional Groups, Duality and BPS States in String Theory

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    We give an invariant classification of orbits of the fundamental representations of exceptional groups E7(7)E_{7(7)} and E6(6)E_{6(6)} which classify BPS states in string and M theories toroidally compactified to d=4 and d=5. The exceptional Jordan algebra and the exceptional Freudenthal triple system and their cubic and quartic invariants play a major role in this classification. The cubic and quartic invariants correspond to the black hole entropy in d=5 and d=4, respectively. The classification of BPS states preserving different numbers of supersymmetries is in close parallel to the classification of the little groups and the orbits of timelike, lightlike and space-like vectors in Minkowski space. The orbits of BPS black holes in N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories in d=4 and d=5 with symmetric space geometries are also classified including the exceptional N=2 theory that has E7(25)E_{7(-25)} and E6(26)E_{6(-26)} as its symmety in the respective dimensions.Comment: New references and two tables added, a new section on the orbits of N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories in d=4 and d=5 included and some minor changes were made in other sections. 17 pages. Latex fil

    General Static N=2 Black Holes

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    We find general static BPS black hole solutions for general N=2, d=4 supergravity theories with an arbitrary number of vector multiplets. These solutions are completely specified by the K\"ahler potential of the underlying special K\"ahler geometry and a set of constrained harmonic functions.Comment: Latex, 7 pages, typos corrected, version to appear in MPL

    Five-Brane Effective Field Theory on Calabi-Yau Threefolds

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    We consider the compactification of the dual form of N=1N=1 D=10D=10 supergravity on a six-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold. An N=1N=1 off-shell supergravity effective Lagrangian in four dimensions can be constructed in a dual version of the gravitational sector (new-minimal supergravity form). Superspace duality has a simple interpretation in terms of Poincar\'{e} duality of two-form cohomology. The resulting 4D4D Lagrangian may describe the low-energy point-field limit of a five-brane theory, dual to string theory, provided Calabi-Yau spaces are consistent vacua of such dual theory.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, CERN-Th.6914/93 POLFIS-TH.04/93 UCLA/93/TEP/1

    Orientifolds, Brane Coordinates and Special Geometry

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    We report on the gauged supergravity analysis of Type IIB vacua on K3x T2/Z2 orientifold in the presence of D3-D7-branes and fluxes. We discuss supersymmetric critical points correspond to Minkowski vacua and the related fixing of moduli, finding agreement with previous analysis. An important role is played by the choice of the symplectic holomorphic sections of special geometry which enter the computation of the scalar potential. The related period matrix N is explicitly given. The relation between the special geometry and the Born--Infeld action for the brane moduli is elucidated.Comment: 24 pages, contribution to the proceedings of "DeserFest", Ann Arbor, Michigan, 3-6 April 200

    First Stars Contribution to the Near Infrared Background Fluctuations

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    We show that the emission from the first, metal-free stars inside Population III objects (PopIIIs) are needed to explain the level of fluctuations in the Near Infrared Background (NIRB) recently discovered by Kashlinsky et al. (2002), at least at the shortest wavelengths. Clustering of (unresolved) Pop IIIs can in fact account for the entire signal at almost all the ~1-30 arcsec scales probed by observations in the J band. Their contribution fades away at shorter frequencies and becomes negligible in the K band. ``Normal'', highly clustered, ~3 galaxies undergoing intense star-formation such as those found in the Hubble Deep Fields can 'fill in' this gap and provide for the missing signal. It is in fact found that their contribution to the intensity fluctuations is the dominant one at lambda=2.17 mum, while it gradually looses importance in the H and J bands. The joint contribution from these two populations of cosmic objects is able, within the errors, to reproduce the observed power spectrum in the whole Near Infrared range on small angular scales (theta < 200" for Pop III protogalaxies). Signals on larger scales detected by other experiments instead require the presence of more local sources.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Central Extension of Extended Supergravities in Diverse Dimensions

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    We generalize central-charge relations and differential identities of N=2 Special Geometry to N extended supergravity in any dimension 4 \leq D <10, and p-extended objects. We study the extremization of the ADM mass per unit of p-volume of BPS extended objects. Runaway solutions for a ``dilaton'' degree of freedom leading to a vanishing result are interpreted as BPS extremal states having vanishing Bekenstein-Hawking Entropy.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, no figures. This is the last version which will appear in International Journal of Modern Physics