105 research outputs found

    Marketing Research for Cultural Heritage Conservation and Sustainability: Lessons from the Field

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    This paper investigates the contribution of marketing research to cultural heritage conservation and sustainability, based on the assumption that the comprehension of the meaning of cultural heritage by new and extended audiences is a prerequisite for the future survival of tangible and intangible heritage. After discussing steps and achievements in the scientific debate on museum marketing, current gaps and possible further developments are considered. Since the early 1980s, marketing research has investigated visitors\u2019 profiles, motivations, and behaviors, and has progressively focused on improving the experience of cultural heritage, especially through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in museums and heritage sites. A literature review suggests that scant attention has been paid to qualitative research that is aimed at investigating the knowledge and skills of visitors and non-visitors and their understanding of the value of cultural heritage. Moving from these results, and taking into account recent data about the attitudes and opinions of people in Europe on cultural heritage, the field research focuses on the perception and communication of local cultural heritage among young generations. The results of six focus groups conducted in 2016 with undergraduate and postgraduate students (University of Macerata, Italy) are analyzed. The research findings reveal a number of difficulties and limitations with regard to communicating and understanding the value of heritage. In order to better investigate these gaps, the outcomes of this preliminary study could be tested and put to cross-analysis using different methods. However, they do provide useful evidence for understanding the link between audience development and cultural heritage sustainability

    Cibo, cultura, paesaggio. Prospettive di marketing territoriale per la valle dell'Aso

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    Il volume, partendo dalla nuova concezione di cultura e dalle nozioni di bene culturale e paesaggio, individua nel trinomio \u201ccibo-culturapaesaggio\u201d una leva potenziale per lo sviluppo integrato e sostenibile di un territorio. Si focalizza l'attenzione sull'importanza delle risorse place specific, e in particolare del made in Italy, per lo sviluppo dei territori e sugli strumenti e strategie per una valorizzazione territoriale integrata e sostenibile. Un caso di studio: la valle marchgiana del fiume Aso, nota per la qualit\ue0 delle produzioni agricole tradizionali, del paesaggio e del patrimonio culturale diffuso e dunque contraddistinta da molteplici potenzialit\ue0 culturali ed economiche ancora inespresse. Il volume propone alcune linee guida per lo sviluppo di quest'area, incentrate sul trinomio \u201ccibo-culturapaesaggio\u201d e orientate ai principi di distintivit\ue0 delle risorse, integrazione e sostenibilit\ue0

    Social Farmers’ Networking for Inclusive Tourism

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    Source at https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/52054.Social entrepreneurship plays a key role in making tourism an inclusive activity. Literature on the topic is increasing but needs to pay more attention to collaboration, which is crucial for social enterprises. To overcome this gap, the research focuses on the impact that social entrepreneurs’ drivers and barriers towards collaboration might have on providing decent work in rural tourism. The research considers the case of social farming, which has important implications for developing inclusive tourism

    Research, education and co-creation: the university in place / Ricerca, formazione e co-creazione: l'universitĂ  sul campo

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    In regional development strategies, universities are playing an increasingly decisive role as a knowledge generator and facilitator in the dialogue between local actors. This paper aims to understand the role that the University of Macerata can play in the process of interaction between business, public sector and research. Following a series of events organized by the University of Macerata with this objective, in this context will be analyzed the results of a focus group within an Entrepreneurial Discovery Process event. The participating stakeholders identified the university as the centre of a regional innovation ecosystem, where knowledge can be generated and transmitted.Nelle strategie di sviluppo regionale le universitĂ  stanno assumendo un ruolo sempre piĂč decisivo, quale generatore di conoscenza e facilitatore nel dialogo tra gli attori locali. Questo contributo ha l’obiettivo di capire il ruolo che puĂČ ricoprire l’UniversitĂ  di Macerata nel processo di interazione tra imprese, settore pubblico e mondo accademico. A seguito di una serie di eventi organizzati da parte dell’UniversitĂ  di Macerata con questo obiettivo, in questo contesto verranno analizzati i risultati emersi da un focus group all’interno di un evento Entrepreneurial Discovery Process. Gli stakeholders partecipanti hanno individuato l'universitĂ  come il centro di un ecosistema regionale dell'innovazione, all’interno del quale poter generare e trasmettere una conoscenza diffusa.

    Exploring the Role of the University in the Creation of Knowledge Networks in the Aso Valley, a Rural Area in Marche Region (Italy)

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    Rural areas are often disadvantaged by their peripheral position, depopulation and the scarcity of primary services, but they also have specific characteristics, especially in terms of cultural capital, that can make them attractive as tourism destinations. Sustainable tourism paths can be developed through collaboration between various actors with complementary skills and areas of expertise, especially local cooperatives and associations. In this context, universities can have a crucial role in creating knowledge networks and enhancing “rural buzz” that is the flow of information and knowledge among the individuals, organizations, and businesses in a rural area through face-to-face interaction. This study focuses on an Italian case study from the Marche Region: the collaboration between the University of Macerata (UNIMC) and a local association, Agritur-Aso, has been chosen as an example of a network for the co-valorization of regional cultural capital

    The role of ICTs and public-private cooperation for cultural heritage tourism. The case of Smart Marca / Il ruolo delle ICT e della cooperazione pubblico-privati per il turismo culturale. Il caso di Smart Marca

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    This paper analyzes the opportunities related to public-private cooperation for the implementation of information communication technologies (ICTs) to promote cultural heritage tourism. After a literature review on the role of cooperation between private and public sectors and the most relevant information communication technologies (ICTs) for the promotion of cultural heritage, the analysis moves to travel apps, by illustrating features, main trends and some applications of this technology to cultural heritage and tourism. In the second part, the connection between tourism, cultural heritage and digital technologies is analyzed through the description of Smart Marca app, which, starting from the cooperation between local public and private entities, exploited ICTs to promote cultural tourism in Fermo area (Marche Region, Italy).  Il contributo analizza le potenzialitĂ  della cooperazione pubblico-privata nella progettazione e realizzazione di nuove tecnologie dell’informazione (ICT) per la promozione del turismo del patrimonio culturale. Dopo una rassegna della letteratura dedicata al ruolo della collaborazione tra pubblico e privato e delle ICT per la promozione del patrimonio culturale e lo sviluppo turistico di un territorio, l’articolo focalizza l’attenzione sulle applicazioni mobili di viaggio, illustrandone trend e caratteristiche, nonchĂ© alcuni esempi di applicazione di questa tecnologia al patrimonio culturale e al turismo. Nella seconda parte, la connessione tra turismo, patrimonio culturale e ICT viene analizzata attraverso la descrizione dell’app Smart Marca, che, a partire dalla cooperazione tra enti pubblici e attori privati, ha utilizzato le nuove tecnologie per promuovere il turismo culturale nel territorio fermano (Regione Marche, Italia)
