299 research outputs found

    Noves inscripcions romanes de Valentia

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    Presentem dues noves inscripcions romanes trobades a Valentia en les excavacions realitzades a la ciutat. La primera fou recuperada en un solar del carrer Roc Chabàs situat al costat nord del fòrum de la colònia, és de caràcter votiu i està dedicada a la deessa Bellona, que hi apareix esmentada indubtablement per primera vegada a la província Tarraconense. La segona fou trobada al solar de l"Almoina, situat al costat est del fòrum, i és de carácter sepulcral. We present two new Roman inscriptions found in Valentia during the excavations carried in the city. The first was found in a site on the street Roc Chabas located on the north side of the forum of the colony, it has votive character and is dedicated to the goddess Bellona which is mentioned here indubitably for the first time in the Tarraconensis province. The second was recovered on the site of L'Almoina located on the east side of the forum and has funerary character


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    Human missions to Mars is one of the main objectives for scientific space international community and major goals on physiological and biomechanical space research is reduction of muscle atrophy (Fitts, 2000; Zange, 1997). MARES (Muscular Atrophy Research and Exercise System) system is an ergometer to be flown and installed in the International Space Station in the year 2007. This system will allow neuromuscular and gravitational physiology research on orbit. MARES consists of a control electronics that drives a motor, to which a subject .is connected by means of a restraining system named HRS (Human Restraint System). This ergometer can be programmed to work in 14 different modes (Isometric, Isotonic, Isokinetic, Spring, Friction, Additional Moment of Inertia/Mass, Pseudogravitational, Position Control, Velocity Control, Torque/Force Control, Power Control, Physical Elements, Extended Torque/Force Control, Quick Release). All of this modes are available for 11 movements, corresponding to main body joints and movements

    Miniversal deformations of marked matrices

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    Given the set of square matricesM⊂Mn+m(C) that keep the subspace W = Cnx{0} ⊂ Cn+m invariant, we obtain the implicit form of a miniversal deformation of a matrix a∈M, and we compute it explicitely when this matrix is marked (this is, if there is a permutation matrix p ∈ Mn+m(C) such that p−1ap is a Jordan matrix). We derive some applications to tackle the classical Carlson problem

    Efficacy of the filmarray blood culture identification panel for direct molecular diagnosis of infectious diseases from samples other than blood

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    Molecular-based techniques reduce the delay in diagnosing infectious diseases and therefore contribute to better patient outcomes. We assessed the FilmArray blood culture identification (BCID) panel (Biofire Diagnostics/bioMérieux) directly on clinical specimens other than blood: cerebrospinal, joint, pleural and ascitic fluids, bronchoscopy samples and abscesses. We compared the results from 88 samples obtained by culture-based techniques. The percentage of agreement between the two methods was 75 % with a Cohen K value of 0.51. Global sensitivity and specificity using the FilmArray BCID panel were 71 and 97 %, respectively. Sensitivity was poorer in samples with a low bacterial load, such as ascitic and pleural fluids (25 %), whereas the sensitivity for abscess samples was high (89 %). These findings suggest that the FilmArray BCID panel could be useful to perform microbiological diagnosis directly from samples other than positive blood cultures, as it offers acceptable sensitivity and moderate agreement with conventional microbiological methods. Nevertheless, cost-benefit studies should be performed before introducing this method into algorithms for microbiological diagnostics

    Estudi de noves tècniques per a l'eradicació de l'Arundo donax

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    El present estudi proposa millores en les tècniques d'eradicació de l'Arundo donax utilitzades actualment. Per tal de realitzar-lo s'ha fet un extens recull bibliogràfic i d'experiències en l'eradicació de la canya avaluant els impactes al medi que exerceix cada una d'elles i estudiant-ne la viabilitat o no. Es tracta d'una petita experiència que serveix per sumar esforços en el complicat repte de l'eradicació de la canya als llocs on ha estat introduïda.El presente estudio propone mejoras en las técnicas de erradicación del Arundo donax utilizadas actualmente. Con el fin de llevarlo a cabo se ha realizado una extensa recopilación bibliográfica y de experiencias en la erradicación de la caña evaluando los impactos en el medio que ejerce y estudiando su viabilidad. Se trata de una pequeña experiencia que sirve para sumar esfuerzos en el complicado reto de erradicar la caña en los lugares donde ha sido introducida.This study proposes to extend knowledge related to the eradication skills of the Arundo donax used nowadays. In order to take it to the end, an extensive bibliographical summary has been done. In addition, it has recollected information about experiences in the eradication of the Giant reed and its impacts at the environment. It is a little experience that serves to add efforts in the complicated challenge of eradicating the cane in the places where it has been introduced

    Integral chain management of wildlife diseases

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    The chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has caused the most prominent loss of vertebrate diversity ever recorded, which peaked in the 1980s. Recent incursion by its sister species B. salamandrivorans in Europe raised the alarm for a new wave of declines and extinctions in western Palearctic urodeles. The European Commission has responded by restricting amphibian trade. However, private amphibian collections, the main end consumers, were exempted from the European legislation. Here, we report how invasion by a released, exotic newt coincided with B. salamandrivorans invasion at over 1000 km from the nearest natural outbreak site, causing mass mortality in indigenous marbled newts (Triturus marmoratus), and posing an acute threat to the survival of nearby populations of the most critically endangered European newt species (Montseny brook newt, Calotriton arnoldi). Disease management was initiated shortly after detection in a close collaboration between policy and science and included drastic on site measures and intensive disease surveillance. Despite these efforts, the disease is considered temporarily contained but not eradicated and continued efforts will be necessary to minimize the probability of further pathogen dispersal. This precedent demonstrates the importance of tackling wildlife diseases at an early stage using an integrated approach, involving all stakeholders and closing loopholes in existing regulations

    Environmental heterogeneity in human health studies. A compositional methodology for Land Use and Land cover data

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICUnidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MThe use of Land use and Land cover (LULC) data is gradually becoming more widely spread in studies relating the environment to human health. However, little research has acknowledged the compositional nature of these data. The goal of the present study is to explore, for the first time, the independent effect of eight LULC categories (agricultural land, bare land, coniferous forest, broad-leaved forest, sclerophyll forest, grassland and shrubs, urban areas, and waterbodies) on three selected common health conditions: type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), asthma and anxiety, using a compositional methodological approach and leveraging observational health data of Catalonia (Spain) at area level. We fixed the risk exposure scenario using three covariates (socioeconomic status, age group, and sex). Then, we assessed the independent effect of the eight LULC categories on each health condition. Our results show that each LULC category has a distinctive effect on the three health conditions and that the three covariates clearly modify this effect. This compositional approach has yielded plausible results supported by the existing literature, highlighting the relevance of environmental heterogeneity in health studies. In this sense, we argue that different types of environment possess exclusive biotic and abiotic elements affecting distinctively on human health. We believe our contribution might help researchers approach the environment in a more multidimensional manner integrating environmental heterogeneity in the analysis
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