1,225 research outputs found

    Coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau systems with saturable nonlinearity and asymmetric cross-phase modulation

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    We formulate and study dynamics from a complex Ginzburg-Landau system with saturable nonlinearity, including asymmetric cross-phase modulation (XPM) parameters. Such equations can model phenomena described by complex Ginzburg-Landau systems under the added assumption of saturable media. When the saturation parameter is set to zero, we recover a general complex cubic Ginzburg-Landau system with XPM. We first derive conditions for the existence of bounded dynamics, approximating the absorbing set for solutions. We use this to then determine conditions for amplitude death of a single wavefunction. We also construct exact plane wave solutions, and determine conditions for their modulational instability. In a degenerate limit where dispersion and nonlinearity balance, we reduce our system to a saturable nonlinear Schr\"odinger system with XPM parameters, and we demonstrate the existence and behavior of spatially heterogeneous stationary solutions in this limit. Using numerical simulations we verify the aforementioned analytical results, while also demonstrating other interesting emergent features of the dynamics, such as spatiotemporal chaos in the presence of modulational instability. In other regimes, coherent patterns including uniform states or banded structures arise, corresponding to certain stable stationary states. For sufficiently large yet equal XPM parameters, we observe a segregation of wavefunctions into different regions of the spatial domain, while when XPM parameters are large and take different values, one wavefunction may decay to zero in finite time over the spatial domain (in agreement with the amplitude death predicted analytically). While saturation will often regularize the dynamics, such transient dynamics can still be observed - and in some cases even prolonged - as the saturability of the media is increased, as the saturation may act to slow the timescale.Comment: 36 page

    Reduction of the model noise in non-linear reconstruction via an efficient calculation of the incident field: application to a 434 MHz Scanner

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    Microwave tomography has been drastically boosted by the development of efficient reconstruction algorithms based on an iterative solution of the corresponding non-linear inverse problem. The accuracy of the electric field radiated by the antennas of a microwave scanner, inside the target area, has been shown to play a significant role on the overall image quality. Taking into account the antenna environment is of prime importance, especially when operating at low frequency. For instance, the wall of a 60 cm diameter whole-body microwave scanner cannot be neglected at 434 MHz, even when using the immersion technique consisting of putting the target in water. Indeed, at such a frequency, the attenuation introduced by water is not sufficient to avoid multiple reflections on the scanner boundary walls. Consequently, the method of calculating the incident field constitutes a key factor in iteratively solving non-linear inverse problems. The selected technique must accommodate high accuracy while maintaining acceptable calculation complexity. In this paper, three distinct techniques are analysed. They are based on the use of i) free-space and ii) non free-space Green's function, and iii) a FDTD approach. All these techniques have been firstly investigated for their 2D version, being used in 2D reconstruction algorithms. However, the scattered field data are collected in a 3D scanner. For assessing the validity of the previous 2D techniques, their results have been compared to both experimentally and 3D-FDTD results.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Microwave imaging techniques for biomedical applications

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    Microwaves have been considered for medical applications involving the detection of organ movements and changes in tissue water content. More particularly cardiopulmonary interrogation via microwaves has resulted in various sensors monitoring ventricular volume change or movement, arterial wall motion, respiratory movements, pulmonary oedema, etc. In all these applications, microwave sensors perform local measurements and need to be displaced for obtaining an image reproducing the spatial variations of a given quantity. Recently, advances in the area of inverse scattering theory and microwave technology have made possible the development of microwave imaging and tomographic instruments. This paper provides a review of such equipment developed at Suplec and UPC Barcelona, within the frame of successive French-Spanish PICASSO cooperation programs. It reports the most significant results and gives some perspectives for future developments. Firstly, a brief historical survey is given. Then, both technological and numerical aspects are considered. The results of preliminary pre-clinical assessments and in-lab experiments allow to illustrate the capabilities of the existing equipment, as well as its difficulty in dealing with clinical situations. Finally, some remarks on the expected development of microwave imaging techniques for biomedical applications are given.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Treballs arqueològics a Llívia

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    Magnetic fringe-field control of electronic transport in an organic film

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    Random, spatially uncorrelated nuclear-hyperfine fields in organic materials dramatically affect electronic transport properties such as electrical conductivity, photoconductivity, and electroluminescence. The influence of these nuclear-hyperfine fields can be overwhelmed by a uniform externally applied magnetic field, even at room temperature where the thermodynamic influences of the resulting nuclear and electronic Zeeman splittings are negligible. As a result, even in applied magnetic fields as small as 10 mT, the kinetics of exciton formation, bipolaron formation, and single-carrier hopping are all modified at room temperature, leading to changes in transport properties in excess of 10% in many materials. Here, we demonstrate a new method of controlling the electrical conductivity of an organic film at room temperature, using the spatially varying magnetic fringe fields of a magnetically unsaturated ferromagnet. (The fringe field is the magnetic field emanating from a ferromagnet, associated with magnetic dipole interactions or, equivalently, the divergence of the magnetization within and at the surfaces of the ferromagnet.) The ferromagnet's fringe fields might act as a substitute for either the applied magnetic field or the inhomogeneous hyperfine field. The size of the effect, the magnetic-field dependence, and hysteretic properties rule out a model where the fringe fields from the ferromagnet provide a local magnetic field that changes the electronic transport properties through the hyperfine field, and show that our effects originate from electrical transport through the inhomogeneous fringe fields coming from the ferromagnet. Surprisingly, these inhomogeneous fringe fields vary over length scales roughly 2 orders of magnitude larger than the hopping length in the organic materials, challenging the fundamental models of magnetoresistance in organic layers which require the correlation length of the inhomogeneous field to correspond roughly to the hopping length

    Comparison of ultrasound-guided versus blind interventions for supraspinatus tendinopathy : A cadaveric study

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    Background. The treatment of supraspinatus tendinopathy remains a challenge for the health professional. This study aims to analyze the precision of needle interventions in lesions of the supraspinatus tendon when conducting them in an ultrasound-guided or non-ultrasound guided (blind) manner. Methods. Study on cadaver with infiltrations performed under ultrasound control or blind after randomization of the parts and participants. Twenty fresh cadaveric shoulders and 30 practitioners with experience using musculoskeletal ultrasound and doing needle interventions. Each practitioner performed 4 ultrasound-guided and 4 unguided punctures. This provided 240 punctures that were analyzed in 3 different anatomical cuts, thus providing a database of 720 measurements for statistical analysis. Results. Statistically significant differences were observed (p<0.0001) in the distance to the bullet point between the ultrasound-guided and the non-guided infiltrations. It was estimated that the unguided punctures were performed on average 10mm farther from the bullet point than the 'ultrasound-guided' punctures. The ultrasound-guided punctures demonstrated 95% precision while the unguided punctures had a precision rate of 12.5% (p <0.0001). Conclusion. Interventions of the supraspinatus tendon should be performed in an ultrasound-guided manner to facilitate administration of the treatment in the proper area

    Planar magnetoinductive wave transducers : theory and applications

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    Transduction of magnetoinductive waves (MIWs) in planar technology is demonstrated. A transducer consisting of a one-dimensional periodic array of metallic split squared ring resonators (SSRR), placed between a pair of microstrip lines on a planar substrate has been fabricated and measured. The microstrip lines are inductively coupled to the SSRRs located at the ends of the periodic array and excite MIWs that propagate along the array. The theoretical model for the dispersion of MIWs is used to predict the dispersion relation and the delay time in the device. The delay time was measured and a good agreement was found with the theoretical predictions. The transmission coefficient of the device was also measured. The theoretical and experimental results suggest that the proposed configuration can find application in the design of delay lines and other microwave devices. In fact, the behavior of the proposed transducer is similar to that of the conventional ferritemagnetostatic-wavetransducer. However, ferrite devices are fragile, difficult to integrate, and require a heavy external magnet or electromagnet to magnetize the ferrite to saturation. Since all these drawbacks are not present in the proposed configuration, it may be a useful alternative to those devices for many practical applications
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