919 research outputs found

    Theoretical analysis of the condensation of combustion products in thin gaseous layers

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    In this paper, a theoretical analysis of the condensation of combustion products in narrow gaps between planar plates is performed. The investigation is motivated by the empirical results shown by Veiga-López [“Flame propagation in narrow channels,” Ph.D. thesis (Carlos III University of Madrid, 2020)] and the lack of a theoretical description directly applicable to them. In these experiments, he describes how discontinuous condensed water films appeared on the walls of the combustion chamber, forming dry/wet stripes parallel to the flame front at the products region. The formulation developed here is derived from a general approach for condensation, which is simplified considering the conditions of high-temperature combustion products. Notably, the liquid phase disappears from the system of equations, which exclusively contains the gaseous phase. The expressions resulting are analytical, simple, and easy to interpret. They allow us to understand qualitatively the effects of the main physical phenomena of the process, which is described by the interaction between heat exchange, mass transfer, the thermodynamic conditions, and the velocity of the combustion products. The construct is subsequently utilized to perform the numerical parametric studies, to analyze the influence of two main parameters of the problem: gap thickness and flame velocity. Despite the relative simplicity of the model, it predicts similar condensation–vaporization–condensation cycles to those observed at the laboratory

    Thread Quality Control in High-Speed Tapping Cycles

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    Thread quality control is becoming a widespread necessity in manufacturing to guarantee the geometry of the resulting screws on the workpiece due to the high industrial costs. Besides, the industrial inspection is manual provoking high rates of manufacturing delays. Therefore, the aim of this paper consists of developing a statistical quality control approach acquiring the data (torque signal) coming from the spindle drive for assessing thread quality using different coatings. The system shows a red light when the tap wear is critical before machining in unacceptable screw threads. Therefore, the application could reduce these high industrial costs because it can work self-governance.This research was funded by the vice‐counseling of technology, innovation and competitiveness of the Basque Government grant agreements IT‐2005/00201, ZL‐2019/00720 (HARDCRAFT project) and KK‐2019/00004 (PROCODA project)

    Analysis of the Machining Process of Titanium Ti6Al-4V Parts Manufactured by Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)

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    In the current days, the new range of machine tools allows the production of titanium alloy parts for the aeronautical sector through additive technologies. The quality of the materials produced is being studied extensively by the research community. This new manufacturing paradigm also opens important challenges such as the definition and analysis of the optimal strategies for finishing-oriented machining in this type of part. Researchers in both materials and manufacturing processes are making numerous advances in this field. This article discusses the analysis of the production and subsequent machining in the quality of TI6Al4V produced by Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM), more specifically Plasma Arc Welding (PAW). The promising results observed make it a viable alternative to traditional manufacturing methods.This research was funded by the vice-counseling of technology, innovation and competitiveness of the Basque Government grant agreement kk-2019/00004 (PROCODA project)

    A gravidade da violência e da indisciplina escolar dos alunos percepcionada por pais e encarregados de educação

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    O presente estudo teve como objectivo geral analisar as representações de encarregados de educação acerca da gravidade atribuída a dimensões específicas dos comportamentos indisciplinados dos alunos. Especificamente, foram colocadas as seguintes questões de estudo: Como se distribuem os encarregados de educação dos alunos pela gravidade atribuída a comportamentos indisciplinados, nas suas diferentes dimensões (agressão a professores, falta de assiduidade, agressão a colegas, desobediência, transgressão a regras fora da aula, excessos de linguagem, distracção, transgressão de regras de higiene, transgressão de regras na aula, e transgressão de regras de boas maneiras na aula), em função de variáveis independentes específicas (constituição da família, idade, género do encarregado de educação, profissão, habilitações literárias, e retenções do aluno)? A amostra foi constituída por 423 encarregados de educação, de ambos os sexos, com idades variadas, de alunos de escolas do distrito da Guarda. Como instrumentos foram construídos vários indicadores agregados, constituídos por itens conforme a literatura revista. A análise dos resultados permitiu observar relações específicas entre as dimensões dos comportamentos indisciplinados e as variáveis independentes, apresentando-se a distribuição dos sujeitos pela gravidade, atribuída aos comportamentos, em consonância com as hipóteses de estudo inicialmente formuladas. Os resultados aproximam-se de estudos prévios, foram interpretados numa perspectiva cognitivo-social e sugerem novas investigações

    Analysis of the Machining Process of Inconel 718 Parts Manufactured by Laser Metal Deposition

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    Laser metal deposition (LMD) is an additive manufacturing process that allows the manufacturing of near-net-shape products. This could mean significant savings in terms of materials and costs in the manufacturing of high-performance components for the aeronautical industry. In this work, an analysis of how the LMD processing of alloy 718 affects the final machining has been carried out. For this purpose, a comparative study has been done by means of the monitoring of the end milling process of a part manufactured by LMD and a rough-milled part from forged material. Differences between process outputs such as chip morphology and cutting forces were studied. Material characteristics such as microstructure, hardness and mechanical properties were also analyzed.This research was funded by European Commission grant number 723440 (PARADDISE project), which is an initiative of the Photonics and Factories of the Future Public Private Partnership, and by the Vice-Counselor of Technology, Innovation and Competitiveness of the Basque Government grant number KK-2018/00115 (ADDISEND project) and grant number KK-2019/00004 (PROCODA project)

    Violência doméstica, toxicodependência e alcoolismo: a experiência da Associação Reaprender a Viver, Bragança

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    A presente comunicação tem como objectivos: (1) dar a conhecer as actividades desenvolvidas pela associação “Reaprender a Viver” relacionados com as problemáticas da violência doméstica, toxicodependência e alcoolismo na cidade de Bragança; (2) constituir-se como um elemento de reflexão sobre a complexidade e interligação destas problemáticas na sociedade em geral mas sobretudo na “intimidade” dos agregados familiares. O enquadramento teórico inspira-se nos ensinamentos do Interaccionismo Simbólico e da Grounded Analysis Theory, que permitem a compreensão profunda dos fenómenos sociais. A metodologia empregue centra-se no acompanhamento pessoal dos casos detectados (informação de natureza qualitativa) e na realização de um inquérito a cerca de duas centenas de agregados familiares (informação de natureza quantitativa). No que concerne aos resultados, que são ainda preliminares, ressalta a profunda e multifacetada inter-relação entre as três problemáticas referenciadas e o seu impacto primordial no seio das famílias. The present communication aims: (1) to present the activities developed for the association "Reaprender a Viver", related with the domestic violence, drugs and alcoholism, in the city of Bragança; (2) to promote the reflection on the complexity and interconnection of these problematic in the society and in the "privacy" of family units. The theoretical approach, inspired in the Symbolic Interaccionismo and the Grounded Analysis Theory, allow the deep understanding of the social phenomena. The methodology is centred in the personal and deep study of the detected cases (information of qualitative nature) and in the accomplishment of an inquiry applied about 200 family units (information of quantitative nature). Concerns to the preliminary results, emerges the deep and multifaceted interrelation between the three problematic and its primordial impact in the core of the families

    The Differentiation and Promotion of Students’ Rights in Portugal

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    This investigation includes a differential study (Study 1) and a quasi-experimental research (Study 2). In Study 1, the objective was to establish to what extent students’ rights existed and analyse the differentiation between students’ rights with Portuguese and immigrant mothers, throughout school years. The sample consisted of 537 students with Portuguese and immigrant mothers, distributed by different school years (7th, 9th and 11th grades). The Children’s Rights Scale (Hart et al., 1996; Veiga, 2001) was used. In Study 2, the purpose was to analyse the effects on students’ rights of the use by teachers of a communicational intervention program, supervised by school psychologists. The sample involved 7th and 9th grade students, in a total of four classes, two forming the experimental groups (n = 36) and two the control groups (n = 43); as in Study 1, the Children’s Rights Scale was used. The results indicated the effectiveness of the communicational intervention program on students’ rights and are consistent with previous studies. An implication is that psychologists and teachers, working together and taking a human rights perspective, may develop an important role in projects to promote the students’ rights

    Health communication: the added value of proverbial language

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    Na atualidade a sociedade enfrenta grandes desafios. A promoção da saúde dos indivíduos é um deles. As estratégias socioeducativas a utilizar na conscientização do público para este desafio são variadas mas nem sempre eficazes. Cada vez mais os atores envolvidos no processo educativo têm de usar abordagens inovadoras para obter a mudança de comportamentos desejáveis. Neste sentido é importante educar e capacitar as pessoas para se tornarem cidadãos ativos. As mensagens e ensinamentos transmitidos através da oralidade, são importantes para comunicar em saúde. Objetivo: analisar estudos publicados sobre o recurso à linguagem proverbial na área da saúde, bem como os seus contextos e mais-valias. Metodologia: revisão sistemática de literatura de artigos publicados em plataformas de base de dados e revistas científicas. Resultados: O recurso aos provérbios pode ser uma estratégia pedagógica importante, tanto na interação direta com os utentes em múltiplos contextos, como no diagnóstico precoce de alteração da saúde mental.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Thermal expansion behaviour of Invar 36 alloy parts fabricated by wire-arc additive manufacturing

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    Invar 36 alloy is of high interest in various industrial sectors, due to its reduced thermal expansion properties. This study aims to validate Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) technology as a valid method for manufacturing aerospace tooling in Invar 36. The main novelty and the objective of this work is to study the properties of Invar deposited by WAAM technology and to provide guidelines for the manufacture of parts using this technology. To do so, the thermal expansion behaviour of Invar specimens manufactured using Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)-based WAAM technology and Plasma Arc Welding (PAW)-based WAAM technology is analyzed for subsequent comparison with the values obtained from the laminated Invar sample used as the reference specimen. A wall is manufactured with each technology, for comparative purposes, from which specimens were extracted for the dilatometry test and metallographic analysis. The results of these analyses show the advantages of GMAW technology for the manufacture of Invar alloy parts, as it presents the same thermal expansion behaviour as the laminated reference material with less presence of precipitates and no macrostructural failures such as pores, cracks and lacks of fusion. Furthermore, to conclude, an aeronautical tooling that has been manufactured within this work demonstrated the potential of this technology to manu-facture specialized aeronautical parts.The authors acknowledge the Basque Government for financing the ADDHOC project, HAZITEK 2021 program (ZL-2021/00989) and EKOHEGAZ ELKARTEK program (kk-2021/00092)

    Cidadania em função da dotação (Sobredotação versus infradotação), ao longo da adolescência

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    Este estudo teve como objectivo a análise da relação entre as representações dos alunos acerca da cidadania dos professores e os seguintes indicadores de dotação: rendimento escolar (excelente versus baixo), criatividade (“os teus professores consideramte um aluno criativo”; “consideras-te criativo”), facilidade de aprendizagem (“os teus professores acham que tens facilidade de aprendizagem”) e gosto pelo trabalho difícil (“os teus professores acham que sentes atracção pelo trabalho difícil”). A amostra foi constituída por 246 sujeitos de diferentes anos de escolaridade (7º, 9º e 11º anos), de escolas da Grande Lisboa, englobando sujeitos dos dois sexos. Como instrumento de avaliação, foi utilizada a “Escala de representações dos alunos acerca da cidadania dos professores”, ERA-CIP, que, para além de incluir as dimensões de um questionário de Rego e outros (1999, 2004), — participação, orientação prática, conscienciosidade e cortesia — contém novas dimensões, especificamente a interpessoalidade e a normatividade (gestão das normas), apresenta uma variância total explicada de 58.64% e qualidades psicométricas manifestas (Veiga et al., no prelo). A análise dos resultados permitiu observar, na generalidade das situações, diferenças significativas nas dimensões da cidadania docente inferida pelos alunos, em função da dotação. Observou-se, ainda, o efeito da interacção da variável ano de escolaridade com indicadores da dotação. O estudo termina com a discussão dos resultados e sua comparação com outras investigações, remetendo para a necessidade de novas pesquisas, em função de variáveis pessoais e familiares