665 research outputs found

    Prevención de la lesiones por sobreuso: relación del comportamiento del sistema músculotendinoso rotuliano y Aquíleo en la carrera y el entrenamiento excéntrico

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    [ES] Las lesiones por sobreuso, especialmente a nivel tendinoso, se caracterizan por desarrollar cambios sin llegar en muchos casos a manifestaciones clínicas. Para determinar estos cambios en los tejidos existen varios métodos, siendo el uso de la Ecografta uno de los más extendidos por su fácil uso y aplicabilidad en la práctica clínica. No obstante, otros métodos, con escasas investigaciones previas, como la Termografia se añaden a este intento. En nuestro conocimiento, no ha sido estudiado previamente el comportamiento de los tejidos musculotendinoso s tras un entrenamiento con sobrecarga excéntrica y especialmente su efecto tras 3 días consecutivos de carrera. El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en cuantificar las adaptaciones del tejido musculo-tendinoso rotuliano y Aquíleo, que un entrenamiento con sobrecarga excéntrica y tres días de carrera consecutivos provocan. Asimismo, otro objetivo del estudio es relacionar los cambios provocados en dicho entrenamiento excéntrico con distinto tipo de comportamiento en las adaptaciones a Ja carga durante Ja carrera continua.[EN]Overuse injuries, especially in tendons, are characterized by developing changes in tissues in many cases without clinical manifestations. To determine these changes in the tissues there are several methods, like Ultrasound, that it is one of the most widespread methods used in clinical practice. However, other methods such as thermography are added to this attempt. To our knowledge, it has not been previously studies that analyse the behaviour of the muscle-tendon tissue after training with eccentric overload and especially its effects after 3 consecutive days of running. The aim of this research is to measure the changes in muscle and tendon tissues -patellar and Achilles tendons- that an eccentric overload training and three days of consecutive running lead. Also, another aim of the study is to relate the different types of behaviour that the changes that eccentric training provides with the adaptations to the load within 3 consecutive days of running.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud, leída el 2 de octubre de 201

    Do you know to whom you pay your taxes? The case of decentralised Spain

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    Surveys show that most citizens are unable to correctly identify the taxes received or the services provided by the different levels of government. This shortcoming represents an obstacle to democratic accountability and for the efficiency gains that the theory of fiscal federalism attributes to fiscal decentralisation be effective. Exploiting the 2015 wave of the Spanish Institute for Fiscal Studies' Fiscal Barometer, this paper empirically determines the profile of citizens who are best able to identify the allocation of taxes among the central, regional and local levels of government. The estimates suggest that these citizens are those who are able to identify the government that provides the services financed by those taxes, who correctly identify other taxes received by the same government, who reside in a foral region, and who enjoy a high level of education

    Adaptive Multi-Pattern Fast Block-Matching Algorithm Based on Motion Classification Techniques

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    Motion estimation is the most time-consuming subsystem in a video codec. Thus, more efficient methods of motion estimation should be investigated. Real video sequences usually exhibit a wide-range of motion content as well as different degrees of detail, which become particularly difficult to manage by typical block-matching algorithms. Recent developments in the area of motion estimation have focused on the adaptation to video contents. Adaptive thresholds and multi-pattern search algorithms have shown to achieve good performance when they success to adjust to motion characteristics. This paper proposes an adaptive algorithm, called MCS, that makes use of an especially tailored classifier that detects some motion cues and chooses the search pattern that best fits to them. Specifically, a hierarchical structure of binary linear classifiers is proposed. Our experimental results show that MCS notably reduces the computational cost with respect to an state-of-the-art method while maintaining the qualityPublicad

    Characterization of the indoor environment and gas emissions in rabbit farms

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    [EN] There is a need to characterize gas concentrations and emissions from rabbit production. A study was conducted in order to determine ammonia, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide concentrations and emissions in three rabbit farms in the Spanish Mediterranean area. Gas emissions were measured for 187 days in two different production stages (reproductive does and fattening rabbits). Gas concentrations were measured every two hours. Indoor temperature, relative humidity and ventilation flow were measured hourly. As a result, indoor temperature and relative humidity varied throughout the year, following a sinusoidal daily variation pattern. Maximum gas concentrations (14.3 mg/m3 of NH3, 7041 mg/m3 of CO2 and 5.10 mg/m3 of N2O) did not exceed the maximum recommended thresholds considering human health and animal welfare. Ammonia emissions were on average 55.9 and 10.2 mg/h per reproductive doe and fattening rabbit, respectively, and they were affected by temperature and relative humidity. The average carbon dioxide emission was 12588 mg/h per animal for does and 3341 mg/h for fattening rabbits. Nitrous oxide emission from does was 10.3 mg/h per animal, whereas for fattening rabbits the emission was negligible. Daily variation patterns of all measured parameters were observed and characterised in this study.The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Project GasFarm AGL2008-04125) for the economic support to conduct this study. Acquisition of the gas analyser was co-financed by the Generalitat Valenciana (Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia) and FEDER funds.Calvet Sanz, S.; Cambra López, M.; Estellés Barber, F. (2011). Characterization of the indoor environment and gas emissions in rabbit farms. World Rabbit Science. 19(1). https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2011.802SWORD19

    El síndrome anorexia caquexia

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    The anorexia-cachexia syndrome is a paraneoplasic, metabolic disorder characterized by the appearance of appetite decrease, loss of weight and muscular mass atrophy, which in spite of a correct caloric and nutritional contribution is not achieved to solve. This entity is frequent among patients with malignant tumors. And its result, the malnutrition, drives to a series of complications in the shape of alterations at immune system and related to the oncological treatments, attributing to these patients a worse prognosis. The fisiopathology is explained by the existence of a deregulation at hypothalamic center that has the control of the appetite consequence of the production of several cytokines. According to the irreversibility of the syndrome, once it is established, the most relevant aspect to manage it will be the preventive measurements and obviously a good psycho-emotional support from the sanitary professionals

    Choice of Magnetometers and Gradiometers after Signal Space Separation

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    Background: Modern Elekta Neuromag MEG devices include 102 sensor triplets containing one magnetometer and two planar gradiometers. The first processing step is often a signal space separation (SSS), which provides a powerful noise reduction. A question commonly raised by researchers and reviewers relates to which data should be employed in analyses: (1) magnetometers only, (2) gradiometers only, (3) magnetometers and gradiometers together. The MEG community is currently divided with regard to the proper answer. Methods: First, we provide theoretical evidence that both gradiometers and magnetometers result from the backprojection of the same SSS components. Then, we compare resting state and task-related sensor and source estimations from magnetometers and gradiometers in real MEG recordings before and after SSS. Results: SSS introduced a strong increase in the similarity between source time series derived from magnetometers and gradiometers (r2 = 0.3–0.8 before SSS and r2 > 0.80 after SSS). After SSS, resting state power spectrum and functional connectivity, as well as visual evoked responses, derived from both magnetometers and gradiometers were highly similar (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient > 0.8, r 2 > 0.8). Conclusions: After SSS, magnetometer and gradiometer data are estimated from a single set of SSS components (usually ≤ 80). Equivalent results can be obtained with both sensor types in typical MEG experiments

    Thermoacoustic analysis of lean premixed hydrogen flames in narrow vertical channels

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    Thermoacoustic instabilities arise for lean hydrogen-air flames propagating in narrow channels. We provide here a detailed experimental analysis of such phenomena in a semi-confined vessel, analyzing the effect of the mixture composition, geometry and gravity on the onset of acoustic-driven flame vibrations. Downward-propagating flames leaner than a critical value vibrate smoothly and transit to the secondary oscillating instability, which develops strong variations of pressure that couple with the propagation dynamics. The transition threshold changes during the propagation along very narrow channels, where heat losses are no longer negligible. The parametric region of equivalence ratio for the secondary thermoacoustic instability diminishes, showing an additional transition for very lean flames. There, the front breaks into several structures and the flame-wave feedback becomes weaker. The influence of gravity is studied by comparing upward and downward propagating flames, where the Rayleigh–Taylor instability arises for sufficiently small values of the Froude number in slow-propagating lean flames. For a constant mixture, buoyancy-driven upward-propagating flames develop less wrinkled fronts than those propagating downwards, and remain unresponsive to acoustic-front interaction. We show here a direct relation between front shape and thermoacoustics. In agreement with previous studies [1], [2], [3], curvature and strain effects on conduction and diffusion characterize the response of the flame to pressure perturbations, with the Markstein number controlling the aforementioned transition. Nevertheless, the theoretical analyses found in the literature can only be used on nearly equidiffusional mixtures, and are not accurate enough to describe the highly diffusive fuel mixtures (i.e. lean hydrogen-air flames) considered in our experiments.This work was supported by projects ENE2015-65852-C2-1-R (MINECO/ FEDER, UE), BYNV-ua37crdy (Fundación Iberdrola España) and KIT. The authors want to thank the technical support of ProScience GmbH. in the construction and operation of the experimental setup. D. Martnez-Ruiz would like to acknowledge F. Higuera for fruitful discussions.Publicad

    Análisis de la pélicula El árbol de la vida, de Terrence Malick (2011)

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    El árbol de la vida es el quinto largometraje del director estadounidense Terrence Malick, estrenada en Cannes 2011. En este trabajo se analiza el carácter trascendente del film y su relación con el autor francés Robert Bresson, con el que comparte toda una serie de inquietudes y estilo. Además, se revisa la película desde una óptica cristiana, donde Malick nos muestra el origen del universo y el más allá, a la par que las relaciones interfamiliares de una familia tejana en los años 50. Asimismo, el film es una mirada íntima y catártica a la infancia y origen del propio director. De vocación poética, la película se sirve de una serie de recursos formales para conseguir su singular estética, en los que cabría destacar: la iluminación de Emmanuel Lubezki, el diseño de producción de Jack Fisk y el simbólico uso de la música unido a un preciso montaje. Palabras clave: Terrence Malick, El árbol de la vida, película, trascendente, poética.AbstractThe Tree of Life is the fifth feature film by the American director Terrence Malick, which was premiered at Cannes 2011. This work analyzes the transcendent nature of the film and the relationship between Malick and the French author Robert Bresson, with whom he shares a whole series of concerns and style. In addition, the film is reviewed from a Christian perspective, where Malick shows us the origin of the universe and the afterlife, as well as the inter-family relationships of a Texas family in the 1950s. Likewise, the film is an intimate and cathartic look to the childhood and origin of the director himself. With a poetic vocation, the film uses a series of formal resources to achieve its singular aesthetic, in which it is worth highlighting: the lighting by Emmanuel Lubezki, the production design by Jack Fisk and the symbolic use of music combined with a precise montage.Keywords: Terrence Malick, The tree of life, film, transcendent, poetic.<br /

    La estructura urbana de España e Italia (1900-2010)

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    En este trabajo estudiamos la evolución de la estructura urbana de todos los municipios españoles e italianos desde 1900 a 2010. El análisis descriptivo, el uso de kernels y, sobre todo, la estimación exhaustiva de los denominados exponentes de Pareto, nos llevan a deducir como conclusión más importante que el comportamiento predominante es el de un aumento en la desigualdad en la distribución, tanto a lo largo del siglo como para los distintos tamaños muestrales considerados. Los episodios, puntuales, de convergencia, son más probables en Italia y para las ciudades más grandes