502 research outputs found

    Do unemployment benefit legislative changes affect job finding? Evidence from the Spanish 1992 UI reform act.

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    Using a rich administrative dataset on unemployment insurance benefit recipients, the current work analyses the Spanish 1992 Reform Act implemented to reduce the generosity of the unemployment compensation system –in particular, a decrease in the level of unemployment insurance benefits and in entitlement duration. For this purpose, we compare unemployment insurance exit rates for two large sub-samples of individuals: the first sub-sample includes those who started receiving unemployment insurance benefits in 1991 (the pre-reform sub-sample) and the second sub-sample includes those who did so during 1993 (the post-reform sub-sample). Results indicate that these legislative changes had a positive though modest effect on individuals’ exit rate from unemployment: the 10-percent decrease in unemployment insurance benefit levels was associated with a 5-percent increase in the transition rate out of unemployment, while the reduction implemented in the potential unemployment insurance duration implied a 2-percent increase in the hazard rate out of unemployment

    Do unemployment benefit legislative changes affect job finding? Evidence from the Spanish 1992 UI reform act.

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    Using a rich administrative dataset on unemployment insurance benefit recipients, the current work analyses the Spanish 1992 Reform Act implemented to reduce the generosity of the unemployment compensation system –in particular, a decrease in the level of unemployment insurance benefits and in entitlement duration. For this purpose, we compare unemployment insurance exit rates for two large sub-samples of individuals: the first sub-sample includes those who started receiving unemployment insurance benefits in 1991 (the pre-reform sub-sample) and the second sub-sample includes those who did so during 1993 (the post-reform sub-sample). Results indicate that these legislative changes had a positive though modest effect on individuals’ exit rate from unemployment: the 10-percent decrease in unemployment insurance benefit levels was associated with a 5-percent increase in the transition rate out of unemployment, while the reduction implemented in the potential unemployment insurance duration implied a 2-percent increase in the hazard rate out of unemployment

    Thermodynamics of binary mixtures 1-ethoxy-1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4-nonafluorobutane (HFE-7200) + 2-propanol: High pressure density, speed of sound and derivative properties

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    Awareness about environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions has lead to search for other alternatives which can cover the same utility range of wellknown CFCs, HCFCs and PFCs but without their undesirable effects on the planet. Since Hydrofluoroether fluids (HFEs) have emerged as a good alternative, it is necessary to characterize their thermophysical properties in order to bring reliable data to the industry. Density and speed of sound are two of the most important physical properties because of the amount of information that they provide in the design of the machinery involved in the utilization of these fluids as well as data for the parametrization of equations of state. This paper reports a set of new data concerning high pressure density, ρ, for the binary mixture x HFE-7200 + (1 − x) 2-propanol in a broad range of pressures (0.1–140 MPa), and at several temperatures (from 293.15 to 393.15 K). Density values were correlated by employing a Tait-like equation in the same p, T ranges, and the derivative properties, that is, the isothermal compressibility κT, and the isobaric expansion αP, were determined. Excess molar volumes VE, which bring information about the change in volume observed in the mixture were also calculated for the eight mole fractions investigated. Speeds of sound, c, at 0.1 MPa were measured experimentally in the temperature range (293.15–333.15 K). By using the Laplace equation, isentropic compressibilities, κS, were calculated from density and sound velocity values

    Hemangiolymphangioma of the spermatic cord in a 17 year-old: A case report

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    AbstractBackgroundHemangiolymphangiomas are extremely rare tumours arising from blood and lymphatic vessels. It is a benign disorder, and 95% are of the neck and axilla.ObjectiveTo present a case of hemangiolymphangioma of the spermatic cord with contralateral recurrence.Clinical caseA 17-year-old patient with a progressively growing tumour in the right inguinoscrotal region. Examination revealed a painless, movable and soft right inguinoscrotal tumour, mobile and soft. Surgical resection showed a 25cm×25cm tumour from spermatic cord, right testicle, and subcutaneous cellular tissue. Histopathological study reported a hemangiolymphangioma.ConclusionsThe spermatic cord is an unusual location of hemangiolymphangiomas with contralateral recurrence. Surgical treatment, with histopathological diagnosis, is associated with good prognosis

    Sistema inteligente de monitorización para la auscultación de tuberías mediante un robot

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    En este artículo se presenta el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un sistema de monitorización para un robot de auscultación de tuberías en agujeros profundos. El cometido de estas tuberías es actuar como canalizaciones a la hora de inyectar materiales endurecedores del terreno, como paso previo a la realización de obras en infraestructuras subterráneas, como son los túneles. El diseño y la implementación de un sistema de monitorización tienen una serie de restricciones debido a su pequeño tamaño, condiciones de alta humedad y baja luminosidad. La tarea principal del sistema de monitorización es mejorar el seguimiento y localización del robot en el interior de tuberías de hasta 36 mm y realizar la monitorización mediante imágenes de modo que permita la trazabilidad de las labores realizadas en las infraestructuras. Para ello, en este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un sistema inteligente de visión e iluminación compuesto por una cámara de alta definición y un sistema de iluminación LED, el cual permite monitorizar el estado de la tubería y el recorrido llevado a cabo por el robot en el interior de la misma. Como corroboración experimental, los resultados serán comparados con los obtenidos mediante las mediciones realizadas con otro tipo de sensores, tales como inclinómetros, acelerómetros, etc. El robot ha sido probado en condiciones extremas realizando tareas de vigilancia y localización, obteniéndose unos resultados muy prometedores. El desarrollo de este robot pretende generar unas bases científicas y técnicas que ayuden a mejorar, e incluso sustituir, los sistemas comerciales existentes para la comprobación de la calidad y el cumplimiento de tolerancias en agujeros profundos para tuberías de poco diámetro llevados a cabo en obras para infraestructuras subterráneas, como son los túneles

    Development of Colletotrichum acutatum in the Foliar Tissue of Strawberry Plants

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    Strawberry anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum acutatum, is one of the most destructive disease of this crop throughout the world. Assymptomatic stages in the plant have been the aim of this work. Inoculated leaves samples were taken at different times and they were processed for scanner electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Conidial development on both surfaces leaves was determined. The ultrastructural study of fungus penetration into plant cell was characterized by the formation of vesicles over the fungus periphery and is a morphological parameter of the intense membranes traffic, also could be a evidence of a transcriptional activity and enzymatic cell secretion. Differences of symptoms on both surfaces of leaves were observed

    Dossier: Sociedades y culturas afrolatinoamericanas

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    Presentamos a la comunidad académica y público en general el vol. 13, n° 48 de la Revista Historia y Espacio como Dossier dedicado a los estudios afrolatinoamericanos. Coincide su temática con la línea doctoral que impartimos en el Doctorado de Humanidades (Historias, sociedades y culturas afrolatinoamericanas), abierta en 2012 con diez estudiantes y al día de con tres graduados, cinco tesistas con proyectos aprobados y un proyecto en evaluación. Nuestra labor viene de tiempo atrás: una línea de estudios afrocolombianos que impartimos en la Maestría en Historia, proyectos de investigación que se desarrollan desde nuestros grupos de investigación (CUNUNO y el Grupo de estudios literarios latinoamericanos); y docencia en el pregrado con un seminario sobre comunidades afrocolombianas

    Procedimiento para la obtención de una solución favorecedora del crecimiento de plantas a partir de aguas de lavado del proceso de elaboración de aceitunas verdes estilo español y uso de dicha solución

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    La presente invención se refiere a un procedimiento para la obtención de una solución favorecedora del crecimiento de plantas a partir de aguas de lavado del proceso de elaboración de aceitunas verdes estilo español o sevillano, caracterizado porque comprende las siguientes etapas: (a) acidificación del agua de lavado hasta un valor de pH inferior a 3 unidades; (b) almacenamiento del agua en condiciones anaeróbicas; y (c) elevación del pH del concentrado hasta un valor superior a 4 unidades. Así mismo se refiere a la solución obtenida a partir de dicho procedimiento y a su uso para favorecer el crecimiento de plantas.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción EcológicaA1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic