19 research outputs found
Simulated solar driven photolytic ozonation for the oxidation of aqueous recalcitrant-to-ozone tritosulfuron. Transformation products and toxicity
The authors are grateful to Junta de Extremadura (Project IB16022), co-financed by the European Funds for Regional Development, for economically supporting this work. Moreover, it is also acknowledged the ‘Servicio de Análisis Elemental y Molecular (SAEM)’ of ‘Servicios de Apoyo a la Investigación de la Universidad de Extremadura (SAIUex)’ for the helping with the intermediate products analyses.This work reports the combination of ozone and solar radiation as an advanced oxidation process to remove the herbicide tritosufuron (TSF) in water. Firstly, the recalcitrance of TSF has been assessed, obtaining an ozonation second order rate constant of 5–154 M−1 min−1 in the range of pH from 5 to 8; while the rate constant with HOradical dot was found to be (1.8–3.1)·109 M−1 s−1. Secondly, the simultaneous application of simulated solar radiation in between 300 and 800 nm and ozone resulted positive in the oxidation rate of TSF. Mineralization extent was also higher. Less effective oxidation was achieved after limiting the radiation to the range 360–800 nm or 390–800 nm; also completely inappropriate for mineralization. Thirdly, the detected transformation products (TPs) demonstrated the vulnerability of TSF molecule to be attacked by HOradical dot in the sulfonylurea bridge. The combination of ozone and radiation of 300–800 nm led to the most effective removal of the TPs. Finally, after the photolytic ozonation treatment toxicity was also evaluated in terms of phytotoxicity towards the germination and root elongation of Lactuca Sativa seeds, and toxicity by immobilization tests of Daphnia Magna.Junta de Extremadura (Project IB16022)European Funds for Regional Developmen
Gambling phenotypes in online sports betting
Background and objectives: The Internet provides easy access to multiple types of gambling and has led to changes in betting habits. A severe rise in problematic gambling has been predicted among all sectors of the population, and studies are required to assess the emerging phenotypes related to the new structures of gambling activities. This study aimed to explore the existence of latent classes associated with gambling habits among treatment-seeking gamblers due to Online Sports Betting (OSB). Method: Initial sample included n = 4,516 patients consecutively admitted for treatment in a hospital unit specialized in behavioral addictions. Two-step clustering analysis was used within the subsample of n = 323 patients who reported problems related with OSB, within a set of indicators including sociodemographics, psychopathological distress, personality, and severity of the gambling activity. Results: The prevalence of OSB as a main type of gambling problem in the study was 7.2% (95% confidence interval: 6.4 to 7.9%). Two latent clusters were identified, with differences in sociodemographics and clinical status. Cluster 1 (n = 247, 76.5%) grouped patients that were more affected due to the OSB behaviors, and it was characterized by non-married patients, lower socioeconomic position index, higher comorbidity with other substance related addictions, younger age, and early onset of the gambling activity, as well as higher debts due to the OSB, higher psychopathological distress, and a more dysfunctional personality profile. Cluster 2 (n = 76, 23.5%) grouped patients that were less affected by OSB, mostly married (or living with a stable partner), with higher social position levels, older age and older onset of the gambling activity, as well as a more functional psychopathological and personality profile. Conclusion: The increasing understanding of latent classes underlying OSB phenotypes is essential in guiding the development of reliable screening tools to identify individuals highly vulnerable to addictive behaviors among Internet gamblers, as well as in planning prevention and treatment initiatives focused on the precise profiles of these patients
Subtyping treatment-seeking gaming disorder patients
Background and aims: Gaming Disorder (GD) is characterized by a pattern of persistent and uncontrolled gaming behavior that causes a marked impairment in important areas of functioning. The evolution of the worldwide incidence of this disorder warrants further studies focused on examining the existence of different subtypes within clinical samples, in order to tailor treatment. This study explored the existence of different profiles of patients seeking treatment for GD through a data-driven approach. Methods: The sample included n = 107 patients receiving treatment for GD (92% men and 8% women) ranging between 14 and 60 years old (mean age = 24.1, SD = 10). A two-step clustering analysis approach explored the existence of different underlying GD profiles based on a broad set of indicators, including sociodemographic features, clinical course of the condition (e.g., onset or evolution), psychopathological symptoms, and personality traits. Results: Two GD profiles emerged. The first cluster grouped together patients who presented with a lower psychological impact (n = 72, 66.1%), whereas the second cluster comprised patients with a higher psychological impact (n = 35, 32.7%). Cluster comparisons revealed that those patients presenting the higher impact were older, with a later onset of pathological gaming patterns, and more pronounced psychopathological symptoms and dysfunctional personality profiles. Conclusions: GD severity is influenced by specific demographic, clinical, and psychopathological factors. The identification of two separate profiles provides empirical evidence that contributes to the conceptualization of this disorder, as well as to the development of reliable and valid screening tools and effective intervention plans focused on the precise characteristics of the treatment-seeking patients
Lo glocal y el turismo. Nuevos paradigmas de interpretación.
El estudio del turismo se realiza desde múltiples escalas y enfoques, este libro aborda muchos temas que es necesario discutir desde diversas perspectivas; es el caso de la reflexión sobre la propia disciplina y sus conceptos, así como los asuntos específicos referidos al impacto territorial, los tipos de turismo, las cuestiones ambientales, el tema de la pobreza, la competitividad, las políticas públicas, el papel de las universidades, las áreas naturales protegidas, la sustentabilidad, la cultura, el desarrollo, la seguridad, todos temas centrales documentados y expuestos con originalidad y dominio del asunto. Lo multiescalar es básico para la comprensión del sistema turístico, sistema formado de procesos globales, regionales y locales. El eje de discusión del libro es lo glocal, esa interacción entre lo nacional y local con lo global
IKZF1plus is a frequent biomarker of adverse prognosis in Mexican pediatric patients with B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia
BackgroundRecurrent genetic alterations contributing to leukemogenesis have been identified in pediatric B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL), and some are useful for refining classification, prognosis, and treatment selection. IKZF1plus is a complex biomarker associated with a poor prognosis. It is characterized by IKZF1 deletion coexisting with PAX5, CDKN2A/2B, or PAR1 region deletions. The mutational spectrum and clinical impact of these alterations have scarcely been explored in Mexican pediatric patients with B-ALL. Here, we report the frequency of the IKZF1plus profile and the mutational spectrum of IKZF1, PAX5, CDKN2A/2B, and ERG genes and evaluate their impact on overall survival (OS) in a group of patients with B-ALL.MethodsA total of 206 pediatric patients with de novo B-ALL were included. DNA was obtained from bone marrow samples at diagnosis before treatment initiation. A custom-designed next-generation sequencing panel was used for mutational analysis. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used for OS estimation.ResultsWe identified the IKZF1plus profile in 21.8% of patients, which was higher than that previously reported in other studies. A significantly older age (p=0.04), a trend toward high-risk stratification (p=0.06), and a decrease in 5-year Overall Survival (OS) (p=0.009) were observed, although heterogeneous treatment protocols in our cohort would have impacted OS. A mutation frequency higher than that reported was found for IKZF1 (35.9%) and CDKN2A/2B (35.9%) but lower for PAX5 (26.6%). IKZF1MUT group was older at diagnosis (p=0.0002), and most of them were classified as high-risk (73.8%, p=0.02), while patients with CDKN2A/2BMUT had a higher leukocyte count (p=0.01) and a tendency toward a higher percentage of blasts (98.6%, >50% blasts, p=0.05) than the non-mutated patients. A decrease in OS was found in IKZF1MUT and CDKN2A/2BMUT patients, but the significance was lost after IKZF1plus was removed.DiscussionOur findings demonstrated that Mexican patients with B-ALL have a higher prevalence of genetic markers associated with poor outcomes. Incorporating genomic methodologies into the diagnostic process, a significant unmet need in low- and mid-income countries, will allow a comprehensive identification of relevant alterations, improving disease classification, treatment selection, and the general outcome
Comportamiento electroquímico de moléculas de interés biológico y ambiental: Electroanalítica
El proyecto abarca diferentes aspectos relacionados con la electroquímica de moléculas orgánicas, priorizando las de interés biológico. Se estudia el comportamiento electroquímico de los sistemas enzimáticos, de los macrociclos y sus complejos de inclusión y de las interfases líquido/líquido modificadas o no por monocapas de sustancias anfipáticas, frente al transporte de iones, iones complejos e ionóforos. Se estudian además procesos de adsorción de iones complejos aplicables al análisis de trazas de iones metálicos. En todos los casos se estudian aspectos básicos y sus aplicaciones electroanalíticas.
1) Comportamiento electroquímico de moléculas orgánicas y de sus complejos de inclusión con ciclodextrinas: se estudia el efecto del macrociclo sobre la reacción de transferencia de carga del ácido ascórbico y de otras moléculas de estructura fenólica o derivados de los catecoles, tales como neurotransmisores y sus metabolitos relacionados.
2) Electrodos enzimáticos: se estudia el comportamiento de polifenol oxidasas provenientes de diversas fuentes, frente a sustratos fenólicos o derivados de catecoles, tales como neurotransmisores y sus metabolitos relacionados. Las enzimas se inmovilizan sobre electrodos de carbono y sobre electrodos de sales orgánicas conductoras mediante diferentes metodologías. Se analizan las aplicaciones analíticas.
3) Interfases líquidas: se continúa con el estudio de la transferencia de iones a través de la interfase H2O/1,2-dicloroetano modificada por la presencia de una monocapa de fosfolípido, como así también del mecanismo de transporte de cationes alcalinos y alcalino-térreos en presencia de distintos ligandos.
4) Estudio de la adsorción de complejos de cationes metálicos sobre electrodos de mercurio y de carbono. Se determinan parámetros de la etapa de transferencia de masa y de la adsorción propiamente dicha, tendientes a establecer los mecanismos de reacciones involucradas en las técnicas voltamétricas de adsorción-desorción. Se compara con técnicas voltamétricas de deposición disolución para los mismos cationes metálicos, con especial énfasis en las aplicaciones analíticas relacionadas con la determinación de cationes metálicos a nivel de trazas
Psychopathogical status and personality correlates of problem gambling severity in sports bettors undergoing treatment for gambling disorder
Background and aims Sports betting has been barely explored independently from other gambling behaviors. Little evidence is available regarding the factors affecting its severity in a clinical sample. The current study explores new determinants for sports betting severity in Spain by the inclusion of psychopathological distress and personality factors. Methods A sample of 352 Spanish sports bettors undergoing treatment for gambling disorder was recruited. Multiple regression models were used to evaluate the effects of sociodemographic variables, the age of onset of gambling behavior, the global psychopathological distress (SCL-90R GSI) and the personality profile (TCI-R) on sports betting severity and their influence over frequency (bets per episode) and debts due to gambling. Results We found that older age, higher psychopathological distress, lower self-directedness level, and higher novelty seeking level were predictors of gambling severity in Spanish sports bettors. The highest betting frequency was found in men, with the lowest education levels but the highest social status, the highest psychopathological distress, reward dependence score, and self-transcendence trait and the lowest persistence score. Debts were also associated to higher score in cooperativeness as well as older age. Discussion and conclusions Our findings call for further exploration of factors affecting sports betting severity regarded as a separate gambling entity subtype, as some of the traditional factors typically found in gamblers do not apply to sports bettors or apply inversely in our country. Consequently, sports bettors might deserve specific clinical approaches to tackle the singularities of their gambling behavior
Association of the polymorphism 12109g>A from the gene as a risk factor for preterm birth
Introduction: Preterm birth is the most important cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity. It is a multifactorial disease with different etiologies, including genetic factors. Genetic variability is represented by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes of proteins involved in the contractile activity. We determine the association between SNP 12109G> A in REN associated with preterm birth and premature rupture of membrane. Materials and methods: A study of cases ( N =112, 22–36 weeks of gestation; mean: 31, 95% confidence interval 30.7–32.2) and controls ( N =66; 38–40 weeks of gestation from the last menstrual period; mean: 39.8, 95% confidence interval 38.9–39.4) was performed. Genomic DNA was isolated in all patients from peripheral blood. The SNP 12109G> A ( Mbo I) in REN was typified by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Results: A significant difference in the case group for the SNP 12109G>A was observed. The A allele was increased in women with preterm birth (81% cases vs . 15% control, p A has odds ratio 6.62 (95% confidence interval 3.14–14.15), which means a high risk of preterm birth/premature rupture of membrane in presence of allele A, both in homozygotes and in heterozygotes. Conclusion: Allelic frequency of A of SNP 12109G>A was higher in women with preterm birth than in women with normal vaginal delivery and could be considered a risk factor