756 research outputs found

    Comparative study of the tactical indicators that characterize the fast break in male and female under-16 Basketball teams

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare, in youth Basketball, the offensive technical and tactical indicators which contribute to the development of fast break situations. The sample consisted of 12 games, regarding female and male Under-16 during the 2009/2010 season. The variables studied were: a) fast break development form, b) recovery of ball possession (form and zone), c) distance of the outlet pass, d) fast break situations, e) fast break finalization (form and zone) and f) fast break finalization. For the overall results of this study, we used descriptive statistics procedures for presentation of frequencies and percentages of variables. For comparison of the results between male and female teams we used the Chi-Square Test (?²), with a significance level of p = .05. The results showed that for female teams the fast breaks were mostly initiated by defensive rebounds in areas near the basket as for the male teams it was through interceptions. For both groups fast breaks were mostly developed by pass and the outlet pass most often delivered to the offensive midfield. Also, for female and male teams the most common fast break situation was the 1x1 followed by the 1x0 and the lay-up was the most frequent form of finalizing ball possessions, mostly, in areas near the basket. Finally, male teams have completed a larger number of fast break and more efficiently, compared with the female teams. These results confirm that fast break is an indicator of the game with great importance and provide relevant information that can help planning and organizing the training of fast break at youth level guards; these differences were are not observed in the playoffs

    Recurrent criminal behavior and executive dysfunction

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    Objetivo: Verificar experimentalmente la hipótesis de que las personas que participan repetidamente en delitos no violentos exhiben un déficit ejecutivo en pruebas de alta validez ecológica, y cambios en su funcionamiento prefrontal como substrato neurofisiológico. Participantes y Métodos: Se administró una batería para evaluar la disfunción ejecutiva – el Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) –a un grupo experimental de 30 presos condenados por crímenes contra la propiedad (edad = 39,3, DT = 9,98) y a un grupo control de 30 personas (edad = 32.7, DT =11.8), todos varones. Resultados: el grupo de presos reincidentes obtuvieron puntuaciones significativamente peores que las del grupo control en la batería, así como en la mayoría de las subescalas. Conclusión: sin dejar de considerar el hecho de que ninguna de las muestras era de tamaño muy grande y, especialmente alertando acerca de la hipótesis peligrosa de una “criminogénesis frontal”, los autores interpretan le reincidencia criminal y la resistencia a las normas del código penal en términos de la falta de control que los individuos del grupo experimental tienen sobre su comportamiento y sus consecuencias respectivas.Objective: To experimentally test the hypothesis that people who repeatedly participate in forms of non-violent crime exhibit an executive deficit detected in tests of high ecological validity, having changes in prefrontal functioning as neurophysiologic basis. Participants and Methods: A battery to assess executive dysfunction was administered – the Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) –to an experimental group of 30 inmates convicted of crimes against property (mean age = 39.3, SD =9.98), and a control group of 30 (mean age = 32.7, SD = 11.8), all male. Results: The group of recurrent inmates performed significantly worse than the control group in their global scores on the battery, as well as in the majority of subscales. Conclusion: Without removing from consideration the fact that sample size was not very large and, primarily, alerting ourselves to the dangerous hypothesis of a “frontal criminogenesis,” the authors interpret criminal recurrence and resistance to penal measures in terms of the scarcity of control that individuals from the experimental group have over their behavior and its respective consequences

    The Challenges and Opportunities in the Digitalization of Companies in a Post-COVID-19 World

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    COVID-19 has caused dramatic effects on the world economy, business activities, and people. But digitization is also helping many companies to adapt and overcome the current situation caused by COVID-19. The growth in the use of technology in the daily lives of people and companies to face this exceptional situation is an evidence of the digital acceleration process. This exploratory study analyzes the impact of digital transformation processes in three business areas: labor and social relations, marketing and sales, and technology. The impact of digitalization is expected to be transversal to each area and will encourage the emergence of new digital products and services based on the principle of flexibility. Additionally, new ways of working will foster the demand for new talent regardless of people’s geographical location. Moreover, cybersecurity and privacy will become two key elements that will support the integrated development of the Internet of Things technology solutions, artificial intelligence, big data, and robotics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O desenvolvimento estratégico da SGL-Sociedade Geral de Limpezas, SA no sector dos facility services: um caso de estudo

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    Na Era que hoje vivemos, caracterizada pelo paradigma da globalização, as organizações vêem-se inseridas em ambientes extremamente dinâmicos e turbulentos, onde os negócios mudam do dia para a noite. Esta realidade obriga as organizações a manterem-se competitivas e a crescerem de uma forma global, onde a inovação e a criatividade são um factor crítico de sucesso. Neste âmbito, o presente caso de estudo pretende proporcionar uma análise sobre um caso real, explicitando alguns factores chave que intervêm no processo estratégico e que possibilitem o desenvolvimento de “skills” necessários à abordagem de uma estratégia empresarial. Concretamente, o caso em apreço analisa a empresa SGL-Sociedade Geral de Limpezas, SA e o sector de actividade onde está inserida, com o objectivo de contribuir de uma forma activa com alternativas eficientes de gestão, que permitam ao decisor encontrar o caminho que conduza ao desenvolvimento económico e sustentado da SGL. É efectuada uma descrição pormenorizada sobre a SGL e o respectivo sector de actividade, para melhor compreender e suportar as propostas de resolução, que apresentam algumas alterações à linha de pensamento actual, apostando-se numa estratégia que tem uma perspectiva mais integrada e global. As propostas de resolução têm como base potenciar as vantagens competitivas que a SGL apresenta em relação à demais concorrência, de forma a permitir um crescimento sustentado de grandeza e excelência.In our global world organizations find themselves inserted into extremely volatile and dynamic environments, where business changes from day to night. This reality compels organizations to stay competitive and to grow globally, where innovation and creativity are a crucial factor of success. Taking this into account, the present case study analyses a real situation and intends to provide a general framework on management by explaining some key factors involved in the process. This enables the development of the skills needed to the approach of a business strategy. Specifically, the present case, analyzes the company SGL- Sociedade Geral de Limpezas, SA and its sector of activity, with the aim to contribute actively to the effective alternatives that allow management decision-makers to find the path leading to the sustainable and economic development of SGL. We took a close view of SGL and its sector of activity to better understand and support the decision process that lead to changes to the current line of thinking, by betting on a strategy that has a more integrated and global perspective. The proposals for resolutions are based on the upsurge of the competitive advantages that SGL presents in relation to other competition, so as to enable a sustained growth of greatness and excellence

    3D electrical structure definition of aquifer systems in the Kalahari basin in Southern Angola based on legacy data reprocessing

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    ABSTRACT: The Kalahari-Ohangwena transboundary aquifer system, recently identified in Northern Namibia, comprises 3 major aquifers with very different characteristics. The shallowest is discontinuous and with limited reserves, but it has local importance in water supply for the population, since it is easy to reach, and often presents good hydrochemical quality. An intermediate deeper aquifer is characterized by high salinity while the deepest aquifer, also mostly saline, can present zones with fresh water. However, the latter is located at considerable depths and is shaped by the bottom of the basin basement. There hasn't been a systematic hydrogeological data acquisition for decades in this area of Angola, but legacy electrical resistivity data reprocessing from geophysical surveys conducted >50 years ago in the Cunene Province allowed the construction of a quasi-3D geoelectrical model for the Angolan side of KOH aquifer system in the Cuvelai-Etosha basin. This model is based on 482 vertical electrical soundings carried out in 1966-67, using the Schlumberger array, that contribute to confirming the presence of the Kalahari-Ohangwena aquifer system in Angola. The obtained quasi-3D model highlights the geoelectrical features of hard bedrock and is validated with other hydrogeological and geophysical information. The quasi-3D electrical resistivity data is interpreted using selected boreholes and two time-domain electro-magnetics transects carried out in Namibia, in the 2000s. Although both geophysical data acquisitions were >40 years apart, the results show a very good correlation between the deeper aquifer and the aquitard separating the intermediate aquifer from the deeper aquifer either with the results from Namibia or the borehole data. This is a direct result of the lack of alteration in the hydraulic conditions over these decades, without significant anthropogenic activity and negligible extraction from deep wells. Based on this analysis, the original dataset was considered a reliable source and this quasi-3D model was validated. Furthermore, the model can be considered in the future as an important tool for groundwater resources management, as well as a good starting point for further hydrogeological research in the province of Cunene.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio