21 research outputs found

    Aplicación web para la gestión de pedidos de almacén en el hotel DoubleTree By Hilton de la ciudad de Trujillo

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    El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue mejorar la gestión de pedidos de almacén en el Hotel DoubleTree By Hilton de la ciudad de Trujillo mediante el uso de una aplicación web. La investigación se enmarca en un enfoque aplicado y con un diseño experimental de tipo pre-experimental. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de fichas de observación. La muestra utilizada en el estudio fue la población completa, con un total de 40 pedidos registrados en dos semanas. La metodología empleada fue XP, la cual comprende las siguientes fases: planificación, diseño, codificación, pruebas y lanzamiento. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron una disminución en el tiempo promedio de registro, con 725.08 segundos en el pre test en comparación con 189.17 segundos en el post test. También se observó una reducción en el tiempo promedio de espera, con 1342.65 segundos en el pre test frente a 521.45 segundos en el post test. Además, se evidenció un aumento en el promedio de pedidos entregados a tiempo, con un 26.17% en el pre test en comparación con el 57.75% en el post test. En conclusión, el uso de una aplicación web mejoró la gestión de pedidos de almacén en el Hotel DoubleTree By Hilton de la ciudad de Trujillo

    Simulación del crecimiento urbano de la zona metropolitana Tepic-Xalisco, México

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    The metropolitan area of Tepic-Xalisco (Nayarit, Mexico) has been experienced a fast growth in the last 30 years, generating situations that put the population and the environment at risk, being urgent and necessary to establish new approaches on strategies of urban planning. Understanding the processes of urban growth and simulating possible scenarios have proven to be an essential tool for decision making in the context of spatial planning. The objective of this project was simulating the urban growth the metropolitan area Tepic-Xalisco at the year 2045 horizon. Three different models were used: Multi-Criteria Evaluation Techniques (MCE), Logistic Regression (LR) and Cellular Automata with Markov chains (CA-Markov) to verify the one that better fits the spatial reality and establish a trend situation future. The results were validated with the actual data of urban occupation of 2015. The CA-Markov model showed the best results produced an overall accuracy of 75% and close coincidences in landscape metrics, so this model was used to generate a trend-based scenario of urban growth to the year 2045. The resulting information will be used to generate alternative scenarios that will help to design and evaluate sustainable urban development oriented urban planning strategies.La zona metropolitana Tepic-Xalisco (Nayarit, México) ha tenido un rápido crecimiento en los últimos 30 años, generando situaciones que han puesto en riesgo a la población y medio ambiente, siendo urgente y necesario establecer nuevos enfoques sobre estrategias de planificación urbana. Entender los procesos de crecimiento urbano y simular posibles escenarios futuros han demostrado ser una herramienta esencial para la toma de decisiones en el contexto de la ordenación del territorio. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue simular el crecimiento urbano de la zona metropolitana Tepic-Xalisco al año horizonte 2045. Se utilizaron tres modelos diferentes: técnicas de Evaluación Multi-Criterio (EMC), Regresión Logística (RL) y Autómatas Celulares con cadenas de Markov (AC-Markov), para comprobar el de mejor ajuste a la realidad espacial y establecer una situación tendencial futura. Los resultados fueron validados con datos reales de ocupación urbana del 2015. El modelo AC-Markov mostró mejores resultados al producir una exactitud general del 75 % y coincidencias cercanas en la comparación de las métricas del paisaje, por lo que este modelo fue utilizado para generar un escenario futuro tendencial de crecimiento urbano para el año 2045. La información resultante servirá para generar escenarios alternativos que ayuden a diseñar y evaluar estrategias de planificación urbana orientadas al desarrollo urbano sostenible

    Omecamtiv mecarbil in chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, GALACTIC‐HF: baseline characteristics and comparison with contemporary clinical trials

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    Aims: The safety and efficacy of the novel selective cardiac myosin activator, omecamtiv mecarbil, in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) is tested in the Global Approach to Lowering Adverse Cardiac outcomes Through Improving Contractility in Heart Failure (GALACTIC‐HF) trial. Here we describe the baseline characteristics of participants in GALACTIC‐HF and how these compare with other contemporary trials. Methods and Results: Adults with established HFrEF, New York Heart Association functional class (NYHA) ≥ II, EF ≤35%, elevated natriuretic peptides and either current hospitalization for HF or history of hospitalization/ emergency department visit for HF within a year were randomized to either placebo or omecamtiv mecarbil (pharmacokinetic‐guided dosing: 25, 37.5 or 50 mg bid). 8256 patients [male (79%), non‐white (22%), mean age 65 years] were enrolled with a mean EF 27%, ischemic etiology in 54%, NYHA II 53% and III/IV 47%, and median NT‐proBNP 1971 pg/mL. HF therapies at baseline were among the most effectively employed in contemporary HF trials. GALACTIC‐HF randomized patients representative of recent HF registries and trials with substantial numbers of patients also having characteristics understudied in previous trials including more from North America (n = 1386), enrolled as inpatients (n = 2084), systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg (n = 1127), estimated glomerular filtration rate < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 (n = 528), and treated with sacubitril‐valsartan at baseline (n = 1594). Conclusions: GALACTIC‐HF enrolled a well‐treated, high‐risk population from both inpatient and outpatient settings, which will provide a definitive evaluation of the efficacy and safety of this novel therapy, as well as informing its potential future implementation

    Integración del paisaje como propuesta de regionalización. Cuenca río Mololoa

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    The basin of the river Mololoa is a complex system of utmost importance, ithas provided goods and services to 36 locations in it; They are currently reported rates of deforestation of forests of 0.1% and jungles of the 0.36%, by what there is a need to establish a sustainable management of resources. Based on the landscape approach, methodologies for multivariate analysis and chaining, was the integration of factors of the landscape and a proposal of regionalization, giving rise to the formation of 8 regions characterized by homogeneity among the following factors: type of climate, geomorphology, soil science, type and use of soil, vegetation, access to education, health and basic services of drinking water, drainage, electricity, housing and economic potential, showing the characteristics that have shaped the structure, function and composition of the basin of the Mololoa River, as a basis for the formulation of planning instruments.La cuenca del río Mololoa constituye un sistema complejo de suma importancia, ha proveído de bienes y servicios a 36 localidades asentadasen ella; actualmente se reportan tasas dedeforestación de bosquesdel0.1% y selvas del 0.36%,por lo que surge la necesidad de establecer un manejo sustentable de los recursos. Con base en elenfoque paisajístico, metodologías de análisis multivariado y encadenamiento,se obtuvo la integración de los factores del paisaje yuna propuesta de regionalización, dando lugar a laconformación de 8 regiones caracterizadas por la homogeneidad entre los siguientes factores:tipo de clima, geomorfología, edafología, tipo y uso de suelo, vegetación, acceso a educación, salud, servicios básicos de agua potable, drenaje,energía eléctrica, vivienda y potencial económico, que en su conjunto muestran las características que han moldeado la estructura, función y composición de la cuenca del ríoMololoa, como base para la formulación de instrumentos de planeación

    Regionalización y desigualdades socioeconómicas de la cuenca del río Mololoa, Nayarit, México

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    In order to regionalize and identify the variables that determine socioeconomic inequality, spatial quantitative and correlation analysis methods were applied to 19 socioeconomic variables obtained for each of the 35 localities settled in the basin, which resulted in a geographic model of socioeconomic regions in function to the correlation amongst variables. Concluding that variables of indigenous population, population from 18 to 24 years old with access to education and economically active population are the ones that determine socioeconomic variables between the eight regions of the basin of River Mololoa.Con el objeto de regionalizar e identificar las variables que determinan la desigualdad socioeconómica, se aplicaron métodos de análisis espacial cuantitativo y análisis de correlación a 19 variables socioeconómicas obtenidas para cada una de las 36 localidades asentadas en la cuenca, lo que dio como resultado un modelo geográfico de regiones socioeconómicas en función a la correlación entre las variables. Concluyendo que las variables de población indígena, población de 18 a 24 años con acceso a la educación y la población económicamente activa son las que determinan la desigualdad socioeconómica entre las ocho regiones de la cuenca del río Mololoa

    Potential Coffee Distribution in a Central-Western Region of Mexico

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    Currently, there is a world coffee production crisis which has been attributed, among other factors, to the COVID-19 pandemic that affected the development of productive agricultural activities. In this scenario, Mexico is in a declining situation by showing a reduction in coffee production areas in recent years. Therefore, it is necessary to promote actions that contribute to the recovery of the resource, particularly in the states with agricultural potential. In the present work, the potentially suitable areas for coffee cultivation are identified through the application of tools that allow for characterizing the biophysical conditions that define the current spatial distribution and, from the analysis of these characteristics, generate a Potential Distribution Model (PDM) of the suitable zones for coffee production. The methodology was developed through the application of the Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) algorithm, starting with the collection and preparation of coffee presence records, followed by a correlation analysis and identification of significant variables, the subsequent execution of the model in various configurations to observe the contribution of each variable through a jackknife test, and finally validation of the model with a random sample selection of 30%, to achieve an AUC of 0.98 and TSS of 0.96. The present model was able to identify and quantify the environmentally suitable zones for coffee production, highlighting the regions with ideal potential for the specie. These results are intended to serve as a basis for the generation of planning strategies aimed at managing, improving, and increasing coffee production areas, as well as being used to establish biological corridors to promote biodiversity, conservation, and alternative economic activities such as tourism and furthermore for future work on the analysis of production scenarios and impacts of climate change. It is concluded that 30% of Nayarit’s territory has ideal conditions for coffee cultivation, especially the region delimited by the municipalities of Tepic and Xalisco, the eastern zone of Compostela, and the southwest of San Blas, which should be considered as a Priority Conservation Area (APC) for coffee cultivation in the state

    Analysis of the Land Use and Cover Changes in the Metropolitan Area of Tepic-Xalisco (1973–2015) through Landsat Images

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    Land use and cover changes (LUCC) have been identified as one of the main causes of biodiversity loss and deforestation in the world. Fundamentally, the urban land use has replaced agricultural and forest cover causing loss of environmental services. Monitoring and quantifying LUCC are essential to achieve a proper land management. The objective of this study was to analyze the LUCC in the metropolitan area of Tepic-Xalisco during the period 1973–2015. To find the best fit and obtain the different land use classes, supervised classification techniques were applied using Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC), Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). The results were validated with control points (ground truth) through cross tabulation. The best results were obtained from the SVMs method with kappa indices above 85%. The transition analysis infers that urban land has grown significantly during 42 years, increasing 62 km2 and replacing agricultural areas at a rate of 1.48 km2/year. Forest loss of 5.78 km2 annually was also identified. The results show the different land uses distribution and the dynamics developed in the past. This information may be used to simulate future LUCC and modeling different scenarios

    Future urban growth scenarios and ecosystem services valuation in the Tepic-Xalisco Metropolitan area, Mexico

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    Currently, there is a need to establish new territorial planning instruments focused on sustainable development. The simulation of spatial scenarios is an essential tool to evaluate different alternatives for urban planning. The objective of this work was to explore future urban growth through the analysis of landscape patterns and the economic quantification of ecosystem services of three prospective scenarios, simulated towards the horizon year 2045. Each scenario was formulated, based on the application of different socioeconomic, political and environmental development strategies whose actions have a direct impact on land-use changes. The starting point was an urban growth simulation model, based on Cellular Automata with Markov Chains (CA-Markov), developed from previous work for the study area. Three scenarios were constructed with the intention of showing the spatial characteristics of three different alternatives of the evolution of future urban growth and through them, quantify the economic value and the consequences that would occur in the territory due to the effect of the different decisions taken. Landscape metrics were applied to detect the spatial processes and patterns of urban growth for each of the simulated scenarios and, finally, the costs of ecosystem services associated with the loss or gain of territory (that each of the different land covers and land uses would contribute) were quantified. The three simulated scenarios revealed that the Tepic-Xalisco Metropolitan Zone (MZ) will be in a process of urban coalescence in the next 30 years; and that the path designed to move towards an Industrialisation Scenario (ES2-IN) estimates economic losses of more than $31 million dollars per year for the ecosystem services associated particularly with the reduction of forest cover

    Regionalización ecológica de la llanura costera norte de Nayarit, México

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    El estado de Nayarit se localiza al noroeste de la República Mexicana; en su territorio confluyen cuatro importantes Provincias Fisiográficas; Sierra Madre Oriental, Cinturón Volcánico Trans-Mexicano, Sierra Madre del Sur y la Llanura Costera del Pacífico. Cada una de ellas tiene un sustrato geológico específico como repuesta a una génesis diferente, estas características favorecen la existencia de marcadas diferencias de altura en distancias cortas y por tanto un potencial en la variedad geomorfológica y climática, estos aspectos son los responsables de la existencia de una diversidad de paisajes. La Llanura Costera del Pacífico ocupa un pequeño sector localizado al noroeste del estado y representa 445 069 ha, en esta superficie se hace una regionalización ecológica que tiene como punto de partida la caracterización de unidades geomorfopedológicas; de cobertura del terreno y uso del suelo. Con este fin se desarrolló un sistema de clasificación jerárquica que define ambientes, paisajes y subpaisajes geomorfológicos, a los cuales se asociaron datos edafológicos. Por otra parte, se realizó el levantamiento de cobertura y de uso del suelo mediante el empleo de ortofotos digitales, imágenes de satélite, cartografía temática (1:50 000), verificación de campo y descripción de puntos con barrena. Los resultados obtenidos se integraron y analizaron utilizando un sistema de información geográfica ArcView 3.2, de esta manera fue posible identificar 58 regiones ecológicas, agrupadas en 11 subpaisajes, cuatro paisajes geomorfológicos y dos regiones geomorfológicas