5,813 research outputs found

    Hacia el rescate del material didáctico para la enseñanza de las matemáticas

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    Con el ánimo de tratar de resolver uno de los grandes problemas de la matemáticas, como es el caso que a la mayoría de los estudiantes no les gusta esta asignatura nos hemos propuesto con grupo de estudiantes de la institución educativa Roberto Suaza Marquinez de Hobo, Un trabajo que promueva el rescate del material didáctico para que al enseñar las matemáticas nos agrade esta asignatura y hagamos de esta clase un juego. La propuesta LA LUDICA Y LA ENSEÑANZA DE LA MATEMÁTICA es un trabajo el cual tiene como objetivos diseñar y estudiar material didáctico para la enseñanza de las matemáticas, introducir nuevos métodos para la enseñanza de las matemáticas aprovechando el recurso del material didáctico y por ´ultimo motivar a los estudiantes para que les agraden las matemáticas

    The Environmental Institution in Chile, A Political Representation of the Ecological Crisis

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    In the present scenario of increasing sustainable global governance for ecological issues, the approval of Law 19.300 “Environmental Bases” 1994 in Chile is presented generally as the beginning of a modernization process of environmental institution, which culminates with the creation of the Environmental Ministry 2010 through Law 20.417. The paper will challenge the common understanding of this modernization process simply as institutional improvement and will raise the alternative thesis of a co-production in the representation of the ecological crisis and its solution between the politics and scientific systems. With the historical emergence of the National Environmental Commission (1994) the research shows the emergence of a particular form of relation society-nature in Chile based on: i) the previous environmental institution existing in the country oriented to tackle pollution conflicts ii) the international influences by the official reports of United Nations Environmental Program and the Organization for the Economic Cooperation and Development with a center in the institutionalization of the environmental impact assessment and market instrument to regulate environmental problems and, iii) the global market integration of Chile as a supplier of raw material with a high pressure over land, water and energy in territories inhabited by indigenous population. Together, these three influences are at the bottom of a representation of the ecological crisis only in terms of pollution management and rational use of natural resources which exclude the possibility to understand the human and social consequences provoked. In this scenario, the emergence of social movements against mega extractive and energetic projects show the need to review the manner in which the political system renders the environmental crisis. The notion of socio- ecological conflict is presented to understand how the search for sustainability could reinforce environmental problems especially for the mining activity, forestry industry and energy production, milestones of the ecological debate, nowadays

    Methodological analysis about the potential avoidability of motor vehicles colliding against pedestrians in urban areas

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    The main motivation of the authors of this article is to establish a rigorous definition of the potential capacity that a motor vehicle driver has to avoid a collision against a pedestrian. Henceforth we will call this capacity avoidability. To calculate the avoidability, it is necessary to analyze time, distance and itinerary, initial position of the pedestrian when exposed to the risk, initial speed; theoretical maximum speed developed by the vehicle and road limit speed; the driver’s reaction time and the influence of the environment; and the interrelation of the initial positions of vehicle and pedestrian with respect to the transversal axis of the road. The definition, categorized by variables, of a driver’s ability to avoid run over a pedestrian in an urban area has an evident usefulness: it allows knowing the influence of the initial speed of a vehicle as an isolated variable and the importance of the road limit speed in the ability to prevent an accident.Postprint (published version

    Prototypicality effects in global semantic description of objects

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for semantic description of object features based on the prototypicality effects of the Prototype Theory. Our prototype-based description model encodes and stores the semantic meaning of an object, while describing its features using the semantic prototype computed by CNN-classifications models. Our method uses semantic prototypes to create discriminative descriptor signatures that describe an object highlighting its most distinctive features within the category. Our experiments show that: i) our descriptor preserves the semantic information used by the CNN-models in classification tasks; ii) our distance metric can be used as the object's typicality score; iii) our descriptor signatures are semantically interpretable and enables the simulation of the prototypical organization of objects within a category.Comment: Paper accepted in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2019 (WACV2019). Content: 10 pages (8 + 2 reference) with 7 figure

    La responsabilidad civil de abogados de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo

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    [Resumen] El propósito de este estudio es examinar la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo sobre la responsabilidad civil de los Abogados frente a sus clientes, en los casos en que hayan sufridos daños y perjuicios como consecuencia de una negligente praxis profesional, normalmente en procedimientos judiciales. Se trata de una cuestión sobre la que se ha generado una considerable jurisprudencia en los últimos años, como consecuencia de la proliferación de acciones contra Abogados y que pone de manifiesto que ya no hay profesionales «intocables». En el desarrollo del estudio se hace referencia a las fuentes de esa responsabilidad, su naturaleza y sus límites, las normas de procedimiento y la casuística relativa a la negligencia o falta de ella, para terminar con el examen de los conceptos susceptibles de ser indemnizados y la cuantificación de los daños.[Abstract] The object of this study is to examine the jurisprudence of Civil Courtroom of the Supreme Court, regarding the civil liability of Lawyers to their clients who have suffered damages as a consequence of negligent professional praxis, usually in legal proceedings. This is a topic about which there has been considerable jurisprudence in the last few years, as a consequence of the proliferation of actions against these professionals who, until very recently, seemed untouchable. In the study, there is reference made to the sources of this liability, its nature and limits, the procedural rules demanded of a lawyer, and some typical examples of negligence, in order to bring to an end the damaging concepts which are susceptible to compensation and its quantification

    Linguagem Oral, Poesia e Trissomia 21

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    A poesia, enquanto Arte, é um conceito ligado à cognição e emoção (Ricoeur, 1975). Segundo a teoria cognitivista, proporciona, também, conhecimento. A poesia espelha o pensamento realizado na palavra oral e escrita. A aplicação destes conceitos surge da ideia de que a palavra na poesia pode produzir emoções e sensações nas pessoas a quem ela é transmitida. A poesia tem funções multissensoriais que definem o input linguístico, desenvolvendo a linguagem ao nível das diferentes competências linguísticas. Existem vários estudos que envolvem pessoas com Trissomia 21, centrados na aprendizagem da leitura, escrita e seus domínios linguísticos. No entanto, é escassa a apresentação de casos que demonstrem a influência da poesia no desenvolvimento da linguagem oral, especialmente o seu uso nas práticas pedagógicas para o desenvolvimento linguístico-cognitivo em pessoas portadoras desse Síndrome. Este estudo pretende mostrar a importância do uso da poesia no desenvolvimento da linguagem oral de uma aluna com Trissomia 21, tendo como base um projeto de investigação-ação. A partir da identificação do caso-problema, a intervenção pedagógica procurou melhorar as competências linguísticas da aluna através do uso da poesia. Os resultados mostram evolução em todos os parâmetros linguísticos considerados. Estes dados levam-nos a crer que a utilização da poesia pode, também, constituir uma forma de promover a socialização e a autonomia, revelando os efeitos colaterais que podem decorrer deste tipo de intervenção