83 research outputs found


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    Este trabalho propõe analisar o papel das feiras agropecuárias na difusão da tecnificação agrícola na Região Sul do Brasil, tendo como recortes a Expointer, a Expodireto Cotrijal e o Show Rural Coopavel. O trabalho se divide em cinco momentos. Na introdução foram abordadas as bases teóricas que embasaram a pesquisa. Num segundo momento mostra-se o processo histórico de formação de feiras e exposições no mundo e no Brasil, enfatizando a Região Sul. No terceiro momento é feito a análise da dinâmica espacial e econômica da Expodireto Cotrijal, Expointer e Show Rural Coopavel. No quarto momento foi realizada uma análise comparativa das feiras, frisando os fatores que exercem maior influência sobre a variação de público e comercialização. No quinto momento apresenta-se as considerações finais. Com o trabalho foi possível observar que aspectos como a produção do ano safra, a qual pode ter sido afetada por um período de estiagem ou chuva intensa; a disponibilidade de crédito (aumento e reduções); alta ou baixa na taxa de juros; inflação; crise econômica ou política; períodos de instabilidade ou crescimento do próprio agronegócio afetam as feiras, porém com diferentes intensidades, demonstrando que elas acompanham e reagem a fatores políticos, econômicos e de produção

    Association of Serum Antibody Levels Following Vaccination with A Modified Live BVDV Vaccine and Protection from Clinical Disease upon Challenge

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    Two studies were conducted to examine the range of virus neutralizing serum antibody (VNSA) response after vaccination with a modified-live viral vaccine in cattle and the level of protection elicited when subsequently challenged with a highly virulent type 2 BVDV. Study 1 examined responses in colostrum deprived (CD) calves with no passively acquired antibodies whereas Study 2 examined responses in conventionally raised (CR) calves which had varying levels of passive antibodies prior to vaccination. Study 1 used CD calves averaging 120 days of age. For Study 2, calves averaged 130 days of age and were stratified into CR-Low, Mid and High response groups based response to vaccination. Grouping was based on standard deviations from the mean value obtained from ELISA assay and reconfirmed by virus neutralization. Twelve calves, from each Rep in Study 2, were selected to represent low, mid and high response groups (n = 4 calves per group). The VNSA values for the three groups were as follows; CR-Low (titer \u3c 1:4), CR-Mid (titer 1:4 to 1:16) and CR-High (titer \u3e 1:16). Calves were challenged with a high virulence BVDV2 strain. Samples were collected for both studies on days -2, 2, 4, 6, 9, 11 and 13 post challenge to determine levels of circulating white blood cells, virus isolation and levels of BVDV VNSA. While, overt respiratory or enteric disease was not observed in any of the vaccinated calves, clinical symptoms were more likely to be observed in calves with lower BVDV VNSA levels following the BVDV challenge demonstrating significant association between VNSA levels and clinical protection. However, the extent of clinical symptoms including decreases in WBC and pyrexia, were more severe in the non-vaccinated animals which indicates vaccination did provide a level of protection

    Metabolic efects of antihyperglycemic agents and mortality : meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    The efects of antihyperglycemic medications on cardiovascular events and mortality are heterogeneous and their efects on intermediate factors might explain these diferences. This systematic review explores the relationship between metabolic factors, mechanism of action, and mortality efects of antihyperglycemic medications in type 2 diabetes. Randomized trials assessing the efects of antihyperglycemic medications on all-cause or cardiovascular mortality in type 2 diabetes were included. Myocardial infarction, stroke, and heart failure were secondary outcomes. The efects of medications on HbA1c, severe hypoglycemia (SH), body weight, systolic blood pressure (SBP), and mechanism of action were evaluated. Meta-analyses and meta-regressions were performed grouping studies according to the above-cited factors. All-cause mortality was lower for medications that reduced HbA1c, SH, body weight, and SBP. Decreased cardiovascular mortality was associated with lower HbA1c, SH, SBP. Myocardial infarction and stroke were also associated with favorable metabolic profle. These fndings were not confrmed in meta-regression models. Medications associated with lower SH, body weight and SBP had a lower risk of heart failure. In conclusion, medications with better metabolic profle were associated with reduced all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. These fndings are based on indirect comparisons and must be applied cautiously

    Palinotaxonomia de indicadores polínicos: Família Asteraceae

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    São apresentados dados sobre a morfologia polínica de nove espécies do gênero Pterocaulon para o Riogrande do Sul. As espécies estudadas apresentaram um padrão polínico homogêneo quanto às seguintes características:tamanho, simetria, polaridade, comprimento dos colpos, e índice de área polar. No entanto, verificousediferenças quanto à presença da cava, altura e largura dos espinhos. Todas as espécies apresentaram a basedo espinho larga, destacando-se P. polypterum, já em relação à altura, somente P. balansae apresentou espinhoslongos. Pterocaulon polystachyum foi à única espécie com grãos de pólen não cavados, e somente P.lorentzii apresentou espinhos sem perfuração na base quando analisados em Microscopia eletrônica de varredura(MEV). Essas espécies foram selecionadas como indicadores polínicos de campo seco para o RS.Palavras-chave: Pterocaulon, Palinotaxonomia, Asteraceae, morfologia polínica, indicadores polínicos

    Why do men have worse COVID-19-related outcomes? A systematic review and meta-analysis with sex adjusted for age

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    We aimed to study the mechanism behind worse coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) outcomes in men and whether the differences between sexes regarding mortality as well as disease severity are influenced by sex hormones. To do so, we used age as a covariate in the meta-regression and subgroup analyses. This was a systematic search and meta-analysis of observational cohorts reporting COVID-19 outcomes. The PubMed (Medline) and Cochrane Library databases were searched. The primary outcome was COVID-19-associated mortality and the secondary outcome was COVID-19 severity. The study was registered at PROSPERO: 42020182924. For mortality, men had a relative risk of 1.36 (95%CI: 1.17 to 1.59; I² 63%, P for heterogeneity <0.01) compared to women. Age was not a significant covariate in meta-analysis heterogeneity (P=0.393) or subgroup analysis. For disease severity, being male was associated with a relative risk of 1.29 (95%CI: 1.19 to 1.40; I² 48%, P for heterogeneity <0.01) compared to the relative risk of women. Again, age did not influence the outcomes of the metaregression (P=0.914) or subgroup analysis. Men had a higher risk of COVID-19 mortality and severity regardless of age, decreasing the odds of hormonal influences in the described outcomes

    Acidentes de trabalho e condições de vida de catadores de resíduos sólidos recicláveis no lixão do Distrito Federal

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    O trabalho de catadores de resíduos sólidos recicláveis gera um precário sustento, porém desencadeia processos de adoecimento que agravam sua condição de vida. Objetivou-se estimar a prevalência de acidentes de trabalho no lixão do Distrito Federal e fatores associados. Observou-se que a maioria dos catadores já se acidentou no trabalho (55,5%), tem noção da periculosidade do ambiente de trabalho (95,0%) e alega não receber equipamento de proteção individual (51,7%). Dentre outros achados, 55,8% já comeu alimentos encontrados no lixo, 50,0% vivenciava insegurança alimentar em seus domicílios e 44,8% recebia Bolsa Família. Constatou-se relação estatisticamente significativa entre acidentes de trabalho e percepção de trabalho perigoso, alegação de cansaço, estresse ou tristeza e insegurança alimentar (p < 0,05). Por outro lado a percepção de companheirismo entre os catadores esteve associada à menor prevalência de acidentes (p < 0,006). As mulheres são a maioria dos catadores (56,5%) e se acidentam mais que os homens (p < 0,025). Conclui-se que esta comunidade de catadores apresenta alta vulnerabilidade, não somente pela ótica da saúde do trabalhador, mas também pelas questões socioambientais envolvidas. Para a reversão desse quadro torna-se imperativa a efetiva implantação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, associada a políticas de inclusão social e de emancipação econômica dessa população.The work of recycling solid waste segregators allows a precarious livelihood, but triggers a disease process that exacerbates their health and well-being. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of occupational accidents at the open dump in the Federal District and its associated factors. Most segregators have had an accident at work (55.5%), perceived the danger of their working environment (95.0%) and claimed they did not receive personal protective equipment (51.7%). Among other findings, 55.8% ate foods found in the trash, 50.0% experienced food insecurity at home and 44.8% received Bolsa Família. There was a statistically significant relationship between work accidents and perception of dangerous work environment, household food insecurity and the presence of fatigue, stress or sadness (p < 0.05). On the other hand, the fellowship between the segregators was associated with a lower prevalence of accidents (p < 0.006). Women are the majority of the segregators (56.5%) and reported more accidents than men (p < 0.025). We conclude that the solid waste segregators constitute a vulnerable community, not only from the perspective of labor, but also from the social and environmental circumstances. To reverse this situation, effective implementation of the National Policy of Solid Wastes is imperative, in association with affirmative policies to grant economic emancipation for this population

    Virome characterization in commercial bovine serum batches : a potentially needed testing strategy for biological products

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    Bovine serum has been widely used as a universal supplement in culture media and other applications, including the manufacture of biological products and the production of synthetic meat. Currently, commercial bovine serum is tested for possible viral contaminants following regional guidelines. Regulatory agencies’ established tests focused on detecting selected animal origin viruses and are based on virus isolation, immunofluorescence, and hemadsorption assays. However, these tests may fail to detect new or emerging viruses in biological products. High-throughput sequencing is a powerful option since no prior knowledge of the viral targets is required. In the present study, we evaluate the virome of seven commercial batches of bovine serum from Mexico (one batch), New Zealand (two batches), and the United States (four batches) using a specific preparation and enrichment method for pooled samples and sequencing using an Illumina platform. A variety of circular replicase-encoding single-stranded (CRESS) DNA families (Genomoviridae, Circoviridae, and Smacoviridae) was identified. Additionally, CrAssphage, a recently discovered group of bacteriophage correlated with fecal contamination, was identified in 85% of the tested batches. Furthermore, sequences representing viral families with single-stranded DNA (Parvoviridae), double-stranded DNA (Polyomaviridae and Adenoviridae), single-stranded RNA (Flaviviridae, Picornaviridae, and Retroviridae), and double-stranded RNA (Reoviridae) were identified. These results support that high-throughput sequencing associated with viral enrichment is a robust tool and should be considered an additional layer of safety when testing pooled biologicals to detect viral contaminants overlooked by the current testing protocols