6,986 research outputs found

    Geometric phases under the presence of a composite environment

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    We compute the geometric phase for a spin-1/2 particle under the presence of a composite environment, composed of an external bath (modeled by an infinite set of harmonic oscillators) and another spin-1/2 particle. We consider both cases: an initial entanglement between the spin-1/2 particles and an initial product state in order to see if the initial entanglement has an enhancement effect on the geometric phase of one of the spins. We follow the nonunitary evolution of the reduced density matrix and evaluate the geometric phase for a single two-level system. We also show that the initial entanglement enhances the sturdiness of the geometric phase under the presence of an external composite environment.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Extraction of the Sivers function with deep neural networks

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are a powerful and flexible tool for information extraction and modeling. In this study, we use DNNs to extract the Sivers functions by globally fitting Semi- Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS) and Drell-Yan (DY) data. To make predictions of this Transverse Momentum-dependent Distribution (TMD), we construct a minimally biased model using data from COMPASS and HERMES. The resulting Sivers function model, constructed using SIDIS data, is also used to make predictions for DY kinematics specific to the valence and sea quarks, with careful consideration given to experimental errors, data sparsity, and complexity of phase space

    Dephasing in matter-wave interferometry

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    We review different attempts to show the decoherence process in double-slit-like experiments both for charged particles (electrons) and neutral particles with permanent dipole moments. Interference is studied when electrons or atomic systems are coupled to classical or quantum electromagnetic fields. The interaction between the particles and time-dependent fields induces a time-varying Aharonov phase. Averaging over the phase generates a suppression of fringe visibility in the interference pattern. We show that, for suitable experimental conditions, the loss of contrast for dipoles can be almost as large as the corresponding one for coherent electrons and therefore, be observed. We analyze different trajectories in order to show the dependence of the decoherence factor with the velocity of the particles.Comment: 9 pages, 1 eps-figure. To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Selective and Efficient Quantum Process Tomography

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    In this paper we describe in detail and generalize a method for quantum process tomography that was presented in [A. Bendersky, F. Pastawski, J. P. Paz, Physical Review Letters 100, 190403 (2008)]. The method enables the efficient estimation of any element of the χ\chi--matrix of a quantum process. Such elements are estimated as averages over experimental outcomes with a precision that is fixed by the number of repetitions of the experiment. Resources required to implement it scale polynomically with the number of qubits of the system. The estimation of all diagonal elements of the χ\chi--matrix can be efficiently done without any ancillary qubits. In turn, the estimation of all the off-diagonal elements requires an extra clean qubit. The key ideas of the method, that is based on efficient estimation by random sampling over a set of states forming a 2--design, are described in detail. Efficient methods for preparing and detecting such states are explicitly shown.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Oscillatory decay of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We study the decay of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate with negative effective interaction energy. With a decreasing atom number due to losses, the atom-atom interaction becomes less important and the system undergoes a transition from a bistable Josephson regime to the monostable Rabi regime, displaying oscillations in phase and number. We study the equations of motion and derive an analytical expression for the oscillation amplitude. A quantum trajectory simulation reveals that the classical description fails for low emission rates, as expected from analytical considerations. Observation of the proposed effect will provide evidence for negative effective interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figue

    Expanding Lie (super)algebras through abelian semigroups

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    We propose an outgrowth of the expansion method introduced by de Azcarraga et al. [Nucl. Phys. B 662 (2003) 185]. The basic idea consists in considering the direct product between an abelian semigroup S and a Lie algebra g. General conditions under which relevant subalgebras can systematically be extracted from S \times g are given. We show how, for a particular choice of semigroup S, the known cases of expanded algebras can be reobtained, while new ones arise from different choices. Concrete examples, including the M algebra and a D'Auria-Fre-like Superalgebra, are considered. Finally, we find explicit, non-trace invariant tensors for these S-expanded algebras, which are essential ingredients in, e.g., the formulation of Supergravity theories in arbitrary space-time dimensions.Comment: 42 pages, 8 figures. v2: Improved figures, updated notation and terminolog

    Decoherence in a Two Slit Diffraction Experiment with Massive Particles

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    Matter-wave interferometry has been largely studied in the last few years. Usually, the main problem in the analysis of the diffraction experiments is to establish the causes for the loss of coherence observed in the interference pattern. In this work, we use different type of environmental couplings to model a two slit diffraction experiment with massive particles. For each model, we study the effects of decoherence on the interference pattern and define a visibility function that measures the loss of contrast of the interference fringes on a distant screen. Finally, we apply our results to the experimental reported data on massive particles C70C_{70}.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Dual branes in topological sigma models over Lie groups. BF-theory and non-factorizable Lie bialgebras

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    We complete the study of the Poisson-Sigma model over Poisson-Lie groups. Firstly, we solve the models with targets GG and GG^* (the dual group of the Poisson-Lie group GG) corresponding to a triangular rr-matrix and show that the model over GG^* is always equivalent to BF-theory. Then, given an arbitrary rr-matrix, we address the problem of finding D-branes preserving the duality between the models. We identify a broad class of dual branes which are subgroups of GG and GG^*, but not necessarily Poisson-Lie subgroups. In particular, they are not coisotropic submanifolds in the general case and what is more, we show that by means of duality transformations one can go from coisotropic to non-coisotropic branes. This fact makes clear that non-coisotropic branes are natural boundary conditions for the Poisson-Sigma model.Comment: 24 pages; JHEP style; Final versio

    Neutrino magnetohydrodynamics

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    A new neutrino magnetohydrodynamics (NMHD) model is formulated, where the effects of the charged weak current on the electron-ion magnetohydrodynamic fluid are taken into account. The model incorporates in a systematic way the role of the Fermi neutrino weak force in magnetized plasmas. A fast neutrino-driven short wavelengths instability associated with the magnetosonic wave is derived. Such an instability should play a central role in strongly magnetized plasma as occurs in supernovae, where dense neutrino beams also exist. In addition, in the case of nonlinear or high frequency waves, the neutrino coupling is shown to be responsible for breaking the frozen-in magnetic field lines condition even in infinite conductivity plasmas. Simplified and ideal NMHD assumptions were adopted and analyzed in detail

    Baryon masses and \sigma-terms in SU(3) BChPT x 1/Nc

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    Baryon masses and nucleon \sigma-terms are studied with the effective theory that combines the chiral and 1/Nc expansions for three flavors. In particular the connection between the deviation of the Gell-Mann-Okubo relation and the \sigma-term corresponding to the scalar density associated with the hypercharge is emphasized. The latter is at lowest order related to a mass combination whose low value has given rise to a \sigma- term puzzle. It is shown that while the nucleon \sigma-terms have a well behaved low energy expansion, that mass combination is affected by large higher order corrections non-analytic in quark masses. Adding to the analysis lattice QCD baryon masses, it is found that {\sigma}{\pi}N=69(10) MeV and {\sigma}s has natural magnitude within its relative large uncertainty.Comment: 8 pages, 1 table, 1 figur