6,730 research outputs found

    Synthesis and antifungal activity of 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives bearing 1,2,3-triazole moiety

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    The lack of selective antifungal agents and the growth of fungal resistance to current treatments has become a worldwide concern, especially for immunocompromised patients. 8-Hydroxyquinolines and 1, 2 ,3 - triazoles have shown wide spectrum effects against several microorganisms. Thus, the purpose of this study was the synthesis of 1,4-triazole-substituted 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives and evaluation of in vitro antifungal activity against strains of dermatophytes and Candida spp. The commercial available 8-hydroxyquinoline 1 was used to prepare triazole derivates 7a-7d in eight-step synthesis: nitrosation of 1 followed by oxidation to 5-nitro-8-hydroxyquinoline 2; reduction of 2 to 5-amino-8-hydroxyquinoline 3; diazotization of 3 followed by azide replacement to 5-azido-8-hydroxyquinoline 4; acetylation of 4 to 5-azidoquinolin-8-yl acetate 5; copper (I) catalyzed cycloaddition of 5 and deprotection of acetylated intermediates 6a-6d to triazole derivates 7a-7d. The compounds prepared were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR. The evaluation of antifungal activity was determined by broth microdilution assay. The compound 7a presented the most potent activity against dermatophytes, C. albicans and C. glabrata strains, and compounds 7c and 7d had good MIC values for the strains of Trichophyton, C. krusei and C. glabrata. These compounds have the potential to be developed as antifungal agents

    Propuesta de negocio para el servicio de taxi en la ciudad de Chiclayo teniendo en cuenta distintos elementos con base tecnológica

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo de investigación: Determinar la importancia y factibilidad de una propuesta de negocio para el servicio de taxi en la ciudad de Chiclayo teniendo en cuenta los distintos elementos con base tecnológica, cuyo método utilizado fue la aplicación de focus group para clientes y taxistas, mientras que con algunos empresarios se realizaron entrevistas personales, llegando a la conclusión que la propuesta de negocio planteada es factible y viable en la ciudad de Chiclayo, debido a las exigencias del mercado y a la inseguridad ciudadana. Según el análisis del focus group que fue realizado con una pequeña muestra, se obtuvo como resultado que entre los principales motivos que tienen las personas para tomar un servicio de taxi son la rapidez, seguridad, entrega de comprobantes en caso de empresas y algunos casos se mencionó que toman el servicio debido a la poca transitabilidad de vehículos en ciertas zona

    The Epstein-Barr Virus Episome Maneuvers between Nuclear Chromatin Compartments during Reactivation.

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    The human genome is structurally organized in three-dimensional space to facilitate functional partitioning of transcription. We learned that the latent episome of the human Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) preferentially associates with gene-poor chromosomes and avoids gene-rich chromosomes. Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus behaves similarly, but human papillomavirus does not. Contacts on the EBV side localize to OriP, the latent origin of replication. This genetic element and the EBNA1 protein that binds there are sufficient to reconstitute chromosome association preferences of the entire episome. Contacts on the human side localize to gene-poor and AT-rich regions of chromatin distant from transcription start sites. Upon reactivation from latency, however, the episome moves away from repressive heterochromatin and toward active euchromatin. Our work adds three-dimensional relocalization to the molecular events that occur during reactivation. Involvement of myriad interchromosomal associations also suggests a role for this type of long-range association in gene regulation.IMPORTANCE The human genome is structurally organized in three-dimensional space, and this structure functionally affects transcriptional activity. We set out to investigate whether a double-stranded DNA virus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), uses mechanisms similar to those of the human genome to regulate transcription. We found that the EBV genome associates with repressive compartments of the nucleus during latency and with active compartments during reactivation. This study advances our knowledge of the EBV life cycle, adding three-dimensional relocalization as a novel component to the molecular events that occur during reactivation. Furthermore, the data add to our understanding of nuclear compartments, showing that disperse interchromosomal interactions may be important for regulating transcription

    Plant Ontology, The Amazonian Yachag and the Artist in Trance

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    The commonalities that plants, shamans and artists share may not be evident at first glance, nevertheless, if we search for uncomfortable entanglements and difficult questions, we may find that for centuries the voice with which plants speak has been the Amazonian yachag and the chamana or healer. Furthermore, who has invariably accompanied different plateaus along humanity’s convoluted becomings, has been what I have called the artist in trance. This artist is a concoction born from Walter Benjamin’s notion of ecstatic trance and Nietzche’s tragic artist. In this research I have investigated the being of plants or plant ontology and how they may be others who we may learn from in order to relate to Earth in a better way. The artist-yachag or artist philosopher as we may call her, is the one who bridges disparate conocimientos or knowledge, those of plants and those of shamans and translates them into our own words and worlds. What for? To learn to inhabit this planet in a softermood, in a weak mood as Gianni Vattimo and Santiago Zabala would say, stemming from other visions and other perspectives. The interconnectivity that plants generate, as well as the idea of them being a world in themselves allied with the yachag or shaman and the artist, may lead humanity towards the understanding of a world to come. Applyingand expanding the notion first posited by Levi-Strauss and then contested by Viveiros de Castro that the relation between nature and culture is one of“metonymic contiguity rather than metaphoric resemblance”, I argue that the same kind of contiguity exists between plants,the Amazonian yachag and the artist in trance. The trope ofmetonymic contiguity serves to connect in a continuum these three entities one after the other in a nature-culture effervescent symbiosis. ‍https://digitalmaine.com/academic/1047/thumbnail.jp

    Conservation-status gaps for marine top-fished commercial species

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    Biodiversity loss is a global problem, accelerated by human-induced pressures. In the marine realm, one of the major threats to species conservation, together with climate change, is overfishing. In this context, having information on the conservation status of target commercial marine fish species becomes crucial for assuring safe standards. We put together fisheries statistics from the FAO, the IUCN Red List, FishBase, and RAM Legacy databases to understand to what extent top commercial species’ conservation status has been assessed. Levels of assessment for top-fished species were higher than those for general commercial or highly commercial species, but almost half of the species have outdated assessments. We found no relation between IUCN Red List traits and FishBase Vulnerability Index, depreciating the latter value as a guidance for extinction threat. The RAM database suggests good management of more-threatened species in recent decades, but more data are required to assess whether the trend has reverted in recent years. Outdated IUCN Red List assessments can benefit from reputed stock assessments for new reassessments. The future of IUCN Red List evaluations for commercial fish species relies on integrating new parameters from fisheries sources and improved collaboration with fisheries stakeholders and managers.European Commission | Ref. ERC n. 867981

    Gravitino perturbations in Schwarzschild black holes

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    We consider the time evolution of massless gravitino perturbations in Schwarzschild black holes, and show that as in the case of fields of other values of spin, the evolution comes in three stages, after an initial outburst as a first stage, we observe the damped oscillations characteristic of the quasinormal ringing stage, followed by long time tails. Using the sixth order WKB method and Prony fitting of time domain data we determine the quasinormal frequencies. There is a good correspondence between the results obtained by the above two methods, and we obtain a considerable improvement with respect to the previously obtained third order WKB results. We also show that the response of a black hole depends crucially on the spin class of the perturbing field: the quality factor becomes a decreasing function of the spin for boson perturbations, whereas the opposite situation appears for fermion ones

    Perfil de los emprendedores en la industria de capital de riesgo en la Región del Maule

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    103 p.Este proyecto tiene como finalidad caracterizar a los emprendedores de la Region del Maule en base a la motivación, percepción respecto a inversionistas y al éxito, además de su relación con la industria de capital de riesgo. El problema que origina la elaboración de este estudio es el poco desarrollo que presenta la industria de capital de riesgo en nuestro país y la falta de conocimiento, por parte de los inversionistas, acerca de las cualidades que presentan los emprendedores en nuestra zona. Su propósito es ayudar a dar a conocer los negocios que involucran financiamientos riesgosos y la percepción que presentan los empresarios o emprendedores acerca de la inversión externa para sus negocios. Para entender mejor como se trabaja en proyectos relacionados con capital de riesgo hemos definido, en primer lugar, un marco teórico que explica el funcionamiento de esta industria y sus involucrados. En cuanto a la recolección de la información esta se llevo a cabo a traves de la aplicación de un cuestionario a los asistentes a las charlas y seminarios relacionados con capital de riesgo y emprendimiento dictadas durante el mes de Mayo de 2000 en la Universidad de Talca, Campus Lircay y Curico. La principal limitación que presenta el estudio es que las conclusiones solo son validas para la muestra y no pueden ser generalizadas para la población debido a la falta de un mecanismo para identificar, dentro de los empresarios de la Region, quienes poseían rasgos de emprendedores, por esto el estudio se enfoco hacia los asistentes a dichos seminarios ya que al asistir demostraban tener esta actitud

    Elementos para el debate e interpretación del Buen vivir/Sumak kawsay

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    Resumen: Elementos para el debate e interpretación del Buen vivir/Sumak kawsay es un trabajo que reflexiona sobre el origen, historia, elementos constitutivos e interpretaciones del Buen vivir (Sumak kawsaySuma qamaña). Esta formulación de pensamiento que logró desarrollarse en los países andinos, particularmente en Ecuador y Bolivia; plasmarse en sus respectivas constituciones (Ecuador 2008 y Bolivia 2009) y convertirse en una propuesta que desde América Latina cada día adquiere mayor trascendencia, y poco a poco se convierte en un tema de reflexión universal. Estudiamos sus elementos esenciales y las diversas interpretaciones que hasta el momento se han formulado, incorporando elementos que desde pueblos originarios de diversas latitudes enriquecen el concepto. Por tratarse de no solo de una propuesta filosófico-política, sino de una cosmovisión general que articula las constituciones referidas, con sus implicaciones, estudiamos el Buen vivir en la Constitución Ecuatoriana de 2008 y hacemos un esfuerzo por descender hasta niveles más concretos como las políticas migratorias del gobierno ecuatoriano en el marco del concepto antedicho. Finalmente, incorporamos a vista de pájaro, algunos elementos coincidentes, como la visión del pueblo Jñatjo, del Municipio de San Felipe del Progreso en el Estado de México. Este trabajo tiene como finalidad contribuir al debate y difusión de un tema de trascendencia y actualidad, que por diversos motivos se desconoce grandemente en México y otros países de la región, aunque poco a poco se va convirtiendo en un tópico de su interés