449 research outputs found

    Temporal Restriction and Interest for the Elderly on Cultural Participation. The Case of Spanish Performing Arts 2019

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    This paper discusses the relationship of cultural participation in performing arts with the manifested interest. Using the data set from the Cultural Habits and Practices Survey 2018-2019 a binary probit model has been applied for the analysis. Emphasizing the role of aging in participation, especially for the group of the elderly and very old. The age variable is one of the most difficult variables to apprehend, in which the cohort effects, age itself and period should be considered. This paper is an approach to the study of the aging effect on cultural participation, which would be continued with the analysis of the Surveys in previous years. This work shows that there is no homogeneous behavior between participation and interest within the different performing arts. Presenting some of them differentiating features

    A Tractable Product Channel Model for Line-of-Sight Scenarios

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    We present a general and tractable fading model for line-of-sight (LOS) scenarios, which is based on the product of two independent and non-identically distributed κ\kappa-μ\mu shadowed random variables. Simple closed-form expressions for the probability density function, cumulative distribution function and moment-generating function are derived, which are as tractable as the corresponding expressions derived from a product of Nakagami-mm random variables. This model simplifies the challenging characterization of LOS product channels, as well as combinations of LOS channels with non-LOS ones. We leverage these results to analyze performance measures of interest in the contexts of wireless powered and backscatter communications, where both forward and reverse links are inherently of LOS nature, as well as in device-to-device communications subject to composite fading. In these contexts, the model shows a higher flexibility when fitting field measurements with respect to conventional approaches based on product distributions with deterministic LOS, together with a more complete physical interpretation of the underlying propagation characteristics.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Changes in bioaccessibility, polyphenol profile and antioxidant potential of flours obtained from persimmon fruit (Diospyros kaki) co-products during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion

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    The aim was to evaluate (i) the phenol and flavonoid recovery and bioaccessibility indexes, (ii) the stability of individual polyphenolic compounds and (iii) the antioxidant activity of persimmon flours (cultivars ‘Rojo Brillante’ and ‘Triumph’) during the in vitro digestion. The recovery index for phenolic and flavonoid content was dependent on flour type and digestion phase. After the dialysis phase, the bioaccessibility for phenolic compounds from both flours was similar; for flavonoids it was higher in ‘Triumph’ than ‘Rojo Brillante’ flour. After in vitro digestion, 13 polyphenolic compounds were detected in both flours, of which only six were detected in the intestinal phase. Their antioxidant activity (ABTS%+, FRAP and DPPH) decreased after intestinal phase, while their chelating activity (FIC assay) increased in both flours. So, persimmon flours could be included in the formulation of foods to improve either their scarcity of bioactive compounds or an unbalanced nutritional composition

    Modeling skull-face anatomical/morphological correspondence for craniofacial superimposition-based identification

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    Craniofacial superimposition (CFS) is a forensic identification technique which studies the anatomical and morphological correspondence between a skull and a face. It involves the process of overlaying a variable number of facial images with the skull. This technique has great potential since nowadays the wide majority of the people have photographs where their faces are clearly visible. In addition, the skull is a bone that hardly degrades under the effect of fire, humidity, temperature changes, etc. Three consecutive stages for the CFS process have been distinguished: the acquisition and processing of the materials; the skull-face overlay; and the decision making. This final stage consists of determining the degree of support for a match based on the previous overlays. The final decision is guided by different criteria depending on the anatomical relations between the skull and the face. In previous approaches, we proposed a framework for automating this stage at different levels taking into consideration all the information and uncertainty sources involved. In this study, we model new anatomical skull-face regions and we tackle the last level of the hierarchical decision support system. For the first time, we present a complete system which provides a final degree of craniofacial correspondence. Furthermore, we validate our system as an automatic identification tool analyzing its capabilities in closed (known information or a potential list of those involved) and open lists (little or no idea at first who may be involved) and comparing its performance with the manual results achieved by experts, obtaining a remarkable performance. The proposed system has been demonstrated to be valid for sortlisting a given data set of initial candidates (in 62,5% of the cases the positive one is ranked in the first position) and to serve as an exclusion method (97,4% and 96% of true negatives in training and test, respectively)

    An extensive search algorithm to find feasible healthy menus for humans.

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    Promoting healthy lifestyles is nowadays a public priority among most public entities. The ability to design an array of nutritious and appealing diets is very valuable. Menu Planning still presents a challenge which complexity derives from the problems’ many dimensions and the idiosyncrasies of human behavior towards eating. Among the difculties encountered by researchers when facing the Menu Planning Problem, being able of fnding a rich feasible region stands out. We consider it as a system of inequalities to which we try to fnd solutions. We have developed and implemented a two-phase algorithm -that mainly stems from the Randomized Search and the Genetic- that is capable of rapidly fnding an pool of solutions to the system with the aim of properly identifying the feasible region of the underlying problem and proceed to its densifcation. It consists of a hybrid algorithm inspired on a GRASP metaheuristic and a later recombination. First, it generates initial seeds, identifying best candidates and guiding the search to create solutions to the system, thus attempting to verify every inequality. Afterwards, the recombination of diferent promising candidates helps in the densifcation of the feasible region with new solutions. This methodology is an adaptation of other previously used in literature, and that we apply to the MPP. For this, we generated a database of a 227 recipes and 272 ingredients. Applying this methodology to the database, we are able to obtain a pool of feasible (healthy and nutritious) complete menus for a given D number of days.Open Access granted by Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This work has been partially supported by the Spanish *Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades *(MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) with grant ref PID2019-104263RBC42; and Junta de Andalucía with grant refs. P18-RT-1566, (contract ref CI-21-228) UMA18-FEDERJA- 065. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Total and Partial Fat Replacement by Gelled Emulsion (Hemp Oil and Buckwheat Flour) and Its Impact on the Chemical, Technological and Sensory Properties of Frankfurters

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    A gelled emulsion (GE) prepared with hemp oil and buckwheat flour was used to replace pork back fat in frankfurters. Five different formulations were prepared: control (with 35% pork back fat—SC), and the following four to achieve 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% pork back fat substitution by GE (S1, S2, S3, and S4, respectively). Nutritional, technological, and sensorial characteristics of frankfurters were evaluated. Sausages containing GE presented a lower total fat content with a higher amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, increased omega 3 content, and reduced saturated fat by up to 55%. The incorporation of GE did not significantly modify technological properties such as emulsion stability or lipid oxidation in spite of using vegetable oils highly susceptible to oxidation. The reformulation of the frankfurters presented a greater effect on the texture and sensory properties when GE was used as total substitution for the pork back fat (S4). When GE was used only as partial substitution for the pork back fat, sausages similar to control frankfurter were obtained. So this study demonstrated that the use of GE could be a promising strategy in the reformulation of healthier meat product

    Un método para determinar competencias distintivas en pequeñas y medianas empresas?

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    The sources of competitive advantage are firm characteristics that allow them to be in a better position than its competitors. Modern firm theories consider that these sources are internal and external factors of business. Entrepreneur combines these factors by the strategy to set their core competencies. This paper proposes a method for determining the formation of core competencies. We discuss the different techniques used and we propose an alternative based on principal components with direct oblimin rotation. We assess the implementation of this method to a particular case in SMEs.Las fuentes de ventajas competitivas son características de las empresas que les permiten situarse en mejor posición que sus competidores. Las modernas teorías de la empresa consideran que esas fuentes se encuentran en sus factores internos y externos. La gerencia, mediante la estrategia combina dichos factores estableciendo sus competencias distintivas. Este trabajo propone un método para determinar la formación de dichas competencias. Se discuten las diferentes técnicas utilizadas y se propone una alternativa basada en componentes principales con rotación oblimin directa. Se evalúa la aplicación de este método a un caso particular en Pymes

    Chia Oil Extraction Coproduct as a Potential New Ingredient for the Food Industry: Chemical, Physicochemical, Techno-Functional and Antioxidant Properties

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    The aim of this work was to characterize the coproduct obtained from chia oil production (cold-pressing) with a view to its possible application in new food product development. For this characterization, the following determinations were made: proximate composition, physicochemical analysis, techno-functional properties, total phenolic and flavonoid content, polyphenolic profile and antioxidant capacity (using four different methods). Chia coproduct showed significantly higher levels of proteins and total dietary fiber and lower levels of fats than chia seeds, pointing to the promising nature of this coproduct as an ingredient of food formulations since it remains a source of high biological value proteins and total dietary fiber (as chia seeds themselves) but with a lower energy value. This chia coproduct presents similar techno-functional properties to the original chia seeds and significantly higher levels of polyphenolic compounds and, consequently, higher antioxidant activit

    Looking for students' enthusiasm: flipped classroom

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    The “flipped classroom” is a pedagogical model that consists of putting certain learning processes outside the classroom so that the teacher can devote more class time to students’ acquisition of practical skills, for example. In this way, the teacher is not limited to the transmission of course content, but in addition assumes the role of a mediator in the cognitive process, allowing students to actively construct their own knowledge. In this role, the teacher’s main task is to encourage students to become independent learners. This paper describes the implementation and initial results of the application of the flipped classroom in higher education. This study is part of a larger research project to improve our students’ motivation through the use of the flipped learning. The sample consisted of about 3000 students taking 17 different subjects, in Management and Administration Business, Finance and Accounting, Marketing and Market Research, and Chemistry, at the University of Málaga, and in Accounting and Administration, Business Communication and Marketing at the Polytechnic of Porto. According to our results, students’ motivation and class attendance increased with the application of this model; a comparison of the final exam results from two years with traditional classes and from two years with flipped learning shows that the proportion of students failing the exam decreased, which confirms that the use of this pedagogic model improves student learning.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This project is financed by Educational Innovation Projects 2017-2019 from Malaga University