4,336 research outputs found

    L’accaparement des terres au Costa Rica : le cas des entreprises productrices d’ananas

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    Communication dans le cadre du 5e Forum Mondial des Droits de l'Homme et de l’atelier du programme Lascaux "Le droit et l’accaparement des terres dans les pays du Sud", à Nantes le 23 mai 2013El fenómeno del acaparamiento de tierras, tal como se presenta en otras regiones del mundo e incluso en algunos países latinoamericanos, hasta ahora, no se percibió como un problema relativo a Costa Rica. Sin embargo, esta acta no permite descartar la presencia en este país de otro fenómeno muy cercano y cuyos límites con el del acaparamiento siguen siendo ambiguos: el de la concentración de las tierras agrícolas. Este artículo tiene por objeto estudiar la concentración de las tierras por empresas productoras de piña que presenta, en Costa Rica, colores de acaparamiento de las tierras, el papel importante del Estado como facilitador de este fenómeno, y por fin los medios jurídicos a disposición de los municipios para enfrentar.Le phénomène de l’accaparement de terres, tel qu’il se présente dans d’autres régions du monde et même dans certains pays latino-américains, n’a pas, jusqu’à présent, été perçu comme un problème concernant le Costa Rica. Pour autant, ce constat ne permet pas d’écarter la présence dans ce pays d’un autre phénomène très proche et dont les limites avec celui de l’accaparement restent ambigües : celui de la concentration des terres agricoles. Cet article vise à étudier la concentration des terres par des entreprises productrices d’ananas qui présente, au Costa Rica, des teintes d’accaparement des terres, le rôle important de l’Etat en tant que facilitateur de ce phénomène, et enfin les moyens juridiques dont disposent les municipalités pour y faire face

    Re-drawing existing powers over natural resources for food security at the light of a natural resources constrained world

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    7 pagesInternational audienceFood security is inextricably dependent both on the availability and on the access to natural resources necessary for food production (land, water, seeds and others). The availability of these resources is in turn inevitably linked to the capacity of the Earth to produce food, and thus to the maintenance of the Earth's life-support systems. However, the maintenance of this capacity and of the systems on which it depends is clearly endangered by human activities and by the current forms of using natural resources

    Définitions des ressources naturelles et implications pour la démarche juridique

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    Contribution publiée in Penser une démocratie alimentaire Volume II – Proposition Lascaux entre ressources naturelles et besoins fondamentaux, F. Collart Dutilleul et T. Bréger (dir), Inida, San José, 2014, pp. 71-77International audienceLa construction d’un droit dédié aux ressources naturelles nécessite de s’accorder préalablement sur les notions clés. A cet égard, les choix effectués ne seront pas indifférents ou dépourvus de conséquences : ils reflètent les valeurs considérées comme fondamentales dans nos sociétés. Bien que les choix de vocabulaire soient essentiellement des choix politiques, nous soutenons que le concept légal de « ressources naturelles » devrait satisfaire aux objectifs de maintien des systèmes supportant la vie sur Terre et de satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux humains

    Corpus specificity in LSA and Word2vec: the role of out-of-domain documents

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    Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and Word2vec are some of the most widely used word embeddings. Despite the popularity of these techniques, the precise mechanisms by which they acquire new semantic relations between words remain unclear. In the present article we investigate whether LSA and Word2vec capacity to identify relevant semantic dimensions increases with size of corpus. One intuitive hypothesis is that the capacity to identify relevant dimensions should increase as the amount of data increases. However, if corpus size grow in topics which are not specific to the domain of interest, signal to noise ratio may weaken. Here we set to examine and distinguish these alternative hypothesis. To investigate the effect of corpus specificity and size in word-embeddings we study two ways for progressive elimination of documents: the elimination of random documents vs. the elimination of documents unrelated to a specific task. We show that Word2vec can take advantage of all the documents, obtaining its best performance when it is trained with the whole corpus. On the contrary, the specialization (removal of out-of-domain documents) of the training corpus, accompanied by a decrease of dimensionality, can increase LSA word-representation quality while speeding up the processing time. Furthermore, we show that the specialization without the decrease in LSA dimensionality can produce a strong performance reduction in specific tasks. From a cognitive-modeling point of view, we point out that LSA's word-knowledge acquisitions may not be efficiently exploiting higher-order co-occurrences and global relations, whereas Word2vec does

    MPCI : An R Package for Computing Multivariate Process Capability Indices

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    Manufacturing processes are often based on more than one quality characteristic. When these variables are correlated the process capability analysis should be performed using multivariate statistical methodologies. Although there is a growing interest in methods for evaluating the capability of multivariate processes, little attention has been given to developing user friendly software for supporting multivariate capability analysis. In this work we introduce the package MPCI for R, which allows to compute multivariateprocess capability indices. MPCI aims to provide a useful tool for dealing with multivariate capability assessment problems. We illustrate the use of MPCI package through both simulated and real examples

    Ocorrência, levantamento populacional e resposta a atividades antrópicas, do guará Eudocimus ruber (Linnaeus, 1758) : subsídios para conservação da espécie na baía de Guaratuba, litoral do Paraná

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    Orientadora: Prof.ª Dr. ª Juliana QuadrosDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor Litoral, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Territorial Sustentável. Defesa : Matinhos, 30/06/2023Inclui referênciasResumo: O Projeto Guará, realiza o monitoramento da espécie guará (Eudocimus ruber, Linnaeus, 1758), na baía de Guaratuba-Paraná em território da Área de Proteção Ambiental Estadual de Guaratuba desde 2008. Pesquisar a ecologia do guará é fundamental para melhor entender as necessidades e desafios que a espécie enfrenta e, assim propor medidas mais eficazes para sua conservação. Objetiva-se apresentar o levantamento populacional dos guarás avistados mensalmente na baía de Guaratuba, entre janeiro/2019 e dezembro/2021, totalizando 114 dias de campo e 410 horas de esforço amostral. Foram 507 incursões aos pontos que foram georreferenciados, tendo 252 interações com os bandos de guarás proporcionando a contagem de aves adultas e juvenis. Identificaram-se nove sítios amostrais de forrageamento e alimentação, um de repouso e manutenção da plumagem e dois dormitórios onde se reúnem ao final da tarde, local em que ocorreu o maior bando (3.390 adultos e 521 juvenis). Considerados os 60 registros realizados nos dois dormitórios foram registrados (média ± desvio padrão) 1618 ± 967 indivíduos, sendo 1229,65 ± 972,75 adultos e 388,42 ± 133,54 jovens. O dormitório da Ilha do Capim foi utilizado com menor frequência ao longo do ano (apenas um terço dos registros ocorreram nesse dormitório) e foram utilizados para pernoite por um número menor de indivíduos de uma única vez resultando em uma média de indivíduos menor do que no dormitório da Ilha do Perigo. Quando o levantamento populacional nos dormitórios é analisado por estação do ano, observou-se que há mais guarás na baía de Guaratuba na estação menos chuvosa (entre abril e setembro) com destaque para o mês de julho e agosto. E essa diferença se expressa devido ao maior número de adultos, visto que o número de jovens presentes na baía varia menos entre as estações e é menor na estação menos chuvosa. Em 172 avistamentos 111 embarcações estavam praticando a pesca e 61 embarcações estavam em atividade de turismo. Ao ser observado embarcações nos sítios amostrais foram analisadas as interações com os bandos de guarás e classificadas em positiva, negativa e neutra. Não foram registradas interações positivas durante a pesquisa, quando as aves se beneficiam da interação com a embarcação. A média de distância para as interações negativas com embarcações durante atividade de pesca foi de 67,4 m e a média de distância para interações neutras foi de 127,77, m. Para a pesca foram classificadas e analisadas atividades com rede de emalhe-tainha, aparelho com anzol, pesca do robalo/basboat, rede de emalhe, arte caída-tarrafa e pesca com caiaque. Para o turismo a média de distância para interações negativas foi de 59,58 m e a distância para interações neutras foi de 134,38 m. Para o turismo foram analisadas as embarcações realizando a prática de birdwatching - turismo de observação de aves, passeando na baía com embarcações de pequeno porte e embarcações de médio porte. Os guarás foram observados compartilhando os diferentes sítios de alimentação, repouso e dormitório com outras espécies 27 espécies de aves predominando a interações com a garça-branca-grande Ardea alba, a garça branca pequena Egretta caerulea, a garça azul Egretta thula e o colhereiro Platalea ajaja. As áreas prioritárias para a conservação da espécie incluem os dois dormitórios (ilha do Prigo e Ilha do Capim) e dois sítios de forrageamento/alimentação quais sejam a Coroa do Cedro e a Ilhota do Quilombo. Os resultados do presente estudo contribuem para a potencialização da experiência do turismo de observação de aves na baía de Guaratuba, tendo os bandos de guarás como principal atrativo. Mas também se preocupa com a conservação da espécie e a sustentabilidade da atividade.Abstract: The Guará Project monitors the scarlet ibis species (Eudocimus ruber, Linnaeus, 1758) in the Guaratuba Bay, Paraná, within the territory of the Guaratuba State Environmental Protection Area since 2008. Researching the ecology of the scarlet ibis is essential for a better understanding of the species' needs and challenges and to propose more effective measures for its conservation. The objective of this work is to present the population survey of scarlet ibis sightings on a monthly basis in Guaratuba Bay, between January 2019 and December 2021, totaling 114 field days and 410 hours of sampling effort. There were 507 visits to georeferenced points, with 252 interactions with scarlet ibis flocks, allowing for the counting of adult and juvenile birds. Nine foraging and feeding sites, one resting and plumage maintenance site, and two roosting sites were identified. The largest flock, comprised of 3,390 adults and 521 juveniles, was observed at the roosting site where the most interactions occurred. Considering the 60 records made at the two roosting sites, there were a total of 1,618 ± 967 (mean ± standard deviation) individuals, with 1,229.65 ± 972.75 adults and 388.42 ± 133.54 juveniles. The Grass Island (Ilha do Capim) roosting site was used less frequently throughout the year (only onethird of the records occurred there) and had fewer individuals per roosting event, resulting in a lower average number of individuals compared to the Danger Island (Ilha do Perigo) roosting site. When analyzing the population survey at the roosting sites by season, it was observed that there are more scarlet ibises in the Guaratuba Bay during the less rainy season (between April and September) with July and August standing out. This difference is primarily due to a higher number of adults, as the number of juveniles present in the bay varies less between seasons and is lower during the less rainy season. Out of 172 sightings, 111 involved boats engaged in fishing activities, while in the remaining 61 sightings, boats were involved in tourism. When boats were observed at the sampling sites, interactions with the scarlet ibis flocks were analyzed and classified as positive, negative, or neutral. However, no instances of positive interactions, in which birds benefit from the interaction with the boat, were recorded during the study. The average distance for negative interactions with fishing boats was recorded at 67.4 meters, while the average distance for neutral interactions was 127.77 meters. Fishing activities were classified and analyzed, including the use of gillnets, hook and line, bass fishing, gillnet, dropnet and kayak fishing. In contrast, for tourism, negative interactions occurred at an average distance of 59.58 meters, whereas neutral interactions took place at an average distance of 134.38 meters. Tourism activities analyzed included birdwatching, small boat tours and medium-sized boat tours in the bay. The scarlet ibises were observed coexisting with 27 other bird species, sharing various feeding, resting, and roosting sites. Among these interactions, the great egret (Ardea alba), little blue heron (Egretta caerulea), snowy egret (Egretta thula), and roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja) were the most prominent species involved. Priority areas for the conservation of the species include the two roosting sites (Danger and Grass Islands) and two foraging/feeding sites, namely, Cedar Crown (Coroa do Cedro) and Maroon Comunity Islet (Ilhota do Quilombo). The findings of this study not only enhance the birdwatching tourism experience in the Guaratuba Bay, with scarlet ibis flocks serving as the primary attraction, but also address the crucial aspects of species conservation and sustainability of the activity


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    In this study, psychological empowerment, work engagement, and pay satisfaction were used to estimate the best fit model for teacher retention at the Department of Education in Region XII. The study employed quantitative research design using path analysis and correlational approach which are under non-experimental research design. Using the stratified random sampling technique, the 400 secondary teachers from the divisions of South Cotabato, Koronadal, General Santos, and Sarangani were identified. The statistical tools that were used in interpreting the data were weighted mean, Pearson r correlation coefficient, and path analysis. Additionally, survey questions that had been adjusted, changed, and validated were employed. The outcome demonstrates the extremely high degree of psychological empowerment among secondary educators. Teachers also exhibit high levels of work engagement. Nonetheless, secondary teachers have a poor degree of salary satisfaction. As a result, secondary teachers have a high rate of teacher retention. Additionally, the results indicated that pay satisfaction was substantially connected with teacher retention when each independent variable was examined in relation to teacher retention. Additionally, there was a strong correlation between teacher retention and psychological empowerment. The best fit model for predicting teacher retention is model 3. According to the model, among secondary school teachers in Region XII, psychological empowerment and pay satisfaction are predictive factors of teacher retention.  Article visualizations

    Pollen and spores morphology from the Holocene of the Iberá Wetlands in northeastern Argentina

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    Introducción y objetivos: Los trabajos taxonómicos de polen actual de la vegetación de los esteros del Iberá en el noreste de Argentina y otras áreas de la provincia de Corrientes se han llevaron a cabo mayoritariamente en la última década. Sin embargo, muy pocos de estos trabajos incluyen la ilustración de los palinomorfos. El objetivo de esta contribución es proporcionar el primer registro morfológico de palinomorfos de angiospermas, helechos, licofitas y briofitas de sedimentos del Holoceno de los Esteros del Iberá. M&M: Se analizaron muestras de núcleos obtenidos por medio de un muestreador tipo Livingston de seis lagos en sus partes central y más profunda en el margen occidental de los Esteros del Iberá. Resultados: Se describen e ilustran 55 tipos de palinomorfos: 46 tipos de polen corresponden a 27 familias de angiospermas y nueve tipos de esporas triletas a helechos, licofitas y briofitas. Se incluye información para diferenciar taxones locales (que forman parte de la vegetación natural de los Esteros del Iberá) y extra-locales (aquellos que no pertenecen al Iberá) que lograron llegar a los depocentros provenientes de vegetación regional más lejana. Conclusiones: La identificación de granos de polen y esporas hasta el nivel de especie mejora las reconstrucciones paleoambientales basadas sobre información ecológica y distribución geográfica más precisas. Este trabajo amplía el conocimiento de la flora palinológica del noreste de Argentina y contribuirá a diferenciar la vegetación local de la extra-local en futuras interpretaciones paleoecológicas y paleoambientales.Background and aims: Taxonomic works of the modern pollen grains from the vegetation of the Iberá Wetlands from northeastern Argentina, and other areas of the Corrientes province, have mostly been carried out in last decade. However, very few of these taxonomic works include illustration of palynomorphs. The objective of this contribution is to provide the first morphological records of palynomorphs of angiosperms, ferns, lycophytes and bryophytes from sediments from the Holocene of the Iberá Wetlands. M&M: Core samples obtained by mean of a Livingston-type sampler from six lakes in their central and deepest parts on the western margin of the Iberá Wetlands were analyzed. Results: Fifty-five types of palynomorphs are described and illustrated: 46 pollen types correspond to 27 families of angiosperms and nine trilete spore-types to ferns, lycophytes and bryophytes. Information to differentiate local (species that form part of the natural vegetation of the Iberá Wetlands) and extra-local taxa (those that do not belong to the Iberá), that achieved to depocenters mostly by means of wind currents coming from farther regional vegetation, was included. Conclusions: Pollen grains and spores identifications up to species level enhances paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on more accurate ecologic information and geographical distribution. This work broadens the knowledge of the palynological flora of northeastern Argentina and it will contribute to differentiate the local vegetation from the extra-local in future paleocological and paleoenvironmental interpretations.Fil: Fernandez Pacella, Lionel Edgar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Naturales y Agrimensura. Departamento de Biología; ArgentinaFil: Di Pasquo Lartigue, Maria. Provincia de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción; Argentin

    Factores de riesgo asociados a la resistencia de Escherichia coli productoras de beta-actamasas de espectro extendido en pacientes con infección del tracto urinario en el “Hospital Regional Manuel Núñez Butrón”

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    Desde el descubrimiento de las enterobacterias resistentes a los antibióticos de espectro extendido se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública que se asocia a una mayor mortalidad. El trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivos específicos; 1) Identificar Escherichia coli productoras de BLEE y evaluar la resistencia antibiótica a cefotaxima, amikacina, ácido nalidíxico, ceftazidima, ceftriaxona, aztreonam e imipenem. 2) Identificar los factores de riesgo (sexo, edad, uso de anticonceptivos, menopausia, anormalidades en las vías urinarias, usos de catéteres, inadecuada higiene, automedicación) asociados a la resistencia por Escherichia coli productoras de BLEE en pacientes con infección del tracto urinario. Se aplicó: el método de la encuesta a través de un cuestionario, la técnica del urocultivo y la detección fenotípica mediante medios bioquímicos diferenciales, la susceptibilidad mediante la técnica de Kirby Bauer (antibiograma), y la identificación de Escherichia coli productoras de BLEE mediante la prueba de sinergia con doble disco. La investigación fue de tipo descriptivo, observacional de corte transversal, se aplicó la prueba no paramétrica de ji-cuadrado. Se identificaron 29 cepas de Escherichia coli BLEE que representa el 56.9%, respecto a la susceptibilidad antimicrobiana de Escherichia coli BLEE se determinó que cefotaxima 75.9%, ceftazidima 100%, ceftriaxona 100% y ácido nalidíxico 89.7% mostraron resistencia, en tanto amikacina 79,3%, aztreonam 75.9%, e imipenem 93.1% mostraron sensibilidad, resaltando la efectividad del imipenem, en tanto los factores de riesgo asociados son: sexo (p = 0.0403), edad (p = 0.0092), menopausia (p = 0.0074), anormalidades en las vías urinarias (p = 0.0002), usos de catéteres (p = 0.0001), inadecuada higiene (p = 0.0001), automedicación (p = 0.0001) los cuales son significativos estadísticamente a un p < 0.05.Tesi