1,049 research outputs found

    Mujeres políticas y medios de comunicación : representación en prensa escrita del gobierno catalán (2010)

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    Este estudio ha recibido una subvención del Institut Català de les Dones (ICD), dentro de su programa de becas para incentivar la investigación en materia de estudios de género y de las mujeres para el periodo 2010 - 2011Este artículo explora la representación en los medios del último gobierno catalán formado a partir de las elecciones de noviembre de 2010. Aplicando el análisis de contenido a una muestra de artículos extraída e cinco diarios españoles (El País, El Mundo, ABC, La Vanguardia, El Periódico de Catalunya), se analizan los primeros días de la formación del gobierno. Se compara la cobertura recibida por los miembros del govern utilizando seis variables: 1) visibilidad, 2) menciones a la apariencia, vida privada y referencias a la experiencia profesional, 3) menciones al género y asociación con una figura masculina, 4) nombre, 5) declaraciones, 6) características de la personalidad, y 7) tono de la cobertura. El análisis refleja cómo las mujeres políticas aún reciben una cobertura diferenciada de la de sus colegas varones.This article explores the media representation of the Catalan government elected in the elections held by November 2010. Using content analysis on a sample of stories from five Spanish newspapers (El País, El Mundo, ABC, La Vanguardia, El Periódico de Catalunya), the first days of the government formation will be analyzed. The article compares the coverage of the male and female members of the government using six indicators: 1) visibility, 2) mentions to the appearance, personal life and references to professional background, 3) mentions to the politician gender and link to a male mentor, 4) name, 5) quotations, 6) personal traits, and 7) tone of the coverage. The study shows how women politician are still disadvantage

    Framing Hillary Clinton en la prensa española : ¿candidata o mujer?

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    Este artículo realiza una primera aproximación al tratamiento que la prensa española da a las mujeres que optan a cargos políticos de primer nivel. A partir de la teoría del encuadre (framing), se presenta un marco metodológico que ayuda a identificar los recursos empleados por los periodistas (frame package) para representar la candidatura de Hillary Clinton en las elecciones primarias del Partido Demócrata estadounidense. Se lleva a cabo un análisis de contenido de la cobertura de las elecciones primarias en los principales periódicos españoles. En la línea de anteriores estudios, los resultados indican que el género jugó un papel importante en el tratamiento de Clinton en la prensa, sugiriendo que los medios de comunicación siguen utilizando encuadres que "desnormalizan" la participación de la mujer en el ámbito político.How the media represent women politicians?, are the media framing women politicians in a way that their gender is the most important trait besides their political competence? This article shows a first approach to how Spanish media represent a woman politician who runs to a first-level political office, the United States presidency. Based on the framing theory, I build a methodological framework that helps to rebuild the resources used by the journalists (the frame package) to represent a woman who runs to political power. The resources examined are visibility, mentions to the gender, tone of the coverage, personal coverage, political competence (issues), personal traits, name, and verbs used to represent the speech of the candidates. The research points out that Clinton's gender plays an important role in the media coverage of her candidacy. Those results confirm previous studies and suggest that media still use frames that 'desnormalize' the existence of women in the political arena

    La FCC post-Clinton, una realidad incómoda : análisis de los informes realizados para la revisión bianual de 2002

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    Como parte de la Telecommunications Act (TA) de 1996, el Congreso de EEUU solicitó en 2001 a la Federal Communications Commission (FCC) que revisara sus normas sobre la propiedad de radios y televisiones para determinar "si alguna de ellas era necesaria para el interés público, a consecuencia de la competencia". La FCC encargó para ello diferentes estudios sobre varios aspectos de la concentración de propiedad. El presente trabajo pretende contrastar la política desregularizadora llevada a cabo por la FCC a partir de la Telecommunications Act de 1996 con las conclusiones a las que llegaron los estudios independientes encargados por la propia FCC.In 2001 USA Congress requested the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to review the rules about radio and television ownership to determine whether any such rules are necessary in the public interest as a result of competition. The FCC asked for different studies on several aspects about ownership. This paper intends to contrast the deregulation policy carried out by the FCC from the Telecommunications Act of 1996 with the evidences presented in these independent studies

    Female delinquency in Spain and its treatment

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    Recorded female crime is less than 10% in Spain, as is the case in other European countries, however, women continue to be studied more as victims than as perpetrators. The purpose of this article is to show a general view of the phenomenon of female delinquency in Spain in the last decade, showing its characteristics, prevalence, profiles, and the treatment in prison of a population that represents a minority within penitentiary institutions. To do this, a mixed methodology is used, resorting to official statistics and data regarding the phenomenon presented, but also to studies that analyse this subject. In the same way, female prison population is compared with the data concerning the male population, pointing out similarities and differences both quantitatively and qualitatively. As main conclusions, it can be highlighted how the treatment of female offenders continues to present marked sexist biases and lacks a gender perspective in its treatment

    Toxicity assessment of crude and partially purified extracts of marine Synechocystis and Synechococcus cyanobacterial strains in marine invertebrates

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    Among the Cyanoprokaryota, the genera Synechocystis and Synechococcus have rarely been studied with respect to potential toxicity. This is particularly true with marine environments where studies about the toxicity of cyanobacteria are restricted to filamentous forms at the warmer temperate and tropical regions and also to filamentous forms at cold seas such as the Baltic Sea. In this study, we describe the effects of cyanobacterial strains of the Synechocystis and Synechococcus genera isolated from the marine coast of Portugal, on marine invertebrates. Crude and partially purified extracts at a concentration of 100 mg/ml of freeze-dried material of the marine strains were tested for acute toxicity in nauplii of the brine shrimp Artemia salina, in the rotifer Brachionus plicatillis and in embryos of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. The cyanobacterial extracts, especially the crude extract, had an impact on A. salina nauplii. No significant toxic effects were registered against the rotifer. A negative impact of all strains was recorded on the embryonic development of the sea urchin, with toxic effects resulting in an inhibition of embryogenesis or development of smaller larvae. To the mussel embryos, the effects of cyanobacterial extracts resulted in a complete inhibition of embryogenesis. The results of all assays indicate that Synechocystis and Synechococcus marine strains contained toxic compounds to marine invertebrates

    Compositional representation (CoDa) of the Agenda-setting of the political opinion makers in the main Spanish media groups in the 2015 general election

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    This article presents an innovative proposal to represent the agenda-setting of the main Spanish media groups (RTVE, Prisa, Vocento, Unidad Editorial, COPE, Atresmedia, Planeta, Godó, Mediaset España and Libertad Digital) in the context of the 2015 Spanish general election. The study uses a quantitative method based on a content analysis of the main Spanish radio and TV programmes with political opinion spaces and the main newspapers linked to these media groups. Furthermore, the compositional methodological approach the CoDa-biplot is used to visualise and emphasise the relative salience of the components under study. The article not only provides a mapping of the agenda of the main media groups in the electoral context, but it also reaches the representation of the effects of priming and the spiral of silence in the proportional study of the issues and senders of the agenda.Este artículo presenta un estudio innovador sobre la representación de la agenda-setting de los principales grupos de medios españoles (RTVE, Prisa, Vocento, Unidad Editorial, COPE, Atresmedia, Planeta, Godó, Mediaset España y Libertad Digital), en el contexto de las Elecciones Generales en España del año 2015. El estudio emplea una metodología cuantitativa con base a un análisis de contenido de los principales programas con espacios de opinión sobre política en la radio y televisión española, así como de los principales periódicos vinculados a estos grupos mediáticos. Asimismo, se emplea la herramienta metodológica composicional del CoDa-biplot, que contribuye a visualizar y enfatizar la relevancia relativa de los componentes en estudio. El artículo proporciona un mapeo de la agenda de los principales grupos de medios en el contexto electoral, al tiempo que alcanza la representación de los efectos del priming y la espiral del silencio en el estudio proporcional de los issues y emisores de la agenda