3,249 research outputs found

    Lista de los peces de la provincia de Santiago del Estero

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    …los censos de la fauna de un país o región cualquiera, constituyen una suerte de codificación de la Naturaleza, como paso previo e indispensable para un ensayo racional de aprovechamiento de las riquezas naturales y de su adecuada conservación. Desde fines del siglo XVIII se ha dicho, y lo han repetido en nuestro medio, Cosme Argerich, Alberto Palcos y otros estudiosos y cientistas, que un Código de la Naturaleza es indispensable para la libertad de una nación. [R. A. Ringuelet & R. H. Arámburu. Enumeración sistemática de los vertebrados de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. La Plata, MAA, Publ. 119, 1957].Fil: Fernandez, Luis Alfredo. Fundación Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Nadalin, D.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; ArgentinaFil: Lopez, H. L.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; ArgentinaFil: Andreoli Bize, M. J.. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentin

    Similar plasma lipidomic profile in people living with HIV treated with a darunavir-based or an integrase inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapy

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    Cardiovascular disease is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in people living with HIV (PLWH), who commonly experience lipid disturbances. The aim of this study was to determine whether the plasma lipidomic profile differs between PLWH receiving a darunavir-based ART and those receiving integrase inhibitor-based ART. This was a cross-sectional study of unselected patients for whom metabolomic analysis was performed using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Data for the two subgroups were compared by calculating the log2 of the fold change for each metabolite and then grouping these into the main lipid families. Sixty-two PLWH aged 49.3 +/- 8.6 years (82% men) were included: 12 patients (19.4%) had hypertension, 8 (12.9%) had type 2 diabetes, 25 (41.0%) had dyslipidaemia and 9 (14.5%) were taking statins, without significant differences in all these variables between the two groups. Twenty-five (40.3%) received darunavir-based ART and 37 (59.7%) integrase inhibitor-based ART. Although the differences were not statistically significant, patients treated with darunavir-based ART had higher concentrations of total cholesterol (211 mg/dL vs 194 mg/dL), LDL-cholesterol (132 mg/dL vs 117 mg/dL) and triglycerides (155 mg/dL vs 122 mg/dL), and lower HDL-cholesterol concentration (50 mg/dL vs 52 mg/dL). The main lipid families and metabolites differed slightly between groups (log2-fold change; P-value): ceramides (-0.07; 0.49), phosphatidylinositols (-0.05; 0.63), diacylglycerols (0.10; 0.64), phosphatidylethanolamines (0.03; 0.78), triacylglycerols (0.27; 0.18) and lysophosphatidylethanolamines (0.03; 0.83). In the integrase inhibitor-based group, the use of tenofovir alafenamide fumarate significantly increases the majority of lipid fractions, when compared with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. The lipidomic profile did not differ between PLWH treated with darunavir-based or integrase inhibitor-based ART. This was especially true for ceramides, which are involved in cardiovascular disease. Further studies are needed to study the impact of ART in lipidomic profile

    On the microscopic mechanism behind the purely orientational disorder-disorder transition in the plastic phase of 1-chloroadamantane

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    Globular molecules of 1-chloroadamantane form a plastic phase in which the molecules rotate in a restrained way, but with their centers of mass forming a crystalline ordered lattice. Plastic phases can be regarded as test cases for the study of disordered phases since, contrary to what happens in the liquid phase, there is a lack of stochastic translational degrees of freedom. When the temperature is increased, a hump in the specific heat curve is observed indicating a change in the energetic footprint of the dynamics of the molecules. This change takes place without a change in the symmetry of the crystalline lattice, i.e. no first-order transition is observed between temperatures below and above the calorimetric hump. This implies that subtle changes in the dynamics of the disordered plastic phase concerning purely orientational degrees of freedom should appear at the thermodynamic anomaly. Accordingly, we describe, for the first time, the microscopic mechanisms behind a disorder–disorder transition through the analysis of neutron diffraction and QENS experiments. The results evince a change in the molecular rotational dynamics accompanied by a continuous change in density.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    NGcGM3 Ganglioside: A Privileged Target for Cancer Vaccines

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    Active specific immunotherapy is a promising field in cancer research. N-glycolyl (NGc) gangliosides, and particularly NGcGM3, have received attention as a privileged target for cancer therapy. Many clinical trials have been performed with the anti-NGc-containing gangliosides anti-idiotype monoclonal antibody racotumomab (formerly known as 1E10) and the conjugated NGcGM3/VSSP vaccine for immunotherapy of melanoma, breast, and lung cancer. The present paper examines the role of NGc-gangliosides in tumor biology as well as the available preclinical and clinical data on these vaccine products. A brief discussion on the relevance of prioritization of cancer antigens in vaccine development is also included

    Characterization of the Taenia spp HDP2 sequence and development of a novel PCR-based assay for discrimination of Taenia saginata from Taenia asiatica

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    A previously described Taenia saginata HDP2 DNA sequence, a 4-kb polymorphic fragment, was previously used as the basis for developing PCR diagnostic protocols for the species-specific discrimination of T. saginata from T. solium and for the differentiation of T. saginata from T. asiatica. The latter was shown subsequently to lack the required specificity, so we undertook genetic studies of the HDP2 sequence from T. saginata and T. asiatica to determine why, and to develop a novel HDP2-PCR protocol for the simultaneous unambiguous identification of human taeniids. Sequencing and further analysis of the HDP2 DNA fragments of 19 Asiatic isolates of T. saginata and T. asiatica indicated that the HDP2 sequences of both species exhibited clear genomic variability, due to polymorphic variable fragments, that could correspond to the non-transcribed region of ribosomal DNA. This newly observed polymorphism allowed us to develop a novel, reproducible and reliable HDP2-PCR protocol which permitted the simultaneous discrimination of all T. saginata and T. asiatica isolates examined. This species-specific identification was based on, and facilitated by, the clear size difference in amplicon profiles generated: fragments of 1300 bp, 600 bp and 300 bp were produced for T. asiatica, amplicons of 1300 bp and 300 bp being obtained for T. saginata. Control T. solium samples produced one amplicon of 600 bp with the HDP2-PCR protocol. The assay has the potential to prove useful as a diagnostic tool in areas such as South East Asia where T. saginata, T. asiatica and T. solium coexist

    The Air Microwave Yield (AMY) experiment - A laboratory measurement of the microwave emission from extensive air showers

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    The AMY experiment aims to measure the microwave bremsstrahlung radiation (MBR) emitted by air-showers secondary electrons accelerating in collisions with neutral molecules of the atmosphere. The measurements are performed using a beam of 510 MeV electrons at the Beam Test Facility (BTF) of Frascati INFN National Laboratories. The goal of the AMY experiment is to measure in laboratory conditions the yield and the spectrum of the GHz emission in the frequency range between 1 and 20 GHz. The final purpose is to characterise the process to be used in a next generation detectors of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. A description of the experimental setup and the first results are presented.Comment: 3 pages -- EPS-HEP'13 European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (July, 18-24, 2013) at Stockholm, Swede

    Early neurological deterioration after subarachnoid haemorrhage: risk factors and impact on outcome

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    Background Early neurological deterioration occurs frequently after subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). The impact on hospital course and outcome remains poorly defined. Methods We identified risk factors for worsening on the Hunt–Hess grading scale within the first 24 h after admission in 609 consecutively admitted aneurysmal SAH patients. Admission risk factors and the impact of early worsening on outcome was evaluated using multivariable analysis adjusting for age, gender, admission clinical grade, admission year and procedure type. Outcome was evaluated at 12 months using the modified Rankin Scale (mRS). Results 211 patients worsened within the first 24 h of admission (35%). In a multivariate adjusted model, early worsening was associated with older age (OR 1.02, 95% CI 1.001 to 1.03; p=0.04), the presence of intracerebral haematoma on initial CT scan (OR 2.0, 95% CI 1.2 to 3.5; p=0.01) and higher SAH and intraventricular haemorrhage sum scores (OR 1.05, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.08 and 1.1, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.2; p less than 0.001 and 0.03, respectively). Early worsening was associated with more hospital complications and prolonged length of hospital stay and was an independent predictor of death (OR 12.1, 95% CI 5.7 to 26.1; p less than 0.001) and death or moderate to severe disability (mRS 4–6, OR 8.4, 95% CI 4.9 to 14.5; p=0.01) at 1 year. Conclusions Early worsening after SAH occurs in 35% of patients, is predicted by clot burden and is associated with mortality and poor functional outcome at 1 year

    Synthetic antigenic determinants of clavulanic acid induce dendritic cell maturation and specific T cell proliferation in patients with immediate hypersensitivity reactions

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    Background Immediate drug hypersensitivity reactions (IDHRs) to clavulanic acid (CLV) have increased in the last decades due to a higher consumption alongside amoxicillin (AX). Due to its chemical instability, diagnostic procedures to evaluate IDHRs to CLV are difficult, and current in vitro assays do not have an optimal sensitivity. The inclusion of the specific metabolites after CLV degradation, which are efficiently recognised by the immune system, could help to improve sensitivity of in vitro tests. Methods Recognition by dendritic cells (DCs) of CLV and the synthetic analogues of two of its hypothesised antigenic determinants (ADs) was evaluated by flow cytometry in 27 allergic patients (AP) and healthy controls (HC). Their ability to trigger the proliferation of T cells was also analysed by flow cytometry. Results The inclusion of synthetic analogues of CLV ADs, significantly increased the expression of maturation markers on DCs from AP compared to HC. A different recognition pattern could be observed with each AD, and, therefore, the inclusion of both ADs achieves an improved sensitivity. The addition of synthetic ADs analogues increased the proliferative response of CD4+Th2 compared to the addition of native CLV. The combination of results from both ADs increased the sensitivity of proliferative assays from 19% to 65% with a specificity higher than 90%. Conclusions Synthetic ADs from CLV are efficiently recognised by DCs with ability to activate CD4+Th2 cells from AP. The combination of analogues from both ADs, significantly increased the sensitivity of DC maturation and T-cell proliferation compared to native CLV.This work has been supported by Institute of Health ‘Carlos III’ (ISCIII) of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (grants co-funded by European Regional Development Fund: PI15/01206, PI17/01237, PI18/00095, PI20/01734, RETICS ARADYAL RD16/0006/0001); Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (grants PI-0241-2016, PE-0172-2018, PI-0127-2020); Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyectos de I+D+I «Programación Conjunta Internacional», EuroNanoMed 2019 (PCI2019-111825-2), Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación (PID2019-104293GB-I00), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) of MINECO (RD16/0006/0012), Junta de Andalucía ( PY20_00384 ). AA and NPS hold Senior Postdoctoral Contracts (RH-0099-2020 and RH-0085-2020) from Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (cofunded by European Social Fund (ESF): ‘Andalucía se mueve con Europa’). JLP holds a Sara Borrell fellowship (CD19/00250) by ISCIII of MINECO (cofunded by ESF, “El FSE invierte en futuro”). GB holds a ‘Juan Rodes’ contract (JR18/00054) by ISCIII of MINECO (cofunded by ESF). MIM holds a ‘Miguel Servet II’ grant (CPII20/00028) by ISCIII of MINECO (cofunded by ESF). ML holds a ‘Rio Hortega’ contract (CM20/00210) by ISCIII of MINECO (cofunded by ESF). CM holds a ‘Nicolas Monardes’ research contract by Andalusian Regional Ministry Health (RC-0004-2021). NMR experiments for characterizing molecule structures have been performed in the ICTS ‘NANBIOSIS’, by the U28 Unit at the Andalusian Centre for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology (BIONAND). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Tunneling of a large spin via hyperfine interactions

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    We consider a large spin \bf S in the magnetic field parallel to the uniaxial crystal field, interacting with N >> 1 nuclear spins \bf I_i via Hamiltonian \cal H = -DS_z^2 - H_zS_z+ A{\bf S}\cdot \sum_{i=1}^N {\bf I}_i with A << D, at temperature T. Tunneling splittings and the selection rules for the resonant values of H_z are obtained perturbatively. The quantum coherence exists at T << ASI while at T >= ASI the coherence is destroyed and the relaxation of \bf S is described by a stretched dependence which can be close to log t under certain conditions. Relevance to Mn-12 acetate is discussed.Comment: 5 PR pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR