269 research outputs found

    Swimming bioenergetics: integrating biomechanical and physiological data into a coherent biophysical model for performance and training

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    The purpose of the present paper is to synthesise a number of scientific contributions of our research group, into a coherent corpus of knowledge related to swimming biophysics, specially centred on the availability and use of energy in swimming. After an introductory part that intends to underline the relevance of this approach base on the conceptualization of the swimmer, and swimming action itself, as a thermodynamic system and its mechanical output, we will survey a number of studies and respective contributions for a more advanced understanding of swimming performance, that can be transferred into training and enhancement of swimmers’ working capacity. Most of the studies referred were conducted over samples of swimmers of both genders and of different types, from university/participative swimmers to Portuguese elite swimmers, crossing the large population of trained national level swimmers. Those swimmers were studied in the four different competitive swimming strokes, accomplishing progressive protocols based over distances of 200 m. Physiologic parameters like VO2 (and associated ventilatory and respiratory parameters), post exercise capillary blood [La-] peaks, and heart rate, were directly measured. Kinematical parameters were also measured in the different studies, ranging from simple semi-quantitative parameters, like stroke length (SL), and stroke frequency (SF), to more elaborated biomechanical data, like intracyclic speed fluctuations and propulsive segments kinematics. The focus of interest ranged from swimming economy of different strokes and genders (and of different technical alternatives of the same stroke), to the effects over energy cost of intracyclic speed fluctuations. Energetic input determinant factors, like swimming VO2 kinetics, including VO2 slow component, and VO2 time limit, and its determinants, will also be analysed

    The influence of stroke mechanics into energy cost of elite swimmers

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships between energy cost (C), swimming velocity (v), stroke frequency (SF) and stroke length (SL) in toplevel swimmers. Eighteen elite swimmers (four freestylers, five backstrokers, five breaststrokers and four butterflyers) performed an intermittent set of n 9 200 m swims (n B 8) with increasing velocity. The oxygen consumption was measured breath-by-breath by a portable metabolic cart (K4 b2, Cosmed, Rome, Italy). A respiratory snorkel and valve system with low hydrodynamic resistance was used to measure pulmonary ventilation and collect expiratory gases. Blood samples were taken from the ear lobe before and after each swim to analyze the blood lactate concentration (YSI 1500L, Yellow Springs, OH, USA). At Backstroke, Breaststroke and Butterfly strokes, increases of SF were associated to increases of C, even when controlling the v. The increases in SL only promoted significant decreases in the C in Breaststroke. There was a significant and polynomial relationship between v and SF for all competitive swimming techniques. The polynomial relationship between v and SL was significant only in Freestyle and Butterfly stroke. Partial correlations between v and SF controlling the effect of SL and between v and SL controlling the effect of SF, were positive and significant for all techniques. It is concluded that manipulation of stroke mechanics variables (SF and SL) may be one of the factors through which C in competitive swimming can be altered for a given v

    Performance of a Large Area Avalanche Photodiode in a Liquid Xenon Ionization and Scintillation Chamber

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    Scintillation light produced in liquid xenon (LXe) by alpha particles, electrons and gamma-rays was detected with a large area avalanche photodiode (LAAPD) immersed in the liquid. The alpha scintillation yield was measured as a function of applied electric field. We estimate the quantum efficiency of the LAAPD to be 45%. The best energy resolution from the light measurement at zero electric field is 7.5%(sigma) for 976 keV internal conversion electrons from Bi-207 and 2.6%(sigma) for 5.5 MeV alpha particles from Am-241. The detector used for these measurements was also operated as a gridded ionization chamber to measure the charge yield. We confirm that using a LAAPD in LXe does not introduce impurities which inhibit the drifting of free electrons.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Estudo piloto da resposta bioenergética a diferentes ritmos respiratórios na técnica de mariposa

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    Introdução e objectivos: O objectivo do presente trabalho foi o de efectuar um estudo piloto, comparando a resposta bioenergética à adopção de diferentes ritmos respiratórios na técnica de Mariposa. Material e métodos: Foram estudadas duas nadadoras e um nadador de nível nacional (17.0±3.6 anos de idade, 159.0±12.0cm de estatura, 56.9±10.3Kg de massa corporal e 18.0±8.9% de massa gorda). Cada nadador efectuou, numa piscina de 25m, 3 repetições de 200m, a uma velocidade tão próxima quanto possível da máxima. De forma aleatória, em cada repetição, os nadadores realizaram inspirações frontais em todos os ciclo gestuais (1:1F), uma inspiração frontal em cada dois ciclos gestuais (1:2F) e ciclo gestuais inspirando pelo tubo de condução de gases, mas sem a emersão da face (0:0). Avaliaram-se as trocas gasosas e os parâmetros cardiorespiratórios através de um oxímetro breath-by-breath (K4 b2, Cosmed, Itália). Uma válvula de baixa resistência hidrodinâmica encontrava-se ligada ao oxímetro, permitindo a recolha das amostras de gases a analisar (Toussaint et al., 1987; Keskinen et al. 2003). Foram retiradas amostras de sangue capilar da orelha antes, imediatamente após cada 200m e 1, 3, 5 e 7 minutos depois do fim do protocolo, para a avaliação da concentração sérica de lactato (YSI ASPECTOS BIOLÓGICOS DO DESPORTO E DO EXERCÍCIO Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto, 2004, vol. 4, nº 2 (suplemento) [237–274] 241 1500L, Yellow Springs, EUA). Foi utilizado um cardiofrequencímetro para medição da frequência cardíaca (Vantage NV, POLAR, Finlândia). Foi avaliado o consumo máximo de oxigénio relativo (VO2-max), o consumo líquido de oxigénio (VO2- net=VO2-max-VO2-repouso), a concentração máxima de lactato (La-max), a concentração líquida de lactato (La-net= Lamax- La-repouso), o quociente respiratórios (R), o volume ventilatório (VV) e a frequência cardíaca (FC). Também foram avaliados o dispêndio energético total (Etot) calculado com base no VO2-net e na La-net, transformada em equivalentes de VO2 através da constante de 2.7 ml.kg.-1.mmol-1 (di Prampero et al., 1978) e o custo energético (CE= Etot .velocidade-1). Principais resultados e conclusões: O VO2-max foi 26.0% superior utilizando o ritmo de 1:1F do que o ritmo de 0:0 e 7.25% superior do que o ritmo de 1:2F. O VO2-net foi respectivamente 27.3% e 9.94% superior adoptando o ritmo 1:1F do que os ritmos de 0:0 e de 1:2F. O ritmo que exigiu um menor Etot foi o de 0:0, com menos 19.24% do que o 1:1F e menos 9.44% do que o 1:2F. O CE foi substancialmente superior usando o ritmo de 1:1F do que o ritmo de 0:0, com uma variação média de 23.8%. O VV foi superior usando o 1:1F do que o 1:2F ou o 0:0 em respectivamente, 14.57% e 3.19%. Em conclusão, a adopção de diferentes ritmos respiratórios induzirá alterações na resposta bioenergética ao nadar a técnica de Mariposa. Contudo, sugere-se um estudo com uma amostra mais alargada, procurando aferir se as tendências manifestadas no presente estudo revelam robustez do ponto de vista estatístico. Mesmo assim, parece que a diminuição do número de actos inspiratórios promove uma redução dramática do Etot e do CE. Logo, em contextos competitivos, os mariposistas terão algumas vantagens em reduzir, tanto quant

    Characterization, Classification And Analysis Of The Main Properties Of The Southwestern Goias Soil

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    Characterization of the soil and the grouping of its properties through main component analysis can assist in the classification and observation of the consequences of the conversion of native forest areas in pastures. Such data can aid in management practices. Considering the lack of studies in Cerrado soils of south-western Goias, developed metagranites of Jurubatuba suite, the objective was to classify and study the physical, chemical and mineralogical soil (under native forest and pasture) Southwest of Goias. Soil sampling and classification followed the Field Methods Manual and the Brazilian System of Soil Classification, respectively. The physical, chemical and mineralogical soil were studied, as well as main component analysis made for these attributes. The profile 1 under native forest was classified as "Cambissolo Háplico Tb eutrófico latossólico". The profile 2 under degraded pasture was rated "Latossolo Amarelo eutrófico típico". In addition, the profile 3 under rotated pasture was rated as "Latossolo Vermelho eutrófico chernossólico". It was observed that the "Latossolos" have higher bulk density and soil penetration resistance, indicating greater soil compaction. They showed high amounts of iron oxides and minor amount of nutrients such as calcium and magnesium. The principal component analysis allowed the grouping of profiles into two groups. Group 1 brought together the properties related to "Latossolos", and the second was related to "Cambissolo" properties. Thus, the principal components analysis aids the understanding of soil properties and the grouping of soils with similar characteristics, the level of order and management.3731135115

    Estudo da relação entre o custo energético e a mecânica gestual mariposa

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    Introdução e objectivos: Foi objectivo do presente estudo identificar a relação entre variáveis bioenergéticas (gasto energético e custo energético) e biomecânicas (parâmetros do ciclo gestual) ao longo de um leque de velocidades na técnica de Mariposa. Material e métodos: Três nadadores e uma nadadora de nível internacional foram submetidos a um protocolo incremental de 200m a Mariposa. A velocidade inicial foi de 1.18 m.s-1 para os nadadores e de 1.03 m.s-1 para a nadadora. A cada 200m a velocidade apresentava um incremento de 0.05.s-1 até o nadador atingir a exaustão. Avaliaram-se as trocas gasosas e os parâmetros cardiorespiratórios através de um oxímetro breathby- breath (K4 b2, Cosmed, Itália). Uma válvula de baixa resistência hidrodinâmica encontrava-se ligada ao oxímetro, permitindo a recolha das amostras de gases a analisar (Toussaint et al., 1987; Keskinen et al. 2003). Foram colhidas amostras de sangue capilar da orelha antes, imediatamente após cada 200m e 1, 3, 5 e 7 minutos depois do fim do protocolo, para a avaliação da concentração sérica de lactato (YSI 1500L, Yellow Springs, EUA). Foi calculado o dispêndio energético total (Etot), o custo energético (CE), a frequência gestual (FG), a distância de ciclo (DC), a velocidade média de deslocamento (V) e o índice de braçada (IB) para cada percurso, e calculado o valor médio para cada patamar de 200m. Foram calculadas rectas de regressão individuais, assim como os respectivos coeficientes de determinação e de correlação entre as variáveis bioenergéticas e as variáveis biomecânicas em estudo (p£ 0.05). Principais resultados e conclusões: Os coeficientes de correlação entre o Etot e a V, entre o CE e a FG e entre o CE e o IB apresentaram significado estatístico em todos os nadadores. Da relação entre o CE e a DC, apenas uma equação de regressão apresentou o coeficiente de correlação com significado estatístico. A relação entre a FG e a V, bem como, a relação entre o IB e a V foram significativas em todos os nadadores. Apenas duas equações de regressão apresentaram coeficientes de correlação significativos entre a V e a DC. Em conclusão, a amostra apresentou uma elevada variação inter-individual na relação entre as variáveis bioenergéticas e as variáveis biomecânicas em estudo, a Mariposa. Assim, sugere-se a análise individual da relação entre a V, a FG e a DC, com o intuito de identificar o ponto de deflexão da DC em função da V. Desta forma, será possível determinar as intensidades de treino adequadas com o objectivo de melhorar o custo energético específico de transporte

    Energy cost and intracyclic variation of the velocity of the centre of mass in butterfly stroke

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the intra-cycle variation of the horizontal velocity of displacement (dV) and the energy cost (EC) in butterfly stroke. Five Portuguese national level swimmers performed one maximal and two submaximal 200-m butterfly swims. The oxygen consumption was measured breath-by-breath by portable metabolic cart. A respiratory snorkel and valve system with low hydrodynamic resistance was used to measure pulmonary ventilation and to collect breathing air samples. Blood samples from the ear lobe were collected before and after each swim to analyse blood lactate concentration. Total energy expenditure (Etot) and EC were calculated for each swim. The swims were videotaped in the sagittal plane with a set of two cameras providing dual projection from both underwater and above the water surface. The APAS system was used to analyse dV for the centre of mass. The Etot increased linearly with the increasing V, presenting a significant correlation coefficient between these parameters (r=0.827, P<0.001). The increase in EC was significantly associated with the increase in the dV (r=0.807, P<0.001). All data were presented as the mean value and the standard deviation. It is concluded that high intra-cycle variation of the velocity of the centre of mass was related to less efficient swimming and vice versa for the butterfly stroke

    Speed fluctuation as a determinant factor of energy cost in Butterfly stroke

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between the speed fluctuation of the centre of mass and the EC, in butterfly stroke. Five national level Portuguese swimmers performed one maximal and two sub-maximal (85% and 75%) 200-m butterfly swims in a 25-m swimming pool. Cardio-pulmonary and gas exchange parameters were measured breath by breath for each swim to analyze VO2 and other energetic parameters by portable metabolic cart (K4b2, Cosmed, Rome, Italy). A respiratory snorkel and valve system with low hydrodynamic resistance was used to measure pulmonary ventilation and to collect breathing air samples. Blood samples from the ear lobe were collected before and after each swim to analyze blood lactate concentration (YSI 1500L, Yellow Springs, US). Total energy expenditure (È-tot) and EC were calculated for each swim. The swims were videotaped (50 Hz) in sagital plane with a set of two cameras providing dual-media images from both underwater and above the water surface. The cameras were real time synchronised and the images were edited on a mixing table to create one single image of dual-media. APAS system (Ariel Dynamics Inc, USA) was used to analyse speed fluctuation for the centre of mass. Coefficients of variation for the horizontal velocity of the centre of mass along the stroke cycle (dV) were calculated. Linear regressions between the bioenergetic and biomechanical variables were computed, as well as, its 0.05). Coefficients of determination and correlation (p). There was a significant and linear relationship between È-tot and velocity (r=0.827, p=0.0005). Statistically significant correlation coefficient between the EC and the dV (r=0.807, p=0.0009) was found, the coefficient of determination being r2=0.651. This means that the increase in the EC being strongly associated with the increase in the speed fluctuation. The individual coefficients of correlation and determination between the EC and the dV were very high (mean r2 0.018, ranging from 0.973 to 1.000). The mean of individual correlation È= 0.986 0.009 coefficients was higher than the overall correlation coefficient (r=0.993 vs r=0.807) of the pooled data. It is concluded that the speed fluctuation of the centre of mass was related to less efficient swimming and vice versa in butterfly. We suggest that the swimmers should strive to improve their technique performances by avoiding large variations in the speed fluctuation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of time limit at lowest speed corresponding to maximal oxygen consumption in the four competitive swimming strokes

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    Time limit at lowest speed of maximal oxygen consumption (TLim-v O2max) was characterized in the 4 swimming strokes, and related with O2max and anaerobic threshold (AnT). 23 elite swimmers performed an incremental protocol for v O2max assessment. 48 hours later, Tlim-v O2max was assessed. O2 was directly measured BxB (K4 b2, Cosmed, Italy) and AnT was assessed individually (YSI 1500L Sport, USA). Tlim-v O2max values were 238.8±39.0, 246.1±51.9, 277.6±85.6 and 331.4±82.7 s in crawl, backstroke, butterfly, and breaststroke (no differences observed). No correlations were found between Tlim-v O2max and O2max, and AnT. However, inverse relationships were observed between Tlim-v O2max and v O2max (r=-0.63, p<0.01) and vAnT (r=-0.52, p=0.01), pointing out that the higher the velocities commonly related to aerobic proficiency, the lower the TLim- v O2max

    Relationships between energy cost, swimming velocity and speed fluctuation in elite butterfliers

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    In swimming science, economy of movement is an interesting field of research. Several investigations have been conducted to understand the role of bioenergetical profile to performance. Most of those studies focused exclusively on the contribution of The individual correlations between E-tot and v ranged from R=0.95 aerobic system to produce energy for movement, even though all competitive swimming events also require significant (p=0.05) to R=0.90 (p&lt;0.01). For pooled data the relationship was contribution from anaerobic energetic system to cover total energy expenditure. R=0.70 (p&lt;0.01). The individual correlations between EC and d