602 research outputs found

    Nitrate Reductase And Glutamine Synthetase Activities In S1 Endogamic Families Of The Maize Populations Sol Da Manhã Nf And Catetão

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    The possibility of improving nitrogen use efficiency in maize was investigated using S1 endogamic families of the populations Sol da Manhã NF and Catetão. A simple 10 × 10 lattice design was adopted and the trials carried out at the experimental field of MITLA AGRÍCOLA LTDA, in Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, during the 1994/95 planting season. Based on grain production figures, the three best and three worst performing S1 endogamic families were selected for this study. These were pooled to form four sub-populations denominated NFB, NFR (the best and worst families, respectively, of the Sol da Manhã NF variety), CATB and CATR (the best and worst families, respectively, of the Catetão variety). Each of these sub-populations was evaluated under greenhouse conditions. The experimental design was factorial with treatments arranged in randomized blocks. Sample replicates consisted of pots with four plants. Feeding with modified Hoagland's nutrient solution began on the seventh day after sowing. The study involved four nitrogen regimes, where varying proportions of NO3 - and NH4 + were formulated, such that the nutrient solution contained the following mixtures: 75% NO3 -: 25% NH4 +; 25% NO3 -: 75% NH4 +; 50% NO3 -: 50% NH4 + (all high N mixtures) and 5% NO3 -: 5% NH4 + (low N mixture). Twenty-five days after planting, the activities of the enzymes nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase (transferase and synthetase assays) were determined for the leaves using the third topmost expanded leaf of the four plants in each pot. The data show that glutamine synthetase (transferase assay) and nitrate reductase activities were efficient in discriminating the S1 endogamic families and could therefore be useful biochemical parameters in breeding programs seeking nitrogen use efficiency.13188102Alfoldi, Z., Pinter, L., Feil, B., Accumulation and partitioning of biomass and soluble carbohydrates in maize seedlings as affected by source of nitrogen, nitrogen concentration and cultivar (1992) Journal of Plant Nutrition, 15, pp. 2567-2583Balko, L.G., Russel, W.A., Effects of rates of nitrogen fertilizer on maize inbred lines and hybrid progeny-I. Prediction of yield response (1980) Maydica, 25, pp. 65-79Balko, L.G., Russel, W.A., Effects of rates of nitrogen fertilizer on maize inbred lines and hybrid progeny. II. 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Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The HagueChevalier, P., Schrader, L.E., Genotypic differences in nitrate absorption and partitioning of N among plant parts in maize (1977) Crop Science, 17, pp. 897-901Cregan, P.B., Van Berkum, P., Genetics of nitrogen metabolism and physiological/biochemical selection for increased grain crop productivity (1984) Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 67, pp. 97-111Eghball, B., Maranville, J.W., Root development and nitrogen influx of corn genotypes grown under combined water and nitrogen stress (1993) Agronomy Journal, 85, pp. 147-152Eichelberger, K.D., Lambert, R.J., Below, F.E., Hageman, R.H., Divergent phenotypic recurrent selection for nitrate reductase activity in maize. I. Selection and correlated responses (1989) Crop Science, 29, pp. 1393-1397Eichelberger, K.D., Lambert, R.J., Below, F.E., Hageman, R.H., Divergent phenotypic recurrent selection for nitrate reductase activity in maize. II. 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    The role of density and relatedness in wild juvenile Atlantic salmon growth

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    Growth is a key life-history trait in fish that is influenced by both abiotic (such as temperature and water chemistry) and biotic factors (such as density and food availability). Investigating how growth performance is influenced by such factors in the wild is important for understanding how population processes influence animals in natural environments and for predicting the response to conservation and management strategies that manipulate these conditions. The theory of kin selection predicts that significant growth and survival benefits are conferred upon animals associating with close relatives. However, resource competition may be more intense among close relatives, and little is known about the trade-off between these two processes under different ecological conditions. Here, we examine the correlation between naturally occurring densities and kin-biased growth rate using a species where kin recognition has a strong impact on behaviour in laboratory studies, but where, paradoxically, field investigations have failed to document predicted kin-biased growth or survival. Intra- and inter-family differences in growth rate of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were studied to examine how relatedness (groups of full-sibling fish and groups of mixed-sibling fish) and sibling group (family/genotype) affect salmon parr growth, and the correlation of growth rate under a range of naturally occurring densities. Parentage and relatedness of neighbouring fish were assigned using microsatellite and passive integrated transponder tags, which allowed the growth estimation of individual fish. The results show that growth rate was significantly influenced by both sibling group (family of origin) and also by an interaction between relatedness and density. The latter finding indicates that at higher densities, full-sibling groups achieved higher growth rates in comparison to mixed-sibling groups. Thus, the growth benefits of associating with relatives are not conferred under all ecological conditions, but it becomes most apparent at high density when resource competition is greatest

    Effect Of Virtual Therapy On Upper Limb Motor Rehabilitation Of Children With Hemiparesis [efeito Da Terapia Virtual Na Reabilitação Motora Do Membro Superior De Crianças Hemiparéticas]

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    Objective. This study aimed to investigate the effect of virtual therapy on the motor ability of hemiparetic children's upper limb. Method. The sample consisted of three hemiparetic children (8.66±2.30 years). The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability of Inventory (PEDI) and Motor Activity Inventory (MAL) were used for initial and final assessments and the number of hits in each game was counted as well. For the treatment, a hardware (video game) was used, Nintendo brand, model Wii Sports software, using the games (tennis, baseball, golf, boxing). During a period of two weeks, the therapy lasted for 1 hour and 10 minutes each day, consecutively. Results. There was statistical difference in two children in the PEDI (p=0,00) and in the MAL, related to the quality of the upper limb's use (p=0,00) where as relation to the frequency of use, there was statistical difference in all three children in all four games had a increase. Conclusion. It was concluded that the use of Virtual Reality can promote functional gain for hemiparetic children's upper limb.214556562Costa, M.C.F., Bezerra, P.P., Oliveira, A.P.R., Impacto da hemiparesia na simetria e na transferência de peso: Repercussões no desempenho funcional (2006) Rev Neurocienc, 14, pp. 10-13Ortega, D.S., O Paciente Neurológico/Neurocirúrgico Pediátrico (2007) Fisioterapia Respiratória Em Pediatria E Neonatologia, pp. 176-195. , Sarmento GJV., Barueri: ManoleGomes, F.L., Fraqueza Muscular (2007) Guias De Medicina, pp. 1857-1871. , Lopes AC, José FF, Lopes Rd., Barueri: ManoleMorais, G.F.S., Nascimento, L.R., Glória, A.E., Salmela, L.F.T., Paiva, C.M.R., Lopes, T.A.T., A influência do fortalecimento muscular no desempenho motor do membro superior parético de indivíduos acometidos por Acidente Vascular Encefálico (2008) Acta Fisiatr, 15, pp. 245-248Nascimento, L.R., Glória, A.E., Habib, E.S., Effects of constraint-induced movement therapy as a rehabilitation strategy for the affected upper limb of children with hemiparesis: Systematic review of the literature (2009) Rev Bras Fisioter, 13, pp. 97-102. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1413-35552009005000022Gianni, M.A.D.C., Paralisia Cerebral - Aspectos clínicos (2005) Fisioterapia: Aspectos Clínicos E Práticos Da Reabilitação, pp. 13-25. , Moura EW, Silva PAC., 3 ed. São Paulo: Artes MédicasMarinho, A.P.S., Souza, M.A.B., Pimentel, A.M., Desempenho funcional de crianças com paralisia cerebral diparéticas e hemiparéticas (2008) Rev Cien Med Biol, 7, pp. 57-66Carvalho, L.F.A., Affonseca, C.A., Guerra, S.D., Ferreira, A.R., Goulart, E.M.A., Traumatismo Cranioencefálico Grave em Crianças e Adolescentes (2007) Rev Bras Ter Int, 19, pp. 98-106. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0103-507X2007000100013Junior, A.L., Conduta frente à criança com trauma craniano (2002) J Ped, 78, pp. 40-47Jerônimo, R.A., Lima, S.M.P.F., Tecnologias Computacionais e ambientes virtuais no processo terapêutico de reabilitação (2006) Mundo Saúde, 30, pp. 96-106Kisner, C., Tori, R., Introdução à Realidade Virtual, Realidade misturada e hiperrealidade (2004) Realidade Virtual: Conceitos E Tendências, pp. 3-20. , Kisner C, Tori R, São Paulo: Mania de LivroBroeren, J., (2012) Virtual Rehabilitation: Implications For Persons With Stroke(endereço Na Internet), , http://gupea.ub.gu.se/bitstream/2077/7329/1/PhD_Thesis_Jurgen_Broeren.pdf, Gothenburg, Sweden: Gothenburg University Publications Electronic Archive (GUPEA).(atualizado em 2011assessado em). Disponível emDeuschle, V.P., Cechella, C., O déficit em consciência fonológica e sua relação com a dislexia: Diagnóstico e intervenção (2009) Rev CEFAC, 11, pp. 194-200. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1516-18462008005000001Silva, M.F.M.C., Kleinhans, A.C.S., Processos cognitivos e plasticidade Cerebral na Síndrome de Down (2006) Rev Bras Ed Esp, 12, pp. 123-138Vasconselos, R.L.D.M., Moura, T.L., Campos, T.F., Lindquist, A.R.R., Guerra, R.O., Avaliação do desempenho funcional de crianças com paralisia cerebral de acordo com os níveis de comprometimento motor (2009) Rev Bras Fisioter, 13, pp. 390-397. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1413-35552009005000051Fonseca, J.O., Cordani, L.K., Oliveira, M.C., Aplicação do inventário de avaliação pediátrica de incapacidade (PEDI) com crianças portadoras de paralisia cerebral tetraparesia espástica (2005) Rev Ter Ocup USP, 16, pp. 67-74Carlberg, E.B., Vollestad, N.K., Everyday functioning in Young children with cerebral palsy: Functional skills, caregiver assistance, and modifications of the environment (2003) Dev MedChild Neurol, 45, pp. 603-612Uswatte, G., Taub, E., Implications of the Learned Nonuse Formulation for Measuring Rehabilitation Outcomes: Lessons From Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (2005) Rehabil Psychol, 50, pp. 34-42. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0090-5550.50.1.34Wolf, S.L., Lecraw, D.E., Barton, L.A., Jann, B.B., Forced use of hemiplegic upper extremities to reverse the effect of learned nonuse among chronic stroke and head-injured patients (1989) Exp Neurol, 104, pp. 125-132. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0014-4886(89)80005-6Paz, L.P.D.S., (2007) Quantidade E Qualidade Do Uso Da Extremidade Superior Parética Após Acidente Cerebrovascular, , [dissertação]. Campinas: Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UnicampJang, S.H., You, S.H., Hallett, M., Cho, Y.W., Park, C.M., Cho, S.H., Cortical Reorganization and Associated Functional Motor Recovery After Virtual Reality in Patients With Chronic Stroke: An Experimenter-Blind Preliminary Study (2005) Arc Phys Med Rehabi, 86, pp. 2218-2223. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2005.04.015Flynn, S., Copar, S., Ghate, N., Harris, M., Palma, P., Bender, A., Effects of Virtual Reality Immersion In Individuals With Central Nervous System Injury, , http://www.temple.edu/ispr/prev_conferences/proceedings/2007/Flynn,%20et%20al.pdf, (endereço na internet). Philadelphia: Temple University. (atualizado em 2012acessado em 2012), Disponível emReid, D.T., The influence of virtual reality on playfulness in children with cerebral palsy: A pilot study (2004) Occup Ther Inte, 11, pp. 131-144. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/oti.202Deutsch, J.E., Borbely, M., Filler, J., Huhn, K., Bowlby, P.G., Use of a Low-Cost, Commercially Available Gaming Console (Wii) for Rehabilitation of an Adolescent With Cerebral Palsy Phys Ther2008, 88, pp. 1196-1207. , http://dx.doi.org/10.2522/ptj.20080062Weiss, P.L., Rand, D., Katz, N., Kizony, R., Video capture virtual reality as a flexible and effective rehabilitation tool (2004) J NeuroEngin Rehabil, 12, pp. 1-12Ferreira, L.R., Silva, A.T., Deamo, R.A.A., (2008) Utilização Da Realidade Virtual Como Recurso Terapêutico: Estudo De Caso, , [dissertação]. Itajubá: Centro Universitario de Itajubá: UniversitasGriffiths, M., The educational benefits of videogames Video games have great positive potential in addition to their entertainment value and there has been considerable success when games are designed to address a specific problem or to teach a certain skill (2002) Edu Health, 20, pp. 47-51You, S.H., Jang, S.H., Kim, Y.H., Cortical reorganization induced by virtual reality therapy in a child with hemiparetic cerebral palsy (2005) Dev Med Child Neurol, 47, pp. 628-635. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8749.2005.tb01216.

    Insight into stability of CotA laccase from the spore coat of Bacillus subtilis

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    The axial ligand of the catalytic mononuclear T1 copper site (Met(502)) of the CotA laccase was replaced by a leucine or phenylalanine residue to increase the redox potential of the enzyme. These mutations led to an increase in the redox potential by approx. 100 mV relative to the wild-type enzyme but the catalytic constant k(cat) in the mutant enzymes was severely compromised. This decrease in the catalytic efficiency was unexpected as the X-ray analysis of mutants has shown that replacement of methionine ligand did not lead to major structural changes in the geometry of the T1 Centre or in the overall fold of the enzyme. However, the mutations have a profound impact on the thermodynamic stability of the enzyme. The fold of the enzyme has become unstable especially with the introduction of the larger phenylalanine residue and this instability should be related to the decrease in the catalytic efficiency. The instability of the fold for the mutant proteins resulted in the accumulation of an intermediate state, partly unfolded, in-between native and unfolded states. Quenching of tryptophan fluorescence by acrylamide has further revealed that the intermediate state is partly unfolded.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Surto alimentar por Salmonella Enteritidis no Noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    A foodborne outbreak which affected 211 persons occurred, in a School, in 1993. The epidemiological data obtained by interviewing the affected and non affected persons sampled showed as predominant symptoms: diarrhoea, fever (77.7%), abdominal cramps (67.7%), vomiting (65.8%), hot-and-cold sensations (54.5%) and headache (44.5%). The median incubation period was of 17 hours, the limits being 3 and 29 hours. The disease period was of from 3 to 4 days. The food concerned was a kind of paté, a mayonnaise mixture prepared with fresh eggs with boiled potatoes that was consumed with bread. The biological material analysis - 3 coprocultures, and leftovers of the food revealed the presence of one and the same organism: Salmonella Enteritidis. In the food, the numbers of this bacterium per gram were sufficient to account for the manifestation of the disease (104 and 105/g). The antibiogram of all the isolates showed the same sensibility pattern. The preparation related to this outbreak suggests the endogenous contamination of the eggs; the cross contamination - the outbreak affected three school periods, as the food was prepared separately for each school period; and the conditions under which the food was kept during the time from preparation to consumption. The observation of the 3 food handlers, by successive coprocultures, for one week, indicates that they were not asymptomatic carriers nor were they affected as a result of this outbreak by the causal bacteria.Em 1993 ocorreu um surto alimentar em escola, com 211 afetados. Os dados epidemiológicos levantados por entrevista de amostragem de afetados e não afetados mostraram que os sintomas predominantes foram diarréia, febre (77,7%), dor abdominal (67,7%), vômito (65,8%), calafrios (54,5%) e cefaléia (44,5%). A mediana de incubação foi de 17 horas, com limites entre 3 e 29 horas. A duração da doença foi de 3 a 4 dias. O alimento consumido foi um tipo de patê, mistura de molho de maionese preparada com ovos crus com batata cozida, passado em pão. A análise de material biológico (3 coproculturas) e de restos de alimentos revelou a presença do mesmo microrganismo, a Salmonella Enteritidis. No caso dos alimentos, o número encontrado desta bactéria por gramo de produto era compatível com a quantidade de células necessária para desencadear a doença (10(4)e 10(5)/g). O antibiograma de todas as cepas isoladas revelou o mesmo padrão de sensibilidade. As falhas no preparo do alimento relacionadas com o levantamento indicam a possibilidade de contaminação endógena dos ovos; contaminação cruzada - o surto afetou três períodos escolares, sendo que para cada um o alimento foi preparado em separado - e as condições de manutenção do alimento após preparo e até o consumo. A observação por uma semana seguida das 3 merendeiras envolvidas, através de coprocultura, não indicaram que as mesmas fossem portadoras assintomáticas desta bactéria ou que tivessem sido envolvidas no surto em questão

    Amerindian genetic ancestry and INDEL polymorphisms associated with susceptibility of childhood B-cell Leukemia in an admixed population from the Brazilian Amazon

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    AbstractAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a malignant tumor common in children. Studies of genetic susceptibility to cancer using biallelic insertion/deletion (INDEL) type polymorphisms associated with cancer development pathways may help to clarify etymology of ALL. In this study, we investigate the role of eight functional INDEL polymorphisms and influence of genetic ancestry to B-cell ALL susceptibility in children of Brazilian Amazon population, which has a high degree of inter-ethnic admixture. Ancestry analysis was estimated using a panel of 48 autosomal ancestry informative markers. 130 B-cell ALL patients and 125 healthy controls were included in this study. The odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were adjusted for confounders. The results indicated an association between the investigated INDEL polymorphisms in CASP8 (rs3834129), CYP19A1 (rs11575899) e XRCC1 (rs3213239) genes in the development of B-cell ALL. The carriers of Insertion/Insertion (Ins/Ins) genotype of the polymorphism in CASP8 gene presented reduced chances of developing B-cell ALL (P=0.001; OR=0.353; 95% CI=0.192–0.651). The Deletion/Deletion (Del/Del) genotype of the polymorphism in CYP19A1 gene was associated to a lower chance of developing B-cell ALL (P=3.35×10−6; OR=0.121; 95% CI=0.050–0.295), while Del/Del genotype of the polymorphism in XRCC1 gene was associated to a higher chance of developing B-cell ALL (P=2.01×10−4; OR=6.559; 95% CI=2.433–17.681). We also found that Amerindian ancestry correlates with the risk of B-cell ALL. For each increase of 10% in the Amerindian ancestry results in 1.4-fold chances of developing B-cell ALL (OR=1.406; 95% IC=1.123–1.761), while each increase of 10% in the European ancestry presents a protection effect in the development of B-cell ALL (OR=0.666; 95% IC=0.536–0.827). The results suggest that genetic factors influence leukemogenesis and might be explored in the stratification of B-cell ALL risk in admixed populations

    Balanços energéticos agropecuários: uma importante ferramenta como indicativo de sustentabilidade de agroecossistemas.

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    No Brasil, pouca atenção se tem dado às formas e caminhos com que os fluxos energéticos se distribuem nos sistemas produtivos. Na agropecuária, a atenção tem sido voltada a novas fontes de energia (biomassa) ou em tecnologia alternativa, visando a racionalização do uso de energia fóssil ou elétrica. Entretanto, a agricultura tem se desenvolvido baseada fortemente na utilização intensiva de máquinas agrícolas, com conseqüente uso de combustíveis fósseis. Um fator de estrangulamento muito forte no consumo energético geral tem sido a utilização massiva de fertilizantes derivados do petróleo nos agroecossistemas. Estudos de Balanços Energéticos visam determinar os pontos de estrangulamento energético fundamentando a busca por tecnologias poupadoras de energia, especialmente aquelas de origem fóssil (combustível, fertilizante, agrotóxicos, energia despendida na fabricação das máquinas e implementos, etc.). No Brasil, a Região Sul, é onde se encontram vários trabalhos buscando uma agricultura mais auto-sustentável, do ponto de vista da utilização da energia. Em vista da possibilidade de eventuais futuras crises energéticas, o presente trabalho procura analisar o estado-da-arte dos estudos em Balanço Energético, no Brasil e no Mundo, como uma ferramenta de indicação da sustentabilidade dos sistemas agropecuários