28 research outputs found

    Antecipação da estação reprodutiva em ovelhas da raça Churra Galega Bragançana. Inseminação artificial

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    Este ensaio foi realizado com o intuito de comparar a eficácia de dois tratamentos hormonais distintos na antecipação da estação reprodutiva – progestagénios + eCG (Grupo Controlo) vs. melatonina + progestagénios + eCG (Grupo Melatonina) –, em ovelhas da raça Churra Galega Bragançana. Por outro lado, procurou-se avaliar a aplicabilidade da técnica de inseminação artificial (IA) cervical às ovelhas desta raça. A rentabilidade das explorações ovinas é fortemente condicionada pela sazonalidade reprodutiva. Conhecer os mecanismos fisiológicos subjacentes a esta mesma sazonalidade reprodutiva e saber manipular os factores hormonais e/ou comportamentais capazes de contrapor os seus efeitos negativos é algo particularmente importante. Por outro lado, a escolha da técnica da inseminação artificial, com o intuito de melhorar a gestão produtiva e reprodutiva dos efectivos, deve ter em conta os objectivos a alcançar e a realidade técnica de cada exploração. Na componente experimental deste trabalho foram utilizadas todas as ovelhas do rebanho ovino da ESAB, ou seja, um total de 69 ovelhas da raça Churra Galega Bragançana. No início do mês de Março, 36 destas ovelhas receberam um implante subcutâneo de melatonina (18 mg). Sessenta e cinco dias depois, todas as ovelhas (n = 36) foram tratadas com esponjas vaginais, impregnadas com Acetato de Fluorogestona (20 mg). Doze dias mais tarde, aquando da remoção das esponjas vaginais, as ovelhas foram injectadas, intramuscularmente, com 500 UI de Gonadotropina Coriónica equina. Posteriormente, 20 ovelhas (10 – Grupo Controlo vs. 10 – Grupo Melatonina) foram sujeitas a inseminação artificial cervical. As restantes 49 ovelhas foram beneficiadas por monta natural. Todas as ovelhas foram sujeitas a diagnóstico de gestação, por ultrasonografia, 45 dias depois da realização da inseminação artificial. Nos finais do Inverno, 89,7% das ovelhas Churras Bragançanas estudadas estavam em anestro sazonal. O tratamento com melatonina exógena determinou, relativamente ao tratamento clássico com progestagénios, um aumento das percentagens de ovelhas que manifestaram cio e que ovularam. Setenta e seis porcento das ovelhas cobertas por monta natural e 55,0% das inseminadas artificialmente ficaram gestantes.The main aim of this study was to assess the efficiency of two hormonal treatments – progestagens + eCG vs. melatonine + progestagens + eCG – to anticipate the breeding season in a group of Churra Galega Bragançana ewes. Cervical artificial insemination (AI) effectiveness was also evaluated. By the end of the winter, 89.7% of Churra Galega Bragançana ewes were in seasonal anoestrous. Melatonine treatment induced higher rates of ovulation and ewes in estrus than traditional progestagens treatment. Natural mounting determined a fertility rate of 76.0% while cervical AI originated a fertility rate of 55.0%

    Aliados improváveis: o papel do javali e do ser humano como engenheiros do ecossistema na conservação do anuro Discoglossus galganoi

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    Tese de mestrado, Biologia da Conservação, 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasOs engenheiros do ecossistema são organismos responsáveis pela manutenção, modificação, destruição ou criação de habitats, desempenhando um papel importante na gestão dos recursos naturais. Os ungulados são um bom exemplo de animais selvagens capazes de desempenhar estas funções, visto que os seus comportamentos aumentam a complexidade dos habitats, proporcionando novas áreas a muitas espécies. No presente estudo investigou-se que características ambientais dos charcos estão associadas à ocorrência de reprodução do anuro Discoglossus galganoi e ao sucesso de metamorfose dos seus girinos, assim como quais os agentes que as proporcionam com mais frequência. Colocou-se em hipótese que: (1) a ocorrência de reprodução seria influenciada positivamente pelas características do habitat geradas pelos comportamentos dos javalis e/ou pelas atividades humanas; e (2) a ocorrência de reprodução seria mais frequente nos habitats com maior probabilidade de sucesso de metamorfose. Dos 95 charcos amostrados, 42.1 % evidenciaram ocorrência de reprodução, tendo esta sido mais frequente nos charcos perturbados pelos javalis. Em relação ao sucesso de metamorfose, este ocorreu em 47.5 % dos locais com registo de reprodução, tendo 90.5 % dos insucessos resultado da seca dos charcos. As depressões no solo criadas simultaneamente pelos fatores “Natural, Humano e Javali” exibiram com maior frequência as características ideais tanto para a ocorrência de reprodução (i.e., grandes áreas fossadas e maiores alturas de lama), como para o sucesso de metamorfose (i.e., grandes áreas, maiores profundidades, baixa cobertura de vegetação na margem e alguma cobertura de vegetação emergente), tendo sido nestes e nos charcos com origem simultânea “Humano e Javali” onde se verificaram as maiores frequências de ambos. Estes resultados evidenciaram que as populações de javali na Serra de Grândola podem ser extremamente relevantes, visto que os seus comportamentos criam e mantêm habitats aquáticos propícios à reprodução deste anuro e que, em anos mais chuvosos, plausivelmente assegurarão o sucesso de metamorfose.Ecosystem engineers are organisms that play an important role in the management of natural resources, since they are responsible for the maintenance, modification, destruction, or creation of habitats. Ungulates are a good example of wildlife that can perform these types of functions, as their behaviors increases the complexity of habitats, providing new areas for many species. In this study, we investigated which ponds characteristics are associated with breeding occurrence of the anuran Discoglossus galganoi and metamorphosis success of its tadpoles, as well as which factors most frequently provide them. We hypothesized that: (1) the breeding occurrence would be positively influenced by the habitat characteristics provided by wild boars and/or human activities; and (2) breeding occurrence would be more frequent in habitats with higher probability of metamorphosis success. Breeding occurred in 42.1 % of the 95 ponds sampled, and it was more frequent in ponds disturbed by wild boars. Metamorphosis occurred in 47.5 % of the breeding sites, with 90.5% of failures resulting from drought. Soil depressions originated simultaneously by “Natural, Human and Wild boar” factors exhibited more frequently the ideal characteristics for breeding occurrence (i.e., larger rooted/wallowed areas and higher mud depths) and metamorphosis success (i.e., large areas, greater depths, low margin vegetation cover and some emergent vegetation cover), having registered the highest frequencies of both in these and “Human and Wild boar” ponds. These results showed that wild boar populations in Serra de Grândola can be extremely relevant, as some of their behaviors create and maintain aquatic habitats favorable to D. galganoi breeding and will possibly ensure metamorphosis success in rainy years

    CITED2 and the modulation of the hypoxic response in cancer

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    CITED2 (CBP/p300-interacting transactivator with Glu/Asp-rich C-terminal domain, 2) is a ubiquitously expressed protein exhibiting a high affinity for the CH1 domain of the transcriptional co-activators CBP/p300, for which it competes with hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs). CITED2 is particularly efficient in the inhibition of HIF-1α-dependent transcription in different contexts, ranging from organ development and metabolic homeostasis to tissue regeneration and immunity, being also potentially involved in various other physiological processes. In addition, CITED2 plays an important role in inhibiting HIF in some diseases, including kidney and heart diseases and type 2-diabetes. In the particular case of cancer, CITED2 either functions by promoting or suppressing cancer development depending on the context and type of tumors. For instance, CITED2 overexpression promotes breast and prostate cancers, as well as acute myeloid leukemia, while its expression is downregulated to sustain colorectal cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma. In addition, the role of CITED2 in the maintenance of cancer stem cells reveals its potential as a target in non-small cell lung carcinoma and acute myeloid leukemia, for example. But besides the wide body of evidence linking both CITED2 and HIF signaling to carcinogenesis, little data is available regarding CITED2 role as a negative regulator of HIF-1α specifically in cancer. Therefore, comprehensive studies exploring further the interactions of these two important mediators in cancer-specific models are sorely needed and this can potentially lead to the development of novel targeted therapies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Traçado da intervenção do Enfermeiro de Reabilitação – organização de cuidados para um envelhecimento saudável e ativo

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    Introduction: Active aging is a European concern that requires health and social professionals to rethink their practices. Methodology: We seek to understand the care model for the elderly in a Group of Health Centers (ACES) in the North of Portugal to deduce the role of rehabilitation nurses in the community. We carried out a qualitative, phenomenological study. The intentional non-probabilistic sample consisted of eight Doctors, eight Nurses and eight Social Workers who develop their activity for people over 65 years old in an ACES. Data collection was carried out through a semi-structured interview, constituting the results of the body of analysis that sustains this research. Results: 83% of participants had no training in gerontology. There were care evaluation focuses, in which all professionals estimated the same data, but there were data necessary for monitoring the elderly that were not evaluated by any professional. The sharing of information for assistance, when it occurred, fell into situations of illness or changes in the social context. Discussion: It was possible to verify that in all themes there is information that converges in the three groups of professionals, mainly in the data collected in the initial evaluation. As advocated by some authors, sharing information and dividing teamwork is important for a more specialized intervention aimed mainly at this age group. Conclusion: In this way, it was possible to perceive that the work of the three groups of professionals interviewed often intersects and that there is a need for data sharing between the multidisciplinary team, with the specialized work of the Rehabilitation Nurse being valued and important.Introducción: El envejecimiento activo es una preocupación europea que requiere que los profesionales sociales y de la salud reconsideren sus prácticas. Metodología: Buscamos comprender el modelo de atención a los ancianos en un Grupo de Centros de Salud (ACES)  en el Norte de Portugal para deducir el papel de las enfermeras de rehabilitación en la comunidad. Realizamos un estudio cualitativo, fenomenológico. La muestra no probabilística intencional estuvo constituida por ocho Médicos, ocho Enfermeros y ocho Trabajadores Sociales que desarrollan su actividad para personas mayores de 65 años en un ACES. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de una entrevista semiestructurada, constituyendo los resultados del cuerpo de análisis que sustenta esta investigación. Resultados: El 83% de los participantes no tenían formación en gerontología. Existían focos de evaluación del cuidado, en los que todos los profesionales estimaban los mismos datos, pero había datos necesarios para el seguimiento de los ancianos que no eran evaluados por ningún profesional. El intercambio de información para la asistencia, cuando ocurrió, cayó en situaciones de enfermedad o cambios en el contexto social. Discusión: Fue posible verificar que en todos los temas hay informaciones que convergen en los tres grupos de profesionales, principalmente en los datos recogidos en la evaluación inicial. Como defienden algunos autores, compartir información y dividir el trabajo en equipo es importante para una intervención más especializada dirigida principalmente a este grupo de edad. Conclusión: De esa forma, fue posible percibir que el trabajo de los tres grupos de profesionales entrevistados muchas veces se entrecruza y que existe la necesidad de compartir datos entre el equipo multidisciplinario, siendo valorado e importante el trabajo especializado de la Enfermera de Rehabilitación.Introdução: O envelhecimento ativo é uma preocupação europeia que exige aos profissionais de saúde e sociais repensar as suas práticas. Metodologia: Procuramos compreender o modelo de assistência dos idosos num Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde (ACES) do Norte de Portugal para deduzir o papel dos enfermeiros de reabilitação na comunidade. Realizamos um estudo qualitativo, do tipo fenomenológico. A amostra não probabilística intencional foi constituída por oito Médicos, oito Enfermeiros e oito Assistentes Sociais que desenvolvem a sua atividade para pessoas com mais de 65 anos num ACES. A recolha de dados foi elaborada através de uma entrevista semi-estruturada, constituindo os resultados do corpo da análise que sustenta esta pesquisa. Resultados: 83% dos participantes não possuíam formação em gerontologia. Havia focos de avaliação da assistência, em que todos os profissionais estimavam os mesmos dados, mas havia dados necessários ao acompanhamento dos idosos que não eram avaliados por nenhum profissional. A partilha da informação para a assistência, quando ocorria, recaía nas situações de doença ou de alterações do contexto social. Discussão: Foi possível verificar que em todas as temáticas há informação que converge nos três grupos de profissionais, principalmente nos dados colhidos na avaliação inicial. Tal como defendem alguns autores a partilha de informação e divisão do trabalho de equipa é importante para uma intervenção mais especializada e dirigida principalmente nesta faixa etária. Conclusão: Desta forma foi possível perceber que o trabalho dos três grupos de profissionais entrevistados muitas vezes se cruza e que há necessidade de partilha de dados entre a equipa multidisciplinar, sendo valorizado e importante o trabalho especializado do Enfermeiro de Reabilitação

    Human stem cells for cardiac disease modeling and preclinical and clinical applications—are we on the road to success?

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are pointed out by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the leading cause of death, contributing to a significant and growing global health and economic burden. Despite advancements in clinical approaches, there is a critical need for innovative cardiovascular treatments to improve patient outcomes. Therapies based on adult stem cells (ASCs) and embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have emerged as promising strategies to regenerate damaged cardiac tissue and restore cardiac function. Moreover, the generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from somatic cells has opened new avenues for disease modeling, drug discovery, and regenerative medicine applications, with fewer ethical concerns than those associated with ESCs. Herein, we provide a state-of-the-art review on the application of human pluripotent stem cells in CVD research and clinics. We describe the types and sources of stem cells that have been tested in preclinical and clinical trials for the treatment of CVDs as well as the applications of pluripotent stem-cell-derived in vitro systems to mimic disease phenotypes. How human stem-cell-based in vitro systems can overcome the limitations of current toxicological studies is also discussed. Finally, the current state of clinical trials involving stem-cell-based approaches to treat CVDs are presented, and the strengths and weaknesses are critically discussed to assess whether researchers and clinicians are getting closer to success.B.M.S. was awarded with a Ph.D. fellowship (reference: 2022.13253.BDANA) by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). S.M.C is supported by a Stimulus of Scientific Employment, Individual Support (2020.01532.CEECIND) by FCT. J.B. is grateful to the FCT and the Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Algarve (CCDR Algarve) for the project ALG-45-2020-41 and to Algarve Biomedical Center (ABC) for the award “Bolsa de Investigação Translacional—José Mariano Gago by ABC, 2022”. M.T.F. thanks the FCT for funding the project with the reference 2022.09209.PTDC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Association between grip strength, anthropometric data and functional capacity

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    The hand is one of the most important instruments of the human body, mainly due to the possibility of grip movements. Grip strength has been described as an important predictor of functional capacity. There are several factors that may influence it, such as gender, age and anthropometric characteristics. Functional capacity refers to the ability to perform daily activities which allow the individual to self-care and to live with autonomy. Composite Physical Function (CPF) scale is an evaluation tool for functional capacity that includes daily activities, self-care, sports activities, upper limb function and gait capacity. In 2011, Portugal had 15% of young population (0-14years) and 19% of elderly population (over 65 years). Considering the double-ageing phenomen, it is important to understand the effect of the grip strength in elderly individuals, considering their characteristics, as the need to maintainin dependency as long as possible

    Feasibility and acceptability of psychosocial care for unsuccessful fertility treatment

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    Introduction: Many people undergo fertility treatment to have biological children, but around four in ten patients complete all treatment cycles without having the children they desire. This triggers intense grief from which patients report taking on average 2 years to recover. Fertility guidelines and regulators stress the need to support patients through this process, but there is a scarcity of evaluated interventions to this end and evidence about when and how to offer care is lacking. This study explored patients' and healthcare professionals' (HCPs) experiences of and views about provision of psychosocial care (to patients facing unsuccessful fertility treatment, i.e., care provided by a mental health professional to address the emotional, cognitive, behavioural, relational and social needs that patients have at this stage of treatment). Methods: Five qualitative online focus groups were conducted with Portuguese participants: three with patients waiting to initiate or undergoing their last cycle of in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection or having completed it within the last 2 months without achieving a pregnancy and two with HCPs working at fertility clinics. Focus groups were recorded and transcribed verbatim, and data were analysed with Framework Analysis. Results: Thirteen patients and nine HCPs participated. Analysis resulted in 1293 codes, systematically organized into 13 categories, 4 themes and 1 metatheme. The latter showed high consensus about the need for psychosocial care for unsuccessful treatment, but perceived challenges in its implementation. Themes reflected (1) consensual demand for psychosocial care at all stages of treatment but particularly at the end, (2) high perceived acceptability of integrating preventive care initiated during treatment with early psychosocial care only for those patients who experience unsuccessful treatment, (3) perceived challenges of implementing psychosocial care for unsuccessful treatment at clinics and (4) suggestions to promote its acceptability and feasibility. Conclusion: Patients and HCPs perceive that clinics should improve care provision across the whole treatment pathway and in particular for unsuccessful fertility treatment. Suggestions were made to inform future research focusing on the development and evaluation of psychosocial interventions to this end. Patient or Public Contribution: Patients and HCPs participated in the focus groups. Two HCPs also revised the manuscript

    Exploring bioactive properties of marine cyanobacteria Isolated from the Portuguese coast: high potential as a source of anticancer compounds

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    The oceans remain a major source of natural compounds with potential in pharmacology. In particular, during the last few decades, marine cyanobacteria have been in focus as producers of interesting bioactive compounds, especially for the treatment of cancer. In this study, the anticancer potential of extracts from twenty eight marine cyanobacteria strains, belonging to the underexplored picoplanktonic genera, Cyanobium, Synechocystis and Synechococcus, and the filamentous genera, Nodosilinea, Leptolyngbya, Pseudanabaena and Romeria, were assessed in eight human tumor cell lines. First, a crude extract was obtained by dichloromethane:methanol extraction, and from it, three fractions were separated in a Si column chromatography. The crude extract and fractions were tested in eight human cancer cell lines for cell viability/toxicity, accessed with the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) and lactic dehydrogenase release (LDH) assays. Eight point nine percent of the strains revealed strong cytotoxicity; 17.8% showed moderate cytotoxicity, and 14.3% assays showed low toxicity. The results obtained revealed that the studied genera of marine cyanobacteria are a promising source of novel compounds with potential anticancer activity and highlight the interest in also exploring the smaller filamentous and picoplanktonic genera of cyanobacteria.This research was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE - Operational Competitiveness Programme and national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project PTDC/MAR/102638/2008

    Estrutura da qualidade dos cuidados nas Unidades de Medicina Física e Reabilitação: perceção dos enfermeiros

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    Introduction: With the development of society, the concept of quality has become essential within health care organisations. However, little is known about the impact of the structural component of the Donabedian model on the quality of care provided by the Specialist Nurses in Rehabilitation Nursing. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyse the factors related to the quality of rehabilitation nursing care in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Units in the light of the Donabedian model in the structure dimension. Methodology: Case study of a qualitative nature. We used a non-probability convenience sample, with all participants being EEERs from the same service. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview, composed of eight open-ended questions and a set of eight questions for socio-demographic and professional characterisation. In data analysis, we used the guidelines for content analysis proposed by Bardin (2009) using the Atlas.ti software. Results and Discussion: From the analysis of the speeches of the 16 participants, in light of the Donabedian model in the thematic area Structure, the following categories emerged: people management and leadership in the service and physical environment and conditions for the functioning of nursing practices. The Donabedian model supported the discussion in conjunction with other references. We found discrepancies in the participants' discourses, specifically regarding the work methodologies and workload distribution related to rehabilitation nursing care. The work method emerges as a hampering contribution for some nurses, while, for others, it is an added value for the accountability of the autonomous practices developed. Conclusion: We can conclude that the nurses identify facilitating and complicating factors within the structure of the service, which interfere with the quality of care.Introducción: Con el desarrollo de la sociedad, el concepto de calidad se ha convertido en esencial dentro de las organizaciones sanitarias. Sin embargo, poco se sabe sobre el impacto del componente estructural del modelo de Donabedian en la calidad de los cuidados prestados por las Enfermeras Especialistas en Enfermería de Rehabilitación. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar y analizar los factores relacionados con la calidad de los cuidados de enfermería de rehabilitación en las Unidades de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación a la luz del modelo de Donabedian en la dimensión estructura. Metodología: Estudio de casos de carácter cualitativo. Se utilizó una muestra no probabilística de conveniencia, siendo todos los participantes EEER del mismo servicio. Los datos se recogieron a través de una entrevista semiestructurada, compuesta por ocho preguntas abiertas y un conjunto de ocho preguntas de caracterización sociodemográfica y profesional. En el análisis de los datos, se utilizaron las directrices para el análisis de contenido propuestas por Bardin (2009) utilizando el software Atlas.ti. Resultados y Discusión: Del análisis de los discursos de los 16 participantes, a la luz del modelo de Donabedian en el área temática Estructura, surgieron las siguientes categorías: gestión de personas y liderazgo en el servicio y entorno físico y condiciones para el funcionamiento de las prácticas de enfermería. El modelo de Donabedian apoyó la discusión junto con otras referencias. Encontramos discrepancias en los discursos de los participantes, específicamente en lo que se refiere a las metodologías de trabajo y a la distribución de la carga de trabajo relacionada con los cuidados de enfermería de rehabilitación. El método de trabajo surge como una contribución obstaculizadora para algunas enfermeras, mientras que, para otras, es un valor añadido para la responsabilización de las prácticas autónomas desarrolladas. Conclusión: Podemos concluir que los enfermeros identifican factores facilitadores y complicadores dentro de la estructura del servicio, que interfieren en la calidad de los cuidados.Introdução: Com o desenvolvimento da sociedade, o conceito de qualidade tornou-se fundamental no âmbito das organizações de saúde. Contudo pouco ainda se sabe sobre o impacto da componente estrutura do modelo de Donabedian na qualidade dos cuidados prestados pelos Enfermeiros Especialistas em Enfermagem de Reabilitação (EEER). O objetivo deste estudo consiste em identificar e analisar os fatores relacionados com a qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem de reabilitação nas Unidades de Medicina Física e Reabilitação (MFR) à luz do modelo de Donabedian na dimensão estrutura. Metodologia: Estudo de caso de natureza qualitativa. Utilizamos uma amostra não probabilística de conveniência, sendo todos os participantes, EEER do mesmo serviço. Os dados foram recolhidos através de uma entrevista semiestruturada, constituída por oito perguntas abertas e um conjunto de oito perguntas para a caraterização sociodemográfica e profissional. Na análise dos dados utilizamos as orientações para a análise de conteúdo propostas por Bardin (2009) com recurso ao software Atlas.ti. Resultados e Discussão: Da análise dos discursos dos 16 participantes, à luz do modelo de Donabedian na área temática Estrutura emergiram as seguintes categorias: gestão de pessoas e liderança no serviço e ambiente físico e condições para funcionamento das práticas de enfermagem. O modelo de Donabedian suportou a discussão em conjugação com outros referenciais. Encontramos discrepâncias nos discursos dos participantes, especificamente em relação às metodologias de trabalho e de distribuição da carga de trabalho relativa aos cuidados de enfermagem de reabilitação. O método de trabalho surge como contributo dificultador para alguns enfermeiros, enquanto, para outros é uma mais-valia para a responsabilização das práticas autónomas desenvolvidas. Conclusão: Podemos concluir que os enfermeiros identificam fatores facilitadores e dificultadores no âmbito da estrutura do serviço, que interferem com a qualidade dos cuidados

    Large spill of mining wastes in Portelo stream (Douro Basin NE Portugal) Impacts on ecosystem integrity

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    Streams located at Montesinho Natural Park (NE Portugal) have, generally, high biodiversity and an excellent ecological status. However, in this area there arc several abandoned mine sites. As a consequence of intense precipitation during December 2009, several millions of cubic meters of wastes were spilled into Portelo stream, a tributary of Rio Sabor (Douro basin)